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Dupa ce principii functioneaza? Care este strategia?



Nu prea ma pricep. Nu stiu ce sa spun. Insa ambele au rezultate bune si pe forward testing. Testeaza-le si daca crezi ca se pot aduce imbunatatiri... insa eu cred ca sunt suficient de bune rezultatele incat sa fie luate in atentie .

Editat de Magicianul

I am testing SWB Grid-3 on demo using 1 min and default settings. (20 pip grid. $10 TP and trading counter-trend)


So when bollinger band/RSI oversold overbought conditions are met, a grid of standing orders is set up. Each time a grid line is reached, the lot size is doubled... which means we only need a small retracement to make profit.


To illustrate.. . place a 20 pip grid over the EURUSD and look back at history. Find how many 20 pip levels the mkt moves through before a 20 pip retracement kicks in. (Remember 20 pip retracement is all we need to make this work). The most I've found is back in Oct 2008 (the big crunch). Seven levels of 20 pips before the first 20 pip retrace appeared. Extreme and rare.


So if you use MM and cater for 7 levels, this EA will always deliver a profit. In addition, if you trade overnight only and stay away from big news/london/ NY openings... it cuts the risk down even further.


Am I making any sense? All comments welcome.


Repeat... this is an exciting EA.

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