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You know that you're obsessed with Technical Analysis when.....'


1- If your gf calls you and says that she needs your support & you immediately answer, on what time frame?


2- If you go to the supermarket and while watching the price of any item on the shelf, you are always searhcing for the open, high, low & close as well as volume


3- When you always see the digital speedometer of your japanese car as a japanese pair in action


4- When you try to find Fibo relations between numbers saved on your mobile phone


1) Your 6-year-old pleads with you to take him to MACD's, and you ask him what the parameters are.


2) A social worker is telling you about a patient who has RSI, and you interrupt to ask her if she's read Wilder's book. (Then there's this patient with a history of volatility....)


3) An MA is no longer a university degree.


4) Trapped in traffic at a roundabout, you find yourself waiting for a "breakout".


5) You're constantly losing at tic-tac-toe because you keep employing a P&F strategy.


6) A party addict is describing his LSD trips, and you ask whether his most recent high took out the previous one.


7) You describe an uneventful Friday at the office as an "inside day".


8) The best that lingerie advertisements can do is start you thinking about double tops.


9) While viewing the night sky with your hot date, you find yourself mentally constructing trendlines through the stars.


10) Your wife tells you she has PMT, but you can't remember what indicator that is.


11) You start thinking about your marriage in terms of risk-reward.

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Intial am vrut sa le traduc si sa le pun pe vamist. Dar isi pierd din farmec.

As mai aduaga:

- Cand te duci la magazin si ceri "Vreau si eu niste pipsi" (faza reala - imi apartine) ;)

- Cand vorbesti cu cineva si ii spui "Nu ies afara, e cam innorat si mi se pare semnal bearish". Tot faza reala, autor un prieten.

- Sau cand te duci la banca si te trezesti ca te uiti pe tabelul cu cursurile de schimb si cauti perechile pe care le tranzactionezi de obicei. (In cazul meu g/j).



Nu sunt obsedata de forex/analiza tehnica. Doar foarte intens preocupata . ;)

Mai adaugati si voi.


Cand sunt la scoala la ora de matematica si vad grafice desenate pe tabla (nu prea le pot numi grafice da na...)

Cand vad o casa de schimb valutar, ma uit la diferenta dintre bid si ask si calculez spreadul:D

Cand vad la numarul de inmatriculare la masini... "EMA, RSI,MAC(d), etc."


PS:Misto faza cu dark cloud'ul si cumparatul pipsilor de la magazin:)

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