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"Forex" with big "F" from "Fibonacci"

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Calare pe raliul Bitcoin

[postasem intai in "ce stiti despre tradelover" dar am dat click pe butonul ala cu "blog this" si cand am vazut ce face, m-am mutat pe blog, tot ziceam eu mai demult sa adun posturile la un loc..., asa nu trebe sa corectez greselile gramaticale in doua locuri, hehe]   Sper ca macar vreo cativa dintre voi sunteti calare pe raliul Bitcoin...   Eu am vo cativa, partial cumpăraţi, partial mineriţi, de anul trecut pe cand cursul era 13 parai pe btc. Asta apropo de intrebarea care mi-o punea cineva ma



Pe unde ne mai plimbam

Pentru toti cei care ma intreaba pe PM despre "unde am disparut", momentan sunt in Ro din iunie si ma voi intoarce inapoi in Thai in august, cu vreo XXXX kile mai gras, pt ca de cand am venit aici doar in potoale o tin, nu am scapat de insistentele rudelor si tuturor acelora pe care i-am vizitat, desigur nu am scapat nici de micile neplaceri aferente mentalitatii romanesti (prin magazine, pe strada, prin institutiile statului si private pe unde mi-am purtat ciolanele in timpul asta, ca aveam de



Divagatie despre plătitul taxelor

Ca o continuare a discutiei incepute in acest post, relativ la plata taxelor.   Personal sunt in general de acord cu ceea ce spunea dannad acolo (i-am dat si bulină verde pt felul cum gândeşte). Dura lex, sed lex. Nu peste tot in lume toate legile sunt bune. Alte state au legi mult mai aiurea ca România. Şi totusi merg mult mai bine.   De ce? Pentru că acolo, legile, bune sau rele, se respectă. Oamenii din acele locuri au respect pentru lege, iar dacă o lege se dovedeste a fi prea aiurea, vor



Naomi Klein - Shock Doctrine

Some time ago one of my friends and neighbors pointed me to Naomi Klein's book. I have downloaded the book, but is quite huge and heavy to read for a non-native speaker. However in his blog there are links for different shorter versions and even audio books. I have downloaded a couple of them, including other I found on the web, some of them over 1 GB in length. As Chris warned me, in fact, none of them are complete, and this I could confirm by comparing the .pdf with the speech: full paragraphs



Trading Sessions

Ahoy me fellow pip pirates.   Long time no sail the blog, me landlubber being... ropes got rusty... Following some scimitars crossing on the forum, me bones decided to take a rum and update the treasure cave. Some fellow asked about a compass showing the trading sessions, so we sailed again the seven seas and brought the tool. Unfortunately the comments on the forum are in Romanian, but I placed nice English tips inside of the source code. That could be e new opportunity for ye to start learnin



Wax and wick... (part 3)

Talking about our last indicator, it is obvious that the pointer must point the candle which we want it decomposed.   But how about the text? Well, the text can be anywhere, couldn't it? As now we have a triangle to show us which candle is being under microscope, we also can move the pointer vertically, to anywhere. But it still need to point THAT candle we are interested in. But remark here that the text can be anywhere. We even could move the text on time axis. That is to move it on the left,



Wax and wick... (part 2)

Well, i knew it is not called "string", but me' lazy to look in the ship's dic. Some fellow told me is called wick.. well thanks mate!   Me be back with version 1.2 of the DetailView indicator, that can now update the detail picture dynamic, if the pointer was placed on the last candle. It looks pretty, me like it! Ye can take it from here:   Detail_View_v1.2.mq4   What's new?   Well.. beside of updating the little chart in real time, as discussed above...   If ye place the pointer on the last c



Breaking the candles in pieces: wax and string :D

Yarrr, ahoy me' pip pillager mates!   Haven't ye miss me? Yeah, I know, not at all... well.. today me be in a good mood! The market seems to be back in shape, and we just went out for booty. We came back with a treasure chest of few hundred pips from our favorite pairs, so now is the time to relax, no need to do any carpenting for our sloops, as they run out of the battle clean, this time.   Now is the time to relax and learn some MQL. Are ye ready? Wouldn't be fine to have a tool to break eac



Paper Trading (part 3)

Man, I like to trade directly on the graphic! Gosh, how I like it!! That's why I am really happy about my new upgrades of PT, well, something that will make my friend nicugh veeeerrryy happy too   For the guys getting bored to read the comments inside of the source code, this is the interesting part:   1. All arrow codes substituted with price labels. Color of the SL labels changed from deep pink to light orange, 'coz the label could not be read with ease by human eye, w



Paper Trading (part 2)

Arrrr...   A'vast me hearties, me fellow pip-pillagers. Me be a little bit upset there was no feedback about paper pillaging. Anyhow, time kept me quite busy fighting the paper in real time. Me be a big bug finding! (this is a trial to combine the pirateglish with starwars's Yoda's style, well... you can guess what in the seven seas I wanna say, even i found a bug, or even I am the bug, I dont care...)   Trading the Strategy Tester on paper is quite nice! It works fine and doesn't need any upgr



Trading the Time (part 3)

I just got in my inbox today a nice article about charting the equivolumes, that was published by MQ in their MT4 site. Please click on it. This article is prefacing somehow my next topic, that I wanted to discuss long time ago, about trading the time, part 3. I had no time to finish my posting, so I will post a "part 3" now, just to mention it, and in the future I hope I will find enough free time to post a next episode about charting techniques. That would be renamed to "part 4" or else   The



To Trade or Not To Trade the Time (part 2)

By the way, happy pillaging for 2008!   Well, when talking about the time, there are mainly three schools. Some traders would say that the time is very important. They use candlesticks or bars charts, volumes, money flow index and other tools like that. This category of traders is the largest, and they use manly the price action on their trades, but they consider the time into the equation too. In fact, they use the time "partially". All these methods of charting that I enumerated above are in f



Paper Trading

How many of ye' did paper trading? I mean to take a chart, print it, take a pencil, draw lines, make calculus, place trades, write them in the records... Then later on, print the continuation of the chart, compute profit/loss, see what went right/wrong? And write again the reflections in the diary... Not so many of ye', for sure. Some of ye' would say, c'mon! what the scuppering, we want easy money... Well, me' have bad news for ye'... if ye' never did paper trading, ye'll lose that easy money o



To Trade or Not To Trade the Time (part 1)

Well, since I am participating in some "Automatic Trading Contest" I've learned a lot of things about trading the time. Before I was sticking to my brokers, and never went to others, but the contest opportunity forced me to trade other broker's quotations, showing me at least few strange things. This blog entry is not targeting the scalper, momentum trader, nor the investor, but the medium range trader, like a swing trader, or one that intensively use indicators like Stochastic or RSI, on H4 or



Quiet Scalping

Here is an implementation for a scalping strategy for a quiet market. The strategy was posted by adraz on, and as he said, it is not his original one, he got the description from the web, he tested it and it seems to work. After few discussions, he also posted the original (English) material here. As the copy/paste is from a 2-columns PDF file, it could be some mixed texts, but you can get the right point.   My friend ener made a first implementation, which I modified to use fixed lo



R-sin Lines

Time passed and I was too busy to click on this blog. Reading my last entry seems like I was drunk when I wrote it   Well, me fellow landlubbers, I did not pass to Davy Jones, but just me bones were too busy. One reason I made this blog was to put together "all me blades and me rags". Ye can bet on yer scimitar that I have a lot of MQL tools released on the ocean, and neve' know where they are. I wrote plenty of indicators and scripts for people and posted them on different forums. Sometime mat



Testing the water

HA! Made you click! But take it slowly. We just jibing the seven seas now... Well, if it is supposed to go pillaging, we have first to test the waters. Are they deep? Are there any booty there?   On the other words, what on the seven sis* is a blog? And what me* can do with it? As me* never own a blog before, except me* ship's officer bulletin board, let's see what the bilge-rat* can do for me. Long ago me* said to keep "trading records", but neee..., me* be too lazy. I won't do it here, even



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