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Eu as avea incredere intr-un statement verificat de la brokerii mari, cunoscuti de toata lumea, si reglementati in multe jurisdictii.


Pe ultimul link care l-am dat,, sunt multe dovezi ca e un scam pe bune. Un detectiv de acolo a investigat:



I forgot to mention a couple other funniest facts about this ponzi:

* A picture of their general manager posted online turned out to be a picture of a woman who is a director of kindergarden and has no connection to MMCIS.

* A press release which was posted online was stamped by a signature found on google which at the end turned out to be signature of russian president V. Putin :)

* a claimed CEO of MMCIS Mitchell Nunis, who said to be a professor of New York Trading Academy, does not exist.

* Pictures of their office posted online turned out to be pictures of one of a moscow hotel "Peter the Great".

* The claims that investor's funds are insured by Radian and Deutsche Bank were debunked by both.

* Claimed partners of MMCIS: JP Morgan Chase and Charles Schwab denied any connection.

* Forex MMCIS subsidiary of theirs is claimed to be a member of IFSC, IFSC denied that claim.

* At one point they used to say that adviser of Warren Buffet is the general manager of the fund :)

* in 2010 Volkov ran for mayor of Melitopol, election committee removed him from the bailout.

* The Panama's offshore corporation of MMCIS, which is MMCIS INC (number:618266) registered by the same Agent and same set of directors
as Felmina Alliance, PanamaMoney and several of other ponzi scams. That company does not have a single financial license or permit in Panama.

Overall they are 3 stogies , a laugh-stock, most clumsy ponzi admins ever, nether less still #1 Ponzi in Ukraine.

So why they still enjoy their freedom ?
Maybe it's just funny to watch what they gonna do the next :)
Maybe authorities waiting for Rada voting on a new anti-ponzi law which will double punishment for ponzi organizers.
Maybe just nobody gives a shit.


Nu stiu daca e adevarat sau nu ce spune, as tinde sa-l cred. E un site care pana la urma cu asta se ocupa - scam-uri pe net.

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