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Actualizări status postat de Stefan

  1. A mers cineva cu masina din Ro in Belgia?

  2. Yay! London region for @digitalocean droplets. And a ref. URL if you want to give it a try ;)

  3. Dupa o zi nebuna rau, sunt pregatit de plecare. Maine incep doua zile de road tripping si sper ca sambata sa fiu in Brussels :)

  4. 2200 km mai tarziu, am ajuns

  5. The new Darcula theme in @webide is awesome!

  6. Cam naspa Hard Rock Cafe-ul din Brussels

  7. In cautarea hobby-urilor pierdute.

  8. Have you seen the indoor cloud? (cc @nornegru)

  9. Dupa o saptamana am calculat si eu cat m-a costat benzina Bucuresti-Brussels: 266 EUR. ViaMichelin estimase 268 EUR :)

  10. "Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality" (zicea Dalai Lama). Puteti sa faceti asta pe

  11. Sometimes, the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side. I have a feeling that the majority is not reading @farnamstreet

  12. Rectific: Muse merge mai bine.

  13. That's how you should light up your house (via @Manafu)

  14. Billy Talent (nu, nu e un manelist) au scos album in 2012 si eu nu stiam. Cateva piese suna chiar misto.

  15. Tot pentru cei care folosesc cardul in straintate. Reteaua Global Aliance (cash fara comision de retragere)

  16. Test your web app/site in almost any browser/OS combination. From you Mac or from your browser, for a nice "Inception …

  17. Va mai aduceti aminte de Islanda? (via @Dries)

  18. …dar e buna pe post de suc, nu pe post de bere ;)

  19. Sunt tare mandru cand aud de @HUB_Bucharest la Guerrilla :)

  20. +1 RT “@MindingsStu: Dear Apple. For Christmas can I have "Save As" back please? Thank you!”

  21. I just used #Shazam to tag Come With Me Now by Kongos.

  22. Cred ca am devenit fan Carcassonne.

  23. Dar tot asta ramane vers preferata de la Carol of the Bells

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