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NFA - "No more Limit or Stop Loss orders"

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NFA - "No more Limit or Stop Loss orders"

A major new National Futures Association (NFA) rule goes into effect on August 1, 2009.

This rule affects all U.S. regulated Forex Dealer Members.

Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders.

Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the “Open Positions” window.



Editat de tavi_star
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  tavi_star a spus:

NFA - "No more Limit or Stop Loss orders"

A major new National Futures Association (NFA) rule goes into effect on August 1, 2009.

This rule affects all U.S. regulated Forex Dealer Members.

Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders.

Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the “Open Positions” window.




a ajuns subiectul asta sa ma irite atat de mult incat scriu ca sa ma descarc de nervi -This rule applies only to US brokers-. nu inteleg care e problema ...... toti brokerii din lumea asta sunt numai in america?

este o industrie prea mare probabil va fi incetinita in america dar ar trebui sa gandim rational, multi market makeri care au sediul in SUA in curand vor cauta niste insule sau china sau rusia etc. nu va convin brokerii din SUA cautati aici pe aproape cipru, grecia, cehia, rusia, nu am auzit sa fi fost probleme cu brokerii din zona si nu se supun regulilor socialiste a lui obama (america va descoprei ce noi stim, socialismul, noi il stim in forma lui agravanta, comunismul, deci din punctul asta de vedere noi ar trebui sa fim pregatiti si sa ne adaptam mai repede). a devenit un fel de paranoia reglemetarile astea si multe alte subiecte.....


si daca ar fi sa fie sa spunem prin absurd ca se inchide forexu, o spun de multa vreme care i problema, vor exista indici, stock market, sunt multi care se gandesc la schimbare dar nu la un dezastru etc. nu se rupe lumea cu niste reglementari.... forexu are o problema veche de substanta aceea ca nu este o bursa, ci o piata electronica. care e problema????????? cei acre au bani la brokeri din sua fac o lichidare de cont si deschid la altii brokeri care ofera oprtunitati mai bune dureaza max o saptamana.

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am vazut noile reguli ale NFA si pot spune ca Obama are o administratie de timpiti. cit de idiot poti sa fii sa ai impresia ca poti reglementa forex ????? prostia deja implementata cu hedge-ul deja a fost ocolita prin deschiderea a 2 conturi. Si atunci de ce mai vin cu idei timpite? Noile reguli nu vor face decit sa slabeasca brokerii din USA - deja multi au sucursale in UK si isi muta clientii. Poate are cineva vreo idee despre scopul acestor reguli, pe mine ma depaseste?

Oricum, am cont in Cipru asa ca f....k NFA :)

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nu inteleg. daca nu pot sa modific sau sa inchid din "open positions", totusi CUM INCHID o pozitie???

nu pricep nimic din chestia asta si nici n-am timp de timpenii. is curios cum o sa reactioneze oanda la asta...


  tavi_star a spus:

NFA - "No more Limit or Stop Loss orders"

A major new National Futures Association (NFA) rule goes into effect on August 1, 2009.

This rule affects all U.S. regulated Forex Dealer Members.

Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders.

Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the “Open Positions” window.



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  Scrat a spus:

nu inteleg. daca nu pot sa modific sau sa inchid din "open positions", totusi CUM INCHID o pozitie???

nu pricep nimic din chestia asta si nici n-am timp de timpenii. is curios cum o sa reactioneze oanda la asta...


  tavi_star a spus:

NFA - "No more Limit or Stop Loss orders"

A major new National Futures Association (NFA) rule goes into effect on August 1, 2009.

This rule affects all U.S. regulated Forex Dealer Members.

Forex traders will no longer have the ability to place stop-loss or limit orders.

Nor will traders be able to modify or close trades from the “Open Positions” window.



La Oanda totul ramane ca inainte. Merg SL- urile si celelalte chestii. Am intrebat eu pe live help.

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LONDON (MarketWatch) -- The European Commission on Friday outlined a plan designed to overhaul the regulation of the over-the-counter derivatives market, which includes a proposal to widen the use of clearing houses for derivatives transactions.


A lack of transparency and the complexity of over-the-counter derivatives, including certain varieties of credit default swaps, are blamed for contributing to the global financial crisis.


The derivatives industry has already pledged to set up central counter-party, or CCP, clearing for credit default swaps by the end of this month, the commission said in a summary of its proposals published on its web site. If the industry fails to meet the commitment, "the commission will have to consider other ways to incentivize the use of CCP clearing," the summary said.


A central counterparty serves as an intermediary between buyers and sellers in transactions. Ultimately, the counterparty acts as the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer.


The proposals also include broader standardization of derivative contracts and the establishment of central data repositories. The data repositories would collect data on items such as the number of transactions and the size of outstanding positions.


The commission is also weighing whether standardized derivatives cleared via clearing house should be traded in a regulated marketplace, with prices and trade-related information publicly displayed.


"This would improve price transparency and strengthen risk management," the commission said. "However, it would come at a cost in terms of satisfying the wide diversity of trading and risk-management needs."

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ce-i asta,ce-i asta?


By now you are probably well aware that NFA has made a new rule that prohibits US Forex Dealer Members from carrying customer accounts with opposing positions in the same account past the end of the trading day ("no -hedging"). The rule also requires all positions to be closed in historical order, otherwise known as 'first in first out' (FIFO). There has been wide speculation among user groups what these changes may bring, how they are going to affect the Metatrader platform, how automated trading scripts are going to be affected (Expert Advisors) and what retail trading is going to look like in the future.


The 'No-Hedging' rule has been in effect for over a month now and as many of you can attest most of the statements of "doom and gloom" have been highly exaggerated. The FIFO rule implementation has been extended once already and there is continuous talks amongst all companies, platform vendors (software companies), and NFA as to what will be permitted and how things should be working out. In the midst of these changes some dealers have decided to use the rule changes as a selling point for their offshore service centers. They try to amplify the uncertainty and to play on the customers' fears. It is unclear if they are well equipped to maintain a properly operating MT4 platform in these jurisdictions. Most of them have very little history of operating one. It is certain though that it would be costly and inconvenient to close everything and move an account to an untested firm.


In the wake of all this speculation we at FXDD would like to assure you once again that we will do our best to make sure you can continue trading without having to worry about how things may change for you. We are working with the platform vendors, carefully examining all possible options, and working diligently with NFA on the progress of our membership. Our advice is not to make hasty assumptions based on the loose talk from people who spread rumors. If we are to make any further changes to our platforms we will make sure you are informed well in advance and you are given all possible options to consider. We will also try and keep you updated on a regular basis to let you know what our plans are.


Thanks as always for being a FXDD customer.

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nfa-ul vrea sa traduim ca bunicu?

adica ai doi lei si te duci la ei sa vezi daca ii pierzi sau ii dublezi?

Soros a facut bani pt ca i s-a spus cind sa intre si cand sa iese.

Cred ca ceea ce fac in america o sa aibe implicatii internationale pt ca banksterii n-au frontiere.

Te aburesc toti sa te uiti la daca-ti faci un EA cu grila si hedge care

functioneaza(daca mi l-am facut eu il au si ei ca ideea nu e noua) schimba ei regulile.


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