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  1. nici eu nu sunt in totalitate de acord. La un cont mic sunt sigur ca tre sa risti mai mult pentru profit mai mare, daca la 1000 de $ faci 30% pe an ar insemna 1000$ in peste 3 ani, dublezi valoarea si faci 2000 in alti 3 ani, in vreo 100 de ani ajungi sa faci destul in 3 ani ca sa conteze. Ideea era sa ne concentram mai mult pe rezultatele pe termen lung, eu miam propus 1% pe zi sau 5% pe saptamana sau 20 % pe luna, sau 100% in 5 luni, si daca nu scot in 5 luni ii scot in 6 luni tot sunt super multumit, dar deschid putine pozitii si daca ating 5% pe saptamana stau linistit pana saptamana viitoare. Cu leverageu 2:1 fac 1% cu 50 de pipsi. 250 de pipsi pe saptamana nu sunt imposibil de realizat.

  2. cred ca toti ar trebui sa citeasca asta, e oarecum trist din punctu meu de vedere dar e adevarat

    Hey, Genius. Can You Make 47.69% per Year? by S. Wade Hansen


    Barron's just came out with its annual listing of the "Best 50 Hedge Funds." Topping the list was RAB Special Situations with a 3-year cumulative average return of 47.69%. Of the top 50, only 24 of them have an average return over 30%, while the bottom 11 didn't even break 25%.

    So why am I telling you this? I'm hoping to help you set your expectations for your own returns in the realm of reality.


    These numbers are incredibly impressive. The managers that run these funds are well-educated professionals that employ tremendous amounts of leverage and have a team of traders executing their trades for them. You and I, on the other hand, are relatively well educated hobbyists that also have some leverage at our disposal who must place all of our trades on our own when we are not at work or tending to things in our personal lives.


    Do you see the difference? Professional hedge-fund managers have many advantages over us, and the best hedge fund out there doesn't have an annualized return higher than 50%. Yet, I hear novice forex investors tell me almost daily that they plan on achieving returns of greater than 100%. Granted, individual investors (like us) do have some advantages over large institutional investors because we can be a little more nimble, but those advantages will not enable us to more than double the returns of the top professionals.



    Hopefully, you are investing in the forex market to diversify your total portfolio and to beat the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 (which return somewhere in the range of 12% to 13% per year, on average). If you can double the average returns you would see in the stock market by earning 25% per year in your forex account, you are a superstar.


    Naturally, you will have some years when you do much better than this, but you are also going to have years when you don't do quite as well. But if you're practicing proper risk management and position sizing, you should be able to outperform the stock market.


    Keep dreaming big, but don't let your dreams cause you to make stupid trades. And at the end of the year, when you have made more than 20% in your account, know that you have made enough to make the Barron's top 50 list. That should be enough to make anyone smile.

  3. ciprian, ai dreptate, ei castiga din spreaduri, toti brokerii forex castiga din spreaduri, nam auzit pana acum de vreun broker care sa perceapa comisioane, da si cu dobanda e adevarat, cu comisionu de aministrare a contului nu cred ca e adevarat, ba chiar primesti dobanda pe banii pe care ii tii in cont la ei, chiar daca nu tranzactionezi. La oanda exista un comision de retragere, la prima retragere lunara este de 20$ sau 20euro in functie de moneda in care iti deschizi contu ( ).


    Si pentru transfer wire recomand calduros Banca Transilvania, e corespondenta cu banca pe care o foloseste oanda ( JPmorgan chase ) si banii au ajuns in mai putin de 24 de ore cu un comision de 30$ la 1000$.

  4. v-a judecat, in ciuda stirilor negative perechea a crescut pana la 214.83, daca ati pierdut scaderea de ieri si alaltaieri imi pare rau, era mult mai sigura si mai evidenta dupa ce ajunsese aproape de 216 zona in care nu mai fusese de 6 luni, plus stirile evidente.

  5. Salut,

    Mi-a spus cineva (trader cu experienta, joaca pe forex de pe vremea cand facea tranzactii prin telefon) ca nu trebuie niciodata folosita aceasi strategie pentru mai multe perechi, pentru ca fiecare merge dupa alte reguli, si mai ales, ca perechile importante sunt legate intre ele de ex: gbp/jpy cu eur/gbp cu eur/jpy si asa mai departe, si miscarile dintr-o pereche afecteaza si celelalte perechi, care ar fi cele mai bune strategii pentru marile perechi, nu imi place sa folosesc indicatori si in general merg pe actiunea pretului, nu "tradeuiesc" (ca sa nu zic joc) decat pe gbp/jpy si eur/usd, la eur/usd merg pe trendul general, daca a plecat intr-o directie nu se schimba in aceasi zi ( fusul nostru orar) si la gpb/jpy am observat ca respecta fibonacci de cele mai multe ori. astept raspunsurile voastre:)

  6. mi se pare foarte ok, poti sa deschizi cont si cu 1$ ai levereage 1:500, margin 1%, poti face transfer usor prin webmoney( dureaza 10 minute sati deschizi cont), faci ce vrei,,,dar merita sa te uiti pe siteu au si fixed spread, 3 pip la perechile importante...adica nu se mareste in functie de activitatea pietei ca la majoritatea brokerilor.

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