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Este primul meu post pe acest sit de aceea va rog sa fiti ingaduitori cu mine, totusi voi supune atentiei un subiect despre un indicator Metatrader 4 deosebit de complex. El senumeste Zup. Ultima versiune pe care eu o am este Zup 31. Posibil sa mai apara si alta versiune , nu stiu ramane de vazut ..ideea cu el este ca l-am luat de pe un sit rusesc  iar eu nu stiu limba rusa rezultatul este ca nu stiu ce explicatii dadeau cei de acolo despre el si nu stiu nici cum functioneaza decat oarecum intuitiv.

situl unde il gasiti este aici:


Acum , pentru ca problemele cu el se tin lant, mie mi-au blocat accesul pe situl respectiv, probabil ca am putut sa iau indicatorii fara sa ma inregistrez ( posibil din cauza ca am un alt Sistem de operare decat Win), apoi am incercat sa ma inregistrez sa le spun cate ceva la cei de acolo si nu stiu ce s-a intamplat dar nu mai pot sa intru.

Daca reusiti sa luati o noua versiune a indicatorului mai noua decat a mea va rog sa o postati aici.


Care este ideea cu indicatorul ? Autorul sau este "nen" din cate mi-am dat seama si este facut  dupa un indicator comercial care il folosesc niste baieti tot rusi ca sa faca previziuni, analize Gartley, Pasavento, Fibonacci, etc.


Indicatorul comercial si modul cum il folosesc ei in analizele acestea sunt prezentate aici:


De asemenea am sa atasez si eu ultima versiune pe care o am eu a indicatorului Zup si doua imagini cu el.




"Nestiinta nu-i o dovada...ignoranta nu-i un argument"-Spinoza

Editat de maslow
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Interesant indicatorul si chiar complex. Am avut varianta 14 si 22 dar nu mai stiu de unde le-am luat. Am abandonat repede pentru ca la momentu respectiv chiar mi se parea complex. Poate reusesc sa gasesc pe cineva sa traduca cateceva. La tine pe grafic mai vad un indicator separat...este in teste sau il folosesti mai demult? daca ai putea sa il "share-uiesti"


keeping touch...


Multumesc pentru ZZ_Ensign. Primul indicator este destul de complex si incarca mult chartul, nu exista inca un tutorial ceva despre el si poate de asta multi il incearca inca dar trebuie sa le mai acordam timp.


M-am uitat pe forumul rusilor si intradevar se traduce destul de bine cu Altavista. Mai studiez ceva de pe la ei si mai vorbim....


Traducere "Altavista" de pe Siteul Rusilor



ZigZag universal with the patterns Pesavento.




With the design of indicator it was intended to use in one indicator ZigZag - and with different algorithms of construction.

For metatreydera not there were accessible tools of those constructing patterns Pesavento.

Was intended on basis of ZigZag to make possible construction of patterns Pesavento also of other superstructures, which point out possibility ZigZag of Ryy;a.


At the present moment the indicator are build it three zigZag with different algorithms. There is a possibility to build in a large quantity of other indicators, which show the maximums and the minimums.


Indicator is allowed:

1) to construct patterns Pesavento and to reveal different figures, for example, patterns Gartley.

2) to automatically derive fiby and to show the price value of fib.

3) to construct fibo brooms (Fibo Fan).

4) to construct the pitchforks of Andrews, line of reaction to Andrews's pitchforks even 50% median.

5) to construct temporary zones fibo (Fibo Time).

6) shows information on the current currency pair from five elder taymfreymov.

7) is derived signal with the appearance of the new ray ZigZag.

8) the indicator two versions of Igor Kim's indicator i- VTS are build it.

9) is a possibility of constructing of price channel (confirmation levels) and levels of the previous peaks ZigZag.

10) to construct ZigZag Fibonacci.






ExtIndicator - selection of the version of the indicator, on basis of which

are constructed patterns Pesavento

0 - Zigzag from metatreydera,

1 - Zigzag Aleksa,

2 - indicator similar to that build it into Ensign.

3 - indicator similar to that build it into Ensign, but a little is differed the algorithm of work from 2 .



minBars - filter barovyy (it is assigned a quantity of bars). Corresponds ExtDepth in ZigZag from MT4.


minSize - filter in a quantity of points (it is assigned a quantity of points)


ExtDeviation and ExtBackstep - parameters for ZigZag from MT4


minPercent - percent filter (it is assigned percentage, for example 0.5)

If percentages are used - you set the number, and minSize=0;

Is used only in Zigzag Aleksa.



ExtHidden - 0 - all lines are hidden usual ZigZag.

1 - show all lines between fraktalami, which have the percentage of restoration > 0.14 and < 5.

2 - show only those lines, where the percentage of restoration is equal to the numbers Pesavento (even 0.447, 0.886, 2.24, 3.14, 3,618 for constructing the patterns Gartley)

3 - show the numbers, enumerated in point 2 and to the corresponding line

4 - shows the numbers not Pesavento and corresponding lines


ExtFiboZigZag - solves conclusion "ZiaZag Fibonacci"


ExtFractal - quantity of fraktalov (maximums, the minimums),

from which go the lines to another fraktalam


ExtFractalEnd - quantity of fraktalov, to which go the lines.

Further this fraktala of the connecting lines not will be.

If ExtFractalEnd=0 that last fraktal is equal

to the maximum number of fraktalov.

Minimum value ExtFractalEnd=1


ExtDelta - (admittance) deviation in the calculation. The value is assigned

potential razvorotnoy zone.

must be 0<.EkhtDelta


ExtDeltaType -

by 0 - are derived the percentages of restoration "as are"

1 - calculation of admittance (%- number Of pesavento)<.EkhtDelta

2 - ((%- number Pesavento)/chislo Of pesavento)<.EkhtDelta


chHL = true - if you want to look confirmation levels

Is used only in Zigzag Aleksa and in Zigzag Ensign.


PeakDet = true - if you want to look the levels of the previous maximums and minimums

Is used only in Zigzag Aleksa and in Zigzag Ensign.


ExtFiboType = true - fiby with the numbers Pesavento

false - standard fiby


ExtFiboDinamic - solves the conclusion of dnamicheskikh levels fibo.

Dynamic levels fibo are derived on the first ray ZigZag- A.


ExtFiboStatic - solves the conclusion of static levels fibo


ExtFiboStaticNum - number of ray ZigZag- A, from which they will be derived

the static levels of Fibonacci. y<.EkhtFiboStaticNum<9


ExtSizeTxt - size of type for the conclusion of the numbers


ExtLine - selection of the color of the junctions


ExtPesavento - selection of the color of the numbers Pesavento


ExtGartley886 - selection of the color of numbers 0.447, 0.886, 2.24, 3.14, 3,618


ExtNotFibo - selection of the color of all remaining numbers


ExtFiboS and ExtFiboD - selection of the color of static and dynamic fib.


infoTF = solves the conclusion of information on 5 elder taymfreymam.


chHL_.PeakDet_.or_.vts - true - on silence solves the conclusion of the lines of confirmation (price channel) and the levels of the previous maximums ZigZag.

false - is derived indicator i- VTS.


NumberOfBars - quantity of bars of miscounting (0- all) for i- VTS.


NumberOfVTS - this, 4 so I understand, the parameter of smoothing for i- VTS.

NumberOfVTS1 - parameter of smoothing for the second copy i- VTS.



ExtPitchforkStatic > 0 (= 1) are derived the static pitchforks of Andrews from extremum ZigZag with number ExtPitchforkStaticNum

= 2 - are derived 50% median




ExtPitchforkDinamic > 0 (= 1) are derived the dynamic pitchforks of Andrews from the last two extrema ZigZag

= 2 - are derived 50% median


ExtLinePitchforkS and ExtLinePitchforkD is assigned the color of the static and dynamic pitchforks


ExtRLine - solves the conclusion of the lines of reaction along Andrews's pitchforks

ExtRLineBase - hides the directrives of the reaction



ExtFiboFanDinamic - solves the output of the dynamic fibo- brooms


ExtFiboFanStatic - solves the output of the static fibo- brooms


ExtFiboFanStaticNum - number of ray ZigZag- A, on which will be derived static fibo- brooms. y<.EkhtFiboStaticNum<=9


ExtFiboFanHidden - solves the conclusion of marking rays fibo of the brooms


ExtFiboFanD - is assigned the color of the dynamic fibo- brooms


ExtFiboFanS - is assigned the color of the static fibo- brooms



ExtFiboTime1 - includes temporary zones fibo 1.


ExtFiboTime2 - includes temporary zones fibo 2.


ExtFiboTimeЗ - is assigned the color of the lines of temporary zone 1.


ExtFiboTime2C - is assigned the color of the lines of temporary zone 2.



ExtBack - is assigned the conclusion of all objects in the form of the background


ExtSave - permits the retention of the set of static pitchforks and Fibo Time


ExtAlert - solves the conclusion of communication and sound signal with the appearance of the new ray ZigZag


ExtStyleZZ - = 0,1,2,3,4 - is assigned the style of line ZigZag

= 5 - Zigzag are derived by points in the extrema


In indicator ZUP for the work with the the standard ZigZag it is necessary to place ExtIndicator= 0.


From the description of the standard ZigZag left only one paragraph. It removed other two paragraphs, since they do not correspond to reality.


Depth this minimum quantity of bars, on which not there will be the second maximum (minimum) less (greater) pipsov, than previous, i.e., disperse ZigZag can always on Deviation, but it converges (or to move by pillar) more than on Deviation, ZigZag can only after Depth bars. Backstep this minimum quantity of bars between the maximums (minimums).


New description of the work of the standard indicator ZigZag:

It is not agreeable, that ZigZag does not be suitable for prognostication. This of the new description. If ZigZag helps to reveal the waves of Elliott and different price models, then this already helps with the prognostication of a price change.



minBars corresponds Depth

ExtDeviation corresponds Deviation

ExtBackstep corresponds Backstep


Deficiencies in standard zigZag.

1) with each tick (price change) the complete conversion of indicator occurs. This strongly loads processor.

2) with the calculation of indicator the maximums and the minimums separately are located. Then they are united for the conclusion to the graph. If the minimum and maximum was found on one bar, then preference is given to maximum. Because of this ZigZag can show several maximums the contract without the minimum between them.

3) since indicator recounts on each tick, then the latter several minimums (maximums) can change in an unpredictable manner.


If appears the new version of the standard ZigZag worthy of that, so that it would be possible to work with it, new version will be included in ZUP as additional ZigZag. The version, which is included now, change not will be.


Parameter ExtStyleZZ assigns the style of lines ZigZag.


0 - solid line

1 - broken line

2 - dotted line

3 - dot-and-dash line

4 - dot-and-dash line with the dual points


5 - Zigzag are derived by points in the minimums and the maximums


With selection ExtIndicator= 1 ZUP will work with ZigZag Aleksa.


The original version of this ZigZag can be found on the spider in the branch of the author: forex[/acronym]"] ge/0#.Posty00shch''


With creation ZUP ZigZag Of aleksa it served as starting point. Everything began from it.



The average value of the first bar is calculated. Further on all subsequent bars conditional mean price of bar is calculated. Is determined the direction of trend on the following bar by the displacement conditional mean price of bar.

A change in the direction of trend occurs with the deviation conditional mean price of the set value in the points or in the percentages.



minSize - filter in a quantity of points (it is assigned a quantity of points)

minPercent - percent filter (it is assigned percentage, for example 0.5)

If percentages are used - you set the number, and minSize=0;


In ZigZag Aleksa are used the two additional parameters.


chHL = true - if you want to look confirmation levels

Is used only in Zigzag Aleksa and in Zigzag Ensign.


PeakDet = true - if you want to look the levels of the previous maximums and minimums

Is used only in Zigzag Aleksa and in Zigzag Ensign.


To change color and style of these lines is possible with the call of the window of the parameters on the supplementary sheet OF COLOR.


chHL assigns the so-called price channel. With the penetration with the price of the opposite wall of this channel ZigZag changes the direction.


chHL_.PeakDet_.or_.vts - true - on silence solves the conclusion of the lines of confirmation (price channel) and the levels of the previous maximums ZigZag. false - is derived indicator i- VTS.




ExtIndicator= 2 permits work with ZigZag Ensign.


ZigZag Ensign - code name. This version ZigZag was made after observation of the work of the indicator, on basis of which in Ensin are constructed the patterns Pesavento. In Ensin there was also the small description of the principles of the work of this indicator. It is possible that the algorithm of indicator a little differs in Ensign.



The minimum and the maximum of the first bar are compared with minimums and maximums of the following bars. If is located bar, on which simultaneously the minimum and maximum are more (less) those that on the first bar, then the direction of trend is determined. Is more - bull trend. Is less - bear trend.

Further I describe for the bull (ascending) trend. It will be vice versa for the bear.

If on the following bar maximum is higher than the maximum on the previous bar, on the following bar bull trend continues. - nothing we make with the equality of maximums. It is considered that the direction of trend did not change. If on the following bar maximum (hlast) lower than previous, appear versions.

1) they are passed minBars bars. In this case for each of these minBars bars the maximum must be less than the maximum of the last bar, after which went counting minBars of bars. If at least on one bar price exceeds the maximum of last bar, then trend will be considered bull to this bar inclusively. And further from the following bar begins counting minBars of bars.

Bars are analyzed, beginning with minBars+1 bar. If hlast - Low[.minBars+1]>.minSize trend changes direction to the bear. I.e., if minimum minBars+1 of bar differs from hlast to the value, greater minSize, trend changes direction.


2) if by any of minBars bars is shut below the last minimum ZigZag trend it will also change direction to the bear, without waiting until minBars+1 bar.


A change in the direction of trend occurs after closing of the bar, on which this occurred.


Utilized parameters.

minBars, minSize - names are undertaken the same as in program Ensign.



In ZigZag Aleksa and ZigZag Ensign be absent deficiencies in standard zigZag. Processor does not load. The calculation only of last bar occurs. It is not several maximums in a row. The last minimums and maximums are predicted. Posledneiy maximum can only increase, the minimum - decrease.


From other side, in these ZigZag more rigid algorithm. Therefore for different taymfreymov it is necessary to individually select the parameters in order to correctly identify the minimums and maximums.



It is added ZigZag ExtIndicator= 3. It permits work with ZigZag Ensign with the a little changed algorithm.

For this version it is not necessary to assign value of minSize. Value minSize will be ignored.

Value minSize variable is equal to the size of the bar (from the minimum to the maximum), on which concludes the last ray ZigZag.

In the figure it is evident that the size of price channel


In the indicator are used the numbers of Fibonacci, and also the modified numbers of Fibonacci Ryy; patterns Pesavento (or the numbers Pesavento). For constructing the patterns Gartley additionally are used the numbers, according to my ideas, introduced into rotation of Scott Carney: 0.447, 0.886, 2.24, 3.14, 3,618.

Number 0.886 was for the first time investigated Jim Kane. About this he wrote Scott Carney.

With the aid of parameter ExtFiboType it is possible to make a selection, with what numbers the indicator will work. Selection is produced between the standard numbers and, I conditionally call, the numbers Pesavento.

I lead below the complete list of the numbers for the different tools, which are used in the indicator.


Patterns Pesavento.

Standard numbers: 0.146-0.236-0.382-0.5-0.618-0.764-0.854-1.0-1.236-1.618

Numbers Pesavento: 0.382-0.447-0.5-0.618-0.707-0.786-0.841-0.886-1.0-1.128-1.272-1.414-1.5-1.618-2.0-2.24-2.414-2.618





Standard numbers: 0-0.146-0.236-0.382-0.5-0.618-0.764-0.854-1.0-1.236-1.618-2.618-4.236-6.854

Numbers Pesavento: 0-0.382-0.5-0.618-0.707-0.786-0.841-0.886-1.0-1.128-1.272-1.414-1.618-2.0-2.414-2.618-4.0


Fibo- brooms.


Standard numbers: 0.236-0.382-0.5-0.618

Lines of reaction.


Standard numbers: 0.236-0.382-0.5-0.618-0.764-1.0-1.618-2.0-2.618-4.0

Numbers Pesavento: 0.382-0.5-0.618-0.707-0.786-0.841-1.0-1.128-1.272-1.414-1.618-2.0-2.414-2.618-4.0


Fibo Time. Temporary zones fibo.


Standard numbers: 0-1-1.236-1.382-1.5-1.618-1.764-2.0-2.618-3.0-2.618

Numbers Pesavento: 0-1-1.382-1.5-1.618-1.707-1.786-1.841-2.0-2.272-2.414-2.618-3.0-3.414-3.618-4.0


In this list the changes in the future are possible.


Patterns Pesavento.


For the first time patterns Pesavento it encountered in the Canadian program Ensign.

First impression of Ryy; something incomprehensible. Cobweb with the numbers.


Everything is simple in reality. Let us take any two apexes, connected by line. Among the line the number. It is necessary to construct no fib. Program itself finds the lowest minimum between these apexes. Calculates distance from the first apex to this minimum (A).

Calculates distance from the second apex to this minimum ©.

The number near the line shows how price at the second apex it changed relative to the price of the first apex. Number = OF V/A.


To read a little a little about the patterns Pesevento is possible here, on our forum. These are the amateurish transfer of the chosen places from the book Of larri Pesavento.


For the work with the patterns Pesavento are used the following parameters.


ExtHidden - 0 - all lines are hidden usual ZigZag.

1 - show all lines between fraktalami, which have the percentage of restoration > 0.14 and < 5.

2 - show only those lines, where the percentage of restoration is equal to the numbers Pesavento (even 0.447, 0.886, 2.24, 3.14, 3,618 for constructing the patterns Gartley)

3 - show the numbers, enumerated in point 2 and to the corresponding line

4 - shows the numbers not Pesavento and corresponding lines


ExtFiboZigZag - solves conclusion "ZiaZag Fibonacci"


ExtFractal - quantity of fraktalov (maximums, the minimums),

from which go the lines to another fraktalam


ExtFractalEnd - quantity of fraktalov, to which go the lines.

Further this fraktala of the connecting lines not will be.

If ExtFractalEnd=0 that last fraktal is equal

to the maximum number of fraktalov.

Minimum value ExtFractalEnd=1


ExtDelta - (admittance) deviation in the calculation. The value is assigned

potential razvorotnoy zone.

must be 0<.EkhtDelta


ExtDeltaType -

by 0 - are derived the percentages of restoration "as are"

1 - calculation of admittance (%- number Of pesavento)<.EkhtDelta

2 - ((%- number Pesavento)/chislo Of pesavento)<.EkhtDelta


It is known that with the approximation of price to any fibe, fiba begins "to work". I.e., with some means of wounds it begins to behave near fiby more less predicted. I.e., there is some range, in which fiba works. This range (admittance) can be assigned by parameter ExtDelta. The algorithm of the calculation of admittance is assigned by parameter ExtDeltaType. Larri Pesavento tells that this admittance is equal to 4% (0.04). On forum forex[/acronym]"] trading-9shch.yutml some use admittance 7% and even 9%.

When price enters into tolerance bands, the number becomes the number Pesavento. Is colored of the number Pesavento.


ExtSizeTxt - size of type for the conclusion of the numbers


ExtLine - selection of the color of the junctions


ExtPesavento - selection of the color of the numbers Pesavento


ExtGartley886 - selection of the color of numbers 0.447, 0.886, 2.24, 3.14, 3,618


ExtNotFibo - selection of the color of all remaining numbers


ZigZag Fibonacci. For the first time it met with this tool in program Harmonic Analyzer, in the development by which assumed participation Scott M Carney. Many patterns Gartley became known because of Scott M Carney. With the amateurish transfer of the chosen places from book Scott M Carney also it is possible to be introduced on our forum.


An example of construction ZigZag Fibonacci with the aid of indicator ZUP can be seen in the given below


Indicator makes it possible to automatically construct dynamic and static fiby. Dynamic fiby are constructed on the latter, which is changed, ray ZigZag. Static fiby are constructed on 2-9 rays.


Parameters for the work with fibami.


ExtFiboType = true - fiby with the numbers Pesavento

false - standard fiby


ExtFiboDinamic - solves the conclusion of dnamicheskikh levels fibo.

Dynamic levels fibo are derived on the first ray ZigZag- A.


ExtFiboStatic - solves the conclusion of static levels fibo


ExtFiboStaticNum - number of ray ZigZag- A, from which they will be derived

the static levels of Fibonacci. y<.EkhtFiboStaticNum<9


ExtFiboS and ExtFiboD - selection of the color of static and dynamic fib.


In this case is derived the value of fiby, for example 61.8, and the price.


Dynamic fiba will automatically change with a change in size and position of the first ray ZigZag.

Are given below figures with the dynamic and the static, built on the second ray,


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