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Indicator Renko pentru MT4
viktor256 a răspuns la întrebare lui viktor256 în Intrebari si raspunsuri despre trading
Mai exact caut sa obtin un grafic la fel ca cel afisat aici https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/932116-the-best-renko-bar-generators -
viktor256 îl urmărește pe Tranzactii zilnice și Indicator Renko pentru MT4
Platforma de tranzactioanre cTrader ofera tip grafic Renko insa nu afiseaza si umbrele barelor. La atasarea indicatorului care face sa apara umbrele consumul de memorie creste foarte mult si aplicatia se blocheaza ! Daca utilizeaza cineva Renko pe mt4 ? Am incercat mai multi indicatori insa nici unul nua afiseza nimic pe grafic... Foloseste cineva acest grafic pe MT4?
Ati observat ca XTB are in lista fondurile acestea ARK? Doar ca sunt CFD... nu sunt active cu detinere
Merci mult...este cineva membru la ei...vad ca inscrierea costa doar 20 usd
Dupa inregistrarea pe site Ark acestea expediaza un email de forma de mai jos : ARK offers fully transparent Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs") and provides investors with trade information for all actively managed ETFs. This email only reflects portfolio adjustments made by the ARK investment team. Files of trades are not comprehensive lists of a day's trades for the ARK ETFs and exclude initial/secondary public offering transactions and ETF Creation/Redemption Unit activity. Complete holding files are posted daily on ark-funds.com. Latest Trades Fund Date Direction Ticker CUSIP Company Shares % of ETF 1 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy ACCD 00437E102 ACCOLADE INC 2,626 0.0011 2 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy CDXS 192005106 CODEXIS INC 44,373 0.0099 3 ARKG 03/22/2021 Buy IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 46,225 0.0254 4 ARKG 03/22/2021 Sell PSTI 72940R300 PLURISTEM THERAPEUTICS INC 380 0.0000 5 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy DDD 88554D205 3D SYSTEMS CORP 141,254 0.1205 6 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy U 91332U101 UNITY SOFTWARE INC 187,300 0.5510 7 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Buy AONE G7000X105 ONE 17,570 0.0063 8 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell BYDDY 05606L100 BYD CO LTD 26,200 0.0373 9 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell DE 244199105 DEERE & CO 45,982 0.5004 10 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell KMTUY 500458401 KOMATSU LTD 12,700 0.0116 11 ARKQ 03/22/2021 Sell AVAV 008073108 AEROVIRONMENT INC 8,096 0.0282 Download today's trades in Excel format *DISCLOSURES: Trade notifications are for informational purposes only. ARK offers fully transparent ETFs and provides trade information for all actively managed ETFs. ARK's statements are not an endorsement of any company or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security. Trade notification files are not provided until full trade execution at the end of a trading day. ARK may not trade every day. The time stamp of the email is the time of file upload and not necessarily the exact time of the trades. Files of trades are not comprehensive lists of a day's trades for the ARK ETFs and exclude initial/secondary public offering transactions and ETF Creation/Redemption Unit activity. Additional files may be posted at a later time. Most ARK ETF portfolio trades settle on a T+2 basis. These files represent an UNOFFICIAL, UNRECONCILED account, as all official accounting and custody processes for the ARK ETFs are performed by BNY Mellon resulting in a daily Net Asset Value ("NAV") for the ARK ETFs. Updated ARK ETF end of day holdings are available on ark-funds.com/investor-resources The contents of this email and any corresponding attachment/s are for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This email does not constitute, either explicitly or implicitly, any provision of services or products by ARK and investors are encouraged to consult counsel and/or other investment professionals as to whether a particular investment management service is suitable for their investment needs. All statements made regarding companies or securities are strictly beliefs and points of view held by ARK and are not endorsements by ARK of any company or security or recommendations by ARK to buy, sell or hold any security. Historical results are not indications of future results. Certain of the statements contained in this content may be statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on ARK's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The matters discussed via this content may also involve risks and uncertainties described from time to time in ARK's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. ARK assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this content. Certain information was obtained from sources that ARK believes to be reliable; however, ARK does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information obtained from any third party. ARK and its clients as well as its related persons may (but do not necessarily) have financial interests in securities or issuers that are discussed. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives and risks as well as charges and expenses of an ARK ETF before investing. This and other information are contained in the ARK ETFs' prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting ark-funds.com. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. An investment in an ARK ETF is subject to risks and you can lose money on your investment in an ARK ETF. There can be no assurance that the ARK ETFs will achieve their investment objectives. The ARK ETFs' portfolios are more volatile than broad market averages. Detailed information regarding the specific risks of the ARK ETFs can be found in the ARK ETFs' prospectuses. Additional risks of investing in ARK ETFs include market, management, concentration and non-diversification risks, as well as fluctuations in market value and net asset value ("NAV"). Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the ETF. ETF shares may only be redeemed directly with the ETF at NAV by Authorized Participants, in very large creation units. There can be no guarantee that an active trading market for ETF shares will develop or be maintained, or that their listing will continue or remain unchanged. Buying or selling ETF shares on an exchange may require the payment of brokerage commissions and frequent trading may incur brokerage costs that detract significantly from investment returns. The information herein is general in nature and should not be considered financial, legal or tax advice. An investor should consult a financial professional, an attorney or tax professional regarding the investor’s specific situation. ARK Investment Management LLC is the investment adviser to the ARK ETFs. Foreside Fund Services, LLC, distributor. Unsubscribe Intrebari: Nu reusesc sa inteleg tabelul cu intrari este intraday sau long terrm? ( The time stamp of the email is the time of file upload and not necessarily the exact time of the trades) Ce inseamna " settle on a T+2 basis"? Pentru directia short ei vind in lipsa sau sau vind din intrarile long anterioare?
viktor256 îl urmărește pe Discutii despre ARK
viktor256 îl urmărește pe Brokeri cu fractiuni de actiuni
Salut ! Cunoaste si/sau folositi brokeri care sa ofere fractiuni de actuni ?
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
A incercat cineva sa scrie sau sa testeze un robot pe platforma cTrader? -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
Sau se poate tranzactiona urmatoarea formatiune din poza. Dar daca imi spune cineva cum prinzi asa formatiune pe un grafic care nu are legatura cu timpul iasi fi foarte recunascator ! -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
pe un asa tip de grafic de tip ran ges se poate tranzactiona doar cu un robot pentru ca ar ocupa foarte mult timp. Totusi se poate forma un sistem profitabil. De exemplu daca mergem doar pe varianta de cumparare la completarea unei luminari de 100 puncte si care nu are umbre atunci statistic acest sistem poate avea expectanta pozitiva. Tranzactia poate fi rulata un range sau jumate de pozitie un range iar cealalta jumare inca un range cu SL pe zero. -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
Pe afisarea asta de tip ranges se poate calcula o anumita probabilitate ca daca avem o bara bulish de o anumta forma atunci si urmatoarea va fi la fel , adica ce vreau sa spun, lasam trazactia sa dureze exact o bara adica un range. si iesim indiferent de rezultat la completarea barei Eu am incercat strategia asta pe H4 timp de 3 luni si testul a iesit pozitiv doar ca este destul de greu sa intru dupa alarma la fiecare 4 ore. -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
Da... Stiu despre ce vorbesti... unii brokeri ofera platforma cTrader care are afisarea de tip renko si ranges. Dar iti trebuie o notificare de fiecare data cind se inchide o bara de tip ranges. De exemplu asa arata eurusd pentru tf Ranges100 , adica fiecare bara de la low pina la high are exact 100 puncte. Eu pe tf weekly am ales niste formatiuni foarte rare ca sa incasez profit din trecerea timpului. Din experienta mea pe tf weekly ai timp sa iei o decizie in weekend si sa analizezi orice grafic ti l ofera brokerul. Dar intraday ca sa tranzactionezi exista un grad mare de corelare intre multe active. Deaceea eu intraday ma uit doar la dax mini de la ora 9 pina 22 mai ales prima H1 din zi ai prima H4 din saptamina. -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
Daca sunt traderi interesati de intrari pe TF weekly m-as bucura sa va aud ideile. Ultimii 2-3 ani am incercat si TF -uri mai mici dar nu se justifica efortul mai ales daca ne dorim o crestere conservatoare de 20-30p pe an. Voi posta aici intrarile mele. Ultimile inchise de la inceputul anului : long audnzd +0.8R, long gbpcad +0.6R si long tatneft -1R. De saptamina asta short XLP. Asteptam weekend-ul pentru alte idei. -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
am inteles...da stiu ca nu e bine sa te imprumiti de la altii dar asa e foarte dificil sa te incadrezi cu riscul si volumul. -
Am nevoie de ajutor si consiliere in Forex
viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
cum adica nu in marja? cumperi "marfa" fizic o pastrezi si o vinzi mai tirziu -
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viktor256 a răspuns la subiect lui viktor256 în Forex si criptomonede
wooow... Mi-am recitit postarea mea de trader incepator de acum aproape 7 ani. Nici nu mai tin minte ca chiar asa ma fost. Imi pare bine ca s-a redeschis acest forum. Mai este cineva care din 2014 mai tranzactioneaza si acum !? Eu da...doar ca primii ani 2-3 au fost foarte emotionali. Vroiam sa inteleg tot ce se intimpla si de ce se intimpla si ratam esentialul ca tradingul este doar un joc statistic care trebuie sa-l duci putin in favoarea ta.