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Orice postat de parleanglais

  1. Hey everybody! I haven’t posted on here before but I' am actually trying to get serious about investing and being a part of a community. I am a 20 year college student that has a part time job at dicks sporting goods. I only make 7.00$ an hour, but i am willing to give up about half my paycheck to invest. I really do not know about how to go at this. Any suggestions? Stocks, CD's, any "REAL" internet options (other than gopancaribbean, Ufcu and dealsjamaica),, I am not willing to risk my money too hard to make. I would really like to see returns in about a month or two. Could someone please give a link or suggestions about the questions that I have? Please provide a link explaining it to a Newb I am looking for a mentor, that is TRUE person, I will keep you updated on everything. Thanks,
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