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You think wrong. In forex, always for any buyer exist a seller and that is the broker. Your broker, always it is your counterparty.

However, I do not understand how you use those volumes. Do you?

Please, do not give definitions, ... and reply to subject if you don't mind


1) There are Market Makers, and there are ECN Brokers. Never say Never, and Never say Always :) Most traders fail because They listen to General advice.


2) I use the volumes to Identify the Bullish or Bearish Volumes:


- Bullish volume - increasing volume on up-moves and decreasing volume on down-moves

- Bearish volume - increasing volume on down-moves and decreasing volume on up-moves.


I follow the trends on different Time Frames, and also signals of trend reversal using volume.

The volumes in my charts are just for a clear view of the Market. I do not trade based only on Volumes. (And I am also trying to use Volumes from multiple Brokers).

The analysis that I post on this Thread is purely Technical and just a start for any strategy to enter the Market, like I said in My 12 Solutions and Steps.

  • Management

@tiberiu, 2 probleme:


1. Citeste aici regulile legate de semnaturi: Iti voi sterge unul dintre linkuri;

2. Nu are rost sa postezi aceeasi informatie in doua locuri diferite. Sunt de acord ca accesul la informatie trebuie sa fie cat mai usor, dar nu sunt de acord ca informatia sa devina enervanta fiind bagata in ochii cititorilor. Analizele din topicurile cu valute vor ramane, dar cele din topicul asta vor fi mutate (sau sterse daca mai sunt postate si ina alta parte). Daca vrei sa ai toate analizele intr-un singur loc si sa nu fie in sectiuni diferite, deschide un nou topic in sectiunea de analize si iti voi muta analizele acolo.


Am deschis un nou topic in sectiunea de Analize.


>>>Technical Analysis - Major Pairs (EUR/USD, AUD/USD. GBP/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY, USD/CAD) and more...<<<


Am rugamintea sa imi transferi analizele acolo.




CONSTANT RANGE BARS CHARTS. (Price Movement / Action - Volatility Charts)


Created in 1995, by a brazilian Trader, Vincent Nicolellis Jr., Constant Range Bars are also called "Momentum Bars". They are standard Charts with Bars that have Open/ Close/ High/ Low and Volume, but they focus on Price Movement, eliminating the Time Factor.


The Range Bars charts have 3 rules:


- Bars have the same Lenght / Height / High-Low Range in Pips, Ticks or Money ($),


- The Close of the Range Bar is always at the High or Low of the Bar,


- The Opening of the next Range Bar is always one pip / tick, above or under the High or Low of the current Bar.



For example, let's take a look at a 30 minutes chart on Eur/Usd and Compare it to a 10 Pips Constant Range Bars Chart:


- You can clearly see that we have a smaller number of Bars on the second chart, then the first one for the same period, and the same price action.


- If the Range of the Price Movement is smaller than the Constant Bars Lenght (ex: 10 pips), another bar will not be generated until the price range will be broken upside or downside.


- Gaps can be filled with Phantom Range Bars (not on J-forex Platform).


- Time is relative for a Constant Range Bar (it varies until the range of the bar is broken).


- You can Predict the High / Low / Open / Close of the Next Bar.


- If your trading Platform Permits, You can choose the Range of the bars in Pips, ticks or Money ($).


- Trendlines and channels seem to be built for range Bars Charts.


- Trends and trend reversal are easier to detect on Range Bars Charts.


- All the Range Bars have the same Size.


- Technical Analysis is also effective in Range Bars Charts.


- You can use Stop Orders (Conditional Orders) to enter the Market, placed at the top or low of the Bar.


- Money Management and Risk Management also Apply.


- Range Bars avoid to show some of the False Signals present in a choppy, noise Market, in the time based Charts.


- Volumes are better correlated with Price because You can clearly see the accumulation of strenght in the Price Range Bar.



Constant Range Bars Setup:


- For each Trading Instrument (Major Pairs, Stocks, bonds, Gold, Crude Oil ...), You can use ATR - Average True Range, which is the Daily volatility of the price in pips. You can choose a percentage (10, 20, 50%) of the Daily range for a Constant Range Bar.


- Of course that Range Bars' Lenght will also be settled from the Trader's Style point of View (Scalping, Intraday, Swing trading, Positional Trading, Investing)


- Appropriate Values in Range Bars Charts for Different Instruments: Eur/Usd - 15 pips, Gold - 15 Pips, Crude Oil - 20 Pips, Mini Dow Jones - 25 pips, E-mini - S&P 500 - 12 Pips.



>>>IMPORTANT: If You do what Most Traders do, You might Lose Money like Most Traders Do... You must see in Your Charts what Most Traders (Weak Holders)... Don't See!!<<<


To Your Success,




Constant Range Bars/Candles Charts advantages:


- Range Bars give You a Better Price Action, by eliminating the Choppy Market Noise because the Time is irrelevant in Range Bars Charts. The Long Candles are cut into smaller candles with the same size that give You clearer Entry Signals, and let You make a Better Analysis.


- Support and Resistence Levels are Clearer on Range Bars Charts.


- Some of the Indicators that are based on Price Action, like MACD, RSI, Bollinger Bands, Stochastic oscillator, Moving Averages, and Especially Volumes, Eliminate the Lag Time in Constant Range Bars Charts.


- Elliott Waves Analysis May be Clearer.


- Range Bars Charts and Volumes Analysis (Volume Spread Analysis) are Two of the best trading Instruments that can be used for a Successful Strategy.


- More effective Price Action shows clearer Shapes and Channels, Trendlines and Moving Averages that define a Trend.


- Congestion Areas in a Flat Market could be seen Better in Range Bars Charts.


- >>>IMPORTANT: All the Advantages of Constant Range Bars Charts that you have read until now, give You an Edge on the Market. They show another view of The Market to You. What Most traders Don't See. But this should also encourage You to use both Kinds of charts (Price Movement and time Based Charts) to have Both Views of the Market.<<<


To Your Success,



  • 4 săptămâni mai târziu...

Am postat un nou topic in stransa legatura cu cei 12 Pasi de Auto-disciplinare in Trading si mai ales cu introducere pe care am facut-,de curand in Range Bars Charts:


Range Bars Charts Exposed-The Timing Solution in Trading



Sper ca informatiile din aceste topicuri sa va fie de folos.


Am postat de asemenea in acel nou topic si un sondaj e care il veti gasi deosebit de interesant, daca ati fost captati de Graficele cu Bare Constante (Constant Range Bars Charts) asa cum sunt eu.


Va astept cu drag,



I am working on a strategy/ or a group of strategies, depending on the Market Conditions changes (in time, volume and price action).


This strategies should evolve beyond the Time factor and Price Movement, and also Volume Evolution, right through the Time factor/Price Action and Volumes Limits.


I believe that the only way to Evolve is to accept the Limits and grow with them, to set up new Limits, better ones.


Righ now two important factors of my strategies are Time Based charts and Constant Range Bars Charts technical analysis. And of course I use Volumes and Fundamental analysis, considering the fact that at any moment given price has 50-50% of moving Bullish/Bearish.


The rest is my secret...for Now


I am also an economical analyst and I can clearly convince You that Macro and Micro economic factors are mainly controlled and influenced by the Financial Markets these days. Actually the Fundamentals follow the Markets most of the Time.


To Your success,


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