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Afișez conținut cu cea mai mare reputație pe 20.04.2011 în toate secțiunile

  1. Inainte sa trecem la alte analize vreau sa mai punctez ceva referitor la modul in care eu analizez si tranzactionez. Poate cu asta trebuia sa incep! Piata de capital nu evolueaza haotic, ci are o logica si niste corelari. Asadar. O luam cu inceputul pentru cei noi. Cei care stiu despre ce este vorba, sunt rugati sa treaca la postul urmator! Important de urmarit zilnic: -SPX. Este un indice si cuprinde cam 500 de actini (erau 492 ultima oara cand am verificat, cine e curios, google it!). Este indicele care arata cel mai corect evolutia pietei, deoarece contine cele mai multe actiuni si asta din grupe diferite. Acuratetea lui este peste Down Jones sau Nasdaq. -VIX Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility Index. Cu cat volatilitatea este mai mare, piata merge in jos, cu cat volatilitatea este mai mica, exista optimism si piata merge in sus. -US Dollar Index. Daca dolarul creste, bursa scade si invers. Aceste corelari nu sunt batute in cuie, ele sunt doar un punct de pornire in analiza. In perioada de dupa 2008 sunt multe cazuri in care aceste instrumente nu se coreleaza, asta datorita faptului ca piata este foarte "choppy".
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  2. Talking about our last indicator, it is obvious that the pointer must point the candle which we want it decomposed. But how about the text? Well, the text can be anywhere, couldn't it? As now we have a triangle to show us which candle is being under microscope, we also can move the pointer vertically, to anywhere. But it still need to point THAT candle we are interested in. But remark here that the text can be anywhere. We even could move the text on time axis. That is to move it on the left, or on the right side of the detailed view. In this case, how about we paint the detailed view in the middle of the distance between the pointer and the text? That is on price axis, but also on time axis. Got it? On time axis too... We could have endless possibilities to arrange many views on screen, and even to break apart consecutive candles and arrange the views in such a way that the "combined" view be "continuous". That would be very helpful to spot patterns longer then one candle. Up to now, that was not possible. If we wanted to break apart two consecutive candles, the only way was to place a view above the chart, and another below, or to place both in the same side, but with a vertical distance between them. Otherwise the bars painted by the two views would overpose each other, and would be quite impossible to be read. Imagine for a second we could move the crap around the screen as me' said. Then we could generate views like the one in the photo: Isn't that wonderful? (no trading meaning, just an example how we can arrange them). 'Course it is! Ye will remark now that a new line was added, that connects the text with the pointer. The line is necessary, as now the texts can be anywhere on the screen, and they can get mixed, if more indicators live together on the same chart. Ye better know which text for which pointer is! Well, here is the toy. Detail_View_v1.3.mq4 Remember: now ye have to move both the text (everywhere) and the pointer (on price axis only)! The detailed view will be painted in the middle of the two. Ye still can use scaling, or whatever we discussed before. I hope ye won't mind moving few more objects around, as long as the advantage is HUGE! If ye mind, then use the old version. I won't delete it, that's why I put a separate post. Fair winds ta ye all!
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