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Hey guys,


Do you know any other firms that offer web-based platforms for trading? Does any one have any idea, knowledge or past experience with HY Markets? I came across this and I liked what they had to offer. They are offering web-based platform, competitive spreads, no slippage, and some kind of a function where you can freeze the rate for a couple of seconds. Apart from this, it also allows me to deposit a small amount of US$1000. They are also regulated by FSA in U.K and DFSA in Dubai. Please help….


I would appreciate your help. Thanks.

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Hello! I don't know anything about HY Markets but Oanda also have a web based platform.

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In fact I think you are the same guy that advertised HY Markets earlier. But if not, my advice is to stay away from them. My advice is to look for a broker that is regulated, has enough capital, and at least is able to offer you a dedicated trading platform. Many brokers are moving now outside of US because of "5M law" and Dubai is a very good destination due to their tax system.

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I put an eye into HYM web site.


What they offer:


- 7 pip spread for EURUSD ....

- etc


Here I stopped... I had enough. Stay away from them !!!


they do not charger higher fact you can get 3 pip spread according to your account is regulated by DFSA in Dubai you mentioned that these brokers move to dubai due to the tax system..and the 5M law...they were never in US before.... i feel it is worthwhile as being regulated they are under constant scrunity of the DFSA...

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ee.fxfx, you have 2 accounts (ee.fxfx and mm.mm786) with the same ip ( and you use the forum to advertise a forex broker. For this, your warn level is increased and if you continue, you will be banned.

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I don't remember why I've let this thread opened, so I'll close it now.


And I've checked and they are NOT regulated by FSA like it's said in the first post.

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