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Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Helloo Folks, We thank God for bringing us to the begining of another brand new week and we give Him the   glory in ALL things..   This is Stallion,veteran forex trader and mentor. I would be reviewing strategic tips on how the major currency pairs can be milked. Though I specialize in gbpusd, other pairs would also be taken into consideration during our analysis.   It has been theorized that your state of mind will dictate your trading methods. Experts in the field of trading psychology have



Tuesday Tweet

Hi khairu, the red and blue lines you see on the chart is brought about through putting up a buy or sell order, which reflects on the ''graph''...To write out a text, just click the ''Insert'' tab above, next to ''View'' tab on your MT4 platform.. There, you can also experiment with trendlines, shapes, arrows, fib, gann..etc...just play around with it first and see how it translates on your chart.     So for today, Teusday, we could see a head and shoulder pattern on the GBPUSD 15 min chart,so w



Review of Strategic Tips on Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Helloo there Onwuka, nice to get your mail... We thank God for everything..We should also   know there are times we shouldnt ignore our personal needs in order to satisfy others   needs..A burnt out Stallion is of no good to himself or to the people..just cant give out   from an empty cup whether you see it half filled or creative silence or quiet time   is essential for each and every human being..Mind you, you dont have to be a hermit   hibernating in a cave or a monk in the Him



The Awakening

Hi Julie...thanks for your are right when you mentioned the ''paralysis by   analysis'' factor that disable the functions of majority of the traders due to information   overload.In pursuit of the quest for profits, most of us tend to disregard the knowledge,   patience and determination required to come out on top in any field of endeavour,instead we   only focus on money..''how much can I make daily?''...I deserve a 100 pips dropping like   clockwork each and every day''... Sta



Trading Sessions

Ahoy me fellow pip pirates.   Long time no sail the blog, me landlubber being... ropes got rusty... Following some scimitars crossing on the forum, me bones decided to take a rum and update the treasure cave. Some fellow asked about a compass showing the trading sessions, so we sailed again the seven seas and brought the tool. Unfortunately the comments on the forum are in Romanian, but I placed nice English tips inside of the source code. That could be e new opportunity for ye to start learnin



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Helloo needinfo,central bank intervention is the buying and selling of currency, foreign or domestic, by central banks in order to influence market conditions or exchange rate movement for fiscal or monetary policy purposes.   Why should the Bank of Japan intervene for a strong dollar? Because it is to their best interests. Japan, as we all know, is an export driven economy and if the Japanese yen is stronger than the dollar, it hurt their exports and consequently their economy. Why import 15000



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Helloo moneyadd, thanks for reading all my posts...trying to make the time to read them are great support and resistance levels that can be used in trading   to ascertain price movement..but even with the knowledge of 'fibo'' levels, many traders   still make losses..prefer the 60% windows which are more simpler and accurate in my personal   opinion..remember KISS? Keep it simple, its about applying the right tools for the   right markets...not all size fi



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Boonga boonga,what? reminds me of Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom...hey king of diamonds,   thanks for your hospitality..really appreciate it..howz kuala lumpur? The Russians said I   should google their language, the Japanese, the Indians,the Italians,Germans,even the   Peruvians tried to do me in but no online translation a frigging UN linguistic   convention met..would be grateful if you could teach me a lil Malay, for the ones I know is virtually down



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums   Season's Greetings to everyone, If you check out our chart above, you could see price moving dynamically from left to   right..we first followed it with our buy stop that yielded 30 pips, and the sell stop that   yielded 35 pips.. The present buy stop @ 14705, 1st target @ 14730, 2nd target @ 14745, sl @ 40 pips away, is   anticipated to yield 40 pips or so..more like chess.   For readers of this thread, I want to say a big thank you for



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums   Quite right,sam...If you noticed on the chart, you could see the 1-2-3 bottom below and the   head and shoulders pattern above...They are both reversal chart patterns,telling us price   has a high probability of reversing direction from its prevailing trend..The 50 pip stop   loss was at the left shoulder, and before we know it, 200 more pips, after 3rd target, was   liberated..     Patience is a virtue,especially in the markets,right,



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Helloo fasi, lets illustrate ,shall we? For example, we have a buy stop @ 1.5000, where stop loss was 50 pips away, @ our buy stop was triggered and price gets to 1.5020 or more..THAT is when you adjust your stop loss level from 1.4950, up to the buy entry level of 1.5000..then taking half profits means closing half your position(s)..if you entered with 1 minilot, you close at 0.5....if 2 minilots, you close at 1 minilot...sequentially...failure to apply this simple risk management



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

yea, jeff, market have been pretty much volatile since the last half of this year..Nice   observation, though..         Helloo there, increasenow, from the tone of your comment, you seem to be hiding some heavy sarcascm beneath velvet   gloves, or shall we say , ''cat's paw''? maybe its just a reflection of your inner mental   processes at work...well, I'm in a good mood so I'll humour you for now and give you some   answers..   1- consumed with GBPUSD? What do you think this, alcoholic con



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

[   Me too, has been quite a while since that chart was posted,I must say... those   numbers come from the chart, where we added/subtracted the range of price from its virtual entry point..second, am not really familiar with the 3 ducks cant say for now..       yea, t2wfx, we try to get better and better by the day..       Yes Lance, you can get a sample detailed performance report on my strategies as an attached   file below.Just click on it ,okay...This was on a startin



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Hi mfostel, Its quite encouraging of you to admit you've not been executing your trades very   well..Though some might say its just 'luck to catch a drop', it all depends on you, at the   end of the day.. Significant profits is just a MEASURE of good trading....You still have to create structures   based on your trading plan , in order to know where, when and how you went right or wrong in   your trading activities.. These structures includes your trading strategy, risk management and trade



Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forums

Yes, onwuka...there are some good chart patterns around...just google head and shoulder patterns, W top and bottom, wedges,triangles,pennants, etc..You could find something useful that might assist you in your trading activities..If you checked those charts, you would hardly see any indicators...every trading decision is based from the charts and mumbo jumbo indicators or lines all over the place,,just straight from the charts..           Lol, is quite simple a



Wax and wick... (part 3)

Talking about our last indicator, it is obvious that the pointer must point the candle which we want it decomposed.   But how about the text? Well, the text can be anywhere, couldn't it? As now we have a triangle to show us which candle is being under microscope, we also can move the pointer vertically, to anywhere. But it still need to point THAT candle we are interested in. But remark here that the text can be anywhere. We even could move the text on time axis. That is to move it on the left,



Wax and wick... (part 2)

Well, i knew it is not called "string", but me' lazy to look in the ship's dic. Some fellow told me is called wick.. well thanks mate!   Me be back with version 1.2 of the DetailView indicator, that can now update the detail picture dynamic, if the pointer was placed on the last candle. It looks pretty, me like it! Ye can take it from here:   Detail_View_v1.2.mq4   What's new?   Well.. beside of updating the little chart in real time, as discussed above...   If ye place the pointer on the last c



Breaking the candles in pieces: wax and string :D

Yarrr, ahoy me' pip pillager mates!   Haven't ye miss me? Yeah, I know, not at all... well.. today me be in a good mood! The market seems to be back in shape, and we just went out for booty. We came back with a treasure chest of few hundred pips from our favorite pairs, so now is the time to relax, no need to do any carpenting for our sloops, as they run out of the battle clean, this time.   Now is the time to relax and learn some MQL. Are ye ready? Wouldn't be fine to have a tool to break eac



Code release

I'm answering to Pion's request to release the code for BcWin and BcTools. These were both written in Dev-Pascal. I am attaching the pas and project files , as a test script for them too.



Back in trading!

After weeks of making a long, costly and complicated SWIFT transfer , I finally managed to open account with WHC. (Tell you guys that do SWIFT, always wire to the final beneficiary bank, disregarding any info on the corresponding bank). With 10% of equity consumed during this madness , also caused by the fact WHC wasn't quite accepting EUR deposits, as stated on their IB's website, I was almost pissed off. However, their real datafeed is beyond my previous expectations : lots of forex (including



Paper Trading (part 3)

Man, I like to trade directly on the graphic! Gosh, how I like it!! That's why I am really happy about my new upgrades of PT, well, something that will make my friend nicugh veeeerrryy happy too   For the guys getting bored to read the comments inside of the source code, this is the interesting part:   1. All arrow codes substituted with price labels. Color of the SL labels changed from deep pink to light orange, 'coz the label could not be read with ease by human eye, w




Ce inseamna FOREX?   Piata valutara internationala, denumita adeseori "Forex" sau "Piete FX" este cea mai mare, cea mai lichida si cea mai transparenta piata financiara din lume. Volumul mediu zilnic tranzactionat depaseste in prezent 2.000 de miliarde de dolari. Toate pietele de actiuni din Statele Unite combinate nu ating 3% din volumul total tranzactionat pe piata Forex. Spre deosebire de alte piete financiare, unde in general investitorii pot profita doar in cazul unei piete in crestere, in



Paper Trading (part 2)

Arrrr...   A'vast me hearties, me fellow pip-pillagers. Me be a little bit upset there was no feedback about paper pillaging. Anyhow, time kept me quite busy fighting the paper in real time. Me be a big bug finding! (this is a trial to combine the pirateglish with starwars's Yoda's style, well... you can guess what in the seven seas I wanna say, even i found a bug, or even I am the bug, I dont care...)   Trading the Strategy Tester on paper is quite nice! It works fine and doesn't need any upgr



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