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1) >>> GREAT MOOD <<< Emotional State ( prepare to be happy with yourself in real life – no stress, no worries, no frustration to affect your trading)


2) >>> Daily and Weekly TARGETS for TP and SL in PIPS / MONEY <<<


3) >>> Choose your Trading Pairs (where the “Smart Money” are Transfered) <<<




5) >>> ENTRY Signals <<<


6) >>> Confirmation of Entry Signals <<<


7) >>> RISK Calculation (Risk and Money Management) <<<


8) >>> SL and TP Setups (EXIT Signals) <<<


9) >>> ENTRY – TIMING <<< (After the Entry watch for pips movement, instead of the capital movement – eliminates Stress )


10) >>> EXIT (SL, Trail Stop, or TP) <<< MOST IMPORTANT >>>


11) >>> RE – ENTRY <<< (Increase Volume on Winning Trades – just like My Fellow Trader Skytrader shows in his article, or Enter on Hedging Pairs)


12) >>> STOP <<< (After a series of Losses or A series of Gains)




- The greatest factor that generates our losses are Emotions.


- Emotional Trading decisions, are 70% of the time Wrong ones.


- Emotions make you re-enter the market after a series of losing trades, to lose more. They Don’t allow you to stop in time, after a series of winning trades.


- They Make you EXIT too early, before TP (to cut your profits short).


- Emotions don’t allow you to look back on your losing trades to see what went wrong.


- Even if your Analysis is good and you get to predict the right direction of the Market, the timing is always ruined by Emotions (You enter too early or too late, because of hope and fear).


>> Your Hope, Fear and Greed are your worst enemies in Trading and in Real Life. <<

Postat (editat)

>>> ANALYSIS <<< - Must contain:


- Technical Analysis - I use Pivot Points Main, Supports and Resistences (Daily, Weekly and Monthly), Moving Averages (simple - 20,30,50,100,150,200), Fibonacci Retracements (38,2; 50; 61,8; 161,8; 261,8; 423,6), Trendlines, Channels. You can see a Model of my analysis in my Analysis Series


- Fundamental Analysis (economic Calendar and News),


- Volume Spread analysis ( "Smart Money" - Professional Traders, Pre and After News Action). - Demand/Supply, Accumulation/Distribution.










To Your Success,



Editat de Tiberiu

>>> RISK Calculation<<<

>> Money Management<< and >> RISK Management <<


- You have to establish your REWARD/RISK ratio in PIPS, depending on SL and TP of the Trade


- If Reward/Risk Ratio is Higher then 1,5 you cand afford a WINN/LOSS Ratio bellow 50%


- 1-5% Risk per trade -> Money Management - Lower Your Volume if you Have Higher Risk (smaller Reward/Risk Ratio in PIPS)

Postat (editat)
Doctore ... de ce postezi acelasi mesaj in 2 topice?
Doc why did you post same message in two places? I mean: 12 Solutions to Emotional Trading Problem, 12 Steps to Make a Trade and USD/JPY Posted Image

Later edit:

Same you did with UsdCad, UsdChf, EurUsd, GbpUsd ... what's the trick? Posted Image
Editat de sec
Postat (editat)

Pentru a avea mai multa lume acces la analizele mele.


Evident ca nu toata lumea este interesata de acest topic: "12 solutions to emotional trading Problem, 12 steps to Make a trade". Insa orice trader ce activeaza pe piata forex ar trebui sa aiba acces foarte usor la analize pe perechile majore si nu numai.





Editat de Tiberiu
Postat (editat)

Parca ti-am mai scris odata (pe la primele tale postari), ... cand raspunzi la ultimul post, nu il mai citezi ca nu are rost, se subintelege ca ai raspuns ultimului care a scris ...

Altfel se incarca topicul inutil cu citate peste citate si se face un carnat mare si greu de urmarit.


Later edit:

Uite de exemplu, eu acum am mai citat postul tau #12. De ce? Pentru ca este clar ca tie ti-am raspuns.

NU stiu daca m-am facut inteles ...

Editat de sec
Postat (editat)

OK prietene, te-ai facut inteles. Greseala mea, sincer nici n-am bagat de seama.


As prefera totusi sa postezi si pareri referitor la analizele mele, si in ceea ce priveste solutiile prezentate in acest topic.


Multumesc pentru sfaturi si sper sa-mi oferi si feed-back-ul.


Sarbatori Fericite si un An Nou abundent.




PS: Am corectat greseala :)

Editat de Tiberiu

Daca ai corectat greseala si ai inteles si de ce ...e bun, chiar foarte bun.

Deocamdata o sa ma rezum la feedbacuri de forma, nu de fond ... uite de exemplu: cum te folosesti de volumele alea si ce inseamna mai precis "Volume Spread analysis"?


Cat despre : "As prefera totusi sa postezi si pareri referitor la analizele mele" , vreau sa te intreb ceva: Pot sa imi expun si puncte de vedere divergente cu ale tale ? sau vrei doar note de zece? Sincer ... ca sa nu ne stressam degeaba.

Postat (editat)

As prefera divergente sincer. Pentru ca in primul rand din contradictii putem evolua.


- Volume Spread analysis ( "Smart Money" - Professional Traders, Pre and After News Actions). - Demand/Supply, Accumulation/Distribution.


Spread - Difference between the Highest and the Lowest price of the Time frame that You Analyse.


I think that not always, for any Buyer in the Market has to be a Seller. There are currencies/stocks/commodities waiting to be bought/sold from the Brokers at any time.


Volume spread analysis- Strong Holders vs. Weak Holders. Strong Holders make money while Weak Holders lose Money.


To Your Success,


Editat de Tiberiu

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