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Apropo de momentul evrica,am gasit pe internet pe un site,nu stiu care dar e in limba engleza,eu am tradus cu google.Cit adevar este judecati singuri,am dat copy si paste aici:


The 5 Steps to becoming a trader



Step One: Unconscious Incompetence.


This is the first step you take when starting to look into trading. You know that its a

good way of making money because you've heard so many things about it and heard

of so many millionaires. Unfortunately, just like when you first desire to drive a car

you think it will be easy - after all, how hard can it be? Price either moves up or

down - what's the big secret to that then – let’s get cracking!

Unfortunately, just as when you first take your place in front of a steering wheel you

find very quickly that you haven't got the first clue about what you're trying to do.

You take lots of trades and lots of risks. When you enter a trade it turns against you

so you reverse and it turns again and again, and again.

You may have initial success, and thats even worse - cos it tells your brain that this

really is simple and you start to risk more money.

You try to turn around your losses by doubling up every time you trade. Sometimes

you'll get away with it but more often than not you will come away scathed and

bruised You are totally oblivious to your incompetence at trading.

This step can last for a week or two of trading but the market is usually swift and

you move on the next stage.

Step Two - Conscious Incompetence


Step two is where you realize that there is more work involved in trading and that

you might actually have to work a few things out. You consciously realize that you

are an incompetent trader - you don't have the skills or the insight to turn a regular


You now set about buying systems and e-books galore, read websites based

everywhere from USA to the Ukraine and begin your search for the holy grail. During

this time you will be a system nomad - you will flick from method to method day by

day and week by week never sticking with one long enough to actually see if it does

work. Every time you come upon a new indicator you'll be ecstatic that this is the

one that will make all the difference.

You will test out automated systems on Metatrader, you'll play with moving

averages, Fibonacci lines, support & resistance, Pivots, Fractals, Divergence, DMI,

ADX, and a hundred other things all in the vein hope that your 'magic system' starts

today. You'll be a top and bottom picker, trying to find the exact point of reversal

with your indicators and you'll find yourself chasing losing trades and even adding to

them because you are so sure you are right.

You'll go into the live chat room and see other traders making pips and you want to

know why it's not you - you'll ask a million questions, some of which are so dumb

that looking back you feel a bit silly. You'll then reach the point where you think all

the ones who are calling pips after pips are liars - they can’t be making that amount

because you've studied and you don't make that, you know as much as they do and

they must be lying. But they're in there day after day and their account just grows

whilst yours falls.

You will be like a teenager - the traders that make money will freely give you advice

but you're stubborn and think that you know best - you take no notice and overtrade

your account even though everyone says you are mad to - but you know better.

You'll consider following the calls that others make but even then it wont work so

you try paying for signals from someone else - they don't work for you either.

You might even approach a 'guru' like Rob Booker or someone on a chat board who

promises to make you into a trader (usually for a fee of course). Whether the guru is

good or not you won’t win because there is no replacement for screen time and you

still think you know best.

This step can last ages and ages - in fact in reality talking with other traders as well

as personal experience confirms that it can easily last well over a year and more

nearer 3 years. This is also the step when you are most likely to give up through

sheer frustration.

Around 60% of new traders die out in the first 3 months - they give up and this is

good - think about it - if trading was easy we would all be millionaires. another 20%

keep going for a year and then in desperation take risks guaranteed to blow their

account which of course it does.

What may suprise you is that of the remaining 20% all of them will last around 3

years - and they will think they are safe in the water - but even at 3 years only a

further 5-10% will continue and go on to actually make money consistently.

By the way - they are real figures, not just some I’ve picked out of my head - so

when you get to 3 years in the game don’t think its plain sailing from there.

I’ve had many people argue with me about these timescales - funny enough none of

them have been trading for more that 3 years - if you think you know better then

ask on a board for someone who's been trading 5 years and ask them how long it

takes to become fully 100% proficient. Sure i guess there will be exceptions to the

rle - but i havent met any yet.

Eventually you do begin to come out of this phase. You've probably committed more

time and money than you ever thought you would, lost 2 or 3 loaded accounts and

all but given up maybe 3 or 4 times but now its in your blood

One day – In a split second moment you will enter stage 3.

Step 3 - The Eureka Moment


Towards the end of stage two you begin to realize that it's not the system that is

making the difference. You realize that its actually possible to make money with a

simple moving average and nothing else IF you can get your head and money

management right You start to read books on the psychology of trading and identify

with the characters portrayed in those books and finally comes the eureka moment.

This eureka moment causes a new connection to be made in your brain. You

suddenly realise that neither you, nor anyone else can accurately predict what the

market will do in the next ten seconds, never mind the next 20 mins.

Because of this revelation you stop taking any notice of what anyone thinks - what

this news item will do, and what that event will do to the markets. You become an

individual with your own method of trading

You start to work just one system that you mould to your own way of trading, you're

starting to get happy and you define your risk threshold.

You start to take every trade that your 'edge' shows has a good probability of

winning with. When the trade turns bad you don't get angry or even because you

know in your head that as you couldn't possibly predict it it isn't your fault - as soon

as you realise that the trade is bad you close it . The next trade or the one after it or

the one after that will have higher odds of success because you know your system


You stop looking at trading results from a trade-to-trade perspective and start to

look at weekly figures knowing that one bad trade does not a poor system make.

You have realised in an instant that the trading game is about one thing -

consistency of your 'edge' and your discipline to take all the trades no matter what

as you know the probabilities stack in your favour.

You learn about proper money management and leverage - risk of account etc etc -

and this time it actually soaks in and you think back to those who advised the same

thing a year ago with a smile. You weren't ready then, but you are now. The eureka

moment came the moment that you truly accepted that you cannot predict the



Step 4 - Conscious Competence


You are making trades whenever your system tells you to. You take losses just as

easily as you take wins You now let your winners run to their conclusion fully

accepting the risk and knowing that your system makes more money than it looses

and when you're on a loser you close it swiftly with little pain to your account

You are now at a point where you break even most of the time - day in day out, you

will have weeks where you make 100 pips and weeks where you lose 100 pips -

generally you are breaking even and not losing money. You are now conscious of the

fact that you are making calls that are generally good and you are getting respect

from other traders as you chat the day away. You still have to work at it and think

about your trades but as this continues you begin to make more money than you

lose consistently.

You'll start the day on a 20 pip win, take a 35 pip loss and have no feelings that

you've given those pips back because you know that it will come back again. You will

now begin to make consistent pips week in and week out 25 pips one week, 50 the

next and so on.

This lasts about 6 months

Step Five - Unconscious Competence


Now we’re cooking - just like driving a car, every day you get in your seat and trade

- you do everything now on an unconscious level. You are running on autopilot. You

start to pick the really big trades and getting 200 pips in a day doesnt make you any

more excited that getting 1 pips.

You see the newbies in the forum shouting 'go dollar go' as if they are urging on a

horse to win in the grand national and you see yourself - but many years ago now.

This is trading utopia - you have mastered your emotions and you are now a trader

with a rapidly growing account.

You're a star in the trading chat room and people listen to what you say. You

recognise yourself in their questions from about two years ago. You pass on your

advice but you know most of it is futile because they're teenagers - some of them

will get to where you are - some will do it fast and others will be slower - literally

dozens and dozens will never get past stage two, but a few will.

Trading is no longer exciting - in fact it's probably boring you to bits - like everything

in life when you get good at it or do it for your job - it gets boring - you're doing

your job and that's that.

Finally you grow out of the chat rooms and find a few choice people who you

converse with about the markets without being influenced at all.

All the time you are honing your methods to extract the maximum profit from the

market without increasing risk. Your method of trading doesn’t change - it just gets

better - you now have what women call 'intuition'

You can now say with your head held high "I'm a currency trader" but to be honest

you don’t even bother telling anyone - it's a job like any other.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this journey into a traders mind and that hopefully

you’ve identified with some points in here.

Remember that only 5% will actually make it - but the reason for that isn’t ability, its

staying power and the ability to change your perceptions and paradigms as new

information comes available.

The losers are those who wanted to 'get rich quick' but approached the market and

within 6 months put on a pair of blinkers so they couldn’t see the obvious - a kind of

"this is the way i see it and thats that" scenario - refusing to assimilate new

information that changes that perception.

I’m happy to tell you that the reason i started trading was because of the 'get rich

quick' mindset. Just that now i see it as 'get rich slow'

If you’re thinking about giving up i have one piece of advice for you ....

Ask yourself the question "how many years would you go to college if you knew for a

fact that there was a million dollars a year job at the end of it?

Take care and good trading to you all.

I left of the name of the author of this piece by mistake. If anyone knows

the name of the true author, please let me know and I'll add it here. Thanks

and sorry for the confusion.

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:),da,la asta ma referam cand spuneam de evrica moment,acum sunt la momentul Conscious Incompetence,am trecut prin 80% din "simtomele" descrise,am trecut de la extaz la agonie,am facut 300 pipsi dupa care a doua zi cu acelasi sistem am pierdut 100(pe demo) dupa care frustrat am inchis calculatorul continuat a doua sau a treia zi.Traidingul este foarte greu,daca ar fi usor...cine ar mai pierde ca sa poata castiga cei putini?Am ajuns la concluzia unora,ca pana la urma cel mai important factor in jocul pe bursa..este insusi jucatorul,money managementul si abia pe locul 3 sistemul de joc.

Cred ca daca imi dai un sistem cu 80% sanse de reusita...tot o sa ies pe minus,deoarece imi lipseste disciplina,de aceea nu ma mai grabesc,las lucrurile sa evolueze de la sine si in acest timp incerc sa ma autodisciplinez si sa invat cat mai mult posibil,dar la modul relaxat.


disciplina este problema comuna pentru toti.cred ca in timp se dobindeste pentruca daca nu te autodisciplinezi trebuie sa renunti la trading.iar cine ii place chestia asta cu adevarat no sa renunte la trading o sa se autodisciplineze.sint traderi care tin un jurnal ca sa vada ce greseli fac ca sa nu le mai nu tin un jurnal dar caut sa vad unde gresesc ca sa corectez punctele slabe.

  • 1 lună mai târziu...

Cred ca datorita unui volum de informatie extrem de bogat, risti sa te arunci intr-un haos total atunci cind esti incepator. Este si cazul meu. Avem o paleta extrem de larga de borkeri si toti iti promit calitate, seriozitate si colaborare deplina, dar pina la un punct, in sensul ca; daca nu deschizi un cont la real nu prea se mai intereseaza de tine. pentru ca evident; de ce si-ar pierde timpul cu tine daca nu generezi nici un fel de comision sau venit pentru el.

Absolut toate platformele sau mai bine zis site-urile de brokeri care iti ofera platformele respective iti ofera si documentatie cu generalitati, dar pina la un anumit nivel sau moment.

Dupa acel punct constati ca esti tot incepator si tot in ceata, ba mai rau nu prea iti vine sa acorzi increderea ta pe aceasta linie unor persoane pe care nu le cunosti cu adevarat, oricat de binevoitori ar parea.

In acest caz cum sa procedam ca sa putem demara corect pe aceasta ruta?

Ar fi interesant sa risc un cont la real doar ca sa intru in contact cu emotiile si senzatiile tranzactionarii reale sau sa tranzactionez pe demo pina voi fi sigur suta la suta de ceea ce fac si de riscul la care ma expun?

Sunt doar doua intrebari la care mi-as dori raspunsuri si nu unul ci cateva zeci ca sa pot face o comparatie de experienta a altor traderi incepatori si sa imi pot defini o directie personala.

  • 1 lună mai târziu...

Raspunsul este demo , o luna , doua si apoi cont real cu o suma pe care iti permiti sa o pierzi.In momentul in care devii profitabil il poti alimenta cu o suma mai mare.

  • 2 luni mai târziu...

Lucian Cazac


Eu cred ca ar trebui disciplinare in segmentul autoinstruirii. Si ma refer la carti scrise de cei cu experienta in domeniu.

Pasul urmator ar trebui sa punem in practica ceea ce invatam pe mai multe conturi "demo".

Eu, cel putin am inceput sa-mi conturez propriul sistem de tranzactionare...In urmatoarea saptamana voi sustine un examen pentru a deveni trader cu acte in regula :D . Toate cele bune!

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