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Actualizări status postat de Alecsa

  1. "if somebody wants to walk out of your life, let them go"

  2. I am NOT READY for heatwaves!!

  3. I just love my husband so much. He does mean the world to me. I really have never felt so many positive feelings about anyone. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met and I feel so privileged to be his wife. He charges all of us with positive energy. He is also an amazing father, not only the best husband I can possibly imagine. So lucky to have him besides me in this great journey which is called live. Thank you Cesar Martinez, thank you for being the amazingly strong and gentle man th...

  4. Does anyone know how does chile got to be called chile?

  5. Happy Women's Day!

  6. Badly needing a nurse this weekend. pls contact me if you know one.

  7. Happy Birthday Bob Marley!

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