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The Awakening


398 citiri

Originally posted by Julieviola:

[QB] I really don't much about the psychology of stock trading but one that got me is the


"having" or the noobs quest for more money. As novice in this field I try to take a lot of


advice from many sectors and other forums similar to this one but my problem is information




It's so easy for a novice to get overloaded with information that instead of making a head


way in their quest to make more money, they simply sucks and cannot function as they should.


Don't get me wrong but the original thread is something for a novice like me to really put


into consideration.


Thanks for the tip [/QB]




Hi Julie...thanks for your are right when you mentioned the ''paralysis by


analysis'' factor that disable the functions of majority of the traders due to information


overload.In pursuit of the quest for profits, most of us tend to disregard the knowledge,


patience and determination required to come out on top in any field of endeavour,instead we


only focus on money..''how much can I make daily?''...I deserve a 100 pips dropping like


clockwork each and every day''... Stay with me here,viola, there's a madness to the method


and method to the madness..Its called the LAW OF DETACHMENT...thanks once again for your


comments, julieviola



Hey forexgreenland, we have missed you at NIGERIA BEST FORUM . NBF.

Since its been a while, we thought we would send you a personal invitation to return.




Hello, forexgreenland!

We've noticed that you've not been active on for quite some time now, and we


miss you!


Could we not tempt you back? need to do that,mon back....just being occupied by lots of projects little or no time to post as much as before...




It seems like one of the most common questions we get, especially


from those new to trading, is something along the lines of "Which is better? Technical


analysis or fundamental analysis?" There's no perfect answer to that question, just like


there is no perfect technical system, nor perfect fundamental criteria. In fact, the best


answer may simply be "It depends on what works for your style of trading".


So if you choose one strategy, then work for it.. But if you want to use the two, then


that's better.. Combination of these two methods could give you too much advantage.




Nice observation, dollarfinder...I concur with your findings...There's no 100% perfect


system, whether technical analysis or fundamental news analysis..What matters most is proper


RISK MANAGEMENT in trading.. How long can your equity last if your system is on a losing


streak? How far can you go when the market goes schizophrenic over a period? 5 trades? 20


trades? 50 or a 100 trades before margin call...Hot situation makes a nice one, whatchu


gonna 911?That is what majority of the professional traders focus on when


trading...Even in cooking, recipes of dishes are added proportionally, instead of putting


the ingredients all at the same time.. That proportional blending eventually brings about a


nice savoury dish....yumm yumm..Anyone hungry?





Frank Says:


Hello, thank you for this Posting. I am reading this Blog very often and i like to read this


blog. I hope you writing alot in this Blog. What you have to doo is to write more in this


Blog about everything.



Hi Mistikal,


You responded to my message on 01/06/09 regarding the two e-books listed below: I have not


received them as-of-yet. Please send them to me at your earliest convience, I am anxious to


learn how to trade in this new year. My PM address


1 The Art Of Creativity

2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage


Thank You and keep up the good work! You're the best.:)




I know, I know, jehunter....better to be the hunter than to be the hunted,especially of send it as soon as possible,okay...




Hi Stalion,


I saw some -ve and some +ve comments on your thread. I don't really care about those -ve


comments. It's not fair to judge boobs by its cover ;). Personally am impressed with the


strategy you are using and I would like to learn it from you. Can you please tell how I can


join you during trading. Thanks.



Darn hayabusat,easy on the boobs fixation,okay...or you want to change the title of ''Sex in


the City'' to Sex in the Trading?not that healthy for clarity of mind..I must say.. Trading


mostly commences during the London Session where you have less range activity and more


stable volatility.


[10:02:58] Stalion : sell gbpusd @ 13920...1st target @ 13840...2nd target @ 13765...50 pip



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