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Intre anii 2005-2015 aici s-a discutat activ, apoi forumul a functionat intermitent in regim read-only sau a fost inchis. In februarie 2021 a revenit online pentru a ajuta traderii retail sa fie profitabili pe pietele financiare, indiferent daca tranzactioneaza actiuni, forex, criptomonede, ETFuri, CFDuri, sau alte instrumente financiare.
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- 27 răspunsuri
- 3,5k citiri
http://youtu.be/qOJqarBw1sw Tranzactionari Forex... ceea ce brokerii nu va spun Veti vedea reclame care pretind ca Forex va poate face bogati peste noapte Imi pare rau sa va spun acest lucru...dar in realitate 90% dintre clientii care tranzactioneaza FX nu fac bani. Multe conturi se golesc in mai putin de 6 luni. Dar sa nu o luam chiar asa in tragic Se pot face bani cu FX dar nu facind ceea ce face majoritatea Iata sfaturile lui Vince Stazione cu o experienta de 26 de ani in tranzactii si investitii #1 Uitati despre orice fel de idee de a cumpara software fanteziste sau roboti FX este foarte usor in tranzactionarile online sa fiti distrasi de catre asa zisele date in ti…
Ultimul răspuns de Apollo, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 1,2k citiri
Eu strategiile pe grafice de 15 minute nu-mi plac,nu mi se potivesc.eu o sa pun aici o idee de trading nu o strategie.In jurul acestei idei puteti dezvolta strategii,daca o gasiti o idee interesanta.Nu stiu daca ideea mea foloseste la cineva pentruca in grupul acesta nu sint decit doi incepatori si doi avansati.Avansati banuiesc deja ca stiu pentruca ideea este un comportament al pietii.Folosim grafice de 1 ora,norul de la ichimoku pentru identificarea trendului,media mobila de 200,eu am pus si media de 100 dar idea are legatura cu media de 200.Eu nu am mai pus altii indicatori ca sa nu murdaresc graficul si sa scot in evidenta ideea.Fiecare i-si poate pune indicatori lor…
Ultimul răspuns de nirolf_trader, -
- 1 răspuns
- 854 citiri
We are different! We offer helpful tips to prospective traders. We can talk to you on-on-one and explain market movement. Our education corner provided information on a number of topics useful to new traders. We have a unique promotion which provides real cash bonuses and our online chat allows you to talk to us on any subject. Sarrafx Trading - Trade with Awareness
Ultimul răspuns de dirzuandreiovidiu, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 729 citiri
In the not so distant past before communication reached the level it is now, pricing FX transactions was extremely slow and complicated. For example, slang for the Gbp/Usd rate is "cable. This is because each price was made by cable (or telegraph) and as markets didn't move like they do today it could take the best part of a day to receive a request, make a price and confirm a deal. Contrast that with todays FX markets where trades take place in milliseconds. In the City of London, still the worlds largest financial market, there were over 350 banks all with trading rooms. The smallest had one or two traders trading major currencies and a money market dealer …
Ultimul răspuns de sarrafx, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 645 citiri
In the past trading fx was purely the domain of banks and financial institutions. They derived a significant part of their income from interbank fx. Banks have always been the facilitators of currency exchange and were involved from two very distinct angles and this involvement determined their status as either market makers of market users or takers. Take first of all market makers. They undertook to quote a price to "the market" usually on a reciprocal basis at a given spread determined by size of transaction. On a reciprocal basis meant Bank A would quote Bank B provided Bank B undertook to quote Bank A on the same terms. Market makers would quote the market accordin…
Ultimul răspuns de sarrafx, -
- 5 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Apropo de momentul evrica,am gasit pe internet pe un site,nu stiu care dar e in limba engleza,eu am tradus cu google.Cit adevar este judecati singuri,am dat copy si paste aici: The 5 Steps to becoming a trader Step One: Unconscious Incompetence. This is the first step you take when starting to look into trading. You know that its a good way of making money because you've heard so many things about it and heard of so many millionaires. Unfortunately, just like when you first desire to drive a car you think it will be easy - after all, how hard can it be? Price either moves up or down - what's the big secret to that then – let’s get cracking! Unfortunately, …
Ultimul răspuns de Mighty Eagle, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Aceasta este o strategie pe care am inceput sa o testez de ceva vreme,o sa incerc sa pun imagini(sper sa le pot atasa) cu intrari si iesiri ale tranzactiilor castigatoare si pierzatoare.Strategia nu imi apartine mie,a fost postata de userul andrymember. Componenta: LWMA perioada de 5 - Linear Weighted Moving Average: Typical Price HLC/3 - culoarea aleasa pe grafic estegalbena;LWMA perioada de 14 - Linear Weighted Moving Average: Typical Price HLC/3 - culoarea aleasa pe grafic este rosie;EMA cu perioada 233: close - culoarea alba;Indicatorul MACD- Fast EMA: 5 , Slow EMA: 14, MACD SMA: 5 primim: Weighted Close (HLCC/4);Indicatorul Average True Rance cu perioada ATR (5);Ind…
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