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  1. Manual 100%

    Consider ca trading-ul este ceva vizual, discretionar si bazat pe experienta, personal am indoieli ca poate fi automatizat. Pentru mine tot ce e sub M30 e scalp. Iau in medie 15-17 tranzactii pe luna-le iau si nu stau in fata calculatorului-Profit lunar (in procente) de 1 sau 2 cifre, uneori e si cate o luna cu putin in minus.

    Asta e un punct de vedere personal, strategia nu e tocmai simpla dar perfecta pentru mine...

    • Upvote 1
  2. Da, se poate si asa, eu personal prefer sa imi impart riscul normal in 3 tranzactii mai mici.

    In legatura cu strategia ta ZEN poti sa imi spui care este success rate-ul tau si cate tranzactii iei in medie intr-o luna? Dintr-o 100 de tranzactii cate sunt profitabile si daca cele pierzatoare sunt mai mici decat cele castigatoare(asta cred ca asa e din moment ce ai un RR minim 1:2).

  3. Sunt de acord cu tine. In fond scopul este sa iti formezi o strategie, un sistem care te prinde pe tine cel mai bine si apoi sa il aplici cu precizie sau altfel spus sa stapanesti un proces...banii vin pe urma. Pentru asta e nevoie de timp si munca...faptul ca iei un semnal de ici si colo nu te va face niciodata un TRADER

    • Upvote 1
  4. @phaeton


    Am greşit cu postările de la inceput. Nu ştiu ce m-a apucat să scriu inainte de a sti ... mai nimic. Acum dupa ~ 2 saptamani de tranzactionare(pe conturi demo, bineînţeles) îmi dau seama de ce s-a cam iritat @tradelover. I-am urmat sfaturile si raspunsuri inca nu am dar intrebari, gârlă. O sa va pun numai una astazi. A ajuns cineva la performanta de a sti precis cand sa intre astfel incat tranzactia lui sa fie pozitiva?


    Orice se poate intampla, nimic nu e sigur, tocmai de aceea avem un stop loss. Cred ca doua saptamani e putin; recomandarea mea ar fi sa stai pe demo pana devii profitabil si reusesti sa cresti contul im mod constant. Iti construiesti o strategie cu tipuri de semnale bine definite pe care le iei.

    Cand vei avea incredere in strategia ta pur si simpulu vei lua un trade setup cand apare, setezi stop si target....and that's it. Nici nu va conta prea mult daca o pozitie din cand in cand se opreste in Stop loss pentru ca vei sti ca pe termen lung pozitiile cu take profit hit vor fi mult mai multe.




    PS: La inceput imi placeau TF-urile mici...dar m-am invatat minte si acum nu mai cobor sub M30, sunt mult prea multe semnale false

  5. Un articol interesant scris de R. Kyiosaky pe pagina de promovare a celei mai recente carti despre manipularea valutelor si traderi forex.


    The Money War

    I’m sitting in Marina Del Rey, California, reading the October 5th, 2010 Financial Times. The headline on the front-page blares, “Call For New Global Currencies Agreement”. This headline is indicative that there is a full-blown money war going on.


    In Conspiracy Of The Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money (COR), I wrote about governments playing games with money. Well, today’s headlines are validating what I wrote—but now governments have moved from games to war. Presently, nations are devaluing their money. Why are they doing this? The answer is that if they don’t devalue their currency, their exports will grow too expensive and unemployment will rise. But devaluing a currency means people suffer because a weak currency causes inflation, which makes life more expensive.


    So, the choice is do you want a job or do you want inflation? What a great choice.


    The leaders of the world are calling for a currency pact to stop this money war. But I believe a currency pact will never happen. Currency pacts have been tried before. In 1985, there was the Plaza Accord. At this meeting, world leaders tried to fix and stabilize exchange rates. The moment the government leaders set phony exchange rates, the independent foreign exchange traders (FX), swooped in and punished the foolish government leaders and their phony exchange rates.


    If our new leaders attempt a similar Plaza Accord, the FX traders, who owe no allegiance to any government, will once again punish government leaders for their foolishness. In other words, the war of money is going on between countries as well as independent FX traders throughout the world. I’m not a FX trader, but it’s a great time to be one. Fortunes will be made off of foolish government leaders. Years ago, George Soros made a billion dollars betting against the idiots who ran the Bank of England. Today, another billion dollar, pound, euro, or yen pounding is on the horizon.


    The problem is that the losers in this battle of banks and FX traders are the average citizens who know nothing about the world of money or the money war. In the next few years, if their leaders lose, these average citizens will be earning less, paying more in taxes, and paying higher prices as inflation seeps into their economy. In the mean time, the financially educated will do better, make more money, and enjoy a better life.

  6. Folosesc Oanda de mai bine de 6 luni si nu am avut nici o problema cu ei, cu toate ca nu au ei cel mai grozav charting, de aceea analizele le fac pe un cont demo la un broker cu MT4.

    M-ar interesa sa stiu parerile voastre despre Dukascopy-spread, comisioane, customer support (ma intereseaza pentru un cont de vreo 2000 euro), daca e vre-unul dintre voi care are mini account la ei; din ce am vazut la ei conditiile difera in functie de cat de mare e contul tau.



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