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Actualizări status postat de Stefan

  1. Cum pot intra in posesia petrolului pe care il tranzactionez? -

  2. Guess the politician ♫ Hey Clown – Firewater #Spotify

  3. Sometimes I just need bass ♫ Adagio For Tron (Remixed By Teddybears) – Daft Punk, Teddybears #Spotify

  4. What is the nicest thing you've ever done that no one knows about?

  5. Monopoly style central banking

    1. Criodi


      Ha, am zis c-o fi scris cineva articol cu nume exact ca al meu :)


      Noroc cu tine sa sti. De la tine am aflat de farnamstreet si de acolo m-am inspirat pentru tema, model s.a. Dupa vreo 3 domenii si nush cate incercari asta e prima data cand chiar imi place ce-a iesit.

    2. Stefan


      :) Toate incercarile mele de a tine un blog au esuat. Sper ca tu sa te tii de el. Si sa-mi spui daca ai nevoie de hosting (gratuit)
  6. That's how you should use QR codes (and Services in OSX) :)

  7. Hmm… oare ce se intampla cand scurtcircuitezi cateva (sa zicem 244) baterii de 9V?

  8. …and now is back

  9. La cati kbps face @ZongaRo streaming? (cc @sergiubiris)

  10. If you have a good pair of headphones, try this playlist. ♫ Audiophile Reference #Spotify

  11. Dupa 2 zile de ascultat la K550-uri pot spune ca nu cred ca o sa mai am nevoie de alte casti in urmatorii... 10 ani.

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  13. Agendele Leuchtturm1917 mi se par mai misto decat Moleskine. In plus, sunt mai ieftine si le poti lua cu pagini punctate.

  14. Nice price for AKG K550 headphones on Amazon UK

  15. The coolest traceroute. Ever.

  16. Ok, nu-mi mai iau loc in avion mai in fata de randul 8.

  17. Hmmm… o bloggerita cunoscuta la @HUB_Bucharest

  18. Cred ca astfel de proiecte ar trebui promovate mai mult Voi ce ziceti?

  19. How to land an airplane if you are not a pilot

  20. Gata, s-a terminat cu cookie law?

  21. I met a man who lost his mind

    in some lost place I had to find,

    follow me the wise man said,

    but he walked behind.

  22. Baaaah… visurile se realizeaza, nu se implinesc! Asa ca nu mai astepta, fa ceva!

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