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Razboiul Monedelor in apogeu odata cu QE2


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It’s all boiling up about trade…that is why the Germans and the Chinese are so anti QE. They fear a weaker Dollar.


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HALIFAX, Canada — The United States faces a possible war with Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions and a "period of confrontation" with China over its currency, a top US lawmaker warned Saturday. fro AFP


De pe situl the voice of Rusia:

The World Trade Organization is sounding alarm over “currency wars” which pose the biggest threat to global economy. A statement to that effect was published on Thursday in a special report ahead of a G20 summit in Seoul next week.


WTO experts say that even though the G20 countries are successfully resisting the temptation of resorting to protectionism in trade, many are induced to do so because of unemployment and tension on the currency markets. In their words, the so-called “dark clouds” on the global financial market pose the main threat to economic recovery, since the “fallout” from these “clouds” may prove so overwhelming that it will sweep transitional and developing economies.


(Reuters) - Policymakers from the world's new economic powerhouses in Latin America and Asia said they would consider fresh steps to curb capital inflows after the U.S. Federal Reserve announced it would print billions of dollars to rescue its economy.



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