Despre acest Club
Discutii despre investitiile facute de ARK Investment Management LLC, o companie care se concentreaza pe inovatii in diferite domenii precum: automatizari, robotica, genetica, fintech, printare 3d, explorare spatiala si criptomonede. Toate informatiile publicate repezinta opinia autorului si nu sunt recomandari de tranzactionare. Nu suntem afiliati cu ARK Investment Management LLC. Pentru inceput grupul va ramane deschis, dar pe masura ce se formeaza o masa critica de oameni interesati, acesta se va transforma intr-un grup privat
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Scoateti o foaie de hartie, azi avem test fulger: aflati cate actiuni UiPath (PATH) a cumparat ieri ARK . Se acorda puncte bonus pentru cei care spun si in cate fonduri a intrat UiPath in ziua listarii. Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 04/21/2021 Buy 3690HK G59669104 MEITUAN 377,486 0.3326 2 ARKF 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 238,407 0.3834 3 ARKF 04/21/2021 Sell INTU 461202103 INTUIT INC 15,033 0.1459 4 ARKF 04/21/2021 Sell NVDA 67066G104 NVIDIA CORP 8,159 0.1182 5 ARKF 04/21/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 25,000 0.1275 6 ARKF 04/21/2021 Sell WDAY 98138H101 WORKDAY INC 24,610 0.1464 7 ARKG 04/21/2021 Buy RXRX 75629V104 RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS INC 710 0.0002 8 ARKG 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 540,806 0.3809 9 ARKG 04/21/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 108,698 0.0467 10 ARKG 04/21/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 3,359 0.0018 11 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell TMO 883556102 THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC 12,300 0.0614 12 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 47,382 0.0030 13 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell NVS 66987V109 NOVARTIS AG 11,038 0.0102 14 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell RHHBY 771195104 ROCHE HOLDING AG 138,361 0.0620 15 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 9,000 0.0473 16 ARKG 04/21/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 41,600 0.0218 17 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy SKLZ 83067L109 SKILLZ INC 4,014,903 0.2621 18 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 1,348,999 0.3808 19 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy IRDM 46269C102 IRIDIUM COMMUNICATIONS INC 15,219 0.0023 20 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy DKNG 26142R104 DRAFTKINGS INC 126,173 0.0291 21 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy COIN 19260Q107 COINBASE GLOBAL INC 195,108 0.2553 22 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy BLI 084310101 BERKELEY LIGHTS INC 60,684 0.0117 23 ARKK 04/21/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 37,406 0.0109 24 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell TWTR 90184L102 TWITTER INC 122,015 0.0337 25 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell TSLA 88160R101 TESLA INC 163,981 0.4972 26 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell SQ 852234103 SQUARE INC 170,764 0.1755 27 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell SNPS 871607107 SYNOPSYS INC 19,690 0.0206 28 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell ROKU 77543R102 ROKU INC 114,713 0.1677 29 ARKK 04/21/2021 Sell PCAR 693718108 PACCAR INC 206,766 0.0799 30 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Buy SPFR G50740102 JAWS SPITFIRE ACQUISITION CORP 104,184 0.0315 31 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 187,267 0.3786 32 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Buy NIU 65481N100 NIU TECHNOLOGIES 3,843 0.0038 33 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Buy DDD 88554D205 3D SYSTEMS CORP 23,622 0.0133 34 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Sell NVDA 67066G104 NVIDIA CORP 8,100 0.1476 35 ARKQ 04/21/2021 Sell XLNX 983919101 XILINX INC 46,247 0.1734 36 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 56,800 0.0665 37 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy SKLZ 83067L109 SKILLZ INC 1,056,186 0.2513 38 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy PTON 70614W100 PELOTON INTERACTIVE INC 152,289 0.2291 39 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy PDD 722304102 PINDUODUO INC 1,956 0.0036 40 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 384,976 0.3820 41 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy NFLX 64110L106 NETFLIX INC 53,667 0.4001 42 ARKW 04/21/2021 Buy COIN 19260Q107 COINBASE GLOBAL INC 52,609 0.2489 43 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 397,704 0.1197 44 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell HUBS 443573100 HUBSPOT INC 11,403 0.0843 45 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 119,279 0.4605 46 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell DOCU 256163106 DOCUSIGN INC 68,892 0.2201 47 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell SQ 852234103 SQUARE INC 136,811 0.4872 48 ARKW 04/21/2021 Sell ICE 45866F104 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC 169,143 0.2964 49 ARKX 04/21/2021 Buy RTP G7483N129 REINVENT TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS 103,052 0.1504 50 ARKX 04/21/2021 Buy PATH 90364P105 UIPATH INC 38,475 0.3816 51 ARKX 04/21/2021 Buy NFLX 64110L106 NETFLIX INC 5,214 0.3863 52 ARKX 04/21/2021 Buy 3690HK G59669104 MEITUAN 84,860 0.4612 53 ARKX 04/21/2021 Sell NVDA 67066G104 NVIDIA CORP 5,597 0.4992 54 ARKX 04/21/2021 Sell XLNX 983919101 XILINX INC 37,634 0.6910
Da, in Europa toti brokerii care le au listate le au sub forma de CFD-uri. Sunt si la Trading212, Saxo, IBKR, etc.
Ati observat ca XTB are in lista fondurile acestea ARK? Doar ca sunt CFD... nu sunt active cu detinere
Pentru moment am oprit postarea tranzactiilor zilnice aici si o sa intervin doar cand am de comentat ceva legat de achizitiil sau vanzarile dintr-o anumita zi. Daca vreti sa primiti zilnic, pe mail, tabelul cu ce cumpara si ce vinde ARK, accesati
Trading212 ofera CFDuri pe fondurile ARK
Stefan a răspuns la subiect lui Stefan în ARK Discutii despre ARK
Saxo nu are CFD-uri pe ETF-urile ARK. Later edit: scuze, doar pe ARKX nu are... pentru restul intr-adevar exista. -
Trading212 ofera CFDuri pe fondurile ARK
Criodi a răspuns la subiect lui Stefan în ARK Discutii despre ARK
Nici acum nu accepta conturi noi. Tine de prin Ianuarie treaba asta, poate mai devreme. Mi se pare un pic ciudat ca mentin in continuare platforma inchisa. Ca idee, daca mai sunt si altii interesati, atat Interactive Brokers cat si Saxo Bank ofera CFD (si optiuni) pe ETF-urile ARK. -
Toate cele 6 fonduri sunt oferite pentru tranzactionare: ARKK, ARKG, ARKF, ARKW, ARKQ, ARKX. La un moment dat Trading212 nu mai permitea deschiderea conturilor noi si nu stiu daca acum se poate, dar pentru clientii existenti este o veste buna.
Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 04/06/2021 Buy LC 52603A208 LENDINGCLUB CORP 196,476 0.0744 2 ARKF 04/06/2021 Sell ICE 45866F104 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC 164,037 0.4443 3 ARKF 04/06/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 14,816 0.0766 4 ARKG 04/06/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 91,624 0.0262 5 ARKG 04/06/2021 Buy RPTX 760273102 REPARE THERAPEUTICS INC 8,564 0.0027 6 ARKG 04/06/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 8,941 0.0048 7 ARKG 04/06/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 6,871 0.0003 8 ARKG 04/06/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 26,639 0.0150 9 ARKK 04/06/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 50,500 0.0167 10 ARKK 04/06/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 102,269 0.0342 11 ARKK 04/06/2021 Buy TRMB 896239100 TRIMBLE INC 760,613 0.2597 12 ARKW 04/06/2021 Buy TTD 88339J105 TRADE DESK INC/THE 26,600 0.2524 13 ARKW 04/06/2021 Sell SNPS 871607107 SYNOPSYS INC 45,663 0.1659
Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 04/05/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 316,100 0.0534 2 ARKG 04/05/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 21,256 0.0109 3 ARKG 04/05/2021 Buy RPTX 760273102 REPARE THERAPEUTICS INC 2,000 0.0006 4 ARKG 04/05/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 70,299 0.0204 5 ARKG 04/05/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 22,100 0.0124 6 ARKG 04/05/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 23,726 0.0012 7 ARKG 04/05/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 68,057 0.0052 8 ARKK 04/05/2021 Buy TXG 88025U109 10X GENOMICS INC 28,606 0.0224 9 ARKK 04/05/2021 Buy TWTR 90184L102 TWITTER INC 266,865 0.0695 10 ARKK 04/05/2021 Buy TRMB 896239100 TRIMBLE INC 19,346 0.0067 11 ARKK 04/05/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 31,423 0.0109 12 ARKK 04/05/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 72,622 0.0246 13 ARKW 04/05/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 75,881 0.2537 14 ARKW 04/05/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 212,554 0.2527
Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 04/01/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 274,300 0.0487 2 ARKG 04/01/2021 Buy TXG 88025U109 10X GENOMICS INC 79,573 0.1536 3 ARKG 04/01/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 80,935 0.0465 4 ARKG 04/01/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 121,919 0.0063 5 ARKG 04/01/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 35,756 0.0030 6 ARKK 04/01/2021 Buy TRMB 896239100 TRIMBLE INC 453,214 0.1530 7 ARKW 04/01/2021 Sell API 00851L103 AGORA INC 104,001 0.0789
lista tranzactiilor pentru 30 si 31 martie este mai jos. PAYPAL (PYPL) iese complet din ARKK, iar o mare parte din detinerile in ARKF sunt de asemnea lichidate pe acest reper. Sirul de achizitii pentru BERKELEY LIGHTS INC (BLI) continua. Piata da semne de revenire. Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/30/2021 Buy 6060HK Y989DF109 ZHONGAN ONLINE P&C INSURANCE CO LTD 106,812 0.0166 2 ARKF 03/30/2021 Buy BILL 090043100 BILL.COM HOLDINGS INC 29,400 0.1035 3 ARKF 03/30/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 22,530 0.1209 4 ARKF 03/30/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 122,699 0.2475 5 ARKF 03/30/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 6,319 0.0332 6 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 8,938 0.0027 7 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy SEER 81578P106 SEER INC 20,721 0.0098 8 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 100,453 0.0482 9 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy BLI 084310101 BERKELEY LIGHTS INC 56,670 0.0276 10 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 487,344 0.0890 11 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 70,147 0.0289 12 ARKG 03/30/2021 Buy ACCD 316827124 ACCOLADE INC 26,636 0.0131 13 ARKG 03/30/2021 Sell NVS 66987V109 NOVARTIS AG 100,127 0.0967 14 ARKG 03/30/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 379,931 0.2184 15 ARKG 03/30/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 11,082 0.0006 16 ARKG 03/30/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 49,951 0.0042 17 ARKK 03/30/2021 Buy TWTR 90184L102 TWITTER INC 114,774 0.0338 18 ARKK 03/30/2021 Buy TWLO 90138F102 TWILIO INC 73,342 0.1109 19 ARKK 03/30/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 35,468 0.0123 20 ARKK 03/30/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 173,007 0.0598 21 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell ICE 45866F104 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC 16,016 0.0085 22 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 20 0.0000 23 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell SPOT L8681T102 SPOTIFY TECHNOLOGY SA 12,652 0.0151 24 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 26,549 0.0594 25 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 160,665 0.1797 26 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 76,700 0.0075 27 ARKK 03/30/2021 Sell PCAR 693718108 PACCAR INC 28,641 0.0127 28 ARKQ 03/30/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 134,100 0.3903 29 ARKQ 03/30/2021 Sell ISRG 46120E602 INTUITIVE SURGICAL INC 17,751 0.3922 30 ARKW 03/30/2021 Buy TTD 88339J105 TRADE DESK INC/THE 26,965 0.2492 31 ARKW 03/30/2021 Sell API 00851L103 AGORA INC 185,350 0.1386 32 ARKW 03/30/2021 Sell FB 30303M102 FACEBOOK INC 1,800 0.0078 Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/31/2021 Buy JD 47215P106 JD.COM INC 141,876 0.3021 2 ARKF 03/31/2021 Buy PDD 722304102 PINDUODUO INC 57,877 0.1960 3 ARKF 03/31/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 20,091 0.1109 4 ARKF 03/31/2021 Buy SHOP 82509L107 SHOPIFY INC 18,184 0.5059 5 ARKF 03/31/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 161,846 0.9914 6 ARKF 03/31/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 18,639 0.0995 7 ARKG 03/31/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 10,200 0.0050 8 ARKG 03/31/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 621,228 0.1108 9 ARKG 03/31/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 700 0.0003 10 ARKG 03/31/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 32,667 0.0157 11 ARKG 03/31/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 99,100 0.0542 12 ARKG 03/31/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 102,526 0.0082 13 ARKK 03/31/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 2,660 0.0009 14 ARKK 03/31/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 66,500 0.0725 15 ARKW 03/31/2021 Sell API 00851L103 AGORA INC 101,999 0.0747
Cam asta s-a intampla ieri Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/29/2021 Buy 6060HK Y989DF109 ZHONGAN ONLINE P&C INSURANCE CO LTD 634,800 0.0994 2 ARKF 03/29/2021 Buy DKNG 26142R104 DRAFTKINGS INC 160,100 0.2468 3 ARKF 03/29/2021 Sell AAPL 037833100 APPLE INC 77,439 0.2450 4 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 32,128 0.0097 5 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy SEER 81578P106 SEER INC 173,209 0.0790 6 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy RPTX 760273102 REPARE THERAPEUTICS INC 3,904 0.0012 7 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy MASS 65443P102 908 DEVICES INC 2,702 0.0013 8 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy BLI 084310101 BERKELEY LIGHTS INC 83,492 0.0416 9 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 62,300 0.0306 10 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 92,300 0.0383 11 ARKG 03/29/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 232,316 0.0472 12 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell TAK 874060205 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD 429,900 0.0910 13 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell SYRS 87184Q107 SYROS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 22,186 0.0019 14 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell RHHBY 771195104 ROCHE HOLDING AG 220,619 0.1004 15 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 6,616 0.0003 16 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell PHR 71944F106 PHREESIA INC 55,906 0.0319 17 ARKG 03/29/2021 Sell NVS 66987V109 NOVARTIS AG 92,709 0.0913 18 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 176,108 0.1456 19 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy TWLO 90138F102 TWILIO INC 63,123 0.0959 20 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy TWTR 90184L102 TWITTER INC 272,850 0.0823 21 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 129,997 0.0444 22 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy DKNG 26142R104 DRAFTKINGS INC 349,200 0.0997 23 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 254,900 0.0930 24 ARKK 03/29/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 84,832 0.0845 25 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 11,400 0.0113 26 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 282,419 0.1077 27 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell SPOT L8681T102 SPOTIFY TECHNOLOGY SA 50,741 0.0619 28 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 108,775 0.2538 29 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 267,960 0.3039 30 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 319,049 0.0325 31 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell PCAR 693718108 PACCAR INC 113,000 0.0507 32 ARKK 03/29/2021 Sell ICE 45866F104 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC 96,600 0.0529 33 ARKQ 03/29/2021 Buy WKHS 98138J206 WORKHORSE GROUP INC 59,600 0.0241 34 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 175,300 0.2509 35 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy SQ 852234103 SQUARE INC 62,437 0.1967 36 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy SHOP 82509L107 SHOPIFY INC 12,797 0.2037 37 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy ROKU 77543R102 ROKU INC 87,519 0.4022 38 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy PTON 70614W100 PELOTON INTERACTIVE INC 156,700 0.2524 39 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy JD 47215P106 JD.COM INC 320,326 0.3990 40 ARKW 03/29/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 107,875 0.1985 41 ARKW 03/29/2021 Sell NFLX 64110L106 NETFLIX INC 114,733 0.8976 42 ARKW 03/29/2021 Sell API 00851L103 AGORA INC 16,953 0.0121 43 ARKW 03/29/2021 Sell ADBE 00724F101 ADOBE INC 140,033 1.0008
Se pare ca pozitiile din ARKX au fost publicate. Inainte de a va intreba de ce e nevoie de Netflix in spatiu, tineti cont ca fondul este la inceput. Cel mai probabil unele dintre actiunile de acolo sunt doar "de umplutura" pentru net asset value. Cel mai probabil vor fi vandute atunci cand apare o oportunitate de achizitie pentru ceva space related.
ARK isi extinde portofoliul de ETF-uri cu un nou fond, axat pe space exploration. Se pare ca intra la tranzactionare pe CBOE incepand cu 30 martie. O sa scriu aici, separat, informatii si tranzactii legate de acest fond pentru ca ma intereseaza personal. Din pacate, la fel ca in cazul celorlalte ETF-uri ARK, va fi probabil destul de complicat de a le tranzactiona in Europa, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu ne putem uita in "lista lor de cumparaturi" si sa alegem ce ne place.
Nimic special de comentat pentru ziua de vineri Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/26/2021 Buy 6060HK Y989DF109 ZHONGAN ONLINE P&C INSURANCE CO LTD 921,200 0.1400 2 ARKF 03/26/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 48,220 0.2600 3 ARKF 03/26/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 44,350 0.0900 4 ARKG 03/26/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 22,072 0.0100 5 ARKG 03/26/2021 Buy SEER 81578P106 SEER INC 116,682 0.0500 6 ARKG 03/26/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 213,550 0.0900 7 ARKG 03/26/2021 Sell RHHBY 771195104 ROCHE HOLDING AG 315,394 0.1400 8 ARKG 03/26/2021 Sell BMY 110122108 BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO 54,441 0.0400 9 ARKG 03/26/2021 Sell TAK 874060205 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD 280,814 0.0600 10 ARKK 03/26/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 93,900 0.0400 11 ARKK 03/26/2021 Buy BIDU 056752108 BAIDU INC 323,410 0.2800 12 ARKK 03/26/2021 Sell REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 42,900 0.0900 13 ARKK 03/26/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 171,161 0.1900 14 ARKK 03/26/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 317,553 0.0300 15 ARKQ 03/26/2021 Buy BIDU 056752108 BAIDU INC 55,950 0.3200 16 ARKQ 03/26/2021 Sell BYDDY 05606L100 BYD CO LTD 49,500 0.0700 17 ARKQ 03/26/2021 Sell GOOG 02079K107 ALPHABET INC 3,361 0.2100 18 ARKQ 03/26/2021 Sell NXPI N6596X109 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS NV 49,438 0.3000 19 ARKW 03/26/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 80,670 0.2500 20 ARKW 03/26/2021 Buy OPEN 683712103 OPENDOOR TECHNOLOGIES INC 144,600 0.0500 21 ARKW 03/26/2021 Buy BIDU 056752108 BAIDU INC 100,777 0.2800 22 ARKW 03/26/2021 Sell PINS 72352L106 PINTEREST INC 127,772 0.1300 23 ARKW 03/26/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 41,619 0.1500 24 ARKW 03/26/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 205,964 0.2400
De mentionat doar faptul ca ieri au fost trei intrari in aceeasi zi pe TDOC (TELADOC HEALTH INC) si ca aceasta companie devine tot mai importanta in portofoliul ARK. Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/25/2021 Buy OPEN 683712103 OPENDOOR TECHNOLOGIES INC 468,600 0.2524 2 ARKF 03/25/2021 Sell AMZN 023135106 AMAZON.COM INC 3,571 0.2791 3 ARKF 03/25/2021 Sell BABA 01609W102 ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LTD 51,402 0.2975 4 ARKF 03/25/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 78,519 0.1557 5 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy SGFY 82671G100 SIGNIFY HEALTH INC 68,499 0.0194 6 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy SEER 81578P106 SEER INC 77,391 0.0355 7 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy SDGR 80810D103 SCHRODINGER INC/UNITED STATES 112,514 0.0816 8 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy RPTX 760273102 REPARE THERAPEUTICS INC 1,028 0.0003 9 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 80,118 0.1499 10 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 127,800 0.0236 11 ARKG 03/25/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 180,617 0.0756 12 ARKG 03/25/2021 Sell VRTX 92532F100 VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INC 102,956 0.2376 13 ARKG 03/25/2021 Sell TAK 874060205 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD 113,025 0.0237 14 ARKG 03/25/2021 Sell RHHBY 771195104 ROCHE HOLDING AG 36,861 0.0163 15 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 180,692 0.1456 16 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 200,700 0.0844 17 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy PLTR 69608A108 PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES INC 783,500 0.0791 18 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 148,542 0.0847 19 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy ZM 98980L101 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC 50,395 0.0734 20 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 306,976 0.1075 21 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 122,367 0.0469 22 ARKK 03/25/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 100,684 0.0926 23 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 307,283 0.1102 24 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 27,672 0.0595 25 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 309,932 0.3316 26 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 434,179 0.0412 27 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell PCAR 693718108 PACCAR INC 134,000 0.0564 28 ARKK 03/25/2021 Sell NVS 66987V109 NOVARTIS AG 71,063 0.0287 29 ARKQ 03/25/2021 Buy SPFR G50740102 JAWS SPITFIRE ACQUISITION CORP 68,100 0.0217 30 ARKQ 03/25/2021 Buy BIDU 056752108 BAIDU INC 31,505 0.2048 31 ARKQ 03/25/2021 Sell GOOG 02079K107 ALPHABET INC 3,088 0.1977 32 ARKW 03/25/2021 Buy SKLZ 83067L109 SKILLZ INC 745,700 0.2108 33 ARKW 03/25/2021 Buy OPEN 683712103 OPENDOOR TECHNOLOGIES INC 453,600 0.1513 34 ARKW 03/25/2021 Buy BIDU 056752108 BAIDU INC 32,600 0.1009 35 ARKW 03/25/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 58,186 0.1518 36 ARKW 03/25/2021 Sell MELI 58733R102 MERCADOLIBRE INC 6,765 0.1416 37 ARKW 03/25/2021 Sell ICE 45866F104 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC 120,362 0.2012 38 ARKW 03/25/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 56,687 0.1963 39 ARKW 03/25/2021 Sell ROKU 77543R102 ROKU INC 42,662 0.2024
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De notat pentru sesiunea de ieri: SPFR (Jaws Spitfire Acquisition Corp) intra in portofoliul ARK . Este un SPAC pentru VELO3D - o companie din industria 3D printing care detine peste 48 de patente si o metoda de a printa piese metalice fara structuri de suport. In 3D printing, structurile de suport sunt printate impreuna cu piesa principala si au rolul de a sustine piesa si elementele care "stau in aer". Problema este ca acesti suporti consuma mult material si cresc considerabil timpul de printare. In plus, locul in care suportul se imbina cu piesa principala va avea mereu mici imperfectiuni dupa inlaturarea suportului. Din aceasta cauza este necesara o post-procesare (care iar adauga costuri de productie), dar, mai important decat costurile, pot cauza defectiuni in piesele cu tolerante mici sau asupra carora se exercita forte majore. Deci inlaturarea structurilor de suport scad timpul de printare, scad costurile si cresc rezistenta piesei printate; 1 209 000 actiuni PLTR (Palantir) au fost adaugate in ARKK. O crestere de 15% a numarului de actiuni Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/24/2021 Buy PDD 722304102 PINDUODUO INC 78,761 0.2605 2 ARKF 03/24/2021 Sell AMZN 023135106 AMAZON.COM INC 7,698 0.6158 3 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy SDGR 80810D103 SCHRODINGER INC/UNITED STATES 76,400 0.0559 4 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy RPTX 760273102 REPARE THERAPEUTICS INC 2,160 0.0006 5 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 310,023 0.1489 6 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy CDXS 192005106 CODEXIS INC 54,101 0.0126 7 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy ADPT 00650F109 ADAPTIVE BIOTECHNOLOGIES CORP 154,223 0.0663 8 ARKG 03/24/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 81,400 0.0349 9 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy ZM 98980L101 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC 84,877 0.1237 10 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 165,604 0.0982 11 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 260,400 0.1117 12 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy SE 81141R100 SEA LTD 178,400 0.1620 13 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy BEAM 07373V105 BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC 106,512 0.0401 14 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy PLTR 69608A108 PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES INC 1,209,900 0.1249 15 ARKK 03/24/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 136,815 0.0521 16 ARKK 03/24/2021 Sell PSTG 74624M102 PURE STORAGE INC 298,583 0.0287 17 ARKK 03/24/2021 Sell PCAR 693718108 PACCAR INC 108,183 0.0448 18 ARKK 03/24/2021 Sell TREE 52603B107 LENDINGTREE INC 4,684 0.0045 19 ARKK 03/24/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 410,319 0.1429 20 ARKK 03/24/2021 Sell PYPL 70450Y103 PAYPAL HOLDINGS INC 172,865 0.1839 21 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Buy SPFR G50740102 JAWS SPITFIRE ACQUISITION CORP 733,313 0.2333 22 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Buy RAVN 754212108 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC 26,899 0.0278 23 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 132,800 0.0492 24 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Sell ISRG 46120E602 INTUITIVE SURGICAL INC 11,404 0.2552 25 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 18,300 0.0173 26 ARKQ 03/24/2021 Sell AVAV 008073108 AEROVIRONMENT INC 6,957 0.0252 27 ARKW 03/24/2021 Buy PDD 722304102 PINDUODUO INC 167,277 0.3153 28 ARKW 03/24/2021 Sell FB 30303M102 FACEBOOK INC 35,268 0.1469 29 ARKW 03/24/2021 Sell SI 82837P408 SILVERGATE CAPITAL CORP 36,796 0.0740
Singura mentiune pentru ieri este ca mie DDD (3D SYSTEMS CORP) mi-a lovit stopul, iar ARK cumpara in continuare Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 03/23/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 38,112 0.0164 2 ARKG 03/23/2021 Buy CDXS 192005106 CODEXIS INC 138,712 0.0317 3 ARKG 03/23/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 584,838 0.2705 4 ARKG 03/23/2021 Buy SURF 86877M209 SURFACE ONCOLOGY INC 47,374 0.0042 5 ARKK 03/23/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 31,614 0.0117 6 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 225,998 0.0818 7 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Buy RAVN 754212108 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC 183,463 0.1829 8 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Buy DDD 88554D205 3D SYSTEMS CORP 558,900 0.4593 9 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 23,080 0.0213 10 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Sell BYDDY 05606L100 BYD CO LTD 12,424 0.0174 11 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Sell AVAV 008073108 AEROVIRONMENT INC 5,097 0.0178 12 ARKQ 03/23/2021 Sell TSM 874039100 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING CO LTD 232,577 0.8054
Tabelul contine tranzactiile facute de ARK in ziua respectiva. Nu stim cand exact, la ce ora, in cate transe, cu ce broker, sau alte detalii, ci doar ca au facut BUY/SELL pe instrumentul X, un numar de actiuni Y. Toate tranzactiile lor sunt long term in princpiu, nu fac day trading, daca la asta te referi. Vanzarile se fac din portofoliul deja existent, ARK nu tranzactioneaza short. T+2 nu e ARK specific, e pur si simplu modul in care se tranzactioneaza actiunile. E un disclaimer in ideea ca tranzactiile nu sunt chiar 100% gata atunci cand sunt publicate. Vezi Settling Securities Transactions, T+2 | and click around for more info sau mai pe scurt What Do T+1, T+2, and T+3 Mean? ( Vezi si All 55 ARKK ETF Holdings ( pentru holdings, nice charts, etc.
Dupa inregistrarea pe site Ark acestea expediaza un email de forma de mai jos : ARK offers fully transparent Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs") and provides investors with trade information for all actively managed ETFs. This email only reflects portfolio adjustments made by the ARK investment team. Files of trades are not comprehensive lists of a day's trades for the ARK ETFs and exclude initial/secondary public offering transactions and ETF Creation/Redemption Unit activity. Complete holding files are posted daily on Latest Trades Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 2,626 0.0011 2 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy CDXS 192005106 CODEXIS INC 44,373 0.0099 3 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 46,225 0.0254 4 ARKG 03/22/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 380 0.0000 5 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy DDD 88554D205 3D SYSTEMS CORP 141,254 0.1205 6 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 187,300 0.5510 7 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 17,570 0.0063 8 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell BYDDY 05606L100 BYD CO LTD 26,200 0.0373 9 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell DE 244199105 DEERE & CO 45,982 0.5004 10 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 12,700 0.0116 11 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell AVAV 008073108 AEROVIRONMENT INC 8,096 0.0282 Download today's trades in Excel format *DISCLOSURES: Trade notifications are for informational purposes only. ARK offers fully transparent ETFs and provides trade information for all actively managed ETFs. ARK's statements are not an endorsement of any company or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security. Trade notification files are not provided until full trade execution at the end of a trading day. ARK may not trade every day. The time stamp of the email is the time of file upload and not necessarily the exact time of the trades. Files of trades are not comprehensive lists of a day's trades for the ARK ETFs and exclude initial/secondary public offering transactions and ETF Creation/Redemption Unit activity. Additional files may be posted at a later time. Most ARK ETF portfolio trades settle on a T+2 basis. These files represent an UNOFFICIAL, UNRECONCILED account, as all official accounting and custody processes for the ARK ETFs are performed by BNY Mellon resulting in a daily Net Asset Value ("NAV") for the ARK ETFs. Updated ARK ETF end of day holdings are available on The contents of this email and any corresponding attachment/s are for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This email does not constitute, either explicitly or implicitly, any provision of services or products by ARK and investors are encouraged to consult counsel and/or other investment professionals as to whether a particular investment management service is suitable for their investment needs. All statements made regarding companies or securities are strictly beliefs and points of view held by ARK and are not endorsements by ARK of any company or security or recommendations by ARK to buy, sell or hold any security. Historical results are not indications of future results. Certain of the statements contained in this content may be statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on ARK's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The matters discussed via this content may also involve risks and uncertainties described from time to time in ARK's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. ARK assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this content. Certain information was obtained from sources that ARK believes to be reliable; however, ARK does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information obtained from any third party. ARK and its clients as well as its related persons may (but do not necessarily) have financial interests in securities or issuers that are discussed. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives and risks as well as charges and expenses of an ARK ETF before investing. This and other information are contained in the ARK ETFs' prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. An investment in an ARK ETF is subject to risks and you can lose money on your investment in an ARK ETF. There can be no assurance that the ARK ETFs will achieve their investment objectives. The ARK ETFs' portfolios are more volatile than broad market averages. Detailed information regarding the specific risks of the ARK ETFs can be found in the ARK ETFs' prospectuses. Additional risks of investing in ARK ETFs include market, management, concentration and non-diversification risks, as well as fluctuations in market value and net asset value ("NAV"). Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the ETF. ETF shares may only be redeemed directly with the ETF at NAV by Authorized Participants, in very large creation units. There can be no guarantee that an active trading market for ETF shares will develop or be maintained, or that their listing will continue or remain unchanged. Buying or selling ETF shares on an exchange may require the payment of brokerage commissions and frequent trading may incur brokerage costs that detract significantly from investment returns. The information herein is general in nature and should not be considered financial, legal or tax advice. An investor should consult a financial professional, an attorney or tax professional regarding the investor’s specific situation. ARK Investment Management LLC is the investment adviser to the ARK ETFs. Foreside Fund Services, LLC, distributor. Unsubscribe Intrebari: Nu reusesc sa inteleg tabelul cu intrari este intraday sau long terrm? ( The time stamp of the email is the time of file upload and not necessarily the exact time of the trades) Ce inseamna " settle on a T+2 basis"? Pentru directia short ei vind in lipsa sau sau vind din intrarile long anterioare?
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Nimic de comentat pentru tranzactiile de ieri Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 2,626 0.0011 2 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy CDXS 192005106 CODEXIS INC 44,373 0.0099 3 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 46,225 0.0254 4 ARKG 03/22/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 380 0.0000 5 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy DDD 88554D205 3D SYSTEMS CORP 141,254 0.1205 6 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 187,300 0.5510 7 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 17,570 0.0063 8 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell BYDDY 05606L100 BYD CO LTD 26,200 0.0373 9 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell DE 244199105 DEERE & CO 45,982 0.5004 10 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 12,700 0.0116 11 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell AVAV 008073108 AEROVIRONMENT INC 8,096 0.0282
Tranzactiile de pe 18 si 19, pentru ca ramasesem dator. Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 03/18/2021 Buy SURF 86877M209 SURFACE ONCOLOGY INC 71,292 0.0064 2 ARKG 03/18/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 46,148 0.0889 3 ARKG 03/18/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 129,544 0.0076 4 ARKK 03/18/2021 Buy BLI 084310101 BERKELEY LIGHTS INC 40,100 0.0093 5 ARKK 03/18/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 84,421 0.0314 6 ARKK 03/18/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 159,440 0.1271 7 ARKK 03/18/2021 Buy ZM 98980L101 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC 146,064 0.2053 8 ARKQ 03/18/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 64,918 0.0230 9 ARKQ 03/18/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 58,200 0.0544 10 ARKW 03/18/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 15,082 0.0284 11 ARKW 03/18/2021 Buy ZM 98980L101 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC 45,077 0.2054 12 ARKW 03/18/2021 Sell OKTA 679295105 OKTA INC 847 0.0025 13 ARKW 03/18/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 39,502 0.0447 14 ARKW 03/18/2021 Sell TSM 874039100 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING CO LTD 9,217 0.0147 Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKK 03/19/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 13,068 0.0049 2 ARKQ 03/19/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 87,945 0.0308 3 ARKQ 03/19/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 28,300 0.0260 4 ARKW 03/19/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 45,469 0.1145 5 ARKW 03/19/2021 Sell FB 30303M102 FACEBOOK INC 152,902 0.6050 6 ARKW 03/19/2021 Sell TCEHY 88032Q109 TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD 133,922 0.1486
Trei pachete noi pentru TDOC (TELADOC HEALTH INC) sunt adaugate la cele deja existente in ARKG, ARKK si ARKW. Se continua si seria de achizitii BLI (BERKELEY LIGHTS INC). Restul in tabelul de mai jos. Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKF 03/17/2021 Buy 9923HK G9835C108 YEAHKA LTD 210,400 0.0518 2 ARKG 03/17/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 78,371 0.1432 3 ARKG 03/17/2021 Buy BFLY 124155102 BUTTERFLY NETWORK INC 215,623 0.0360 4 ARKG 03/17/2021 Buy SURF 86877M209 SURFACE ONCOLOGY INC 54,742 0.0046 5 ARKG 03/17/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 90,493 0.0481 6 ARKK 03/17/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 174,957 0.1305 7 ARKK 03/17/2021 Buy BLI 084310101 BERKELEY LIGHTS INC 39,085 0.0085 8 ARKK 03/17/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 448,471 0.2480 9 ARKK 03/17/2021 Buy FATE 31189P102 FATE THERAPEUTICS INC 18,860 0.0066 10 ARKQ 03/17/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 6,900 0.0062 11 ARKW 03/17/2021 Buy TDOC 87918A105 TELADOC HEALTH INC 52,148 0.1262 12 ARKW 03/17/2021 Buy Z 98954M200 ZILLOW GROUP INC 164,615 0.2938 13 ARKW 03/17/2021 Sell ROKU 77543R102 ROKU INC 77,395 0.3745