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I made an Expert Advisor system to use in Metatrader Platform!


This Expert advisor use two timeframe(Longer and Shorty) to calculate the signal.When the two timeframes show the same signal then it will show the signal to trade.I advise you to use this EA to get signals to trade like an assistan in daytrading and not open trades automaticaly.This system dont see suport or resistence.For exemple is the sistem show a sell signal above a suport and the major trend is bullish, is not correct open a sell order in that point, dont you agree? So the Trader have to decide if is to open or not open the trade!Timeframe, Stoploss, Takeprofit, Lots, trailingstop and witch time od the day allow to trade are customizable in Expert Advisors proprieties!


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and so what if it is free??

this is a black box, do you want to risk your money on something you don't know how it's working??

google a little bit and you will find a lot of free experts.


"A fantastic track record of a canned system is meaningless because it

comes from fitting the rules to old data. Any computer can tell you which

rules worked in the past. Black-box programs self-destruct as soon as the

markets change, even if they include self-optimization. Black boxes appeal

to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them."

(dau o bere la intalnire celui care imi spune de unde e citatul)


@zink: post the source of the ea an maybe some of us will help you to improve your expert.

until then i will ignore this expert and advise anyone not to use it in their trading.


and so what if it is free??

this is a black box, do you want to risk your money on something you don't know how it's working??

google a little bit and you will find a lot of free experts.


"A fantastic track record of a canned system is meaningless because it

comes from fitting the rules to old data. Any computer can tell you which

rules worked in the past. Black-box programs self-destruct as soon as the

markets change, even if they include self-optimization. Black boxes appeal

to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them."

(dau o bere la intalnire celui care imi spune de unde e citatul)


@zink: post the source of the ea an maybe some of us will help you to improve your expert.

until then i will ignore this expert and advise anyone not to use it in their trading.


This EA is to use as assitant to daytrade!

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Well, first of all, welcome to vamist. Second, thanks for the expert. As it is, I really doubt that this toy is of any use. We would like to see the source code, of course. If it is a big secret, maybe you can post some source code from another expert of yours, that is not so secretive. We just want to check your programming skill a little bit:D


Up to that time, I won't advice any one to use this black box in real trading, especially after a test result like that below (done on Euro, since 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, M15, M30, H1, default parameters, all of them - 15 possibilities - wiped the 10K account in about 2 years).




There is no "curve fitting", it could be at least "some short periods" where the equity is raising, but all the time it falls... Most probably you did some optimization for the last year, but if the method itself is good, then it could get "satisfactory" results on the old data too. I mean, not to make profit as in the last year, but at least to hold the balance, and loss as less as possible. Something must be wrong in the conception of the method, itself... If we are supposed to use some other parameters, how about you post them? People won't have time to run endless optimizations for a black box... At least a bit of description of the method, you can post, maybe?!.... Because it seems to take a lot of time for calculus (it is quite slow). There are plenty of errors in the log files, too (most frequent is "OrderModify error 1"). When the balance is quite low, you got also a margin call (do you check the money availability before entering in a trade???).


I won't go into the profit calculus, but for about 2660 trades placed, paid spread (at 0.1 Lot) is about $5400 (spread 2). Short/Long trading time is about the same (from the report), so there is an interest difference of about $1000 (roughly) between the longs and shorts. Totally $6400. These money would be "spent" by ANY expert after 2600 trades, on spread and swap, if it trades same amount of lots and stays about the same time in long and short positions. But the rest, 10000-6400=3600, this is NET LOSS by your method itself.


Well, if you place 2600 trades in a random direction, with target a 100 points and stop at -100 points, at the end, probabilistic, you will finish with an equity of about $3600 left, from $10000 (i.e. a loss of $6400 on spread an interest, and a breakeven of the random trading, for such huge number of transactions, the odds are really in the favor of breakeven). That is why I would call this method "worse than random".


But the most nice part of the testing, is the name property box of Strategy Tester. It says.... copyright 2007... MetaQuotes Software ?????? :) :)


(well, you should tell us if this is just your first ever expert, and you would get a big BRAVO! and claps from everybody, for trying to make your own tools, but to introduce such kind of thing as a good and profitable expert... hmmm... I won't wonder if you will get only slaps...)



Well, first of all, welcome to vamist. Second, thanks for the expert. As it is, I really doubt that this toy is of any use. We would like to see the source code, of course. If it is a big secret, maybe you can post some source code from another expert of yours, that is not so secretive. We just want to check your programming skill a little bit:D


Up to that time, I won't advice any one to use this black box in real trading, especially after a test result like that below (done on Euro, since 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, M15, M30, H1, default parameters, all of them - 15 possibilities - wiped the 10K account in about 2 years).




There is no "curve fitting", it could be at least "some short periods" where the equity is raising, but all the time it falls... Most probably you did some optimization for the last year, but if the method itself is good, then it could get "satisfactory" results on the old data too. I mean, not to make profit as in the last year, but at least to hold the balance, and loss as less as possible. Something must be wrong in the conception of the method, itself... If we are supposed to use some other parameters, how about you post them? People won't have time to run endless optimizations for a black box... At least a bit of description of the method, you can post, maybe?!.... Because it seems to take a lot of time for calculus (it is quite slow). There are plenty of errors in the log files, too (most frequent is "OrderModify error 1"). When the balance is quite low, you got also a margin call (do you check the money availability before entering in a trade???).


I won't go into the profit calculus, but for about 2660 trades placed, paid spread (at 0.1 Lot) is about $5400 (spread 2). Short/Long trading time is about the same (from the report), so there is an interest difference of about $1000 (roughly) between the longs and shorts. Totally $6400. These money would be "spent" by ANY expert after 2600 trades, on spread and swap, if it trades same amount of lots and stays about the same time in long and short positions. But the rest, 10000-6400=3600, this is NET LOSS by your method itself.


Well, if you place 2600 trades in a random direction, with target a 100 points and stop at -100 points, at the end, probabilistic, you will finish with an equity of about $3600 left, from $10000 (i.e. a loss of $6400 on spread an interest, and a breakeven of the random trading, for such huge number of transactions, the odds are really in the favor of breakeven). That is why I would call this method "worse than random".


But the most nice part of the testing, is the name property box of Strategy Tester. It says.... copyright 2007... MetaQuotes Software ?????? :) :)


(well, you should tell us if this is just your first ever expert, and you would get a big BRAVO! and claps from everybody, for trying to make your own tools, but to introduce such kind of thing as a good and profitable expert... hmmm... I won't wonder if you will get only slaps...)




You understantd that it gives me lot of time to make this EA and i don fell so good to gives you the code!!!I have lot experience in make EAs, this is is one more expert. I have others that i will post here!

I made this expert a few days ago! I have to choose diferent paramenters in Ea proprieties to use each pair because they have diferent volaties, for exemple a stop loss of 50 pips in gbpp/jpy could be smaller, dont you agree?You dont have to use default settings in all pairs. Error "Ordermodify 1" that yopu tell is not error is a message that rise when the EA try to change stop loss with the same stop loss.

" It says.... copyright 2007... MetaQuotes Software " i made this Expert a few days ago i dont cut that,yet, but is my propriety !

I advise to use this EA as assistant to use in daytrade, because it seems is necessary filters, this EA dont see suport or resistence or others paterns, is this EA show a signal to sell above a suport zone and major trend is bullhish is not a good trade to open a sell order in that zone, dont you agree?the trader must decide if is to open or not open a trade!

This Expert use two times frames to reforce the signal, it shows signal to trades um shortertime when is the same signal that longer timeframe shows!


Take a look this test:

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"Error "Ordermodify 1" that yopu tell is not error is a message that rise when the EA try to change stop loss with the same stop loss."


Well... nice report, I only read first line, make no sense to waste my "precious" time, good luck in trading with 35% risk per bet! Imagine you started testing just 3-4 weeks before the date you choose... and lose 2-3 times in a row.


P.S. Is "trying to change the stop loss with the same stop loss" part of this cute strategy? If you just want to waste some trading time (OrderModify need few seconds for confirmation) why you just not use Sleep() :)


"Error "Ordermodify 1" that yopu tell is not error is a message that rise when the EA try to change stop loss with the same stop loss."


Well... nice report, I only read first line, make no sense to waste my "precious" time, good luck in trading with 35% risk per bet! Imagine you started testing just 3-4 weeks before the date you choose... and lose 2-3 times in a row.


P.S. Is "trying to change the stop loss with the same stop loss" part of this cute strategy? If you just want to waste some trading time (OrderModify need few seconds for confirmation) why you just not use Sleep() :)



Ok, i told you that this EA is used to be assistant to a daytrader, i now people that send me mail that have goods profits used like a assistant!!


Do you have betters EA than this? if you have dont waste your "precious" time reading this post and goog luck with your less 35% risk per bet!!



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