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If someone is looking for a thread that was here before and now is not, he can contact me. I will continue to hide delete the threads suspected to be scams or just "bot talk".


Thank you!



Please note that this thread is a "scam war". Read it carefully and think for yourself before deciding what is true and what is not. In order to offer the arguments of all sides involved, I will try to let all comments intact. However, I will not accept spams and bad language. is not responsible for any conclusion you may have after reading this thread

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I someone is looking for a thread that was here before and now is not, he can contact me. I will continue to hide delete the threads suspected to be scams or just "bot talk".


Thank you!

And I had just finished preparing a big reply to that particular piece of spam. Ah well, I'll post it here for the time being:


i want to ask francafoschi about this broker that you joined


tell me about their offers and live support and are you sure you are not like others

And then francafoschi tells you all about ForexGen.


How odd. On January 19th, over at the ForexFactory, two other people had the same conversation, except that time it was francafoschi asking which broker and roberttonino telling all about ForexGen, since he'd been with them since 2004. I guess this just must be some sort of coincidence.


Here's the link:


Actually, these two have had a few other conversations on the same topic on at least 1 other website. You can track them with a simple web search. Here's a quick google search for their names and ForexGen:


francafoschi has some other ForexGen conversations without the roberttonino account in some other places:


Note that you may have to use the cached version to view things since their conversations are often deleted for spamming (like their accounts were on ForexFactory).


I note they also take some time to complain about Felix. Felix has some premium signals services, and like all signals services, not every trade signal is profitable. Felix also has a website called Forex Peace Army, which is free, and independent of his signals services. The Forex Peace Army is dedicated to hunting down and exposing scams in the forex world, and I am proud to be a member. Currently, the FPA has one active scam investigation going, and it is for a company called ForexGen. You can read about it at:



You can also see some interesting overlaps in francafoschi's writing style with that of ForexGen's #1 spamvertiser Alessandro003msc at Alan's Money Blog:


For those of you wondering what I mean by #1 spamvertiser, here's a search with a seriously large number of returns:;btnG=Search


You will note that Alessandro also often seems to start out with questions about ForexGen that quickly turn into advertisements. He is an Introducing Broker for ForexGen, and has a writing style almost identical to francafoschi, except when he's copying and pasting text straight from ForexGen's website.


I hope the moderators here will check the iP addresses of some of the accounts in this thread to see how many overlaps there are. [NOTE: I guess they already did.]

  • Management

Thank you Pharaoh for you reply and welcome on I hope you will have a pleasant staying here! The interesting part about those users is that they have different IP addresses... Spamming is becoming more elaborate each day :).


Thank you Pharaoh for you reply and welcome on I hope you will have a pleasant staying here! The interesting part about those users is that they have different IP addresses... Spamming is becoming more elaborate each day :).

Judging from the slightly different writing styles, it's possible that those 2 (and some of the others in the thread) were different individuals who were running a chat program to coordinate their efforts.


Of course, sophisticated spammers would keep better track of who is the long-term happy customer and who is the innocent newbie looking for a broker. :)


I'll try to drop in from time to time and will be happy to let you know about any other active FPA investigations. Feel free to drop over and check out our reviews and forums.



  • Moderators



I have read all your links last night. That FPA... hmm... Good Job, man! Keep going. If you know how, and if you have possibilities, then drag down the bastards!


And btw, welcome here.

  • Management

Adrianooooooo, jackdavid22, smithanderson, don't start again with ForexGen if you don't want your accounts to be deleted.

  • 3 săptămâni mai târziu...

Dear Traders, brokers, IBs, MMs & WLs

I know that I'm very late to say the following results:

You are suffering the internet daily but you are opening many things not related to the actual reality & truth why?

Let's say you are searching for (ForexBastards) in Google the following results will appear:

1- The website

2- if you read this forum you will find that people don't like there judge because it was unfair 100%


It's a video in YouTube telling you the fake scams that they are doing with brokers

4- :// this is the impression of many traders

5- this is history of the dirty business that they are building in forums & in there activities

6- this contains some of other activities rather than forex market

7- this forum show that this website owned by someone called Felix & how he run his scam activities with traders & brokers

8- this seems under constructions. They are planning to another scam

9- this tell you that the government making some investigation with those bastards

10- some traders are sharing answers of questions in Yahoo answer

11- the same as no. 10

12- the home page of the website show that they are boasted before


I collected this information from Google; it was from the 1st 3 pages only so what about the rest of other pages?

So don't believe anything that coming from FPA (Forex Peace Army) because I'm sure that it will be fake as usual

Did You know that I chatted with one of the greatest brokers in forex market & I talked with him in public & he requested to call me then I told him did you know Felix (The owner of forex peace army) he said yes I heard about the scams done by him many times with me & with many other brokers

I laughed too much :biggrin:

From the investigation we found the following users are working with Felix as outsourcing who provide him with the news of each broker:

Felix Homogratus, Rob Grespi, uzomaeze, john fx, Pharaoh, Alan, Allin, okiipizza, asiegbu, Josef Wilson, Mr Smoothy, sno, FootLoose, pakaymoney, Terrygoan, fxdave, & more because they signing up each time with different username

Making Spam & Scam

They are doing many kinds of dirty business & they own many websites that have the following categories:

1- Forex Signals

2- Forex Forums

3- Brokerage Firms

4- Brokers Reviews

5- Blogs


- Take Care & Don't be between your hands that will hurt you

- Before going to lawyer, you must ask for his results but don't ask him

- Before Judging take opinion of others to be more fair

- Try to make something right

- Try to help others from falling in trick

  • Management

All I can say is that Pharaoh has taken position AGAINST some discussions that where clearly just spam. And btw, a search on for ForexBastards gives another list of results, not the one you have provided... I will remove the links from your post and let the URLs only in text.


[edit]The list of results for "ForexBastards" on

  • Management
:biggrin: At least you are funny!

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