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Comentarii Blog postat de Stefan

  1. Am revenit si eu la Bitcoin.Si m-am ofticat ca am uitat de un portofel cu 2 BTC pe un calculator pe care l-am formatat recent :). Acum incerc sa ma conving ca inca merita sa ma apuc de minat cu un GPU dupa ce am tot citit de sistemele ASIC (partea buna e ca sunt cam suspecte firmele care cica produc asa ceva, iar una dintre ele se pare ca nu a livrat niciun sistem de anul trecut pana acum). Si sper ca ai vazut noul proiect sub umbrela Vamist: :)

  2. So, you've finally decided to give it a try :). It's funny that I answer you in English when we both know Romanian but... what a heck... this way we'll both improve our English :P


    For the categories I will solve the problem this night. It's a bug in the blog software but the people who are responsible for this bug have just released a new version that will fix this problem. So, I will install it today.


    Now, about the blocks from the side panels... As you've probably noticed, you can move them (by dragging) and position them to the left or the right sidebars. You can also close them from the big "X" or add new blocks from the "content blocks" menu on the top of your page. Each block provide aditional informations to you or to your readers. If you want additional informations for a particular block, you can ask me. Also, you can create new blocks with any content you wish to be visible anywhere on your blog.


    About the entries... As you mentioned, they should be published before anyone beside you (and me... because I'm the almighty Administrator :P) can see them. On the bottom of every entry you have some buttons for editing, deleting, locking or drafting (make them visible only by you) the articles. Also, you have links for viewing the comments, trackbacks and the permalink (not very important) of the entry. The trackbacks are links to other blogs from the internet who write about YOUR blog. When someone on the internet talks about one of your articles and links to it, the system will automatically inform your blog about this and your blog will add a link in trackbacks. To activate this behavior, go in "your blog settings > interfaces" and check "Allow Blog entry Trackbacks". Is more easy to explain in Romanian so if you didn't understood the English version, contact me :).


    The "your blog settings" button opens the... yes, the settings window :). If you don't understand a setting, don't hesitate to ask.



    [edit] Now the categories should work

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