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Trading with Wolfe Wave

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Rules for Bullish WolfeWave Structure


Please note the odd sequence in counting, as you will see, it is necessary for the inductive analysis. By starting with a top we are assured of beginning our count on a new wave. (The reverse would apply for a bearish wave.)




The 2 point is a top.



The 3 point is the bottom of the first decline.



The 1 point is the bottom prior to point 2 (top), that 3 has surpassed.



The 4 point is the top of the rally after point 3.



The 5 point is the bottom after point 4 and is likely to exceed the extended trend line of 1 to 3. This is the entry point for a ride to the EPA line (1 to 4).



Estimated Price at Arrival (EPA) is trend line of 1 to 4 at apex of extended trend line of 1 to 3 and extended trend line of 2 to 4.



Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is apex of extended trend line of 1 to 3 and 2 to 4.


Pentru referinte despre Wolfe Wave, cititi pe si

Indicatorul trebuie dezarhivat din formatul Zip si atasat in Metatrader 4 pentru a arata ca cel din imaginea GBP/USD 4H. Desi nu a atins inca linia de target, piata se indreapta spre acea linie( imaginea a fost facuta aseara, 08.02.2007 si de atunci piata a evoluat in aceeasi directie spre targetul preconizat de wolfe wave).

Editat de maslow
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Pe gbp.jpy H4 a aparut un semnal short, am intrat la 234.46. Am setat SL'ul la 235.38 In legatura cu target'ul inca nu m-am hotarat... dar am pus un trailing stop de 70 pipsi.

Pe 20 februarie adica miercuri (maine) sunt 2 evenimente importante pentru jpy: BoJ Rate Decision and Fukui speaks. Deci pozitia deschisa de mine o sa ramana si in timpul acestor evenimente. Se vorbeste un ultima vreme ca ar mari rata dobanzi Fukui ala... sa vedem acuma... daca toate o sa fie bune pentru yen :Dgbp.jpy o sa se duca spre sud si pozitia mea spre + :D


Sper sa am mai mult timp sa ma ocup de Wolfe Wave.



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Nu il aveam downloadat, dar am gasit un fisier cu acelasi nume aici: . Am editat primul tau post si am atasat din nou fisierul. Sper sa fie ce-ti trebuie.

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o tranzactie posibila pe g-j. h4, in momentul actual pretul este in punctul 5, deci astept cu interes o confirmare sa intru short. targetul estimativ e 237.53... dar depinde cind si mai ales daca ajunge acolo.

ce parere aveti?


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si citeva precizari despre wolfe waves pe care le-am gasit pe un alt forum:

unda 5 este frecvent un breakout fals deasupra/dedesubtul trendline-ului (vezi graficul pe care l-am pus in postul precedent). spre deosebire de bull/bear flags, in cazul wolfe wave miscarea este in acelasi sens cu trendul general.

pentru cine urmareste ratiile fibonacci: undele 3 si 5 sunt adesea 1.27 sau 1.62 din miscarea precedenta.

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vad ca g-j s-a oprit deocamdata la linia 2-4. oricum, am incasat cam 400 de pips pentru ca deja mi se pare cam mult pentru azi si ce-i in mine nu-i minciuna.

nu mai stiu link-ul, era un post pe un forum pe care nu-l frecventez; am pus mai jos tot textul mai jos.


The key to recognizing the WW setup is symmetry. Ideally, waves 1-3-5 are established with very regular timing intervals between moves. The other key ingredient is that the wave 4 must revisit the price range established by waves 1-2 for the best results. Another way to describe the pattern is that it comes as a rising channel in an uptrend, or falling channel in a downtrend. Wave 5 is often a false breakout move above/below upper/lower bounds of the channel. Unlike either bull or bear flags, the movement is in the same direction as the overall trend, with the overlapping waves giving signals that an impending reversal is taking shape. If you are a fan of Fibonacci relationships, a very useful way of confirming the setup is that waves 3 and 5 are often 127% or 162% extensions of the previous pullback. This pattern has different names, depending on the source - Larry Pesavento describes the pattern as "3 pushes to a top/bottom", Jeff Cooper uses "Cooper 1-2-3 swing" nomenclature, and Linda Raschke likes to call this setup "3 indians". The unique quality about wolfewaves, however, is the objective target projection from waves 1 -> 4.




Posibil sa ai dreptate cu Wolfe Waves-ul ala pe G/J si pretul sa-l vedem pe linia 1-4 in curand. Nu stiam de precizarile pe care le-ai facut. Linda Raschke ne poate spune mai multe. Fii dragut si da un link spre locul unde ai gasit tu amanuntele acelea despre wolfe.


Numai bine


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