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Comentarii Blog postat de tradelover

  1. Doua probleme, una mica si una mare:

    Problema mica e legata de calcule. Aparatele de la buterfly deja costa dublu, de anul trecut. Nu mai exista "1299 la 60GH", acum trebuie sa dai "2500 pt 50GH/s". Vezi


    Pe urma, socotesti rau. Pretul unui bitcoin incepe a se stabiliza undeva la $100. "Piscina" (pool) in care ma scald eu "duce" aproape jumate de terahash pe secunda (500GH/s average pe ultima luna), nu ii dau numele ca sa nu ziceti ca ii fac reclama, dar ca sa fii cu inima impacata, nu e cu nimic mai buna ca alte pooluri, eu sunt acolo pentru ca acolo am apucat sa ma inscriu cu luni in urma, si acolo am ramas. Daca vreti pooluri care platesc mai bine, cautati pe web. Asta e deja un alt subiect, cum gasiti cel mai bun pool.


    Bun... "piscina" mea râșnește cu juma de TH/s si scoate in medie un bloc la fiecare 3-4 zile. (ho ho! stati binisor, nu e "a mea", eu sint doar unul dintre cei vreo 8000 de membri ai acelui pool!). Asta inseamna ca daca tu dai la lopata cu 50GH/s, poti scoate un bloc lunar. Deci 25 BTC=2500 de parai pe luna, din care scazi curentul consumat, internetul, etc. Problema e ca dificultatea nu va ramane la fel, cand tu pui tractorul tau in retea, dificultatea creste in doua saptamani. Cu ceva noroc iti posti scoate investitia in cateva luni, 2, 3, 5, nici pe departe in 4 zile.


    Asta daca nu ar fi cealalta problema:


    Problema mare de care vorbeam la inceput: butterfly labs nu a livrat inca NIMIC, doar a luat banii fraierilor. Dupa cum e discutia la ei pe forum, nici nu vor livra nimic in urmatoarele luni... asa ca fii atent unde trimiti banii. Poate ei sunt seriosi si incearca sa faca ceva, si au dificultati tehnice intr-adevar, cine stie, poate vor incepe sa livreze. Poate nu...


    Legat de partea cu furatul resurselor altora, no comment, ma mai gandesc daca sa sterg postul ala al tau, ori sa il las ca exemplu de "asa nu"... Poate mai citesc si altii... Ca idee, daca instalezi program de minerit intr-un computer, nu trebuie sa instalezi wallet, server, alte prostii. Waletul poate fi oriunde, si alte computere around the world sa se cupleze la el si sa rasneasca in tandem... Gata! Stop! nu vreau sa se spuna ca am indemnat pe careva sa faca chestii ilegale. Furtul de resurse computationale este ilegal in cele mai multe tari. Unii au facut puscarie pt ca au cautat numere prime cu computerele altora. GIYF.

  2. Privit in ansamblu, ecosistemul bitcoin aduce mult a gold standardul anilor trecuti.

    Well. asta e foarte adevarat. E una dintre "bubele in cap" pe care ziceam ca le are bitcoinul. Pe de alta parte, problema e usor rezolvabila, daca se permite crearea de moneda (pe principiul pe care se creaza acum, prin minerit) si DUPA terminarea celor 21 de milioane. Cu asta poate veni nou unul dintre "copii" bitcoinului. Un 2-3% pe an ar acoperi bitcoinii care se pierd (waleturi pierdute, etc) si ar aduce un surplus inflationist. Daca ai jucat vreodata Simcity sau alte jocuri din aceeasi categorie, ai vazut care sunt nivelele (taxe, dobanzi, inflatie) la care economiile merg cel mai bine. Prea multe taxe si inflatie si incepe pipălul să plece in alte orase unde e mai bine. Prea putin si economia incepe sa stagneze. Hehe. Nu vreau sa zic ca economia globala e la fel de simplista ca Simcity, dar intelegi ideea. In acelasi timp, din coltul carcotasilor se aude o susoteala pe marginea "problemelor" pe care le-a avut goldul. "Ce probleme? Noi nu stim de nici una. Stim doar ca a fost abuziv confiscat de la populatie, cu arma in mana, atat de comunisti in Romania in anii 40 (cand se dadeau baluri in sate ca sa vina romancele la joc cu salbele la gat, se inchideau usile si pe care nu dadea salba o impuscau!), cat si de capitalisti in America (in acelasi fel, chestii de care daca vorbesti acum esti categorisit ca "terorist"), si substituit cu niste petece de hartie fara valoare, placutelel de lut ars ale lui Marco Polo. Nu ca goldul ar fi avut vreuna (valoare), e dor o bucata de metal care nu foloseste la nimic, nici nu stim de ce e asa de scumpa..." Spre deosebire de gold, valoarea placutelor de lut poate fi mult mai usor controlata... Vezi "Fish"-ul din "How an economy grows and why it crashes" a lui Peter Schiff...

  3. Hehe, banuiam eu ca tu esti, dupa avatar si dupa stilul inconfundabil (asta e spus in sens admirativ, mie imi place foarte mult cum scrii! Ti-am dat zilele trecute vo 7-8 likeuri la articole de aici de pe vamist care imi place cum sunt scrise). Tu macar incerci sa documentezi ceea ce spui, si banuesc sa si crezi in ceea ce spui, dar sunt si altii pe acolo din care da Dunning-Kruger pe dinafara.

    Nici o grija, ca o sa vin sa te combat, nu scapi. Faci acolo o mare gafa cu "legal tender"-ul, nu bancile confera legalitate, ci statul. Bancile sunt obligate sa respecte legea. Bitcoin nu este inamicul statului, ba din contra, statul, folosind bitcoin, nu mai trebuie sa plateasca dobanzile uriase bancilor. Datoria externa a SUA, for example, se datoreaza in cea mai mare parte a ei DOBANZILOR pe care statul american trebuie sa le plateasca. Cui? Bancilor. Bitcoin nu este inamicul statului. Este insa inamicul BANCILOR. De asta a fost creat, inca din faşă, scopul lui a fost sa distruga sistemul bancar. Deocamdata este ignorat, cum este ignorat printul care inca suge la pieptul reginei, de catre regentul venetic, dupa ce regele a fost otravit miseleste. Dar pruncul va creste si va pune regentul pe fuga. ACOLO va fi lupta cea mare. Cu bancile. S-ar putea ca BTC sa nu invingă, pentru ca nu e perfect, are multe bube in cap, iar inamicul e puternic. Dar fii lui, sau nepotii, cu siguranta vor invinge. Peste 100 de ani se va vorbi de bitcoin (ori de vreunul dintre nepotii lui) ca de "cea mai mare realizare a umanitatii in secolul 21". Poate ca tu nu realizezi ce se intampla acum, dar asta s-a mai intamplat de cel putin 4 ori in istorie. Prima data cand a venit Marco Polo din China si a adus placuţe de lut cu inscripţia împaratului, explicand ca aceia sunt bani, si toata curtea nobila italiana a sarit pînă in tavan cum că e "o excrocherie sa iei orezul de la ţărani şi sa le dai pentru el, in loc de aur, lut ars";. De fiecare data "noul" a invins asupra "vechiului". Well, past performance is not an indicative of future bla bla bla... Dar eu merg cu bitcoin de data asta. Ca investitie pe termen lung, precum spuneam, nu la speculat. Spreadurile sunt imense, piata se misca haotic si e usor de influentat. Deocamdata.

    De asemenea, ce e rau cu deflatia? Deflatia e un bau-bau mare vehiculat tot de banci. Parerea mea, mi-am mai spus-o pe vamist, e sa arunci un ochi pe industria de computere. Preturile scad de la o zi la alta, si in plus, calculatoarele care se vor face peste doua saptamani vor fi mai performate ca cele care se fac azi. Ce zic eu doua saptamani?? Calculatoarele care se fac seara sunt mai performante ca acelea care s-au facut de dimineata, iar cele care s-au facut dimineata sunt mai performante ca acelea facute cu o seara inainte. Si preturile scad continuu, pe unitate de calcul, pe unitate de stocare, etc. Cand am venit in Thai dadeam 25 de bahti pe gigabyte, acum dau 3. N-am vazut inca indivizi sa zica ca "imi iau computer saptamana viitoare ca va fi mai ieftin";. De asemenea, toate supermarketurile au "everyday low prices" policy. Produsele care stau mult in magazin se ieftinesc zilnic, pana se vand. Nu am vazut nici un asemenea produs cu pretul mai mic decat valoarea lui (adica zero, de exemplu). Fiecare om are o imagine a lui despre cat de valoros e un anumit lucru, si cand pretul ajunge acolo, omul cumpara, indiferent ca ii trebuie sau nu. Nu asteapata sa se ieftineasca. Si nu am vazut inca nici un muncitor dat afara din fabrica de calculatoare pentru ca preturile scad... Din contra, nu cred ca exista o alta industrie care sa fi progresat in acelasi ritm. Sistemul inflationist e o plaga, este "inchizitia" din evul mediu, aplicata zilelor noastre, care tine societatea in loc.

    Edit, ca uitai sa zic: dupa urcarea pana la $260 ieri-alataieri, azi e inapoi la $70. Nu am vandut. Eu il astept sa ajunga intre 20 si 30 sa mai cumpar... :P


    Edit 2: De asemenea ti-am ramas dator la o discutie de aici de pe vamist, am vazut ieri ca ai dezgropat un topic vechi. O sa incerc sa imi fac timp sa raspund.

  4. @Stefan: am vazut "noul proiect sub umbrela vamist", mi-a dat si Ciordi linkul, pe pagina cu "ce va mai umbla prin cap" cand am scris "bitcoins!", hehe. Am dat pe el, am facut si cont (desi nu am inteles de ce trebuie sa primesc mailuri de la...(?!?!) pentru asta). Am citit pe acolo, multe pareri contrare, de la oameni care habar nu au nici cum merge treaba economic vorbind, nici legat de matematica din spate. Din pacate (ori din fericire) eu ma laud ca am depasit perioda de convalescenta dupa o lunga suferinta de SIWOTI. Ma laud ca m-am vindecat, si lungile argumente de pe vamist din trecut au avut pe deplin meritul lor. Com ziceam si pe PM, ieri, m-am facut "evreu". "W" la ei inseamna bani la mine :P, asa ca nu prea voi comenta pe acolo la bitcoin... Deocamdata. Obiceiurile proaste mor greu, stii tu, asa ca nu se stie niciodata cand va pomeniti cu mine pe capul vostru..

    Hai pipsuiala spornica!

  5. Salve Stefan.

    Daca iesi la un 500MH/s la un consum electric rezonabil (un HD5970, ori 7970, or more!) inca se merita, si se va mai merita cel putin 8-10 luni. Este un singur vendor de asicuri, cei de la Avalon. Altii 2-3 au dat-o in bara, un al patrulea nu vinde hardware ci actiuni - tine hardul la el in curte si distribuie profitul la actionari. Mai este mult de mancat pana la "toata lumea minereste cu asicu' si face bani". Dificultatea e inca "low".


    Practic, cu un 500Mh/s scoti un pic mai mult de 3 centibiti pe zi, la pretul actual ($247 in acest moment) asta inseamna 7.4 parai pe zi. Daca acoperi cu asta curentul consmat, internetul, hardul, inca se merita.


    "Asicuri pentru toti" n-ai sa vezi mai repede de 8-10 luni.

  6. acum dupa o luna de Romania, parca iti dau dreptate relativ cu la partea cu cozile interminabile, umilinta, etc, pe care le gasesti prin institutiile statului. Adica nu numai ale statului, de exemplu eu eram si acum pe la cozi prin primarii, pe la Eon, gaz, etc, daca nu as fi cunoscut pe cate cineva pe ici pe colo... De parca ma duceam sa le iau bani, nu sa le dau. Despre asta vorbeam in intrarea de blog din 7 iulie.


    Voi reveni in Thai pe 1 august, si am sentimentul ala ca "bine ca am unde sa ma duc inapoi", de care vorbeau cunoscuti de ai mei care fusesera in strainataturi acum vreo 20 de ani cand eram eu prin facultate si veneau inapoi si imi povesteau (despre sentimentul in cauza, cand era timpul si plecau inapoi), iar eu râdeam de ei si ii acuzam in sinea mea ca sunt snobi...


    Faza care m-a dat pe spate a fost cand l-am vazut acu de curand pe boul ala care e ministru la educatie cum vorbea pe sticla, iar o tipa din spate ii sufla ce sa zica. Auzi tu,... Ministrul Educatiei... Grrrrrr.....

    • Upvote 1
  7. da, nu e poanta, sunt militarizati (conceptual, la nivel educativ ma refer, asa sunt educati) până în dinţi, iau pozitie de drepţi, bărbaţii bat din călcâie şi salută milităreşte cam peste tot, la intrarea in parcări la supermarketuri, in parcurile publice, la intrerea in zonele rezidenţiale care sunt păzite (Moo-Baan, pe limba locală), iar femeile se apleacă în faţa ta, ori când trec prin faţa ta. Te face să te simţi important, hihi, vreo mare sculă... :D


    au trecut direct de la feudalism la telefoane mobile, conditiile de viata se schimbă rapid, lumea este educata (tehnologic, adică poţi purta cu ei o discutie politica, stiintifica, etc), dar mentalitatea feudală a rămas, dacă ai ceva bani in plus si dacă nu iti bati joc de ei, cum fac unii farangi care se cred tari pt ca ei sunt americani ori nemti si cred că tailandezii sunt prosti, deci spuneam, daca ii respecti, atunci te respecta si se apleaca in faţa ta. Rasistii care vin aici cu ifose, cum că vezi doamne, tailandezii sunt niste prosti care nu stiu nimic si care râd prosteste la tine când le zici ceva, well.. unii dintre farangii respectivi sfârşesc prin a deveni cubuleţe tăiate mărunt intr-o valiză mare, cum au mai fost cazuri...


    dar nu asta era ideea postului, să arăt ce tare sunt eu printre tailandezi cu educatie feudală :P

  8. Forgot to say, and don't want to edit/alter the text, you should read the book especially if you are Romanian and over 30-35 y/o. Naomi Klein does not talk about Romania (who the hack cares about a small country at the bottom of the food chain?!), but if ye lived there in the last 30 years, you could see on the street in daily life what she is talking about. The friedmanism didn't go around this country, but went through it, with all its scimitars drawn...

  9. What do you mean you can not get it working? What does it do? Or what does not do? Do you see any boxes? Do you see any colored rectangles on screen? What messages do you receive in the log file? (please see the journal and experts tabs in terminal window). Are you trying to test it in real time, or with Strategy Tester?


    Please give me some tips so I could know what your problem is. If you can unpack it and recompile it without errors, then there is no "zipping" or "vista" problem, most probably there is a MT4 problem, or some bug in the code that I am willing to fix, for sure. This unless the indicator is in fact working, but it does not do what you expect it to do. This is an indicator, it can not place trades for yourself, and you must copy it to the custom indicators folder, not in expert folder), and his work is to paint you the PF charts, over the normal candlestick (or bar, or close only) charts. That is all, how you use this information in placing your trades is up to you.


    Fair winds!

  10. Well, thanks everybody for the nice echoes I got on messenger and mail related to this toy. I have no time to reply to all of them (in fact only 4 :P)...


    So, as we discussed here before, the indicator does not refresh the screen between the ticks, that's quite a pain in the back, and me' explained before why I can not address this issue, coz' MT4 won't like to run the code between the ticks. But one of my friends pointed out in his mail that ye do not have to wait until a new tick come. He said ye can refresh the chart by pressing ALT+C then R. Well, he is right, this is exactly the same as selecting "Charts" from your menu with the mouse, then choose "Refresh", or it is the same as pressing rightclick anywhere on the chart, and select "Refresh" from the pulldown menu. I didn't think that Metaquotes implemented accelerators (i.e. keyboard shortcuts) beside of that documented in the menus (like ctrl+s for save, or other that you can see when clicking the MT4 Client menus), and never tried to use them. But "ALT+C then R" come in hand a lot when you are watching a slow-motion pair (like I am watching now AUDCHF and did not move at all, all the morning). So, when you move the pointer or the text, and want a rapid refresh of the screen (and obviously of the detail view position), then keep in mind: ALT-C, R....


    Voila! new detail view is painted immediately, before the new tick arrive...

  11. For the people that took the V1.3, please take it again, I just found (and solved) a small bug. You can read inside of the source code (search for "bug solved" string) what the bug was about, and it was only affecting the detailed view of D1 (wrong calculus of bar shifts, because of the weekends, when brokers close the market at different times). Practically, when you were watching D1, with a detailed view, say H4, and move the pointer over the weekend, it could be possible that some bars are overprinted (if the computed H4 bar fell on Friday evening, and the broker has no real candle for it, then it was printed over the next bar on Monday - or Sunday night for few brokers - creating a gap in the detail view).


    This bug is now solved, and I re-upload the code substituting the old one.

    Please dld again.


    Fair winds!

  12. Hi there,


    First of all your talent sir is IMPRESSIVE.


    Secondly, for some reason I can't drag this damned arrow anywhere...any clue why ?


    Thanks a lot mattey!


    As I wrote in the main post:

    "All ye have to do is to put in yer indicator's folder, open yer favorite chart, add the indicator (single time, or more instances of it on the same chart) and then select the red pointer on the right and move it anywhere on the chart"


    In MT4 ye can't move objects around before selecting them. That is, ye can only move (drag with the mouse) selected objects. To select/unselect an object, you can double click it, or rightclick (if selected) and choose "deselect" from the pull down menu, or right click on the chart and press "objects", or just press ctrl+B to get objects properties dialog box (once there, you can input any price/time parameters for object, change their selection by marking the checkbox in front of their name, etc etc).


    Once selected (by any method above) you can move an object by dragging it with your mouse, or directly editing its time/price properties. There is no way to read or edit the selection property of an object by software, i.e. from inside of an EA (MetaQuotes promised to address this issue with a future release number of MT4 platform, but God knows when), so it is no way for me to select/deselect an object by software. Once selected (by you), an object will stay that way until you unselect it. And viceversa. So I could not paint the pointer ready-selected, that will cost you an additional double click on it, as Stefan said.


    Much later edit: well, sorry, it IS a way to deselect an object by software, and this method I used in M-PF indicator posted here around, long time ago: read an object type and position, and all other properties that you can get (this does not include "selection", there is no "selection" property readable by MQL directly), then delete the object using ObjectDelete() fucntion, and create a new object using ObjectCreate() function, having the same position, type and properties like the old one. The new object is allways created "unselected". This method I used to clear multiple selections, in M-PF indicator. But this has nothing to do with our case here, I wrote this just for the sake of clarifying things.

  13. Hi all, and thanks for feedback.


    Yo Stefan, ye did not read the comments inside of the source :P

    It says gray on white that:


    //store pointer's position, we should not waste the time to paint

    //the screen every time, but only when the pointer was moved


    well, this only in the case you did not change the default colors of MT4, otherwise the gray would be something else :P


    That's right, the chart does not refresh as long as the pointer is not moved. That is not a bug, but it was designed like that, to get rid of the burden of calculus (MT4 need quite a time to search into the charts that are not open on the screen, i.e. to look into the smaller TF chart in our case). There is no reason to refresh, as long as the candles in the past should never change. Once painted they would stay on the screen as long as the pointer is not moved. This is in your advantage, you can "work" with the objects on the screen, eventually by hand, eventually delete few bars, and keep only important points, as the turning points of a reversed candle, for example, or whatever, or even use them in another expert (this is unlikely, as long you can access the data directly, if you have another expert). You also can skew the chart vertically, move the pointer - the detail is refreshed - then skew the chart back, to have the texts or candles arranged as you want. This is extremely useful when you have more than one candle decomposed on screen (i.e. more indicators added to the same chart), to arrange them in such a way to be convenient for reading.


    I also had a long discussion on messenger with ener and he suggested to refresh the chart every time when a candle is completed on the smaller TF. Like for example if I am watching M30 but have a detail view in M5, then the detail view should be refreshed every 5 minutes. Well, this in my mind is same as refreshing it at every tick, there is no reason for it.


    There will be no upgrade to refresh the chart at every tick, that is first of all not useful (you won't be able to move the stuff around, they would jump back to the old position when a new tick come) and second off all, the bars once painted, they won't change, for the past, third of all, this is not easy to be done, as there is no "timer" function in MQL, and the start() function is executed only when a tick come. That is, you can not execute the start() function in "between" the ticks. The start() function of every indicator/expert is just a kind of OnPriceMoved() event. There should be much better if MQL could have implemented such other events like OnObjectMoved(), OnMouseClick(), OnChartViewChanged(), or else, that could allow us to execute some code immediately when we move the pointer, for example, or when we scroll the chart. But this is not possible without using the right .DLL library. That means, making one... I have done some work in this direction, but unfortunately it is not distributable.


    That is the reason why the chart is not refreshed immediately after you move the pointer, but it needs to wait for the next tick to come. When market is in a sleepy period, as during the night, this is annoying a lot, I know, but it is the only solution available now.


    However, as ener pointed out, it could be useful to make the refresh if the pointer is pointing the last candle on the chart. In this case the candle is "under construction" in real time, so it make sense to update its detailed view periodically, as new candles are added to the smalled TF during the big one is built by the price action. It could be also useful to MOVE the pointer automatically, to stay on the last candle, if it was placed there, as new candles are added to the chart by the price action. Well, first part of this is quite easy to be done. You have to look in the code for a test like


       //got rid of it! if we are here, the pointer is in the past
      //was it moved?
      if (ObjectGet(MagicNumber+"Pointer",OBJPROP_TIME1)==pointerTime &&
      //nope, it was not moved, it has the same time and date and
      //price like one year ago... :P, nothing to do, we are out of here
      return (0);


    and substitute it with


       //got rid of it! if we are here, the pointer is in the past
      //was it moved?
      if (ObjectGet(MagicNumber+"Pointer",OBJPROP_TIME1)==pointerTime &&
       ObjectGet(MagicNumber+"Pointer",OBJPROP_PRICE1)==pointerPrice &&
      //nope, it was not moved, it has the same time and date and
      //price like one year ago... :P, nothing to do, we are out of here
      return (0);


    Initially, we exit if the pointer was not moved. The updated version will exit if the pointer was not moved, but only in the case it was not positioned on the last candle. In this case, the exit branch will not be taken, and the code will stay in, and re-paint the bars.


    As now is weekend, I can't really test how this works in real time, due to the market is closed. It could be that you see some "flickering" on the screen when the bars are updated, when the ticks will hurry into your chart (during market agitation). And moreover, this small update won't move the pointer to keep it on the last candle, when new candles are added to the chart. You still have to move it by hand, every time when a new candle is formed.


    To keep the pointer on the last candle always, that is a bit more complicate to do, as you need to keep tracking the pointer position in code. When a new candle is formed, everything is shifted left, all candles, all objects, your pointer. The code must keep "tracking" the pointer position (time axis) AND the time of the last candle. If the position is Time[1] and a new candle was just formed (i.e. its Time[0] is different of "tracked time"), then "tracked time" will store the new time, and the pointer will be forced to move one candle to the right (back to "last candle", Time[0]). Well, this brings up another problem: what if the user wants to place the pointer to last CLOSED candle? This is the candle before the last one (last one is not closed yet, so from my point of view it could be reasonable to place the pointer at the candle having Time[1], it could be more useful for a trader). Welllll.... in that case our algorithm described above will move the pointer to last candle (with Time[0]) immediately after next tick... There is no simple way to know that the pointer was placed to ante-last candle by the user (in this case let it there!!!) or it was placed to ante-last candle by a candle-shift process (i.e. the user placed it on the last one, and last one finished, so it is now ante-last and a new one was started, in this case the pointer must be moved one candle to the right). The only solution to this problem involves keeping tracks of the pointer and last bar's time, comparing it with the time when the pointer was moved, or such equivalent method.


    There will be a V1.2 version upgrade soon, to address this issue, but first let me convince myself that such a feature is useful. The reason to make this toy was initially to be able to spot reversed candles inside the belly of the trend, to be able to spot its retracement/reversal points. Well... you don't try to spot reversed candles before a fractal point to be formed... so placing the pointer on last 1, 2, 3 candles is - in my view - not so useful.


    As I got a lot of requests to write some tips about how this toy can be used in trading, I am going to extend this discussion into a new blog entry, about direct and reversed candles in different patterns, as long as I have time to type it. That will be some "pure theory" posts :D, no MQL code. I remember that in the past we had some talk on vamist about this, I put some bitmaps which I don't have anymore, and I have no time to search for them on the forum, does anyone know where that thread is? Please post a link here, as I have no time to make the sketches again now (about reversed and direct candles). That could be helpful as a start for the new topic.


    Till then, happy pipping :D

  14. Hey Tradelover,


    I've come across your PnF code for Metatrader....just what I was looking for, good work. I've edited it a bit with my very very small knowledge of .mq4. I coded it to alert me on Reversals, really helps me when things get busy. I was just wondering if you could show me how to get it to alert me on breakouts.....I've been staring at your code for weeks, but I dont want to mess it up too much. Anyway, thanks for your time, if you're up to the challenge feel free to email me, ***email address removed by tradelover ***


    Thanks again,


    Mark *** name removed by tradelover ***



    Hello Mark


    Thanks for the feedback. I am very happy to get feedbacks from the few people using my tools, and up to now you are the only one, beside of my Romanian friends from the forum. You can modify the code in the way you like it, without any restrictions, but I hope you understand that you are not allowed to distribute the modified version, unless you make specific comments inside for any part that you modified, and the goal of the change you did. Something like "this part added/changed/deleted, etc, by.... to improve such and such feature". And you can add your name to it. For the parts you delete, just put them in comment and let it in the text source. For your personal use, you can do whatever you like with the code.


    Unfortunately, I am not interested in distribute automatic trading tools, as "secret" strategies, real time signals, etc. Even for free or for money. This activity is a double edged sword, I don't want people follow my signals and lose money. I am an elite programmer, but I am far away from a forex guru. As you could see, my approach is to give the people tools that can improve their trading skill, not to give them "money making machines". Such machines do not exists, sooner or later they cease to work and your customer will be starting to blame you. If you give a man a fish, he can feed himself once. If you teach him fishing, he can feed himself for ever. However, if you have your own strategy, I could help you implement it, for free or for a small amount of money, depending of the complexity. Free implemented strategies would be available to the public on the forum, this is a condition. Paid ones won't be made available to anyone else and I won't use them or mention them wherever else.


    The upgrade you ask for, is available in Full Version, but I did not decide to sell it yet. Sorry. However, to implement it, you don't need to alter the code inside of M-PF indicator. You can create your own EA and use iCustom() function inside of that EA, to get the signals from M-PF. You will get a 0 every time when a new candle is created but no new PF box is added, you will get a 1 or -1 every time a new column of X's or O's starts (trend reversal) and you will get a 2 or -2 every time the previous column continues with a figure of the same type (trend continuation). More comments about are given in the source code of M-PF at the FAQ section. By testing the output of iCustom() and the price level, your EA can spot breakouts, reversal points, flags, etc, it can give real time signals or even place trades, is up to you. You are free to create such a tool and distribute it for free or for money, I don't care. But please understand that I will never make a M-PF tool to trade instead of you, if you want to survive in this market, you have to learn trading by yourself.


    Sorry for bringing the discussion with you here. If you really like my tool, then you can help me to improve the traffic on my blog :P and post your further comments directly here.


    Happy pip-pillaging.

  15. This is a part of more complex tool, including the daily shifts of the stochastic, beside of H4 shifts exemplified above. I did the same thing for daily charts, but painting 4 stochastic indicators, one is the default one, as given by my broker, and other 3 correspond to the Asian, London and NY sessions, they are also daily, but shifted with the right amount of hours. It make no sense to do this for hourly, as all brokers start the hour at XX:00 sharp, and also is quite irrelevant for weekly charts. But for H4 and daily, THERE ARE discrepancies that CAN be traded!! Yet, I don't know how... Putting all together, this tool is very complex and far away to be complete, and I am still working on it, to complete it. I did not make any real money with it, but it shows good results on demo. I am trying to do something like "stochastic arbitrage" :D, starting from the idea that if the stoch lines spread, they have to come together again somehow, in the future. But the results are.... not significant, as it was discussed before in The Economist's blog, there is no potential to make any arbitrage with only one instrument, the market is laughing at you when you are less expecting it... You need a second instrument to hedge, otherwise it appears like no profit can be made.


    Regardless of good or bad results, this tool will not be distributable. If it is good, I will keep it for myself, if it is bad, make no sense to distribute it. People here know: if I want to give something for free, it is posted already. I don't sell tools for money yet, so no meaning to ask :D


    But I gave you the idea, you can do your homework. If you did not started already to program MQL, maybe this is a good opportunity :P I have the advantage of being a good programmer, but from trading point of view, with this method I am exactly in the same point as you are: experimenting. This is not a "sandpapered" method, just an "axed" one yet...

  16. That is a very good link, and the articles inside are also very good!


    Thanks for them! I recommend to anyone to read the articles and download the tools from codebase (mentioned inside). There are also a lot of explanations about how the ST is working.


    Compared with my own tool, there are advantages and disadvantages. My tool is easier to use and faster, and allows changing the parameters to any values, directly on the graphic. The other one uses few predefined values, and if you want to change them to other (not in the list) then you have to edit the source file, change the list and recompile (obviously, you have to restart the tester for that, and start everything from the beginning).


    The author is using the same concept of dragging text on the screen, however his tool is intended to be used with ST ONLY! I mean that you can not use it in real time, when a tick can come during you are dragging the texts, and you can end by having an unwanted order, at an unwanted opening price. This is even heavier, as you have different buttons for different order types (limit orders, stop orders, etc) and you have to decide every time what to use, you can not really concentrate on the graphic. My tool is automatically detecting the order type, according with the level of the price, and you can not make mistakes, therefore trading is much faster. You can even trade with the ST at the maximum speed, and you won't miss orders, nor have unwanted opening prices.


    There is also a issue about "pairing" the Lots/SL/Risk. Because if you chose the Lots and SL, then you have a determined risk, that is Lots*SLpips*10 (for standard lot you risk 10 bucks per pip) and also if you chose the risk and lots, you will have a determined SL which is not "graphical oriented", it results from the risk calculus and not from the tops/deeps or major lines/pivots of the chart. With the tool from codebase you can select any 2 of the 3 parameters of the equation, and the third will be computed from the other 2 selected. That's why the SL's won't really be chart-connected, but risk (or lot) - connected.


    On the other side, the tool from codebase is much more complex, it includes the features to move the pending orders too (you can not do that with my tool, you have to close the old pending and place a new one), and it has a very elaborated algorithm to automatically move the stops (kind of more complex trailing stop function). Moving the stops automatically (as trailing stop), moving the pending orders, and also extending the pending orders time are few of the drawbacks of my tool. In fact, extending the pending orders is not possible with the tools from codebase too, but this is not a problem, as you can create any time a new pending order.


    Another advantage of CB tool is that you can place complex order combinations in the same time. For my tool it is possible to place maximum 2 orders at one tick (one buy and one sell). If you want to place more orders, you must do it on different ticks. However, I can close all orders with only one click, if the situation turns wrong, what the tool from CB can not do.


    As I said, advantages, and disadvantages.


    I highly recommend the tool from codebase to meticulous traders, and especially to the guys having a "set it and forget it" trading strategy. Trailing stops are REALLY useful in this case, and can improve a lot your profit.


    The tool from codebase also comes with 2 indicators that give information about active and inactive orders, balance, equity, and many other, but what I like most is that the tool use a visual library I did not know it before. It is called VisualTestingTools.mq4 and must be copied in the "\experts\include" folder. This library contains nice graphical functions, what a pity I did not have that library before starting to make my tool...


    Well done for the guy who made it, and thanks again for the link.


    P.S. I will try to improve my tool, by "stealing" few ideas from the other one, I already added to it few other features, as a rudimentary trailing stop and moving of the stop behind a chosen Moving Average (you can select the period and the number of pips and the SL will move wit the MA, staying behind of it with that number of pips). Other possible upgrades came to my mind now, after playing with the tool from CB. There will be a new version of my tool coming soon, more "professional" :P. Thanks again for feedback.

  17. thanks for the appreciations :D


    here you also can choose the risk percentage, lot's size, or so. Please read again the post, and eventually, play a little bit with the toy. You will like it. I like especially the way you can move the stops and targets, by dragging the triangles anywhere on the chart, you can easily put them above the tops, or below the deeps, without making any calculus by hand. Additionally, you don't need any DLL or EXE, everything is done in pure MQL2. May I ask what is the name of the tool you talk about, and if he is also DLL free? If so, I am quite curious how the programmer solved few graphical issues (as reading the mouse, for example).


    Don't get me wrong, but I won't load ANY dll in my computer, as long as I play with real money...


    I still wait for the days when MetaQuotes would make the MT4 able to move the stops, targets and pending orders directly on the chart, by dragging the green/red dashed lines directly with the mouse. This could be just a very small programming effort for them... But it seems as they don't want to do it...

  18. Hi.


    Would you please send your backtest report, or add it to your blog thread?

    I tried different time settings, but never got a good result.




    Sorry Andy, I had some trouble with my blog settings, as I said before, this is my first blog and I got lost in the settings :D


    I was really wondering :P why nobody placed any comments here... but the comments were disabled... Just now after receiving your PM today, I went to settings and "set sail" for them.


    Related to the strategy, most probably you could not get a good result because of a time difference. You must set the "orastart" parameter (this is "starting hour") in such a way that the trades take place during the two hours with the LOWEST volatility (lowest volumes) of the day. For my time and MetaQuotes server, this is 21:00, that's default parameter value. This strategy is not designed to work when the market is crazy, but only when the market is sleeping.


    Here you can see a new test that I made now, the old one I lost. I'll say again that I don't play this strategy, my style is more of a "long term" stuff.


    It is done on M15 from Nov 1999 till today. On M5 and M30 the result is almost the same. On the chart you can see two profitable trades, one lost sell, and some other trades that did not get activated and were deleted after 2 hours. Please remark the Volumes. All the trades are placed when volumes are extremely low. You can place them before of after the swap time (dotted vertical white lines that shows the daily period), to avoid swap troubles. Depending on your broker, for me "after" is not possible (not enough time until my Japanese friends wake up).


    Below the graph you can see the profit chart. As all the trades have fixed lot, fixed TP, fixed SL, and RR is 1:1, it is quite easy to deduct the report. I will place the report too, if you really need it.


    Disclaimer: Do not play this strategy with real money until you test it in real time on a demo account, at least for few months. I never did forward testing for it.

  19. I think the fallacy is that you don?t know where the MA will go .. up or down.


    It does not really matter where the MA goes. The fallacy has two reasons. First reason comes from the fact that you can not do arbitrage with only one instrument, as Bogdan said before: if you want to arbitrate (i.e. being referee, in Romanian language we use the same word), then you need two teams, as in soccer. The example with the oil is very good. You can not do arbitrage on just a single forex pair, this will lead you to nowhere.


    The second reason of the fallacy relies in the method itself. Supposing that you choose a N period for your MA, and you trade a volume of N lots for the price, then in the first step you have to open N trades long and N trades short to construct the MA. Does not matter which prices you opened the trades, does not matter where the MA goes, you are hedged, and paid 2 times the spread. Then later on, after you construct the MA, you have to play the second step: opening ONE trade on the market price, with N lots. It does not matter the direction, again. Let's say for the sake of the example that you decide for short. According with the method, you will close all N short orders already active, to open a new short with N lots. What the fun is going on? You just paid one more spread for all lots, and YOU ARE STILL HEDGED. Does not matter where the price or the MA goes, does not matter how long you keep the bets, but when you close them your profit will be zero. And you just paid 3 times the spread. I mean 3*(N*Lots*Spread) in fact...


    If you add the "refresh" steps, i.e. paying a (1*Lots*Spread) every time when you "refresh" the MA, then YOU ARE STILL HEDGED, but payed more spread. Still no profit, still no potential profit.


    This MA-trick could be very interesting stuff if we find something ELSE to hedge it with. I mean not to hedge it with itself, but to find a different instrument, like oil, gold, another currency pair, etc. But just now I have no idea how this could be done...

  20. Hi Stefan and thanks a lot for the reply. If I'll have any requests I would ask you directly on PM. Anyhow, the offer to explain the settings is warm welcomed. Maybe you can find some free time and write a small (Romanian is ok too) description of the " blog settings" page on the forum. At least you would get some curious guys looking around and maybe some of them would try to open blogs, just to check if your description of the settings is right :P And maybe some of them will stay...


    For me at least, such description could be very useful...


    Related to my blog, please give me some time. Up to now, I have no idea what should I start with, and what people are interested to hear. I am still preparing some materials.

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