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1. The contest “Lose to Win” is organized by Forex Club Financial Company. The contest starts on December 3rd, 2006 at 21:00 GMT (December 3rd 4:00 pm EST) and lasts until 21:00 GMT December 15th, 2006.

2. By registering for the contest you agree to abide by its rules. All fields in the registration form are required. Failure to provide valid information may prevent you from receiving a prize.

3. The minimum age for participation in the contest is 19 years old.

4. Individuals from the following countries are not allowed to participate in the contest: Balkan states, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe.

5. Each participant in the contest (a person who has submitted a contest registration) will receive a contest trading account and password to access it. Each account will have $5,000 demo dollars deposited on it. This amount is not allowed for withdrawal.

6. First three participants to lose all of the deposit will become contest winners.

7. If none of the participants lose all of their deposits during the official duration of the contest, the winners are determined based on the lowest amount of the deposit.


Trading Rules


8.1 Participants of the contest will be using special version of Internet Dealing System (IDSystem). Contest version of IDS allows trading with only 7 currency pairs and to use only two types of orders - TAKE-PROFIT and STOP-LOSS. It also excludes operation SWAP TOM NEXT and the maximum allowed leverage size is 20:1.

8.2 Initial virtual deposit will be $5,000 for each participant.

8.3 Only 100.000 lot size is available for trading.

8.4 Maximum total position for one currency is 100.000, therefore operations to increase/decrease or reverse your position is unavailable.

8.5 Maximum of 4 orders executions are permitted per day. Order execution is opening or closing a position. For example you can open two positions and close two positions or you can open four positions, but you won't be able to close them in the same day. You can open positions directly from market quotes or by placing a STOP ORDER. If any of your actions will result in exceeding the set limits for the amount of the transactions allowed per day, you will see a warning message: "Transaction Prohibited. Daily limit exceeded."

8.6 Warning! If an execution of an earlier placed order will cause you to exceed daily limit for number of executions, that order will be canceled. When you set your orders please consider this rule.

8.7 If you do not execute four trades per day, those trades which you did not execute will not roll over to the next day.

Prizes and responsibilities of winners

9.1 First place prize is $3,000, second place prize is $2,000, and third place prize is $1,000.

9.2 Contest prizes will be deposited to trading accounts of winners opened at Forex Club Financial Company.

9.3 Winners of the contest are responsible for submitting all required documents to open trading accounts at Forex Club Financial Company within three days after the end of the contest.

9.4 Prizes are redeemable only by contest winners and no third-party withdrawals will be permitted.

9.5 Winners authorize Forex Club to post their trades on

9.6 Winners agree to give interviews to contest organizers, which will then be published on

10. If rules laid fourth in this document are violated Forex Club Financial Company reserves a right to annul the contest results.


Other Conditions


11.1 The contest organizer reserves a right to change the terms and conditions of the contest if it deems such necessary.

11.2 Support service of Forex Club does not provide support services to the contest accounts.


Iar eu mi-am facut cont si am reusit deja sa pierd 500$. :)

Si mai am un GPU/USD cu -150 (in concurs) si cu +155 (pe Oanda).

Si ca sa fac lucrurile mai interesante, am si un USD/JPY short, adica am un ordin buy pe G/U, foarte de sus si un ordin short pe U/J la un pret foarte mic...

In conditiile astea, ar trebui sa imi fie foarte greu sa nu pierd (adica sa nu castig - vorbind de concurs). :(


Multi rusi in concursul asta...


Potentialul castigator mai are de pierdut doar 1048.55$.


Eu mai am de pierdut 3180$. Ieri am ajuns prea tarziu acasa, asa ca doua ordine au ramas nefolosite. :D


Destul de greu sa pierzi banii. :D



Buun, concursul s-a incheiat...


Eu am reusit sa pierd 3170 $. N-am folosit toate ordinele, e adevarat, dar suma pierduta e destul de impresionanta avand in vedere ca e peste 50% din cont...(63.4%)


Si de aici incep daca-urile: "daca as fi tranzactionat invers, as fi castigat 3170$"...



In orice caz - cel putin pentru mine - concursul a fost foarte instructiv.


At 4 EST on Sunday December 10th...

Lose to Win: Round 2 - second chance


Step-by-Step Registration Instructions

1. Complete the contest registration form. All fields are required. If you provide invalid information on the registration form, Forex Club may not guarantee receiving of the contest prize. After completing the registration click "OK"

2. Login information to the contest account will be sent to you via email. Please note that that username and password are case sensitive. Please do not forget your password.

3. If you have forgotten and can not find your login information please reregister.

4. Download newest version of Internet Dealing System, launch it and access using login which you have received.

5. Wait until the official start of the contest (December 10th at 4 pm EST).

6. Login at 4:01 pm EST on December 10th and start trading.

7. The first trader to lose all of their deposit will win $3,000 dollars (second – $2,000, third – $1,000).

8. The official result will be posted on our website on December 20th.

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