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Intrări Blog postat de tradelover

  1. tradelover
    [postasem intai in "ce stiti despre tradelover" dar am dat click pe butonul ala cu "blog this" si cand am vazut ce face, m-am mutat pe blog, tot ziceam eu mai demult sa adun posturile la un loc..., asa nu trebe sa corectez greselile gramaticale in doua locuri, hehe]
    Sper ca macar vreo cativa dintre voi sunteti calare pe raliul Bitcoin...
    Eu am vo cativa, partial cumpăraţi, partial mineriţi, de anul trecut pe cand cursul era 13 parai pe btc. Asta apropo de intrebarea care mi-o punea cineva mai sus, "la ce imi trebuie 'supercomputer'". "Mineritul" este una dintre activitati. Dar nu cea ce baza, pentru ca placile care le am eu sunt mai bune pentru calcule in DP si mai proste la hash-uri. La minerit trebuie mult hash (calcul in numere intregi) si putin DP (calcul flotant in dubla precizie) deci invers. Dar despre asta cu proxima ocazie.
    Ma sună un prienten vinerea trecuta (român, care traieste in ChiangMai de o bucata de vreme, ne vedem rar, ocazional, si discutam afaceri, bem o bere, băiat de treaba, Adi se recomanda), eu boleam, cu febra 39, cică "băh, ai văzut ce face bitcoinu?" Eu in pom, nu mai deschisesem minerii de mai bine de o luna... Cursul ajunsese din noiembrie pana acum la 38, dar de asta stia toata lumea. Joi nu stiu ce s-o fi petrecut in capul/calculatoarele alora, peste noapte BTC-ul a urcat la 140. Mi-a trecut febra brusc...
    Practic, cine a avut 100 de BTC, s-a sculat mai bogat cu 10 mii de parai.
    Omu' meu (cu care discutasem despre BTC anul trecut pe la craciun, mă intrebase si el ce fac cu atata amar de hardware, si mă privise cam intr-o dungă când îi zisesem de "monezi virtuale", cred ca se gandise "tradelover saracu a luat-o pe ulei"), imi cerea acum sfatul daca sa cumpere sau nu. Eu, circumspect precum ma stiti, i-am zis sa nu. Nu inca! Pt ca tot mi-a zis ca are un GPU vechi, l-am pus sa mine(re)ze o perioada, timp în care să citeasca la greu, să vadă ce si cum. Bitcoinu' a mai avut oscilatii, mai ales la inceputuri cand era usor de manipulat pt ca erau putini pe piata. Si - la fel ca in Forex - daca nu ai bani sa iti sustii beturile, (ceea ce noi aici am numi leverage mic) atunci poti sa pierzi grass. Foarte gras.
    Acum nu am mai vorbit cu omul meu de vineri incoace. Nu s-a ivit ocazia...
    Da' nici nu cred ca mai vorbeste cu mine vo cateva luni, hahaha... De ce? Bitcoinu' a batut azi dimineata 231.5 parai pe bucata. Pacat ca nu i-am zis sa cumpere, si sa mai fi cumparat si eu vreo o suta doua.... Daca continua asa inca o saptamana, fac bani sa ma intorc la Forex. No joke. Daca socotesc profitul din noiembrie incoace, stau pe 13 mii de parai, din care 12 mii facuti in ultimele 6 zile. Cu o investitie de mai putin de 1000 de parai, fara sa socotesc computere, curent consumat, etc., adica socotind doar banii dati pe BTC cumparati. Pe cei mineriti ii consider "for free" (desi adevarul e departe). Oricum, nu am de gand sa vand daca scade. Lasa sa fie acolo cativa "bituleţi", nu se stie la ce sunt buni. Dar nici nu mai cumpar... Bitcoinul-ul a ma avut nervi in trecut...
    Spor mare la pipsuiala tuturor. Sper sa mai imi fac timp sa mai citesc pe aici, vad ca sunt o gramada de chestii noi.
    P.S. de cand ma tot chinui eu sa mut postul pe blog, BTC-ul e $237.
  2. tradelover
    Ca o continuare a discutiei incepute in acest post, relativ la plata taxelor.
    Personal sunt in general de acord cu ceea ce spunea dannad acolo (i-am dat si bulină verde pt felul cum gândeşte). Dura lex, sed lex. Nu peste tot in lume toate legile sunt bune. Alte state au legi mult mai aiurea ca România. Şi totusi merg mult mai bine.
    De ce? Pentru că acolo, legile, bune sau rele, se respectă. Oamenii din acele locuri au respect pentru lege, iar dacă o lege se dovedeste a fi prea aiurea, vor lupta - pe căi legale sau mai putin legale - să o schimbe. Credeti-mă ce vă spun, pentru că am fost prin multe locuri, nu vorbesc de Bruiser's Bill din Legally Blonde 2.
    Bună sau rea, legea trebuie respectată. Dacă unuia nu ii convine o lege, atunci ori acea lege e proastă, ori acel om are o virgulă. Dacă omul are o virgulă, treaba lui, dar dacă legea e proastă, se vor găsi si alţii cu virgule. Si cu cât mai mulţi, cu atât mai usor, cel putin teoretic, de schimbat legea. Intr-o ţară normală, parlamentarul ar trebui să fie vocea celor care l-au votat.
    Un cel mai bun exemlu este Singapore, unde legea e lege, si e la ea acasă, indiferent de religie, indiferent de convingerile politice, de culoare sau sex, indiferent de statutul social. Ai cărcat pe bec, intri la răcoare. Şi ei au legi tâmpite. De exemplu la hotel scrie că "dacă vă legaţi calul in faţa hotelului si vă este furat, nu este responsabilitatea hotelului". Asta nu e poantă, la Swissotel, unul dintre cele mai mari si luxoase hoteluri din Singapore, la care bineinteles ca nu imi permiteam sa stau pe banii mei, dar am stat de cateva ori pe banii companiei, cand am fost prin delegatii, in fiecare cameră există un afiş cu extras din legea singaporeză de funcţionare a hotelurilor, lege care e data de vreo 200 de ani si nu a fost niciodată abrogată, doar s-au făcut ulterior adăugiri. Articole de lege noi, legate de folosirea telefonului mobil de exemplu, sau de mestecatul gumei, se împletesc cu cele vechi. Si pe acel afis scrie clar că dacă iti legi calul in faţă la Swissotel, nu e treaba lor. Pe acolo, by the way, acum trece o autostradă modernă şi este un parc cu fântâni arteziene, gardieni peste tot, etc, nu poti să tragi nici o băşină fără a fi luat la ochi si interpelat, hihi, iar parcarea hotelului este subterana, sub hotel, pe vreo 5-6 nivele, deci presupunem că reusesti sa intri acolo cu calul si il legi de vreo fântână arteziană, haha, si calul iti este furat, nu e responsabilitatea hotelului, pentru că hotelul nu are oameni care sa iti pazeasca calul tau, ori cel putin asta era situatia acum vreo 200 de ani cand a fost dată legea.
    Taxele sunt o povara, dar sunt necesare, si asa cum spunea "antevorbitorul", sunt o unealtă a progresului. Nimeni nu alege să investească în autostrăzi, de exemplu, ca investitor privat, când fiecare kilometru de drum costa sute de mii de parai. Că fiecare alege să plătească taxele, ori să se eschiveze ca Ilie Moromete, e treaba lui.
    Câţi dintre voi mergeţi la piaţă să cumpăraţi cartofi şi fasole? Ce impiedică pe hoţii de la colţul străzii să vă sară in cap şi să vă ia toţi banii din portofel? Vă spun eu, frica că vor fi prinşi şi băgaţi la zdup. De către cine? De către poliţie, care bună sau rea, coruptă sau nu, îşi face treaba, aceea de "sperietoare". Cine plăteşte poliţia? Well, voi! cu banii din taxe. Nu taxe, nu poliţie. In afară de situaţia în care sunteţi aşa de tari şi vă permiteţi bodyguarzi şi poliţie privată. Nu daţi bani la taxe, o sa îi daţi hoţilor de la colţul pieţei. Aaaaaa... că unii dintre voi vă credeţi mai deştepţi ca vecinii voştri, e altă istorie.
    Mentalitatea aceea că "nu beneficiez de nimic" este nu numai o dovadă de iresponsabilitate, dar şi o dovadă de inconştienţă, de impertinenţă şi de lipsă de respect faţă de cei din jur. De ce să plătesc eu taxe, bani pentru poliţie, eu sunt dăştept, lasă să plătească alţii mai proşti, ca să pot şi eu să imi fac piaţa liniştit.
    Şi exemplele ar putea continua, acesta cu poliţia a fost doar primul care mi-a venit in minte.
    Că o parte din acesti bani sunt "furaţi" de alţi iresponsabili, care şi ei se cred mai deştepţi ca alţii, asta e o a doua parte a istoriei. Oriunde sunt bani vor apare si escrocii, precum oriunde este un căcat mare vor apre imediat şi muştele. Acei "hoţi" trebuie prinşi şi atârnaţi pe un panou în târg să îi vadă toţi. Şi mici paşi in direcţia prinderii lor puteţi face fiecare.
    Dar mentalitatea aceea că "nu plătesc taxe, că banii vor fi oricum furaţi", ori că "nu o sa fiu tocmai eu ăla care primeşte parul în cap în piaţă dacă nu ar exista poliţie", este adioma mentalităţii traderului forex care nu crede că tocmai SL-ul lui va fi luat, ori crede că ceilalti traderi sunt mai proşti şi vor pierde banii investiti, pe care el îi va câştiga in câteva minute.
    De ce fură hoţii, în general? Simplu, din inconştienţă, impertinenţă şi lipsă de respect faţă de cei din jur. Ei cred că nu vor fi prinşi, pentru că sunt mai deştepţi ca ceilalţi. Ăla care fură banii din taxe, ori ăla care nu le plăteşte, se situează social pe aceeaşi treaptă. Ambii sunt nişte hoţi, care cred că ei sunt mai deştepţi ca ceilalţi.
    De 11 ani de când sunt in Thai plătesc taxe la statul tailandez. Nu le dau cu placere, desigur, si nu sunt bani puţini, pentru că in comparatie cu tailandezul de rând, am salariul de vreo 10-15 ori mai mare.
    Bani de care personal nu voi beneficia niciodată, ca farang (străin) in Thai, nu e aşa? Well, nu e chiar aşa, pentru că de 11 ani nu s-a luat nimeni de viaţa mea, asta apropo de poliţie, am văzut hoţi şi tâlhari purtaţi prin târg, pe aici uneori se mai practică, hihi, iar dacă mi se opreşte maşina pe autostradă că am fost bou şi am uitat să pun gaz, poliţistul tailandez coboară de pe motocicletă şi mă ajută să o împing până la prima ieşire unde pot să o scot în afara drumului. Am văzut asta nu de puţine ori, cu ochii mei. Dacă calc pe ea si trec de limita de viteză, acelaşi politist mă opreşte politicos şi mă scapă de cateva sute de baţi. Că îi pune in buzunarul propriu, ori îi varsă la caserie, asta nu mai e problema mea, ci a superiorilor lui, ori a altora (apropo de radare, am platit personal vreo câteva de când sunt aici, hihi).
    In plus, pentru că plătesc taxe, mi-au dat un card de la Revenue Department, cu sigla ministerului de finanţe pe el, pe care scrie că "farangul acesta este plătitor de taxe legal in Thai". La ce foloseste? Pentru cei care nu stiu, in Thai intrările in toate parcurile nationale (de genul parcul Retezat, in Ro), se plătesc, si au o grămadă de astfel de parcuri, la care intrarea este "diferenţiată", preţ pentru tailandez, preţ pentru farangul turist de 10-20 de ori mai mare (adică tailandezul dă 20 de bahti, cam 80 de centi US, farangul dă 400 de bahti, cam 13 dolari, ceea ce oricum pentru farangii cu bani care vin aici ca turisti este foarte puţin). De asemenea pt cinematografele publice de stat (exista si asa ceva, nu sunt private decât alea "deluxe"), precum si in alte locuri publice unde se plateste intrarea, si prin care de obicei nu mă duc. Dar in parcuri imi place să merg, ori de cate ori am weekenduri libere. Eu plătesc, teoretic, preţ de tailandez, dacă mă legitimez la intrare cu acel card de la Revenue Dept. Spun "teoretic" pentru că de multe ori gardienii de la intrare nici nu stiu să citescă şi nu au văzut in viaţa lor acele carduri, şi decât să stau la parlamentări cu ei, le dau 400 de bahti si plec mai departe. Acei bani la intrarea in parcuri ii dau intotdeauna cu plăcere, ca o contribuţie la natură, dacă pot sa spun aşa pompos, pentru că parcurile toate sunt "muncite", aranjate, este investită acolo o cantitate imensă de muncă şi de resurse. E o plăcere să mergi acolo si să vezi minunăţii făcute de natură şi de om. Alteori tailandezii de la intrare mă salută milităreşte când văd ştampila cu ministerul de finanţe pe ea. Şi plătesc preţ de tailandez.
    Dar in oricâte parcuri aş plăti, tot nu acoperă impozitul pe salariu platit statului. Dau lunar o grămadă de bani in plus. Asigurare de sănătate se plăteşte separat, şi nici pe aia nu o plătesc cu plăcere, pentru că de 11 ani nu am intrat in spital pentru nevoi personale niciodată (se exclude fiica-mea, pe care nevastă-mea are o boală să o ducă la doctor ori de câte ori strănută, dar ei îi plătesc asigurare separată, care să zicem că îşi scoate pârleala, hihi). Personal nu am avut nevoie de nici un fel de asistenţă medicală. Nici să nu fie nevoie, dă-i dracu de bani, dar de dat, nu ii dau cu plăcere, oricum ai da-o.
    Nimănui nu ii place să plătească taxe. Poate cu mici exceptii. Pentru mine, una dintre excepţii, poate că singura, este taxa de drum anuală. Pe asta o dau cu plăcere. Mulţi îşi închipuie Thailanda ca pe o junglă imensă unde te duci la servici călare pe elefant. Iar dacă le povesteşti faptul că pe oriunde te duci, pe orice vârf de munte, chiar şi pe Doi Inthanon la 2600 de metri inalţime, există o şosea asfaltată până în vârf, şi fără gropi, ori că prin orice orezărie cu apa până la genunchi există un drum ridicat cel putin unul sau doi metri peste nivelul apei, asfaltat şi fără gropi, deci dacă încerci să spun asta unora dintre prietenii mei din Ro, se uită la mine ca şi cum aş fi proaspăt scăpat de la spitalul de nebuni. Nemaivorbind de redirijarea traficului in orele aglomerate, ori de bampurile de la intersecţii (cum ar fi in Ro semnele de cedează trecerea, doar că aici sunt bumpuri pe şosea, dacă vrei să treci prin intersectie fără să incetineşti şi să îţi sară roţile de la căruţă, e problema ta!). Aici banii pe care îi plăteşti ca taxă de drum, se duc în drumuri. Se vede cu ochii, de la o zi la alta. De când am venit acum 11 ani, in Chiangmai s-au construit peste 15 poduri suspendate şi 9 sau 10 pasaje subterane, fiecare cu 3 sau 4 benzi pe sens, pentru a redirija circulaţia din zonele aglomerate. Şi in general, cum apare vreo brusculadă ori vreo situaţie neprevăzută prin vreo intersecţie, a doua zi sunt o armată de tailandezi călare pe târnacoape, care ori fac un gard, ori lărgesc strada, ori pun nişte buloane care să te facă să deviezi prin altă parte in viitor, ori pun un bump care să te facă să incetineşti, etc. Şi nu se ceartă cu tine. Dacă vrei să treci prin gardul de ciment să o iei pe contrasens, din nou, e problema ta.
    De ce prin alte locuri merge şi la noi in Ro nu? Şi in Thai au si ei deştepţii lor, care se cred mai tari ca alţii, ori care cred că cei din jurul lor sunt proşti, şi care fură din banii de taxe ca sa îşi facă vile. Doar că pe ăştia, din când în când, îi mai prinde. Ori îi mai bate lumea cu pietre. Îi prinde acelaşi poliţist care iţi dă amendă când treci la radar, ori care îţi împinge maşina când eşti în budă. Şi îi bate cu pietre aceaşi lume care, mai mult ori mai puţin, îşi plăteşte taxele.
  3. tradelover
    Some time ago one of my friends and neighbors pointed me to Naomi Klein's book. I have downloaded the book, but is quite huge and heavy to read for a non-native speaker. However in his blog there are links for different shorter versions and even audio books. I have downloaded a couple of them, including other I found on the web, some of them over 1 GB in length. As Chris warned me, in fact, none of them are complete, and this I could confirm by comparing the .pdf with the speech: full paragraphs are entirely missing from the speech, but the audio books have the advantage that can be listened to, in the car, on the way to work and back (more then one hour each day). I have listened to them a couple of times, rewind and reply, stressing my mp3 player. That is a must-read book. If ye are forex trader, and especially if ye base yer trading on fundamental, ye MUST give it a try. Ye will not regret it!
    And if you can afford the money, I highly suggest you to buy the book. I don't know the lady and have nothing to share with her, but I would support her with this. I ordered my book online, yesterday.
    Fair winds!
  4. tradelover
    Ahoy me fellow pip pirates.
    Long time no sail the blog, me landlubber being... ropes got rusty... Following some scimitars crossing on the forum, me bones decided to take a rum and update the treasure cave. Some fellow asked about a compass showing the trading sessions, so we sailed again the seven seas and brought the tool. Unfortunately the comments on the forum are in Romanian, but I placed nice English tips inside of the source code. That could be e new opportunity for ye to start learning MQL, because now ye are FORCED to edit the source code, to fill inside the right times and schedules for your local time (well... yer broker's server time). Just have a look inside of the source. Read it. Then edit it, recompile it. Coz me put bad times inside, for testing reason. Ye should edit the source every time when one of the bigger fish inside (or yer broker) change to DST. That's easier then loading yer cannons, and ye have to do it abo' 6 times per year. And of course, ye have much higher flexibility then using external parameters. Do yer own tool from it, including the xchg houses ye like. Add Bucharest too, as it is going to became the most famous x'change house on the world. Well... in few hundred years, but we are patient guys... And take care that Tokyo has no DST. And most probably you will want to change the colors too, as the default colors are full of shh...shadows. Good news are that you have plenty of colors to choose . See for yersel'. It took me one day to make it and test it for different schedules and schedule combination.
    Any pip pillager coming with a suggestion for a better graphical representation (instead of that stupid horizontal lines) is warmly welcomed at me drinking deck! Get a mug of rum during I will update the graphic part with your new idea. It will take few minutes/hours.
    Alizé be with ye!
  5. tradelover
    By the way, happy pillaging for 2008!
    Well, when talking about the time, there are mainly three schools. Some traders would say that the time is very important. They use candlesticks or bars charts, volumes, money flow index and other tools like that. This category of traders is the largest, and they use manly the price action on their trades, but they consider the time into the equation too. In fact, they use the time "partially". All these methods of charting that I enumerated above are in fact "time dependent" charting. You plot on the chart the price action, in time. That is, on X axis is the time, and on Y axis is the price. But here, time's contribution ends. For every candle, you know the opening and closing time, but that's all. By changing the time frame to a more granulated one, as from daily to hourly, you can have an idea about how the price developed inside of one candle. Eventually, you can get some information about the time when highest price and lowest price were reached, information that is not stored in the daily chart. But you still won't get any clue about the real movement of the price in time, about the "speed" of the price (speed is the time differential), or about the "acceleration" of the price. Indicators as momentum, or ROC, or other, are trying to give you a coarse view of these "time-actions" of the price, but they are also stored "bar by bar" and they are not of much help.
    There is a second school (category) of traders that put the time in the first place. They don't use fixed hours, like opening and closing of sessions, or important moments during the week or the month, but a continuous "movement" of the price, and they use different type of charts that show the time-action of the price in the first place. This method use the time in the first place, and then the price. They plot on their charts information as "speed of the price" and "acceleration of the price" and few of them include also weekends into the hotpot. Together with second level quotations, this is a very strong instrument for a momentum ECN trader, but as such brokers require a big amount of money to play with, very few is known about this strategies, and they are not really useful for small traders like us, thus such charting methods are not so common. Maybe I would post in the future some technicals about "total time" trading, like polygraphs and multi-tick charts, but that is not the subject of the current entry.
    What I would like to talk about now, is the third class of traders: that traders are not using the time at all. Yes, there is a big lot of traders that trade only the price. Most of them are big fish and they won't talk about their methods. They will keep intoxicating you with bars and candlesticks, as their goal is to gain the money that you are going to lose. They are mainly fundamental traders, that look to the economical data and plot their charts not as bars or candles, but totally time-independent. These traders are not interested in the TIME when a movement of the price took place, but only in the MOVEMENT itself. You can look on investopedia for Renko charts, or Kagi charts, to have an image about how these charts works. But incontestable, the king of "timeless" charting is Point And Figure (called below PF). Kagi charting is a very good tool to show the differences between supply and demand, and can be used by itself in trading long-term-trending markets, with quite a good risk/reward ratio. Kagi works like a Stop And Reverse technique and can give nice profits if traded with a StopLoss on classical SAR indicator curve. Renko charts represent just a pale time-spreading of point & figure charts, and they had some appeal to the people because most of the small traders have their mind "deformed" by candlesticks and bars. They like to see the "time-spreading" of the price in front of their eyes, and they don't feel comfy seeing only the columns of PF. That is where Renko charts come in. The disadvantage of PF is that you can't see the time at all. There is no NortEast/SouthEast movement, but only North/South columns. But this come with an advantage too: trading PF you will improve your discipline. Because you are not anymore interested of price action inside of any square. You just place your trades when the squares change according with your strategy entry, and close them when the squares change according with your strategy exit. If you don't know what I am talking about, you can find and read some materials on web, about PF trading strategies. There is plenty of good (and not so good) books about.
    But the big advantage of PF is the time frame that you can see in front of your eyes. What? Didn't I just said that PF is not using the time? Well, it is not. But PF is a "highly condensed" form of the price action. For a normal H1 chart you can see in front of your eyes, depending on your screen resolution, about half a year of price action, even if you go to the lowest magnification factor. If your pair is moving in average 30 pips per hour (common value for some pairs) then your PF chart with a box size of 30 will show you on the screen the price action for the last few years! The resistances and supports are also more reliable, as they are not dependent of broker's behavior (as for example few brokers, like IBFX will show a Sunday candle, other not, this is "pushing" you trendlines on a normal candlestick chart to a different angles). Moreover, the "quiet" periods of the market are compressed in few squares, but the "agitated" periods (that with more opportunities to make money, or... lose money) are expanded. You also can select which box size you like, so it can "fit" you even if you are a long term investor or an intraday scalper. Changing the "time frame" of you candles won't change the "looking" of a PF chart, as they are not time-dependent.
    So, the big advantage of PF charting is the fact that PF charting is not time-dependent, and it concentrates only on the price action.
    Well, then what is its big disadvantage? Arrr... well... his big disadvantage is the fact that PF charting is not time-dependent... Don't smile! I know Asimov said it before me (see the end of his novel "The Naked Sun"). You can not see the opening and closing time of sessions, you can not see the weekends, you can not trade the "momentum", and YES, you CAN NOT see anything inside of the squares. Each square is a black box for you, even if it is an X, an O, a green rectangle or a red one, for you all are black boxes. You must wait for the price to jump outside of the box to be able to take any decisions.
    So, my problem long time ago was how to improve the utility of the PF charts. Like for example to add to each box some useful info about how the price action inside of the box was. Was it choppy? Was it smooth? How may times the price tried to go out of the box? How long time the price stayed inside of the box? Couldn't be nicer if you were able to see the "fighting"... inside the boxes? Can a box in the middle of a column work as resistance or support level? Can it?
    Exactly! I tried to add some time-information to the PF charting. There is not a big deal to do so. It is also quite easy to program it. The big deal is how to represent everything in graphical form to be easy to read, and nice-looking. The idea came somewhere in the mid of the last year, when I got from vamist some PF-charting indicator made by a Russian guy. The indicator itself was not a big deal, it does not consider at all the reversal amount , and it has a lot of bugs. But it gave me the graphical idea. That time we had long discussions on the forum and I tried to put all together and make a nice PF charting tool. I posted some graphics together with their comments and I distributed the tool to some Romanian friends. Few bugs popped up and I had to rewrite a part of it, and later on I added also the history stuff, together with a new version number. There are plenty of comments inside of the source code, so you better read them all before using the toy. Everything is provided "as is" and I won't take any responsibility for your loses, and also I won't claim any of your money in case you make any profit .
    Here is the toy, and I am quite sure many of you are expecting it. It just took me some time to make some pictures and put everything in a zip. But now, as you got the indicators, be careful, having this files won't make you PF-Master overnight. If you never traded PF charts, better look for a book first, make few strategies, and try to trade them (test them) by your own and with demo money for a while.
    Open to any question and suggestion.
    P.S. By the way, does anyone have a good and freeware Gif Animator?? One who won't make a 5MB file from just few slides.... I tried to attach a small animation with B-Rays and B-Flags, but the file seems to be too big to be accepted by the blog (it says "unlimited space" but....)
  6. tradelover
    Talking about our last indicator, it is obvious that the pointer must point the candle which we want it decomposed.
    But how about the text? Well, the text can be anywhere, couldn't it? As now we have a triangle to show us which candle is being under microscope, we also can move the pointer vertically, to anywhere. But it still need to point THAT candle we are interested in. But remark here that the text can be anywhere. We even could move the text on time axis. That is to move it on the left, or on the right side of the detailed view.
    In this case, how about we paint the detailed view in the middle of the distance between the pointer and the text? That is on price axis, but also on time axis. Got it? On time axis too...
    We could have endless possibilities to arrange many views on screen, and even to break apart consecutive candles and arrange the views in such a way that the "combined" view be "continuous". That would be very helpful to spot patterns longer then one candle. Up to now, that was not possible. If we wanted to break apart two consecutive candles, the only way was to place a view above the chart, and another below, or to place both in the same side, but with a vertical distance between them. Otherwise the bars painted by the two views would overpose each other, and would be quite impossible to be read.
    Imagine for a second we could move the crap around the screen as me' said. Then we could generate views like the one in the photo:

    Isn't that wonderful? (no trading meaning, just an example how we can arrange them).
    'Course it is! Ye will remark now that a new line was added, that connects the text with the pointer. The line is necessary, as now the texts can be anywhere on the screen, and they can get mixed, if more indicators live together on the same chart. Ye better know which text for which pointer is!
    Well, here is the toy.
    Remember: now ye have to move both the text (everywhere) and the pointer (on price axis only)! The detailed view will be painted in the middle of the two. Ye still can use scaling, or whatever we discussed before. I hope ye won't mind moving few more objects around, as long as the advantage is HUGE! If ye mind, then use the old version. I won't delete it, that's why I put a separate post.
    Fair winds ta ye all!
  7. tradelover
    Yarrr, ahoy me' pip pillager mates!
    Haven't ye miss me? Yeah, I know, not at all... well.. today me be in a good mood! The market seems to be back in shape, and we just went out for booty. We came back with a treasure chest of few hundred pips from our favorite pairs, so now is the time to relax, no need to do any carpenting for our sloops, as they run out of the battle clean, this time.
    Now is the time to relax and learn some MQL. Are ye ready? Wouldn't be fine to have a tool to break each candle in pieces? That is to put our magnifying glass on a H4 candle, and see at once all H1 or all M30 candles that added up to the main one in H4? That without searching the smaller time frames by hand. Without spending days and hours to make correspondence between opening date and time in different charts... well... in a work, just click and see?
    Could it be useful? Yes it could, as shown in the following sketches:

    or if we switch to a bigger time frame:

    Yarrr... I bet my scimitar ye'll say that looks wonderful... And here is the toy that made the paints, beside of paintbrush program that I used to add the comments:
    All ye have to do is to put in yer indicator's folder, open yer favorite chart, add the indicator (single time, or more instances of it on the same chart) and then select the red pointer on the right and move it anywhere on the chart. Please read carefully all the speeches inside of the source code. You will shot two rabbits with a single bullet (or as a pirate could say, ye'll cut to heads with a single stoke of the blade ....). First rabbit, ye have a toy to play with. As usual, my toys are sharp blades, if ye know how to use them. It could save ye a lot of pips. There is a lot of theory behind, about how to use such toy, but that is not the subject of this post. Go read some books. Second rabbit, the comments inside are so... didactic, that only a stupid student won't learn how to write his own indicator, by reading them. I spent a lot of time to make all the details and add the right comments. Don't disappoint me!
    Have fun! And say thanks when ye port back with yer coffers full of booty...
  8. tradelover
    A'vast me hearties, me fellow pip-pillagers. Me be a little bit upset there was no feedback about paper pillaging. Anyhow, time kept me quite busy fighting the paper in real time. Me be a big bug finding! (this is a trial to combine the pirateglish with starwars's Yoda's style, well... you can guess what in the seven seas I wanna say, even i found a bug, or even I am the bug, I dont care...)
    Trading the Strategy Tester on paper is quite nice! It works fine and doesn't need any upgrades. But moving to real time trading shows few bugs of the Paper Trader. First of all, in ST you can't change the TF. That is because ST is selfish and it takes care of TF by itself. Well, for last month, me be not death, but sailing a real time account. Of course a demo one. So, I set sail, chart the course, put the Paper Trader on the helm. Then me be saying "let's speed up!", and here we go changing the TF. Then whoaaa!! all the compass got drunk and the small triangles disappeared from the map. Grrrr...
    That is why me decided to land ho! Return to port and change the toys, sharpen the blades.
    New version, much clever be. First of all, the captain not only can remove the StopLoss or TakeProfit lines from the chart, but he can also ADD targets and stops, just dragging the "TP" or "SL" texts over the order line (green dotted line where the order was open). The kind of order automatically detected will be, and few trendlines can be drawn to make clear what SL/TP for what order stand.
    Meantime, if ye are lazy captain ye can set yer crew to put the chip log on the water and drag it behind the ship. That is, to move yer stop order behind yer profit, like a pure trailing stop, or more complex strategies.
    Read the comments inside of the box to see more. Here is the box.

    Few other comments:
    As a general rule, a SL is never moved backward. We say that the stop "is holding". Stops should come from some risk calculus, i.e. from some money management rules, and never be moved against us. Relaxing the stops is a wrong practice done often by beginner traders. They "feel" that the price will reverse in their favor when it comes closer to the SL's, so they move the SL few pips against them, to avoid it to be hit. The result is always just few pips more lost, as the new "relaxed" stop - anyhow - is hit. So, holding the stops is implemented in PT. If you use any moving method, for example "=SMA", then the stops will "hold" even if the SMA pulls back a little, sometimes.
    Contrary, targets will not hold. It is normal to move the target in both directions, if you consider that an order has more or less potential, according with the price action. That is why you should be careful when you select a moving method for your targets. SMA and EMA targets with big offset in your direction can be very profitable stuff, as they will close your orders which have no potential anymore. But beware: they will move your target in both directions. As "=TSL" makes no sense for targets, new methods were implemented, one is "=MIN()", that you will find it pretty nice, and also we have Bollinger bands and Envelope channels.
    Later edit: I did a last minute change. Initial implementation was "remembering" the methods when you change the TF. The strings were saved in global variables, and re-opened in the init() function, each time when you click on other TF's, acording with the order number. But trading for a while in real time, I got very strange results, because most of the methods, as MA's, SAR, etc, are timeframe dependent!!! So, if you have a SL moving on EMA(10) on a D1 chart and you click on M5, you could have the BAD surprise that your SL is moved 4 pips behind the price (because EMA is more closer to the price for M5 chart!), and then hit in few seconds. That is why I decided to delete all global variables and let the methods get lost when you change the TF. So, be carefull, if you have many orders with description of triangles edited already (you inputed already moving methods for them) then they all will be LOST when you change the TF, and you have to input them again from your keyboard. This is not a bug. It was designed like that. To work around, never change the TF of a chart were you have clapped moving methods. If you do so, then you have to clap-clap-clap them again. I.e. you have to click on all arrows and input "=TSL(....blablabla)". If you need to see other TF, then open new chart with the same pair and play with TF. But don't change the TF if you have already descriptions for moving methods. On the other side, changing the TF is a fast way to erase all the methods. If you have many methods and they begin to show strange behavior, and you want to get rid of them, just change the TF, and change it back. All triangles will be re-painted, fresh, no methods.
    Next version could include some methods like "=EMA(20)/M30", to make the SL independent of the TF. That is, the MA would be calculated on M30, does not matter which chart you are looking at. In this case you could change the TF and still remember the moving method without affecting its functionality. But for now, the command interpreter is much simpler, that is why such implementation is not yet done. Sorry for that.
  9. tradelover
    Man, I like to trade directly on the graphic! Gosh, how I like it!!
    That's why I am really happy about my new upgrades of PT, well, something that will make my friend nicugh veeeerrryy happy too

    For the guys getting bored to read the comments inside of the source code, this is the interesting part:
    1. All arrow codes substituted with price labels. Color of the SL labels changed from deep pink to light orange, 'coz the label could not be read with ease by human eye, when it was pink and MT4 scribbled the red dotted stopline over it.
    Advantages: plenty, now ye can see yer prices too, it is easier to drag it when selected, etc.
    Disadvantages: first of all ye need a bit more space on the right, so ye have to drag yer chartshift bar to the left few candles more. Recomended zoom for the chart is 2, on a scale of 0 to 5 available in MT4 (more explanations about zoom and chartshift inside of my M-PF indicator, somewhere around in the Treasure Cave). Other drawback is that the price labels are a bit more difficult to be selected with the mouse than the arrows, so better you select them in advance, to be ready to move them when it become stringent. To select/move a price label ye have to click its active side (in 'ur case is the left side of the label, 'coz it is a RightLabel) and NOT the label area. Clicking the label area will do nothing. That is an MT4 bug (well, not a bug, but that is how it works).
    2. Now you can move your pending orders. For every new pending order, there should be a price label, like for SL and TP. To avoid any mess you could do , we painted the order label in gray. Move it anywhere on the chart between the SL and TP of the order, and the order will move next tick. There is no way to move the pending order outside of the SL:TP range, as that would be totally illogical. If you need to do that, please first move or delete the SL or TP, whichever stays on the way. Some of my vamist friends will also be delighted by this feature
    3. What are we going to implement in the Full Version? Well, we will be able to set "price tags" or "tresholds". When the price moves behind a treshold, an Alert will be isued, telling you the currency pair that reached the tag.
    That could be very usefull if you are watching more charts in the same time and some of them are hidden behind the one you are looking at, at that time (obviously, all charts must have attached the Paper Trader EA, to do that). This will work exactly as a pending order, but no order will be placed when the price hits the line, instead, an Alert will pop up and you can switch the view to that pair and take the right decision. Maybe you are tempted to say that there is no big deal, you could do that without Paper Trader, drawing a few horizontal lines and/or setting the right alert system with a very simple EA, but that won't be true, because our tags will be able to MOVE together with the price action. We could be able to set a "moving method" of the treshold, in the same way we do now for SL and TP of each order. That is, we could set a tag on EMA, SAR, any screen object, as trendlines or horizontal lines, fibos, forks, etc. that will be MOVED each candle, full-automatically, and the Alert will pop up every time the price is crossing the tag.
    4. Well, now we can move the pending orders by hand, in Demo Version, as we explained above, and we can place a moving price tag that has his own moving method, in Full Version (not yet, but the implementation process is on the way!) so what is the next step? Of course you can guess! We are going to put them all together: we should be able to set a moving method for a pending order. That is, the gray label that appears now for pending orders will have it's own moving strategy as description field, and the pending order will move automatically, folowing the price. This way, you could set a pending order to be activated when the price cross some EMA, SMA, trendlines, or whatever else.
    Unlimited posibilities....
    Now the bad news: most probably, such nice features won't be available in demo version. I am still thinking about...
    Happy pip-pillaging!
  10. tradelover
    Well, since I am participating in some "Automatic Trading Contest" I've learned a lot of things about trading the time. Before I was sticking to my brokers, and never went to others, but the contest opportunity forced me to trade other broker's quotations, showing me at least few strange things. This blog entry is not targeting the scalper, momentum trader, nor the investor, but the medium range trader, like a swing trader, or one that intensively use indicators like Stochastic or RSI, on H4 or D1 time frames.
    What is the point? Can be the price "broker dependent"? Well, not. Except few small fluctuations, spreads, some spikes of "criminal" brokers, generally the price will follow same quotation lines, independent of the broker. If the price curve is different for one broker, then few arbitrators will jump in with lots of money, targeting fractions of pips profit of it, gaining money, equilibrating the path of the price, and bringing loses for the broker. So, the interest of the broker is to be fair, except few occasionally stop hunting or FPI discrepancies. If you have such a broker that is hunting your stops, better change it. They are less and less now, because the competition is hard, there are more and more "good brokers". Here I will consider that all brokers are good. But they, and we, have all a big enemy. That's the TIME.
    I said many times that scalping (I define scalping like placing lots of orders with high lots qty, short SL and shorter TP, other kind of trading is not scalping) is not the way. Some scalpers make money, but they are just the exception. The most traders that are profitable would be medium to long term traders. This means they analyze the fundamental factors first, then they use indicators on H4, D1 (or even higher TF, as W1 or MN1, for long term investment) to establish their entries and exits. As we are mostly swing traders, our problem now is H4 and D1. Can the price fluctuate between the brokers, over this time intervals? No, as I said, they can not. At least, not significantly. But how many of us are using solely the price in their trading? I am sure: NONE. All of us use indicators. All of us use MACD, moving averages, Stoch, RSI, CCI. And ALL these indicators will differ from a broker to another, when we place them on H4 or D1 charts. Why? As I said, the TIME. The great king of time...
    Different brokers are on different time zones. Few brokers close a D1 candle at 0:00 GMT, other will close the day when NY session closes. The most of the brokers will close the day according with their local time. And that makes all the difference. Sure, everyone of you knew that brokers have different time zones. But have you ever asked yourself how much one indicator can change if one broker is closing his D1 candle one or two hours before the other?
    When I start testing MetaQuotes contest (demo) account I found out that all my experts produce different results compared with the results produced on my original brokers. There was a time difference of two hours between my broker's server and MQ server, and all H4 indicators (most of them proprietary) looked completely different. I had to adjust them and to change many settings to be able to join the competition. Then surprise! After few weeks the time difference between my broker and MQ changed again. It was now just one our difference. I don't want to say that could be the reason why I am losing in the competition , far away from me. I am losing because the expert was stupid, or unlucky, or bad programmed, and other people are much better. That is a different story. What I want to show is the conjuncture that lead me into playing with the time. MQ (that is not a broker, but a Russian company selling brokerage software, and they provide a testing server where you can trade demo, but you can never trade for real money) had Daily Saving time, that payed out at the end of October. They moved their server time to GMT+1, from GMT+2 before. My broker stays on GMT+0. I had the opportunity to see in a very short period of time, the behavior of H4 chart indicators, with 3 (from 4 totally possibilities) different time zones. And that was really painful. I spent many days and nights before the competition started, just to understand why my indicators show different results, to correct the problems and to optimize. It was very easy to spot that: when H4 candle of my broker closed, the H4 candle on MQ was just half developed, because of 2 hours difference, and viceversa, when MQ was closing their H4 candle, my broker's H4 candle was just in the middle of the race. Easy to spot, but how to make it working? Anyhow, I found somehow a "patch" for this story and I went on. That is not the point. But later, when the DST took place, I had everything very fresh in my mind. Now as the time changes, I also saw different values of the indicators, and moreover, during my real account was losing a small sum of money, the competition account was gaining huge, and viceversa, the huge loss of the competition account was balanced by a small gain on the real account. They were traded by the same expert advisor, only with a different risk factor (for the competition - demo money - I raised the risk to the sky, otherwise no chance to win, but the real account has a normal risk factor - below 1% - and won't take any bets against the swap). So, how in the seven seas can that be? They were suppose to gain both in the same time, or to lose both in the same time. Different amounts, but same direction. Or, what I was witnessing was a strange situation, in which one account was going down during the other was going up, and vice versa.
    Well, to spot the answer is easy, again: The time. I was using stochastic in the expert, and one of the most sensitive indicator to such time-shifting is stochastic. Why? because the Stoch indicator is percentaly computing the closeing price in relation to high-low difference. Supposing your candle has a high price of 1.20 and a low price of 1.10, if the close price of that candle is 1.123, then the Stoch of that candle is (1.123-1.10)/(1.20-1.10)*100, that makes 23. What you see on your chart as "Stochastic Indicator" is just a moving average of all these "candle-stoch" values. Now let's suppose that after this candle the price is pulling back, with exactly same min and max, and it close somewhere between the two values. We have a new candle in reverse direction, with the same min and max, and if we compute the stoch, we get some (not important) value between 0 and 100. The idea behind Stochastic is that in an uptrend the candles tend to close near the max point (an average stoch value over 50), and in a downtrend they tend to close in the lower half (an average stoch value under 50), otherwise it would be no trend in that direction.
    Now let-s imagine we shift the time with half of the TF. For example if we work on H4, we shift the server time with 2 hours. The new chart could have started the former bar somewhere lower then 1.20 (say 1.15, the second half of the first bar in the first example), it would go also down to 1.10 (that is minimum for this period) but for the next two hours it will raise (the first half of the second bar in the first example), say to 1.137, and close there. Computing the stochastic for THIS bar, we get (1.137-1.1)/(1.15-1.1)*100=74. Woowwww! There is exactly the same currency pair, the same quotation, the same time frame, the same index of the bar, the same PHYSICAL (real) time. But the server time shifted two hours. And one calculus placed us close to oversold, and the other placed us into the overbought.... Of course, in reality such differences are leveled by the averaging of the stoch indicator with %D period, and they will never be so big as in our (forced) example. But there are plenty of differences. And my concern now is to see if we can use this fact in our advantage.
    Can our system rely on such indicators? We will try to analyze the effect of time shifting, with few images. We are on H4 chart, and we paint first the "standard" stoch indicator. Each H4 bar is made by 4 H1 bars. We divide the H4 bars (by going to H1 chart) and regroup them in all 4 different ways. That is if you have a broker with GMT server time (or GMT+4, or GMT-4, or GMT+8, etc) then first H4 candle will start at GMT, next one will start at GMT+4, etc. If you have a broker with a server time of GMT+1 (or +5, or -3, etc) then first H4 candle starts at GMT+1, next one at GMT+5, etc. Obviously, we have 4 different choices for all 6 H4 candles that make a day. That is, we have 4 different categories (classes) of H4 traders! If John has his broker in one class, he will see a stochastic indicator on his H4 chart, but this indicator will look different from Mary's one, who has a broker in a different class.
    How different? Well, not too much. Even if corespondent candles give candle-stoch values quite different, they will be leveled by the moving average of %D. But the remaining, is still quite significant. Let's have a look to the "artwork" below

    Fist indicator is "classical" stoch, built in MT4, that is computed, of course, when each H4 candle closes, according with your broker time, at his server time plus 0, his server time plus 4, and so on. Next 4 indicators are computed from H1 chart, by grouping the bars 4 by 4, in all 4 possible modes. One of them should be exactly the same as the "normal" stochastic from the higher window. In our case is the first one, denoted "Stoch+0". So the first two have to be exactly the same, if we did our math right. In fact, they are the same for almost all bars, but sometime there will be a small difference on the first candle of the week (weeks are marked with period lines) and on the last candle of the week. The difference come from the fact that H4 bars at the beginning/end of the week are usually not "complete bars" (they sometime contains only 2 or 3 hours of price action, due to market closing time on Fridays and market opening time on Mondays, or Sunday night, depends on your broker's meridian). We will ignore that small discrepancies now. But moving down tot the other 3 windows, denoted "Stoch+1", "+2" and "+3", we can spot many other differences. Are they important? It does not seems to be a big deal. Of course they are!
    Sometime we can spot a hook-situation on some of the indicators, but the others have no hook. Sometime one is leaving the OB/OS area, but the others not. We can easily imagine that different traders around the globe, looking to THEIR H4 stochastic will have different opinions about where the market is going, if the market is OB, or OS, if the resistance line is going to hold or not, moreover, some of them will see divergences, some not.
    Traders using different time zones having different opinion about the market? C'mon! That is since-fiction. Well... it is not. Let's superpose all this indicators on the same window. We will use the standard stock, and the last 3, as we don't need Stock+0 anymore, its purpose was just to check if our math was right. If we suppose that our broker time is "convenient", in such a way that opening of a H4 candle coincides with opening of London or NY session (that is our case in fact) then we have the following scenario:
    Stock+3 are the brokers class (trader's class) trading the beginning of the sessions, they close a H4 candle one our after big volumes starts to flood the market. They are followed by Stock+2, then Stock+1 classes, that will close their candles in the middle of the session, and respectively at 3 hours after. Then we, the lucky ones, with Stock+0 (or standard stochastic built in MT4, if we got a broker with a "lucky" time zone) came at the end. Have you ever spotted that the big movements are at the beginning and at the end of the candles? Look to the volumes. Look to the lengths and shadows of the candles. So now I am asking you, who of the for groups are the "luckiest" one? We say in Romanian language that the guy who laugh last will laugh better (no idea if any English equivalent).
    Now let's imagine that we are "big money" on the market. The BIG Sharks. What we would do? We have the knowledges, we have an army of people watching the charts and digging for economical news. Or (why not?) spreading news... Bullish news... So let "the papers" buy. Yeaaaa, let them buy! Then we sell. How the things are really going on? Well, exactly in the same way. Every time the trend reverses, say from bullish to bearish, who will make the most of the money? Of course, the guy who sold last (or first, in the new trend). Who will lose most? The one who bought last. Who is making money in forex? The profesionals. The Sharks. Who is losing? Us! The beginners. Every trend is a fight between beginners and professionals, every candle is a fight. See Alexander Elder, Trading for a Living. First two chapters (about trading psychology) are the best trading material I ever read. The rest, trading strategies, all authors talk the same bullshit, trend lines, indicators, rules, bla bla... even some of them talk about planets and zodiacs in trading... Grrrr...
    So, every trend has a big shark in his peak, and has a big shark in his deep. They trade last. They laugh last. Going back to our "superposed" indicators. What they will do in such situations? A H4 candle starts. People start joining in. They are buying. One hour passed. Stoch+3 closes now. It contains 3 hours from the former H4 candle and 1 hour from the current candle. Ho it will look? It will be up. UP, UP, UP, UP!... Others are selling to cover. Another hour passes. Prices come back. Stock+2 and Stock+1 come back. Then the big shark put his fins in the pool... Only the fins... Big sharks never jump in the pool, they won't like all the water to go out. So Stoch+0 will close the H4 candle. And it will close it down. DOWN.
    As long as the trend is strong, there is a consensus. All Stoch+X go together. But as long as the opinions of the traders start shaking, they split. Stoch+X split too. And that is the moment for the big shark. That is the fragile equilibrium that he can use in his advantage, to push the market toward his pocket. Don't believe? Look here:

    We see a very clear split in the beginning. There is agitation. We are in a long and strong up-trend on cable (check the history) and that is the end of the 4th correction already. Will the trend end? Suddenly opinions start to vary. Will the trend continue? Some other correction will follow? On that two H4 bars, different people trade different opinions. But the big shark is on the fence. Sometime they give you a small bite, just to feel the taste, so they can catch you later. And this is clear - Stock+0 (yellow line) is on the middle. The sharks are waiting, or they did a small "sell to cover" from the previous trend. Then pay attention to the zone A. What do we see there? All Stoch+X lines are strongly overbought. They are close to 100, and no tremor. In that moment ALL the traders from ALL time zones saw the OB condition. The impulsive wave is gone. Then all the stocks went down, making a few hooks on the way. Strong sell signal. Moreover, the peak on June 5-6 allowed them to set a tight SL. So, here we are, the corrective went 500 points down. Then Stoch+X lines split again. Traders are again undecided, if the trend will resume, or the correction will continue and the trend will reverse. Some push down. Some push up. Stoch+3 (red line) is pushing down. Stoch+0 (yelow line) is up. Professionals are pushing up. Where do you think the trend will go? He, he, beter buy to cover, if you took the sell on A. And here we are with about 500 points profit. If you did not buy to cover yet, then the divergence (yellow thick line) is a good time to stop and reverse to bullish. Buy to cover here, take the sell profit (about 400 pips) and buy again the divergence, especially because - guess what? - the stocks are splitting again, now in a different direction. The rightmost part, red thick rectangle, Stochs split again. There is a signal that people started to sell to cover, or trade an eventual new bearish trend. Better close you buy, if you have one, or move the stop tight.
    This situation is not singular. Of course, I put the salt an pepper on it. But we can find such discrepancies on every currency pair, and with every stochastic period. I am not quite sure yet what can we get, putting all together. I certainly need more time for experimenting, and a little bit of forward trading for more "credible" testing. Up to then, let's see few more images.

    Kind of same situation, just a bit forward in the future, July 4th is a good opportunity to drive the market crazy, some holiday, low liquidity, sell first and all the freaks will jump to sell. Then buy, and pocket a lot of money one month later. But for the clever trader who doesn't went short, the OS condition, combined with Stoch+X discrepancy is a good chance to buy when the Stoch+X cluster is leaving the OS zone. Again, a divergence and drill through the support line tells him when to cover, or when to reverse. Some cautious or medium-range trader could go out on the divergence, making at least 150 pips more.
    Switching to Euro, the picture now is different. Dollar sentiment is bearish, the price can't leave the channel, and can't break the historical support line. Adding Stoch+X to the equation, they "are getting nervous" every time when the price is hammering the support line, and every time there is a hook and a rebuild (leaving OS zone) of the Stoch, telling us that we have to add to out (eventually) longs. Where that will stop? God knows...

    Note that we could make some money also trading the small correction at the beginning of the chart, from exactly the same (Stoch+X) reason, but told now upside-down
    The last chart is a bit more complex. We are after a long trend, and there is a big indecision, signaled also by the price (almost all traders who went in profit after the long trend, sold here to cover). Stoch+X are dancing crazy. There would to risky to go short here. Except of the small triangle, there is no short signal. And the triangle is broken too close to "no zone" area. So, we have to be cautious, and eventually, if we have any open long position, sell to cover and guard the profit. Then there is a pull down, and an almost perfect hook on all the stoch indicators.

    The former deep from the end of May is not beaten, and many people would take that as a long signal. But going long is - again - risky here: there is no place to set the stops. Moreover, the indicator is taking off, together with the price, is close to OB and it starts going crazy again. Well, there is no way to buy. If there is to be something, then it can be only a SELL. The former top provide a nice resistance level to place our stop behind (above) and the last drop provides a perfect "fixed point" for a Fibo extension that help us to establish our target. I would really SELL somewhere inside of the yellow square, with a stop at the blue dashed line and a target around 1.3400. If I am unlucky, I have a tight stop. But if I am lucky and the price drops as it dropped, there are plenty of signals telling me to go out there, before the rebuilding of the trend starts. Among all of these signals, Stoch+X is getting crazy again....
  11. tradelover
    How many of ye' did paper trading? I mean to take a chart, print it, take a pencil, draw lines, make calculus, place trades, write them in the records... Then later on, print the continuation of the chart, compute profit/loss, see what went right/wrong? And write again the reflections in the diary... Not so many of ye', for sure. Some of ye' would say, c'mon! what the scuppering, we want easy money... Well, me' have bad news for ye'... if ye' never did paper trading, ye'll lose that easy money of ye'rs... All profitable traders made paper trading somewhere in their past, and few of them are doing it every day for few minutes, just to keep their blade sharp...
    Novadays, people do paper trading less and less. They use tutorials to learn trading and they dream about the huge profits they can make. Some people use tools like Strategy Tester to make "paper" trading, just because they have no programming knowledge to write their own expert, and they try to find or to refine their own strategy. These people are the lucky one, and I have a word fer' them: Respect! 'Coz in time they see hundreds of charts and situations and learn to hold the helm in all kind of seas.
    Generally, any folk having some basic programming knowledges will put few lines of a scrap strategy in an algorithm and set'her'sail with ST on the history chart. If the account is wiped, they change the program, add few variables, then do a lot of optimization. When the strategy is "working" and seems to bring some booty', they are fast to go live and invest some real coins into it. Well, the Big Shark on the Ocean laugh at them and they lose the peas. Few of them would try later on to sell the "expert" as a very sharp blade, but then ye buy it, ye'll find is a rag. This fellows will never learn to trade a chart, and they are born losers and will di' losers.
    This post is addressed to me' pirate fellows that like to do paper trading, using ST. Typical they open ST, use visual mode, add few indicators on the visual chart, use pause button, then navigate step by step with F12 key. When they find the right situation, they write down on the paper the entry, quantity of lots, stop loss, target, then they use F12 until even target or stop is hit. Of course, this is a wonderful way to learn! But you need to do a lot of calculus on the paper, beside of pressing F12 key and following the chart. You need to compute the profit/loss all the time, keep track of the stops (if your strategy involves any kind of trailing stop), watch the indicators, etc. This take a lot of time and make ye' concentrate on calculus, and NOT on the chart. To be able to learn, ye' must concentrate on the chart, and that is quite difficult when you have to do play with the pencil an the eraser for every punch of F12.
    Better ship could be to have an expert to keep tracking of all this stuff, and to open/close orders when YOU tell him, DURING testing. In this way, you can concentrate at price action. There are many ways to do that. One is to use dll's, and/or make an external program with few buttons, as "Buy", "Sell" etc. You run the program AND the expert in the same time, and when you press the button, the program can create a file with order's characteristics inside. Then the expert is reading the file and places the trade, moves the stops, etc. Your "start()" function could be in this case "read the file, place the trades, exit". This version maybe looks nice, but has two major disadvantages. One is that not everybody would like to use an .exe tool or a .dll without knowing what malicious code can be inside. And the second disadvantage - you can not trade directly on the graphic.
    Well, can we do it without .dll's and still being able to trade... graphically? MT4 does not offer any functions to read the mouse position or click from the start() function, or so. But we can create some objects on the screen and we can move them around. Then the expert can read the position of the objects, and their values or descriptions, and he can place the trades accordingly. That is what me' be' doing for a while. That is a sharp blade, mate, and I am going to share it with ye for free. You can use it for paper trading, or even in real time, to place your orders, to move the stops and targets directly on the graphic, and many other.
    I did not bother to scale it accordingly with the zoom, so you should use a convenient zoom (zoom 2) of the chart to see the text inside of the rectangle. Eventually you need to move a bit the "chart shift" flag to the left. Like this:

    In fact, zoom 3 is working too, but you have to move the "chart shift" much to the left, to see all the rectangle and the small triangles on the right of the screen. For zoom 0 or 1 the text is too big and overlapped, for zoom 4 and 5 the rectangle is too big and it will get lost to the right. Well, zoom 6 or more you can try, and if you can find how to do, tell me, as I know MT4 has a maximum zoom of 5
    To trade, is quite easy. Mark the Buy, Sell, Close, Close All "buttons" (double click on them). Keep them marked, to be able to react fast. If ye' use the "Go!" button, mark it too. When you want to trade, just move one of the Buy/Sell "buttons" onto the chart. I mean onto the left side of the "chart shift" flag. You can use pause/F12 if you are in Strategy Tester. Please read the comments inside of the .mq4 source code, related to the Go! button. In fact you don't need that button, so you can set it hidden by changing the parameter of the EA to false. In paper trading with ST, you will never need the Go! button. In real time trading, you also won't need it, but you have to move the Buy/Sell in a "tricky" way, to avoid unwanted trading. First move them vertically, but keep them in the right side of "chart shift" flag (that appears on the upper side of the chart) until you reach the price level where you want to place the trade. Then drag straight to the left and drop it in the left side of the "chart shift" flag, anywhere on the chart. Keep the price level. This way you can avoid an unwanted order at a random price, that could happen if you are in real time and a tick is coming during you drag the Buy/Sell over the chart, because MT4 has no possibility to know if you already dropped the text or you are still dragging it. This way you can place market orders, limit orders, stop orders, etc. If you use a "Go!" button, the trade is not executed immediately, but only after you move the "Go!" button on the chart, too. This way you can make some nice setups before going to place the order effectively.
    Be careful to the "hot" point. Every "button" shows a hot point when you select it. That is the coordinate of the button, where the text is placed. The trades will be placed where the hot point is, not where you mouse pointer drops the text. For MT4 the text is written where the "anchor" is. And the anchor is the hot point.
    To close a trade, just move the "Close" text to the green opening line of the trade. Cautions: all trades in the hysteresis area will be closed. Read inside of the source code about hysteresis and why we need it. If you usually place many orders with opening price very close each-other, and you want to close them one by one, then better use a smaller hysteresis.
    And of course, you can close all orders in an emergency case, dropping the "Close All" wherever on the chart. This will close all trades immediately, independent of using the "Go!" button or not, and is intended, as I said, for an emergency situation.
    If you need to change the default SL, TP or Lots during testing with ST (paper trading) then you can do it directly by selecting and modifying the values inside of the rectangle. Be careful and change the values ("Text" properties) and not the name of the objects, otherwise the EA will lose the control over them (he recognize his own objects by name only, if you change the name, he will get headache ). This is a big feature, you won't need to restart the ST if your strategy requires changing the lots on the fly.
    During live trading, if you want to change the SL, TP, Lots (default values), then change them directly in the EA properties (click on smiley in the upper right corner). It is faster and more safe. In ST would not be possible to modify EA parameters without restarting the tester, that is why I included this "on the fly edit of the parameters" feature. If you select the values, they will not stay selected, as the "buttons" do. This is not a bug. Everything except the buttons are un-selected when a tick is coming or when you press F12, just to make the screen more clear.
    After you have placed a trade, supposing you selected a SL and TP that are not zero, you will see some red/green triangles on the right side of the big rectangle, situated on the SL/TP lines. SL's are red, TP's are green by default, but you can change all the colors if you like. Well, what about them? Geeeeezzzzz! You can move the stops and the target directly by dragging these small triangles anywhere on the chart. Wooohooaaaa! Nice huh?
    That is the best tool you will ever get for free! Why I am giving it away? Well... I am a bit ashamed to tell you
    Doing paper trading is not easy. Following some discussions with friends from this forum about paper trading, I told them that doing paper trading is not easy. If you can not succeed in paper trading, there is no way that you can succeed in real time. I am an experienced trader. Well... Not a good one, but an experienced one because I was trading for few years already. I know the movement of the Euro by heart. Well, not every spike, but I know when the historical minimums and maximums were, what their values were, which year/month has a rising trend in the past, and in which month the price dropped as a stone... Well, do you think that I make paper-millions if I do paper trading for the last years, huh? Wrong. I was opening the ST in visual mode few days ago, and, to avoid any "bad influence" from my brain, I was hiding the prices and the time line. I just used the non-maximized window for the visual chart, and I moved it on the screen to the right until the price was hidden by the border of the MT4 window, and then down until the time line was hidden, too. This way I could see the chart only, no prices, no times. Then I paper-traded Euro on H4 and M30, with all my knowledges, trying to apply everything I know now, after years of trading, on a chart running since 1999 to present. Well... to present is too much to say... I started in 1999 with a 10K standard account, but the best I could do was to wipe it out in late 2002 or 2003. Even if I made 20%, or 30%, or even 50% for the first years, later on, something went wrong. I tried G/U and G/J with the same result. The market in the past is not the same as the market today. And it will not be the same in the future. The trading strategy which I use today, same strategy that I used in the last years, same strategy that helped me netting a small constant (real money) profit month by month, should have been futile five years ago. Good for nothing else except losing money.
    The tool that I am giving you above has 3 big advantages. First of all, you can concentrate on the chart, on the price action. You can add to the visual chart any indicator you like, trend lines, Fibo levels, place the trade, press F12, play with it. The EA will keep all the calculus apart from you, you CAN LEARN much faster. You can check your own strategy much faster and more accurate, even if you have no programming knowledges. At the end, you get the equity graph and the report of trading directly in ST. No pencil, no rubber.
    The second advantage, this tool has no mercy! Yeah, don't laugh! when you do paper trading with the pencil, you get bored, because it needs so much time, and then you tend to be forgivingly with yourself, just add few pips here, say you could exit here or there, you could enter here or there, well, did not lose too much, add few more profit here, "I could stay longer and make more pips", "well, let's put that pips in the calculus", etc. This toy has no mercy, you see your equity going UP or DOWN. There is no broker behind, there is no stop hunting, no news coming, just you and the chart, and the history chart is the same if you paper-trade it now or next year.
    The third advantage you will realize in the case you have a working (profitable) strategy. It will show you that trading THAT strategy for the far-past is a disaster. You will understand that whatever "working" strategy you have, that strategy is working NOW. It did not work in the past, and most probable it will not work in the future. The trader who is not continuously improving himself is a dead trader.
    How about YOUR strategy? Do you have one? If you do, then are you daring to test it on the "paper"?
    Good luck...
  12. tradelover
    Here is an implementation for a scalping strategy for a quiet market. The strategy was posted by adraz on, and as he said, it is not his original one, he got the description from the web, he tested it and it seems to work. After few discussions, he also posted the original (English) material here. As the copy/paste is from a 2-columns PDF file, it could be some mixed texts, but you can get the right point.
    My friend ener made a first implementation, which I modified to use fixed lots and recompute the spread in the right way, as for scalping strategy, using variable lots won't work (mathematically, you lose more than you gain by playing constant-risk lots for a fix SL and fix TP).
    The resulted modified EA is below. What is interesting: I tested this for a period of 8 years using EURUSD M30, with all M1 data downloaded for the period (for Strategy tester interpolation), charts provided by MetaQuotes (ACT2007 demo account) with 1.0 lot entries, and I used Every Tick testing method. Guess what? It brought the account from 10K to almost 30K during testing period (1999-2007) with an almost linear increase.
    Personally I won't trust such approach, as it has nothing behind, except a small psychological trick ("the market returns to close point during quiet periods"). But the fact is the fact, and maybe this approach can be a good starting point for someone trying to develop his own scalping method.
    Disclaimer: My personal belief is that scalping is suicide. Don't blame us if you lose money with this strategy. Sorry for romanian comments inside, initially when I modified it, I did not expect any profit, so the comments were dedicated to show to my romanian fellows that the strategy is dead
  13. tradelover
    HA! Made you click!
    But take it slowly. We just jibing the seven seas now...
    Well, if it is supposed to go pillaging, we have first to test the waters. Are they deep? Are there any booty there?
    On the other words, what on the seven sis* is a blog? And what me* can do with it?
    As me* never own a blog before, except me* ship's officer bulletin board, let's see what the bilge-rat* can do for me. Long ago me* said to keep "trading records", but neee..., me* be too lazy. I won't do it here, even.
    Yeah, ye* won't expe* my trading diary here... I wanna say me* trading diary, just used plain talking (my) to avoid ye* eyes getting huge. I've no time fer* that. But if me* would be satisfied with what the blog is, maybe the pillage could continue in the future. If not, just let the ship ashore for a while and let me* landlubber crew to rest... Up to noe* black sky: me* supposed to be able to create a Category, called "General (sometimes Captain only) thoughts", but the lubber category won't like to appear in me' list.
    And if me* try to log in from the blog page, getting some Caribbean cuss on me* wheel screen:
    Me* still trying... Can any fellow pirate tell me a link where to read about blogs? An island on the ocean where the documentation about blogs hides? As for example who can see my drafts? Guests? Logged users? No one? Do I must to publish them to be see-able? How to make categories? What the right menu is used for? Everything. From yer* ship to yer* sword, yer* throne to yer* knickers. Use the comments page.
    * And sorrey* for Piratglish, tha's* just to mask me* bad English.
  14. tradelover
    Pentru toti cei care ma intreaba pe PM despre "unde am disparut", momentan sunt in Ro din iunie si ma voi intoarce inapoi in Thai in august, cu vreo XXXX kile mai gras, pt ca de cand am venit aici doar in potoale o tin, nu am scapat de insistentele rudelor si tuturor acelora pe care i-am vizitat, desigur nu am scapat nici de micile neplaceri aferente mentalitatii romanesti (prin magazine, pe strada, prin institutiile statului si private pe unde mi-am purtat ciolanele in timpul asta, ca aveam de reglat conturi prin unele locuri, dupa perioada lunga de absenta din Ro). Va povestesc mai pe larg cand mai scap la butoane, pentru ca - v-ati prins - accesul la computer e limitat (mi-am luat un card Orange prepaid, internet rapid 30 de zile, 5 giga, 20 de euro, merge brici, dar limitarea vine din alte directii, rude, prieteni, nevasta, nevasta, nevasta, ("mai lasa-l si tu dracului, ca tot cu ochii in leptopu ala stai?") potoale, potoale... iar potoale, etc, astia pe aici in afara de potol si bautura nu mai stiu nimic si nu de alta dar daca mai stau mult s-ar putea sa uit de unde am venit si sa nu mai vreau sa ma mai duc inapoi, hihi). Cel putin la capitolul "ospitalitate" romanii nu se dezmint, legat de asta sunt mandru ca sunt roman!
    Hai spor la pipsi, care nu ati intrat prin concedii.
  15. tradelover
    I just got in my inbox today a nice article about charting the equivolumes, that was published by MQ in their MT4 site. Please click on it. This article is prefacing somehow my next topic, that I wanted to discuss long time ago, about trading the time, part 3. I had no time to finish my posting, so I will post a "part 3" now, just to mention it, and in the future I hope I will find enough free time to post a next episode about charting techniques. That would be renamed to "part 4" or else
    The article above is discussing a technique to chart volumes of ticks together with the price movement. You can spend some time to read it and understand it, as that could be quite useful in forming you as a good trader. However, the solution proposed by the author is not the most elegant one. I will not go bitchy to criticize his methods, this is not the goal of this post. The article is very interesting, and is a must to read. I only want to say that pointing the charts according with a fixed number of ticks per bar was discussed long time ago in IBFX and codebase forums, and I also posted some of my indicators there. They were posted on forum too, at that time (few months ago), and also in some different places. Using such indicators makes our life easier, when it come to the point of getting such fix-tick-amount charts in real time.
    The goal of this blog entry is to post the indicator again, and I will refer to it in the future. You can set the tick count parameter to a value N, and one new candle will be drawn in separate window every time after N ticks arrived. You can use this indicator to estimate the "speed" of the market, by opening 2 or 3 different windows with different N (somebody on InterbankFX MT4 forum, where a preliminary version of the indicator was posted, suggested that time that the "periods" can be in a Fibo sequence, as 21, 34, 55 ticks, or 34, 55, 89, but I like to use smaller numbers as 13, 21, 34, for example, the difference in speed could be seen much easier. That was a long discussion there, but unfortunately I can't give you the link, as IBFX dismounted their forums ...).
    I have to post it again, because most probably it suffered some changes since that time. I don't have time to check which versions I posted, and where. Most probable the posted versions have no moving average for the tick-chart, as this feature was added much later. I will come back to this point soon. Till then, here is the toy:
    and here is a sketch with his abilities (3 indicators on chart, with 3 different N):

    Be reminded that the candles are NOT corespondent, i.e. the candles on the chart and the candles on the indicators have different open time, even if they have the same shift left. If the parameter N (period) is smaller, then the chart is running faster, that is why you can see on the indicator's charts, in fact, only the last drop of the price. This indicator will "expand" the price action when the market is getting crazy, i.e. it will go into the details of the movements. I have marked with ellipses of 2 different colors the corespondent area in all 4 graphs, so you can see how the "expanding" works. By measuring the difference between the 3 windows below the chart, one can have an idea if the trend is getting steams or is getting sleeping pills... You can see how the "confusion" of the two moving averages (especially in the mid window) is somehow predicting the "boring" day (and lazy market) that was today. I am still using this toy sometime, together with PF, and I will explain later how. There is something related to moving averages, crosses, differences in speed. Just now, I only used the opportunity offered by publishing of the mentioned article in MT4 forum today, to bring into the discussion such tool, because is connected to our subject about trading the time.
    More to come.
    Happy pipping!
  16. tradelover
    Well, i knew it is not called "string", but me' lazy to look in the ship's dic. Some fellow told me is called wick.. well thanks mate!
    Me be back with version 1.2 of the DetailView indicator, that can now update the detail picture dynamic, if the pointer was placed on the last candle. It looks pretty, me like it! Ye can take it from here:
    What's new?
    Well.. beside of updating the little chart in real time, as discussed above...
    If ye place the pointer on the last candle, then the pointer will track the last candle. When a new candle is formed, the pointer is moved right to it. Ye can have yer last H4 bar now decomposed in H1, M30, M5 or whatever, in real time, in the same time, as shown here:

    Ye'll see also that I added another detail view in the past, that is called "V1=" instead of "DV=". What for? Well, I got a feedback that one can not add two indicators on the same chart. "How were you trying to do it?" I've asked. Well, my man wanted to add on a 30 min chart two or more DV1.1 indicators with EXACTLY THE SAME parameters. Same zoom=3, as his chart was zoom 3 and he need that, then same colors, same "DV=" string, and of course same "M5" as detail TF, as he wanted two different M30 bars to be split in M5 bars.
    Well....That is NOT possible. MT4 will not allow you to have on the same chart two indicators with EXACTLY the same name and parameters. What's for??? Try adding 2 EMA(10) and you will see that only one is added, the other one is removed automatically. Of course, you can cheat MT4 by adding 2 EMA with different periods, then change the period later to be the same, because MT4 assigns an unique number to the indicator, once added to the chart, and further on, the indicator is referred by THAT number. But again, does it make sense to have two EMA(10) on the same chart??? No. They will overpose anyhow, and you could see only one, both will paint the same MA line.
    Same story runs for our indicator too. You CAN NOT add two DV indicators on chart with EXACTLY same parameters. You MUST change something, for one of them, add it to the chart, then latter press CTRL+I (to get the indicator list, or rightclick and take it from the menu), and change the parameters of one (or both) of them to desired one. However, there is a simple method. You won't like to change the zoom or the target TF, because in this case you won't get the right view you need. Also you don't like to change the colors, not knowing what shades you get for the bars or triagles (remember, they are masked with special binary masks, as explained inside of the source code). So, the only parameter left is the text intended to be displayed. The "DV=" text. You can change this text to something else, and then "Eureka!!" it is ANOTHER parameter. So, you CAN add two indicators on the chart, both of them having same colors, both of them having same zoom (3 in my photo), and both of them showing the same detailed TF (M5 in my photo). Just rename the text of one of them to something else, "V1", "V2", etc. Be inventive!
    I was able to add more then 50 detail views to the same chart, and all went ok, just a bit slower then normal. Well, if ye do scalping, do not add 50 DV's on the chart! And well, yes, it is a total crap there, ye can not read anything anymore, but if ye like to have so many... not my business...
    Another new feature that I added in V1.2, will allow ye to SCALE the bars. That is, to paint them longer, or shorter, or even reversed (high is low and low is high, if ye use a negative scale). Poseidon knows what in the seven seas you would want to turn the candles upside down, but again, that is not me biz.
    Here some pictures. First shows why scaling is useful. Ye have to thank to ener for this feedback, he played with H1 details of D1 candle and found that - because of the HUUUUGGGGEEE price range of D1 chart - the H1 detailed candles look more like dots then like candles... You could not see the spikes, or even shadows, or whatever. That case, what we called "detail" was just "confu-tail" and makes no sense. So I added a scaling factor to the indicator, to be able to extend the small candles. This is the new DetailCandleScale parameter that you will find in the code. Read there the comments about it.
    As said, next photo shows same D1 bar, with 2 different details, both details are H1, but one is not scaled (like before), and the second is scaled by a factor of 3. Also, its text parameter was modified to "DV=3" instead of "DV=", to show that. Remember that "H1" is added automatically.

    The image in the clip area is just added there using PaintBrush, and it is a copy/paste of H1 chart for that date. You can clearly see that a scaling factor WAS NECESSARY... , the detail without scaling shows nothing from the real price action, moving direction, or spikes.
    Scaling is a "trial" process, like "try and catch" from C++ programming, ye have to try few different values till get the right one, especially if the time frame difference is big (like you try to break H4 into M1, or D1 into M15, or so). Here also the scale should be bigger (we can not really see the shadows, if we compare the clipped area with the detail painting), but the goal of the photo is not to set the best scale factor, but to show you what the scale factor does. Read more comments inside of the source code.
    Next photo below is just a sample for a negative scale, where the text was changed too. The scaling factor was set to -3.0 (minus three point zero). The text was set to "DV=-3*". You can see that all the detail bars are... reverted, upside down, well... if ye have some (insane) idea what this could be used for, be my guest!

    Of course, ye can use spaces inside of the text, or after it, and bigger scales too, if they fit yer needs or yer monitor's screen. Like in the last photo here below, where text was set to look nice, like "DV = 2.87 * " (no quotes, but be careful of spaces, we put quotes here to show where the spaces are, i.e. there is a space at the end, that makes the distance between * and M30 - added automatically):

    off topic: ye will remark that the "rounded-top" shown on the detail view in the last photo is in fact a reversed "j-lo" pattern (see investopedia, j-lo), that is forecasting the fall of last candles! If support holds, we expect a big upward jump for the next candles. I would go long in the middle of the long candle under view.
    Harrr... land ho! Me be out for me rum...
    Happy pipping ye all!
  17. tradelover
    Time passed and I was too busy to click on this blog. Reading my last entry seems like I was drunk when I wrote it
    Well, me fellow landlubbers, I did not pass to Davy Jones, but just me bones were too busy. One reason I made this blog was to put together "all me blades and me rags". Ye can bet on yer scimitar that I have a lot of MQL tools released on the ocean, and neve' know where they are. I wrote plenty of indicators and scripts for people and posted them on different forums. Sometime mates ask me about this or that indicator and I have no idea what they are talking about. Starting from today, I will post all my stuff here and post only links to them wherever else.
    This post is related to the R-sin lines, described by me fellow pirate sinus45 on island. Sorry for ye guys that can't humble Romanian language, ye should learn it, it is very easy, trust me. The indicator is self-explanatory, just have a look inside of the text source, but if ye have any trouble, ye can ask me directly here. Maybe the author of the method can find some time to give a short English description too. For me fellow Romanian readers, more description is coming here.
    The idea is that some turning points in bigger timeframes can work as supports, resistances and congestion ranges for smaller timeframes. Same like pivot lines do, but there is nothing about pivot computing here.
    So, here is the toy:
    If you use MN or W1 as higher TF (called inside Super-Cycle) then the best view is on H4 or H1 as base chart, and TopBottoms parameter turned false. If you use H1 or H4 as S-C, then the best view is with M5 to M30 as base chart, and TB parameter turned true. Last case will draw lines on the peaks/deeps only, and you also can use this indicator like an automatic tool to draw peak/deeps lines on the same chart (for example watching H1 or H4 and selecting the same H1 or H4 as Super-Cycle).
    Have fun!
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