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I want any body here search for [Forex peace army] in Google

See with your Self the result


I know this will not help many who get blinded by the dream to profit big in Forex for the first time, but novice traders, please read this so you don't get into the corner I found myself in, losing most of my money because this bastrad of all bastards who you call Felix, and i call Demitri or the real brain behind all this scam, a guy called Bruce Hoffman from Texas(convicted for many fraud crimes and spent time in jail).

This little punch of people doing what at least can be described as organized crime, including many other identities like Rob, Grespi, Rick, Ghafour, Rasheid, Omar, and many more masks....all fake


They promote their signal service, fooling novice Forex traders to count on them in trading the news. They have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. They even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back.

They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, and they try to flame brokers too, some times succeed and others not. Google for Felix combined with Oanda, interbankFX, FXCM,,, and any broker of your choice, you will see their scams, a replica used with tens of brokers over the past 3 years, and the victims, hundreds of traders who get broke.


Forex Peace Army:

1. Felix Homogratus AKA "DIMITRI", Rob Grespi the owners of are always looking to make quick money from the novice traders by hiding under the entity of and similar sites and using it to publish public opinions about respectable brokerage firms whom they are considering as competitors; do not get fooled by theses scammers because this is the only way they can pay their bills, their victims are every where (you have been warned)!!!! They have a whole scam section every where just start searching about them on the web and you will be amazed

2. Felix Homogratus, Rob Grespi AKA "DIMITRI" the owners of are big scammers many people have bought their stupid system and it was a major scam these guys are fools they have copied and pasted some crap into their claimed system and selling it to novice traders and make quick money from them. Do not go near them.


3. We know you are a major scam Felix!!! The words spreading like fire you and your can not hide any more

This is what I found out about this "FELIX" SCAMMER GUY looks like he is leaving a trail of destruction every where he goes the list of victims is growing its staggering. It's nice to see his victims unite to inform the public about this PROFFESSIONAL SCAMMER!!!!!











4. Hi guys I love your creative post! I USED TO BE a client of Dimitri or Felix the liar at . And this guy is a total scam his system is garbage, after using his bogus chat room and signals! "now" I understand why he lost his trading account and money. He has a real conflict of interest going there he calls all of his competitors scams. Just so he can promote his garbage. I lost a lot of money following his advice a few thousand

Stay away from his bogus news trading and stupid alert service. They all lose money. I subscribed with one of the people he called a scam and they turned out to be very profitable. And I even submitted a positive testimonial for & winningtraderassociation and it never made it. !!!! Hummm I guess felix is a scam bag snake oil scammer / con artist.

5. I lost money on this and that stupid promoted by

6. This scam artist Felix AKA Dimitri always says that "If you were scammed by these people, please write to me, and I will help you get your money back" what this snack means I WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY!!!! Be warned guys never go near him of his scam site

After opening the above links and reading them, I think that any trader, or broker, or IB, or MM, or WL, or writer, or any one will certainly understand who Forex Peace Army (Forex Bastards) is. They are a group under the command of the big gang (Felix), who own many websites with many activities like:








And many other websites

I'm not going to say that they are scams after reading the above reviews & others I'm sure that they are actually scams. They attract traders through their hot topics, like FXCM take 20k from a trader & so on, by which the trader goes there and sees their factious posts about brokers, then finds good and fair posts about some brokers but not many, but he or she doesn't know that these good brokerage firms are owned by Felix, who will really take all their money.

Another way of attracting traders: unfortunately sends wrong signals for traders, actually not all signals but 99% of them are wrong in the long positions, which will actually lead traders to loss and liquidation. After loss, traders will attack Felix in a dirty way, then Felix will send them e-mails to through the blame on the broker by saying that it is legit and this broker is the scam, then Felix helps the trader by posting dirty, scam, and bad posts about this broker. On the other hand, Felix never gives any victim even 1% of his money!!!! So what?

By this way Felix gains his trader's love and respect because he defends him and attacks the brokers who are scams. But unfortunately the trader falls in a very Big Trap like Rashid and others.

I won't say that all brokers are legit and Felix is scam, but rather I will say that scam brokers, that NFA knows them well, can't continue doing business. But ,what about Factious Forums? Who can stop them? Who can understand that they are scam?

I'm sure that there is logic here and there, but I'm not sure that all people believe all what is real and logical.

Let me tell you about the most famous scam individuals: Pharaoh, Felix, Alan, Dmitri Chavkerov, and Yuliya Kalinina. When they say any thing about any broker they say " see reviews in forexpeacearmy, forexrealm, and" only, and post in all the forums under many different names. They have millions of names in different websites. Moreover, they use political way in both posting scams and in posting good reviews. So who harms the market, who agrees with dirty business, and who agrees that killer is legit??? They are actually killing Forex Market and other markets.

Did you know that Dmitri Chavkerov and Yuliya Kalinina both were busted by I.C.E Agents on 11/30/07 ?

Official Criminal Complaint Documents

I will leave comments for all of you after searching, reading, understanding, and analyzing what will you find and see.

For more information about those bastards pick them from searching in google for: forex bastards, forexpeacearmy, felix scam, forexpeacearmy scam.



Pharouh has nothing to say

Felix get boasted more than one time

what are you waiting for?

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I know this will not help many who get blinded by the dream to profit big in Forex for the first time, but novice traders, please read this so you don't get into the corner I found myself in, losing most of my money because this bastrad of all bastards who you call Felix, and i call Demitri or the real brain behind all this scam, a guy called Bruce Hoffman from Texas(convicted for many fraud crimes and spent time in jail).

Funny how every "person" who jumps in on Alessandro's side has ZERO history in any forum posting on any other topic other than saying "Felix/FPA bad, ForexGen good"


Also, the ones who claim to have traded with Felix all say they lost huge amounts of money in a very short time. This would mean that they were not exercising proper risk management, since even a totally unworkable system can't wipe out your account in a few trades if you know what you are doing and limit your risks on any one trade.


If you want to avoid being blinded by dreams, don't follow the dreams of Alessandro and friends. They dream of "introducing" you to ForexGen and getting a nice big cut of the spread you'll be paying.


This little punch of people doing what at least can be described as organized crime, including many other identities like Rob, Grespi, Rick, Ghafour, Rasheid, Omar, and many more masks....all fake

Odd. If Rashid is fake, how come Alessandro (and a few of his other identities) have claimed to be friends of Rashid. So, is Rashid real or just a fake identity?


Saying that everyone who has lost money with ForexGen is fake won't make your problem go away. Complaints aren't just on FPAs forums. Forex-TSD has a few of its own - some from longstanding members with extensive posting histories on a wide variety of topics.


They promote their signal service, fooling novice Forex traders to count on them in trading the news. They have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. They even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back.

They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, and they try to flame brokers too, some times succeed and others not. Google for Felix combined with Oanda, interbankFX, FXCM,,, and any broker of your choice, you will see their scams, a replica used with tens of brokers over the past 3 years, and the victims, hundreds of traders who get broke.

Actually, Felix offers a 21 day money back guarantee on his premium services. Careful trading during that time should be enough for any competent trader to determine if they like the services or not.


[sNIP - long pile of propaganda cut out]





I wonder why you keep impugning Alan. He was very tolerant of all the insanity Alessandro posted their until it got out of hand. As it is, Alessandro is continuing to post tons of spam (pretty much this message over and over) in multiple threads there.


BTW - You really need to check you list of sites again. One is for sale and one is totally wrong. I have pointed this out in other forums, but obviously, you never actually check these things. Why don't you buy the site that's for sale and start your own signals service? You could register the incorrect site name you have listed and have a 2nd signals service. You might even make more money than you get for leading people into the jaws of ForexGen.


[More bs snipped]


So you can copy and paste the same things over and over and over again. How unimpressive. unfortunately sends wrong signals for traders, actually not all signals but 99% of them are wrong in the long positions,

I would be THRILLED to find a service which was 99% wrong on long positions. I'd just ignore the short calls and then short all the long calls and become very rich very quickly. So would all the other traders. So far, this hasn't happened, because this claim is fictitious.



But unfortunately the trader falls in a very Big Trap like Rashid and others.

Ooops! I thought you said Rashid was just a fake identity. Now he's back to being a real person. You are amazingly inconsistent in your attempts to argue.


Either Rashid is real or he's not. You can't have it both ways. So, which is it?


I won't say that all brokers are legit and Felix is scam, but rather I will say that scam brokers, that NFA knows them well, can't continue doing business.

So, by your argument, I should feel safe from scam as long as my broker is registered with the NFA. I feel so much better now. My broker is NFA registered. ForexGen is in Norway, and therefor is not registered with the NFA.


By the way, Refco was registered with the NFA. Did any of the huge number of traders you claim to know have money with them?


Let me tell you about the most famous scam individuals: Pharaoh, Felix, Alan, Dmitri Chavkerov, and Yuliya Kalinina. When they say any thing about any broker they say " see reviews in forexpeacearmy, forexrealm, and" only, and post in all the forums under many different names. They have millions of names in different websites. Moreover, they use political way in both posting scams and in posting good reviews. So who harms the market, who agrees with dirty business, and who agrees that killer is legit??? They are actually killing Forex Market and other markets.

How odd. Run a websearch for Pharaoh and ForexGen and you'll see that I post as Pharaoh (or something VERY similar if Pharaoh is taken) when I chase Alessandro and his multitude of names across the internet. Alan has one other username, and he publicly states it in his forums. Felix almost never posts because he's busy trading.


So, we have one group of proven spammers who have had multiple accounts banned and threads deleted (even on this very forum). And they claim that I and a few others are using ""millions of names". That's pathetic. Check FPA's reviews - you will see vastly different writing styles giving vastly different opinions and even arguing about different brokerages, signals services, etc.


Of course, I do have hundreds of posts in FPAs forums. Many of them are designed to help new traders. What have you ever done (under any usename in any forum) to help anyone (other than to push ForexGen and attack the FPA)?


Did you know that Dmitri Chavkerov and Yuliya Kalinina both were busted by I.C.E Agents on 11/30/07 ?

Either you don't know how to read, or you are deliberately lying. Felix/Dmitri was NEVER arrested or charged. He publicly admitted in the FPA forums that he'd made a foolish mistake while trying to keep the woman he loves in the country. This has nothing to do with his ability to trade forex or the validity of complaints against ForexGen.


Anyone who wants to confirm this can google it and find the actual documents that clearly state who was and wasn't arrested.


Pharouh has nothing to say

Felix get boasted more than one time

what are you waiting for?

Nice of you to decide that I have nothing to say. Visit the FPA forums and you'll see that I make large numbers of posts trying to help the newer traders understand the whole concept of forex. All I ever see from you (under many different names) is the same stale half-truths, propaganda sites, and outright lies, copied and pasted over and over again.



Something that not everyone here may know. The Forex Peace Army recently upgraded it's review system and implemented a Scam Resolution system. The ONLY active company currently rated as Scam is ForexGen. They are actually rated as scam twice.


The first case is for failure to return money due to Rashid and other traders. You can read about it here:




ForexGen can resolve this case by either returning the money or by presenting proof that the money is not truly owed. Please be aware that rantings by ForexAng/Alessandro/etc. are not considered to be proof.


So far, ForexGen has remained silent.


The second case was for the deceptive "conversations" by Alessandro (perhaps with friends) on multiple forums where they role-played fake discussions where an innocent new person is introduced to ForexGen. These were even less believable since the same usernames swapped roles quite frequently. Vamist forums experienced this and banned a number of accounts because of it. Further, Alessandro placed ForexGen ads into MANY non-financial websites in violation of terms of service (spamming).




ForexGen can resolve this case by terminating it's agreement with Alessandro and any other IBs involved as well as publishing an IB terms of conduct document that will clearly spell out that this sort of spamming and deception will not be acceptable for its IBs.


Once again, ForexGen has remained silent.



Once again, I look forward to seeing the opinions of known members of this forum on this issue.

  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

Dear All

Thanks for Giving me another chance to reply in this thread

First Of All I would like to say something will give you the ability to take the final decision I collected some data about some guys in Forex Market that will give you more attention in missing spots or unseen spots

Please Visit this:


I subscribed there to follow the news about this truth that can make disturbance in Forex Market

A Question: How Can Be Forex Without Brokers?

Answer: Add your answer

Something else I wanna to say, while I was speaking with of my friends that have more than 15 Years experience in Financial Markets


I told him about Felix but I wondered when he laughed with loud voice

I asked him about the reason

He said that his name not Felix Homogratus & not Dmitri Chavkerov

He use in each place different name with different email address & he get arrested more than one time

This Guy has been ejected from more than 10 Forex Brokers because he use something like provocations

FBI investigated with him more than one time

He has more than Fake nationality (American & Russian) & he told me more & more about this group of Mafia

What I want to say Now Don't be a Prey for this group


Once again, no comments on the deceptive conversations that were deleted from this very forum as spam. Once again, no real attempt to address the true issues with ForexGen, just more propaganda.


So, is Rashid real or not?


What about your false claim that Felix got busted by ICE?



Your link goes to the most amazing pack of lies I've seen out of Alessandro's gang yet.


It claims that Felix owns MB Trading. Anyone can look up who really owns MB Trading here:


How odd, no mention of anyone called Felix or Dmitri on that page. Also, no NFA regulatory actions, arbitrations, or reparations are listed either. If Felix is truly as you describe him, then surely any brokerage he owns would have faced some issues with the NFA.


The link makes some other wild claims and altered stories like this:


"January 19, 2008 18:47 IST

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on Tuesday arrested 48 foreign exchange brokers & Felix Homogratus the owner of forexpeacearmy in connection with a probe into securities and currency fraud, according to a CNN/Money report."


Funny, the original report was from November 19, 2003. It took a little digging to locate a copy since it was so old, but here it is:


Strangely, the original story makes no mention of Felix, Forex Bastards, or Forex Peace Army. This would be because it predates the existence of those websites.


I wonder how CNN would react if they knew you and your buddies (assuming that there really is more than one of you) were altering their stories and reposting these fake versions without permission. I guess we can add copyright violation to the list of crimes for Alessandro's gang.



And here's another obvious lie from your link:


"Felix owns many fake brokerage firms; Felix was in the jail for more than 7 years"


Really?? Name 1 fake brokerage firm he owns. Name one crime he's ever been charged with (include dates and jurisdictions). Surely, you must also have REAL websites (not your private blogs and hate sites) with news stories to back up these allegations also, right?


Allow me to add more evidence in Felix's favor. Had he done any crime worthy of 7 years prison time, his US visa would have long ago been revoked. The FACT is that he has all the valid paperwork to live inside the USA.



So, do you have any more lies for us? Surely you could at least come up with something that would take a little more effort to disprove.



I heard voice of Felix here now

Are you ready to show us your real character So do it

Are you so nervous because someone discovered your frauds

I think you must not be here in forex market

The new characters for Felix now:


Ken Zhong

FPA Investigations Lieutenant



FPA Spammer


The Real Name will be published as soon as possible in this web page

Please follow the news & subscribe for the hot news

Watch Out your package of money


Thanks For The Publisher of this Blog

Thanks for all people who send news to the publisher of this Blog

Thanks for blogger

Thanks for All people who care to save forex market from those people


So, still no answer to:


1. Is Rashid real or not? You have argued both ways.


2. Why you continue to publish lies about Felix being arrested by ICE. Anyone can look up the real news articles and what really happened.


Why you posted a link with:


1. a faked version of a CNN story (lies and copyright violation)

2. an easily disproved lie about Felix owning MB Trading

3. another obvious lie about Felix spending time in jail

etc, etc.


I haven't met Ken, but I believe he's one of FPA's scam investigators looking into yet another ForexGen fraud case. How strange you would have his full name and title, since that would typically only have been used if he sent an email to ForexGen. Is ForexGen in the habit of sharing their email with you? Or are you an employee (or perhaps the owner) of ForexGen?


You call me a spammer. Odd, since I only post as Pharaoh. Odder still, since a large number of fake accounts have been banned from this very forum (as well as many other forums) for ForexGen spam.


So, Alessa..., er, ForexAng, can you answer for any of the lies you are spreading?



Oh wait, why do I bother asking? You will naturally ignore any questions as well as any real evidence and just repeat the old lies and make up new ones. A standard tactic of Alessandro's gang is to just keep repeating things and then say that the number of times something has been said is proof that it's true.


I'm sure those who are reading this are more than bright enough to follow the links I posted which show the real text of the article that was faked as well as the real list of who's involved with owning/running MB Trading.


Thanks For The Publisher of this Blog

Thanks for all people who send news to the publisher of this Blog

Thanks for blogger

Thanks for All people who care to save forex market from those people


Within investigation

Pharoah is not from united state & he is from Romania, Bucharest, Bucuresti

Many times he said that he is from the state

At last he is from Romania lol :biggrin: that's called what?


Each time he say that everything is going around his business is just lie

All his posts are disclosed

He are the one that don't make any mistakes :wink:

Please Members just concentrate for a moment in FPA & observe the actual scams done by FPA

They are saying that FXOpen are scam

They are saying Crown Forex are scam

Let's see after then what will be there for the actual FAKE SCAM

Let's see after then what will be there for the new FAKE SCAM

Why they changed the domain name from forexbastards to be forexpeacearmy


where is the address of forex peace army?

Are they regulated & authorized to do something like that?

Why they send traders to some brokers for provocation?

I'm so depressed for the state of Forex Market

Felix Homogratus, Dmitri Chavkerov, Pharoah, Ken Zhong WHO IS THE NEXT?


I want to say that I don't know who is Rashid or Alessandro

So don't ask me a question not related to the topic because it's like escape from your side

You are working in FPA & all members here know that

So I'm one of those members & I'm saying you are building fake characters in all forum websites

You are building Fake characters in FPA

Talking about brokers without any right to do that

Sending traders to brokers in order to do problems & provocation

Sending wrong signals to the clients to make them lose

Attracting clients to scam brokerage firms like MB Trading

So what's new there?

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