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Dincolo de faptul ca tipul asta pare pornit rau (nu am zis ca e spammer, doar ca e pornit rau!), am pus in browser cateva dintre linkurile postate de el. Majoritatea sunt scrap, dar unele se merita frunzarite.


Cel de la numarul al doilea (cel cu talkgold) se merita citit cu adevarat. Contine cateva discutii foarte interesante despre cativa brokeri, in special mi-a atras atentia un avocat pe care il citeaza autorul postului #101 din threadul de la link, care (avocatul) vorbeste in "foarte cunostinta de cauza" despre IBFX. Va recomand cu caldura sa il cititi!!


In plus, treadul intreg conclude cu arestarea lui felix, autorul site-ului forexbastards, pe motivul ca statea ilegal in state. Linkurile spre ziare sunt autentice, am cercetat "presa vremii". Tipul ala, felix, precum am zis si cu alte ocazii (vezi discutille mele cu Fata Morgana de aici de pe forum, legate de FXCM) era intr-adevar un spammer, site-ul lui promova brokerii care il sponsorizau, iar pe ceilalti ii "punea la coltz". Pe vremea aia am zis ca "exista multi frustrati" si ca omul care castiga nu vine sa faca review, pe cand cel care pierde vine sa se planga, da vina pe altii, pe broker in special, si de aia brokerii cu multi clienti au reviewuri negative, prin faptul ca cu cat mai multi clienti ai, cu atat mai multi frustrati ai. 90% dintre traderi sunt loseri, si dintre ei, exista un anumit procent constant de frustrati care dau ratinguri negative pe forexbastards. Pe atunci puneam ratingul coborat al lui FXCM si IBFX pe seama acestei frustrari (FXCM are totusi de departe cel mai mare numar de clienti, de doua ori mai multi ca brokerul aflat pe al doilea loc in lista!), si am licitat mare pe vamist pe aceasta idee. Well, se pare ca nu numai, deoarece felix avea si el "meritul" lui in a "filtra" posturile. Punea doar reviewuri pozitive ale brokerilor care cotizau la el, si negative pt ceilalti brokeri. Well, in mare, dar asta e ideea. Si sunt sigur ca FXCM si IBFX nu aveau nici un motiv sa cotizele la el. Pe cand MB Trading, da! (sponsor principal). In acelasi thread de pe talkgold se dau niste linkuri spre niste filmuletze de pe youtube legate de forex. Se merita sa va uitati la cateva dintre ele, daca aveti conexiune buna la youtube (pe mine ma seaca tailandezii astia, nu pot aduce nimic pe teava rapida, am reusit sa vad totusi cateva filme, intrand pe gprs cu 128kbit si facand cache).


Pe de alta parte, nu inseamna ca tot ce era pe forexbastards e de dat la gunoi. Tipul s-a asociat de-a lungul vremii (asocieri temporare, pe diverse durate de timp) cu diverse eminentze ale forexului care vindeau semnale (unii zic bune!) prin intermediul paginilor lui. De asemenea, meritul lui (singurul de altfel) este ca atrage atentia asupra diferitelor tipuri de excroci care graviteaza in interiorul si in jurul forexului, iar pe unii dintre ei chiar ii si demasca. Ca pe langa asta a fraierit o multime de incepatori sa bage bani in semnalele lui, deh... asta e alta poveste.


Sugestia mea pt Stefan e sa lasi activ linkul la numarul 2 din lista aluia, restul sunt cam scrap.




Mate, sorry for my Romanian post, thus I did not say anything against you, contrarily, I advised Stefan to let active one of your links, but my Romanian post was a deliberated action to exclude you from the discussion. I don't like people accusing without reason...

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Urmand diferite linkuri la linkuri la linkuri (hey guys, povestea asta e chiar captivanta!!) am ajuns aici. Un review foarte obiectiv, care vede amandoua jumatati ale paharului, si aia plina si aia goala. Si daca il cautati pe tipul care scrie pe web, o sa vedeti ca omu stie ce spune! Dati un click pe "about me" in pagina respectiva ca sa va lamuriti.


Vorba lui, daca macane ca o raţă, atunci e raţă....



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ForexAng, Tradelover suggested me to leave your second link intact and I did (this means that I work for Tradelover ?!?! :biggrin: ). And please note that I didn't said that Felix is not a scammer (I really don't know the "story" of Felix) and I don't know/care if Pharaoh is Felix... If Pharaoh will spam this forum, I'll take position against him also. And I must admit that maybe I was wrong to remove the links from your post... I saw now that you've specified that you've taken the links from the first 3 pages (not only from the first page)... I thought that those where the first 13 links and that is why I've said that the list is not correct. So, I can admit when I'm wrong and I will put the rest of the links back.


Tradelover, m-ai facut curios... Desi nu ma interesa subiectul, cred ca o sa urmaresc si eu povestea cand o sa am putin timp.



[later edit]@ForexAng - I can't find the link #6 in google to put it back

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Many Thanks + Respect


Really I'm traveling too much because the nature of my work beside Forex Trading

I'm working in shipping company


I wanna you to add the testimonials of the brokers about ForexPeaceArmy as a new Thread

& I will invite about 400 broker to join this thread

It will be fair for Felix & all brokers

Don't worry

I just want to be in more formal mode

Thanks + Regards

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I plan to implement a broker review system on where the reviews will be made by users and not by an administrator or a single person. In the meantime, you are free to open a new thread if you want to discuss about ForexPeaceArmy but I must warn you that will not tolerate spams or bad language.

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ForexAng is just one of Alessandro's buddies (or one of his alternate identities) and has been spewing the same propaganda on a bunch of forex forums lately. Both usernames have been very active this morning, and both are copying each others posts into different forums. I'll let you judge if they are the same person or just close friends working together.


Sadly, he can only attack Felix (who runs some premium services and also founded the Forex Peace Army) and also hurl insults at me. He pretends that this completely absolves ForexGen of any responsibility for their actions.


I highly recommend you read Alessandro and ForexAng's writings at Alan's Money Blog:




Pretty much, their argument boils down to: We say ForexGen is good many times, so it must be true. We say ForexPeaceArmy is bad many times so it must be true.


They also both have claimed that complaints against ForexGen are spam, but that Alessandro's advertisements for ForexGen are ok. I think the moderators of this forum and many others have shown their disagreement by dumping threads and banning accounts that engaged in Alessandro's fake conversations about ForexGen.


As for the links above - most are just more Alessandro/ForexAng threads. Others like to an "I hate Felix" website run by a guy calling himself Pip Wizard.


Oddly enough, ForexGen allows their IBs to do this sort of thing and never sends out a real company employee to answer these questions:


1. What happened to Rashid's money?

2. What about all the many other clients who had trouble getting money out of their accounts?

3. Why do they have a customer service agreement that is a license to steal profits from their clients?

4. Why on earth do they allow someone like Alessandro and ForexAng to be such an embarrassment to their company?

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Well, people, stop accusing each other. To make things clear, I will start saying that I am not felix, neither work for him :biggrin:


I don't care if ForexAng is Alexandro or if Pharaoh works or not for ForexPeaceArmy and Felix. I don't care if felix is the same guy as Rob Grespi or not. Even this guy, felix, I hope there are two of him... I mean two of felix: one is the guy trying to expose the dirt of the forex bastards. This Felix I like (remark the use of uppercase). The other felix is trying to sell his scrap tools. That felix I don't like. You must be stupid or desperate to believe in such tools!! (I dont mean you personally, but a trader, generally speaking). Remember CFTC warning: Never trust something that sounds too good to be true. See my previous post for a link.


What I care is facts.


Pharaoh was (as Stefan said) one who took side against something that was real spam (in fact I was the first :wink:, I did it before Pharaoh, too, but my post was deleted with the thread, maybe it could be ok to have that thread back, and locked, so the people can see the discussion about ForexGen, which, in my opinion, is a SCRAP broker). As I read other forums, Pharaoh seems to be a honest guy and not trying to sell anything. I hope that none of you will start again fighting about ForexGen. We don't want to see any more links about that subject. Vamist is not intended to be a google mirror. The links posted up to now by both sides are enough for everyone who is interested. Everybody can conduct a search by his own, and build his own opinion. This a HUGE market, with HUGE interests, HUGE money, and BIG sharks. Both of you can have (or not!) dirty interests here. You can see how deep the rabbit hole goes, just by reading this dispute about felix on the web around. People opening thousands of web pages, registering hundreds of new domains, just to spit to the other party from a different location, to give weight to the dispute. Tons of dollars spent in advertising and domain maintenance. BIG money! Long telenovella. C'mon guys! In real life, people kill for less. Let the people on this forum to decide for them self.


About arresting of felix for living in US without a visa, well, this is true, as I found in newspapers and CFTC site, that obviously are sites that can be controlled by none of you. So, that arresting could be irrelevant, or could even be in felix's advantage in this dispute. Maybe he stepped on the fins of some big fish, and big fish never forget or forgive. Some of the material on his sites are really dynamite-bad for some brokers or persons. Plenty of Mexican immigrants stay illegal in US and nobody arrest them. What is relevant: The felix-marketing guy IS a genius. A dark-side one, but a genius. If I would have a marketing company, I would employ him, for sure. On the other hand, that felix selling his news-killing-machine and other tools as "trading secrets" seems to me to be an idiot, after first read of his statements. I wonder how he found customers, but again, the guy is a marketing genius, and there are a lot of stupid people around...


If you are going to continue fighting about ForexGen or felix, most probably this thread will be deleted, too. That would be a pity for us all. You are only allowed to do it if you want to talk Romanian. :D:D. That could be useful for some of us here that can't speak English. But for English, please spare us, we have enough material on the web already, about this subject.


My advice to other traders (my personal opinion only):

- Do not put your money at ForexGen. They are just a scrap broker.

- Do not buy anything form Felix, he is promoting only his interests.

- Every bad review you read in Felix's sites (forexbastards or so) should be multiplied with 0.5 (Murphy :D)

- Every good review you read in Felix's sites should be multiplied with 0.25 (idem, most probably that is a sponsor, or a "new" personal site)

- Generally, don't pay any money to buy trading tools, they are not better than thousand of free tools available around. And most important: no trading tool is better then yourself!


Want to make money? Then learn how to trade!. There are no shortcuts.

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Thanks Tradelover!


I definitely am not Felix. I think he's a good guy, but I'm definitely not him. Allow me to mention some differences:


Felix lives in Sunny California and I live in Sunny Florida.

Felix been trading forex a lot longer than I have. On the other hand, I traded stocks before he was born. :biggrin:

Felix has had some ... unfortunate legal issues with his girlfriend. I'm getting ready to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary.

He's Felix. I'M SPARTACUS!!! (sorry, couldn't resist)



And a very special set of differences between me and Alessandro0003msc, ForexAng, Trendnow, and the many other names that keep popping up on the other side of this war:


Visit Forex Peace Army, lookup my profile, and read some of my posts there. You will see that I ask forex questions, I answer forex questions, and I have posted about a wide variety of forex topics since the beginning of October. Next use google and look up the various usernames of Alessandro's ForexGen spamming group. They show up from nowhere and have zero history in any forex forum doing anything other than promoting ForexGen. Surely if they've all been around the forex world as happy ForexGen customers for some time, at least one of them would have some history of speaking out on other topics in a forex forum somewhere.


Instead, they show up, have fake conversations, and disappear. Now that I'm exposing them, they show up with some new names (run a google search on Forex and ForexAng - see how long he's existed on the web), attack me with silly insults, claim it's all a conspiracy, and declare victory.


Regarding FPA's reviews: They are far from perfect, as are any such reviews on the web. Undoubtedly, some fake ones got past the review moderators. At least they are moderated so that one person can't submit 10 reviews in a day and quickly alter the results. Since I am so active on FPA, I've complained on the forums and have also sent messages to the review moderators about improving standards, since there are far too many "I made/lost money in my first week, so I think this is 5 Stars/Scam!" I advise people who do read FPAs reviews to not just pay attention to the final score, but to read the text of the reviews and to do their own followup research. My own broker is very poorly rated there (personally, I'd give them 2 stars).


Regarding Felix's premium services: They are kind of expensive for my budget, so I don't subscribe. On the FPA forums, I've told beginning traders on multiple occasions to NEVER pay for anything forex related until they've gone through all the free stuff on the web and had considerable time to demo trade. For those who asked directly about the premium services, I have mentioned that they do have a free trial period, but also mentioned that when testing ANY signal service or trading system that it should be done on a demo account or using small amounts of money. I've also honestly told them that I'm primarily a technical trader, so the premium services aren't something I intend to explore anytime in the near future.


For anyone wondering why a technical trade hangs out on a forum owned by a news trader, it's simple. Firstly, I use the daily trading signals (which are free - If you haven't already guessed, I'm a cheapskate!) as warnings for events that can ruin my beautiful chart patterns. Secondly, it was a smaller, newer forum where I could make a bigger difference instead of spending 2-3 years as a "newbie" on ForexFactory or one of the other big boards. Thirdly, I've always HATED spammers and scammers, and the FPA was created to deal with scam in the forex world. I have fought scammers and spammers on the internet since before web browsers were invented. Hopefully, there's at least one person here old enough to remember when "going on the internet" meant browsing the newsgroups.


Thus, I offer myself up for judgment to the collective wisdom of this forum. I do ask that you carefully consider the sign up date of anyone posting comments, since the ForexGen spam crew have already clearly demonstrated that they can create multiple accounts to try to influence events.

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