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Actualizări status postat de Stefan

  1. When it comes to irony, life always wins...

  2. Si se mai cauta si "Senior Front-end Developer". Detalii pe

  3. . @Buttercoin makes it easy to Buy, Sell, and Secure your #Bitcoins. Get early access today

  4. Eu abia acum am vazut. Poate mai sunt si altii ca mine. Evolutia muzicii usoare romanesti (via Alex fara Twitter)

  5. RT @ImpactHubRO: Ai o idee de afacere? Află cum te poate ajuta acceleratorul 60 Days Challenge să o pui în aplicare!…

  6. Keep an eye on this - A curated list of commonly frustrating HTML and CSS quandaries, miscues, and dilemmas:

  7. Acquia's Drupal Certification Program - starting in April

  8. Merge cineva de pe aici la Drupal Camp-ul din Chisinau in luna mai?

  9. After being extremely annoying with their YouTube ads, DigitalOcean made me love cloud servers again. The dashboard …

  10. When a company gives you an “you’re awesome” credit it means they are the awesome ones. Thanks, @digitalocean!

  11. Spitalul de Urgenta canta in seara asta in Tribute.

  12. A good networking opportunity for entrepreneurs -The Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) invites you to …

  13. Internet still has a chance: via @imgur

  14. RT @BBC_TopGear: This '71 Ford Torino was built by artist Ioan Florea, using a 3D printer. Seems 3D printing still has some way to go http:…

  15. RT @ImpactHubRO: Acces gratuit pentru 30 de antreprenori in programul 60 Day Challenge | blogul IQads

  16. Pentru ca niciun convertor valutar nu ma multumeste, mi-am facut singur unul. Poate va foloseste si voua:

  17. Hai sa vezi cum e sa lucrezi de la Impact Hub Bucharest

  18. Unde se mananca bine in Chisinau?

  19. 9.92 Euro / MB de trafic in roaming in Moldova. Bine macar ca berea e ieftina...

  20. The first Drupal Camp in #Moldova is over. Congratulation @moldcamp for organising a great event!

  • Creează nouă...

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