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1- If You are not from Romania so you are using software or something like that as usual to change your IP. As we know that the IP depend on the place, country is that right? 2- After browsing many forums I found that you said many times that you are working with FPA, so if anyone on behalf of you he will defend like you. 3- If You searched in Google.co.uk or any other Google you will know how I reached to Ken Zhong 4- I know that it's very important for you to win this conversation to continue your black business but believe me no bad work continue even if forum website & don't think that all traders of the world believe your lies 5- Everything said by my side has an evidence but what about yours? 6- Believe me anything you want to know about it you can find it by searching in Google 7- The members that are complaining FXOpen are some of your Fake members in FPA & there is no evidence that they are not Fake 8- The crown Forex problem must be resolved because you can't face any one of the greatest brokers & this story repeated before with: FXCM, Interbankfx & AC-Markets. For sure you will fail if you tried to scam one of them. But I'm sure that you are building some stories to scam those brokers like; building new website, new domains, new partnerships with them, or any other idea to make only problems with them. 9- Why you changed the domain of forexbastards to be forexpeacearmy ? I'm not sure that you agree with your childish answer (It's not an answer). As I said before you are using all your conceptual capabilities to make the members believe you but at least I don't believe you. 10- You said Read the Scam FAQs Let me ask you a question, Are you creating new religion for trader to follow it? lol Yeah some will follow & other will reject it but at the last result it will be invalid (Do you understand) 11- Reference to the topic of ForexGen: After my searching & analyzing the news I found the following results: The Only website that contain the problem of forexgen is FPA The Problems that in other websites written by the same names in FPA (so it's the same) 12- When I asked you about the address of forexpeacearmy it was a trick from me & you fall as I predicted You said: I guess it's in California How come you are working for FPA as you said in other forums & you don't know the place of FPA? I Think it's very clear to any here 13- It's not ethical way to say in your post (Are You Stupid) & this proved to me that you are burning inside your self & no blame about you because you are the same one who said bad words about brokers 14- When I asked about regulation I wasn't meaning regulation like NFA or others but I mean the right to do this activity What's type of your company to do that? What's type of your company to talk like that about brokers & make lies & fake scams? You are judging about brokers but who is judging about you & why when some one say anything about FPA you always say (Lies, Spam, & other propaganda words) I think you are not a GOD to do that. & Don't Forget that there is something called the Copy right of the content or you don't know that ? 15- You are saying that Felix Homogratus is the pen of Dmitri Chavkerov on the web, but in other forums I found that you & your friends (Fake members) said that they are two different persons. ok let's say they are same as you said with your honey mouth so, what about Robert Grespi & Ken Zhong Are they the same? This is very small example for your lies Dmitri Chavkerov is a criminal & get boasted more than one time through the FBI & everything can be found through Google Dmitri Chavkerov not an American Citizen Yuliya is a Russian women & there is a fake marriage contract between her & Dmitri Chavkerov But y? While I'm writing now this post I felt something now: VIP:: You may build scams for Google in a day to prevent people from searching about your truth. 16- I said before that I don't who is Rashid that you are talking about but I found in http://forexbastards.blogspot.com that he is one of the messengers that you are sending to brokers for the aim of provocations & each account with different IP, ID, Name, character, & all of that to import the clients for MB Trading to scam them by sending them wrong signals as all clients said in the web with their real characters 17- Do you want to say that the search engines are scam?? I'm saying that because any word posted here picked for Google search engine GSE So why you are saying that I'm lier ? 18- I found Ken Zhong in many contents in the web & all of them are complaints about your scams 19- Arresting Felix through the FBI not a lie & CNN not a lie, Ownership of MB Trading by Felix not a lie Felix owns MB Trading as he owns forexdiamond, Kingforexsignal, forexbastrads (changed now because of unknown reasons to be forexpeacearmy) Your Job learn the spammer how to be a spammer Many clients sent complaints about spam emails sent from your side 20- Reference to Alessandro I tried to collect any data bout this guy but I failed as the last time. The only thing that I found that he is an IB for forexgen I contacted him through many ways but there is no respond & I felt something Do you built a fake character under this name to be as an evidence for spamming or something like that? I think so because it's your job I contacted ForexGen as a client & I said that I want to open an account under the name of this IB but they said: If you want to be under any IB, the this IB must say that you are related to him & they refused my as a client when I said that again & again They also said the IB is the only one who can refer the client & if you are interested contact him I asked them if there an IB called Alessandro They said there are many IBs Sir So what? 21- I hope this guy participate in this forum & contribute with his opinion about FPA 22- I will not post any other posts in this thread & all what I said enough for me at least to prevail your SCAM, SPAM, LIES, CRIMINALS 23- I will pray for GOD to forgive you about your insulting to me
I want to say that I don't know who is Rashid or Alessandro So don't ask me a question not related to the topic because it's like escape from your side You are working in FPA & all members here know that So I'm one of those members & I'm saying you are building fake characters in all forum websites You are building Fake characters in FPA Talking about brokers without any right to do that Sending traders to brokers in order to do problems & provocation Sending wrong signals to the clients to make them lose Attracting clients to scam brokerage firms like MB Trading So what's new there?
Within investigation Pharoah is not from united state & he is from Romania, Bucharest, Bucuresti Many times he said that he is from the state At last he is from Romania lol that's called what? Each time he say that everything is going around his business is just lie All his posts are disclosed He are the one that don't make any mistakes Please Members just concentrate for a moment in FPA & observe the actual scams done by FPA They are saying that FXOpen are scam They are saying Crown Forex are scam Let's see after then what will be there for the actual FAKE SCAM Let's see after then what will be there for the new FAKE SCAM Why they changed the domain name from forexbastards to be forexpeacearmy where is the address of forex peace army? Are they regulated & authorized to do something like that? Why they send traders to some brokers for provocation? I'm so depressed for the state of Forex Market Felix Homogratus, Dmitri Chavkerov, Pharoah, Ken Zhong WHO IS THE NEXT?
Thanks For The Publisher of this Blog Thanks for all people who send news to the publisher of this Blog Thanks for blogger Thanks for All people who care to save forex market from those people
Thanks For The Publisher of this Blog Thanks for all people who send news to the publisher of this Blog Thanks for blogger Thanks for All people who care to save forex market from those people
lol I heard voice of Felix here now Are you ready to show us your real character So do it Are you so nervous because someone discovered your frauds I think you must not be here in forex market The new characters for Felix now: Ken Zhong FPA Investigations Lieutenant Pharaoh FPA Spammer The Real Name will be published as soon as possible in this web page Please follow the news & subscribe for the hot news http://forexbastards.blogspot.com/ Watch Out your package of money
Dear All Thanks for Giving me another chance to reply in this thread First Of All I would like to say something will give you the ability to take the final decision I collected some data about some guys in Forex Market that will give you more attention in missing spots or unseen spots Please Visit this: http://forexbastards.blogspot.com I subscribed there to follow the news about this truth that can make disturbance in Forex Market A Question: How Can Be Forex Without Brokers? Answer: Add your answer Something else I wanna to say, while I was speaking with of my friends that have more than 15 Years experience in Financial Markets I told him about Felix but I wondered when he laughed with loud voice I asked him about the reason He said that his name not Felix Homogratus & not Dmitri Chavkerov He use in each place different name with different email address & he get arrested more than one time This Guy has been ejected from more than 10 Forex Brokers because he use something like provocations FBI investigated with him more than one time He has more than Fake nationality (American & Russian) & he told me more & more about this group of Mafia What I want to say Now Don't be a Prey for this group
Again I want any body here search for [Forex peace army] in Google See with your Self the result I know this will not help many who get blinded by the dream to profit big in Forex for the first time, but novice traders, please read this so you don't get into the corner I found myself in, losing most of my money because this bastrad of all bastards who you call Felix, and i call Demitri or the real brain behind all this scam, a guy called Bruce Hoffman from Texas(convicted for many fraud crimes and spent time in jail). This little punch of people doing what at least can be described as organized crime, including many other identities like Rob, Grespi, Rick, Ghafour, Rasheid, Omar, and many more masks....all fake They promote their signal service, fooling novice Forex traders to count on them in trading the news. They have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. They even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back. They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, and they try to flame brokers too, some times succeed and others not. Google for Felix combined with Oanda, interbankFX, FXCM, Forex.com, forexgen.com, and any broker of your choice, you will see their scams, a replica used with tens of brokers over the past 3 years, and the victims, hundreds of traders who get broke. Forex Peace Army: 1. Felix Homogratus AKA "DIMITRI", Rob Grespi the owners of http://www.forexbastards.com are always looking to make quick money from the novice traders by hiding under the entity of http://www.forexbastards.com and similar sites and using it to publish public opinions about respectable brokerage firms whom they are considering as competitors; do not get fooled by theses scammers because this is the only way they can pay their bills, their victims are every where (you have been warned)!!!! They have a whole scam section every where just start searching about them on the web and you will be amazed 2. Felix Homogratus, Rob Grespi AKA "DIMITRI" the owners of http://www.forexbastards.com are big scammers many people have bought their stupid www.forexfreedom.com system and it was a major scam these guys are fools they have copied and pasted some crap into their claimed system and selling it to novice traders and make quick money from them. Do not go near them. 3. We know you are a major scam Felix!!! The words spreading like fire you and your http://www.forexbastards.com can not hide any more This is what I found out about this "FELIX" http://www.forexbastards.com SCAMMER GUY looks like he is leaving a trail of destruction every where he goes the list of victims is growing its staggering. It's nice to see his victims unite to inform the public about this PROFFESSIONAL SCAMMER!!!!! SITES WITH COMPLAINT ON THIS GUY: http://www.felixbastard.com/ www.peterbainscam.com http://www.setbb.com/forexjudge/ http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r107900-.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/in...4031358AAzgRif http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r107900-.html http://www.talkgold.com/forum/newrep...te=1&p=2204436 http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r104801-.html http://www.pipwizard.com/forexbastards http://www.forexnews.com/fxforum/for...?TID=1248&PN=1 http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=10263 http://www.talkgold.com/forum/showth...=104801&page=2 http://forexscammer.com/ http://www.moneytec.com/forums/f14/f...-arrest-23688/ http://www.scamfraudalert.com/f49/wh...rds-com-10999/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb5rQ...eature=related http://answers.yahoo.com/question/in...8203505AAlJyT7 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...14031358AAzgRif http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r107900-.html http://www.talkgold.com/forum/newreply.php...1&p=2204436 http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r104801-.html http://www.pipwizard.com/forexbastards http://www.forexnews.com/fxforum/forum/for...D=1248&PN=1 http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=10263 http://www.talkgold.com/forum/showthread.p...4801&page=2 http://forexscammer.com/ http://www.moneytec.com/forums/f14/forexba...d-arrest-23688/ http://www.scamfraudalert.com/f49/whois-re...ards-com-10999/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb5rQQnHl1U...feature=related http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...28203505AAlJyT7 forex[/acronym]-tsd.com/187466-post1374.html"]http://www.forex-tsd.com/187466-post1374.html http://advisor.fxstreet.com/2008/01/recap-of-intrad.html http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=10263 http://www.soulcast.com/post/show/96768/Fo...ders,-Watch-Out! http://youtube.com/watch?v=o_5ERbbdMWQ&feature=related forex[/acronym]-tsd.com/metatrader-brokers/10539-scam-warning-please-read-before-too-late.html"]http://www.forex-tsd.com/metatrader-broker...e-too-late.html forex[/acronym]-signals-robert-grespinet-forum/1747-king-forex-signals-robert-grespinet-program.html"]http://www.forexnewstrade.com/forum/king-f...et-program.html forex[/acronym]-broker/page/2/"]http://www.currencysecrets.com/category/forex-broker/page/2/ HIS GROWING LIST OF SCAM JUNK SITES. www.forexfreedom.com WWW.kingofforexsignal.COM WWW.forexpeacearmy.COM www.alansmoneyblog.com/forum/ 4. Hi guys I love your creative post! I USED TO BE a client of Dimitri or Felix the liar at www.forexbastards.com . And this guy is a total scam his system is garbage, after using his bogus chat room and signals! "now" I understand why he lost his trading account and money. He has a real conflict of interest going there he calls all of his competitors scams. Just so he can promote his garbage. I lost a lot of money following his advice a few thousand Stay away from his bogus news trading and stupid alert service. They all lose money. I subscribed with one of the people he called a scam and they turned out to be very profitable. And I even submitted a positive testimonial for www.fxringleader.com & winningtraderassociation and it never made it. !!!! Hummm I guess felix is a scam bag snake oil scammer / con artist. 5. I lost money on this www.kingforexsignal.com and that stupid www.freedomforex.com promoted by www.forexbastards.com 6. This scam artist Felix AKA Dimitri always says that "If you were scammed by these people, please write to me, and I will help you get your money back" what this snack means I WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY!!!! Be warned guys never go near him of his www.forexbastards.com scam site After opening the above links and reading them, I think that any trader, or broker, or IB, or MM, or WL, or writer, or any one will certainly understand who Forex Peace Army (Forex Bastards) is. They are a group under the command of the big gang (Felix), who own many websites with many activities like: ForexPeaceArmy Kingforexsignals.com Secretnewsweapon Secretforexsociety Forexfreedom Forexdiamonds Forexpeacearmy alansmoneyblog alansmoneyblog.com/forum/ And many other websites I'm not going to say that they are scams after reading the above reviews & others I'm sure that they are actually scams. They attract traders through their hot topics, like FXCM take 20k from a trader & so on, by which the trader goes there and sees their factious posts about brokers, then finds good and fair posts about some brokers but not many, but he or she doesn't know that these good brokerage firms are owned by Felix, who will really take all their money. Another way of attracting traders: Kingforexsignals.com unfortunately sends wrong signals for traders, actually not all signals but 99% of them are wrong in the long positions, which will actually lead traders to loss and liquidation. After loss, traders will attack Felix in a dirty way, then Felix will send them e-mails to through the blame on the broker by saying that it is legit and this broker is the scam, then Felix helps the trader by posting dirty, scam, and bad posts about this broker. On the other hand, Felix never gives any victim even 1% of his money!!!! So what? By this way Felix gains his trader's love and respect because he defends him and attacks the brokers who are scams. But unfortunately the trader falls in a very Big Trap like Rashid and others. I won't say that all brokers are legit and Felix is scam, but rather I will say that scam brokers, that NFA knows them well, can't continue doing business. But ,what about Factious Forums? Who can stop them? Who can understand that they are scam? I'm sure that there is logic here and there, but I'm not sure that all people believe all what is real and logical. Let me tell you about the most famous scam individuals: Pharaoh, Felix, Alan, Dmitri Chavkerov, and Yuliya Kalinina. When they say any thing about any broker they say " see reviews in forexpeacearmy, forexrealm, and alansmoneyblog.com/forum/" only, and post in all the forums under many different names. They have millions of names in different websites. Moreover, they use political way in both posting scams and in posting good reviews. So who harms the market, who agrees with dirty business, and who agrees that killer is legit??? They are actually killing Forex Market and other markets. Did you know that Dmitri Chavkerov and Yuliya Kalinina both were busted by I.C.E Agents on 11/30/07 ? Official Criminal Complaint Documents I will leave comments for all of you after searching, reading, understanding, and analyzing what will you find and see. For more information about those bastards pick them from searching in google for: forex bastards, forexpeacearmy, felix scam, forexpeacearmy scam. Pharouh has nothing to say Felix get boasted more than one time what are you waiting for?
Thanks Many Thanks + Respect Really I'm traveling too much because the nature of my work beside Forex Trading I'm working in shipping company I wanna you to add the testimonials of the brokers about ForexPeaceArmy as a new Thread & I will invite about 400 broker to join this thread It will be fair for Felix & all brokers Don't worry I just want to be in more formal mode Thanks + Regards
I should Say '''At Least you don't know how to reply'''' Believe me you are discovered Go on
I forget to say that Stefan seems to be working for Felix lol it's a great circle Take care traders from those
Dear Traders, brokers, IBs, MMs & WLs I know that I'm very late to say the following results: You are suffering the internet daily but you are opening many things not related to the actual reality & truth why? Let's say you are searching for (ForexBastards) in Google the following results will appear: 1- The website www.forexpeacearmy.com 2- http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r104801-.html if you read this forum you will find that people don't like there judge because it was unfair 100% 3- It's a video in YouTube telling you the fake scams that they are doing with brokers 4- http://www.forexnews.com/fxforum/forum/for...D=1248&PN=1 ://http://www.forexnews.com/fxforum/fo...=1248&PN=1 this is the impression of many traders 5- http://www.pipwizard.com/forexbastards.htm this is history of the dirty business that they are building in forums & in there activities 6- searchportal.information.com/?epl=0...ry=Scam%20Felix this contains some of other activities rather than forex market 7- http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?t=10263 this forum show that this website owned by someone called Felix & how he run his scam activities with traders & brokers 8- http://www.forexbastards.info/ this seems under constructions. They are planning to another scam 9- http://www.moneytec.com/forums/f14/forexba...d-arrest-23688/ this tell you that the government making some investigation with those bastards 10- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...14031358AAzgRif some traders are sharing answers of questions in Yahoo answer 11- answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...28203505AAlJyT7 the same as no. 10 12- http://forexscammer.com/ the home page of the website show that they are boasted before 13- http://forum.alpari.co.uk/thread1812.html I collected this information from Google; it was from the 1st 3 pages only so what about the rest of other pages? So don't believe anything that coming from FPA (Forex Peace Army) because I'm sure that it will be fake as usual Did You know that I chatted with one of the greatest brokers in forex market & I talked with him in public & he requested to call me then I told him did you know Felix (The owner of forex peace army) he said yes I heard about the scams done by him many times with me & with many other brokers I laughed too much From the investigation we found the following users are working with Felix as outsourcing who provide him with the news of each broker: Felix Homogratus, Rob Grespi, uzomaeze, john fx, Pharaoh, Alan, Allin, okiipizza, asiegbu, Josef Wilson, Mr Smoothy, sno, FootLoose, pakaymoney, Terrygoan, fxdave, & more because they signing up each time with different username Making Spam & Scam They are doing many kinds of dirty business & they own many websites that have the following categories: 1- Forex Signals 2- Forex Forums 3- Brokerage Firms 4- Brokers Reviews 5- Blogs - Take Care & Don't be between your hands that will hurt you - Before going to lawyer, you must ask for his results but don't ask him - Before Judging take opinion of others to be more fair - Try to make something right - Try to help others from falling in trick