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Afișez conținut cu cea mai mare reputație pe 07.08.2011 în toate secțiunile

  1. Tot ce vroiam sa spun e ca Maria Vanzatoarea nu e capabila sa-si asigure singura bitcoinii impotriva nu a a guvernului american, ci a hackerilor amatori de pe Internet. Tu spuneai ca e posibil, folosind acel soft. La fel cum Vasile Pensionarul nu e capabil sa tina in mod sigur 1 mil $ la el in apartament. De aia s-au inventat bancile pt cash. SI pana nu apare ceva similar pt bitcoin, nu are nici o sansa. Chiar si Gavin, om de baza in bitcoin, recent a declarat ca priveste bitcoin ca un asset (commodity), nu ca o moneda. Adica nu va inlocui USD-ul, in vorbele lui. Repeti greseala. Sigure impotriva CUI? Nimeni nu ataca criptarea in mod direct, aia nu poate fi sparta daca e folosita corect (ceea ce nu e deloc simplu). Ataci sistemul din jur. La un moment dat, va trebui sa introduci parola intr-un calculator pt a accesa datele. Asta e punctul vulnerabil si aici vor lovi. Ataci veriga slaba (managementul parolei), nu aia puternica (criptarea). Criptarea lui Julien nu te ajuta daca ai calculatorul infectat. Crezi ca e simplu sa-l tii curat daca ai ceva cu adevarat important pe el? Fun reading, masurile de securitate recomandat pt cei care se duc la conferinta hackerilor de anul asta. Fiecare din ele e adaugata in urma evenimentelor din trecut. http://edition.cnn.c...tml?hpt=hp_abar Cam tot asta e minimul de masuri care vor trebui luate de cineva care umbla cu 1 mil $ BTC pe un device.
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  2. Ar fi mai bine sa nu mai vorbesti de securitatea electronica. Pt ca esti total in afara Scuze ca te atac. In primul rand, sigur impotriva cui? Vecinului de bloc? Mafiei? Guvernului american? Chestia asta se cheama threat model. E primul pas. Trebuie sa stii de cine te aperi. Ca sa te aperi de vecinul de bloc, e suficient softul de mai sus. Daca vrei sa te aperi de guvernul american, sa zicem ca vei avea costuri de operare mai mari. BTW, ai auzit de rubber-hose cryptanalysis? Sparge aproape orice criptare in cateva zile - http://en.wikipedia....e_cryptanalysis Alta metoda folosita in mod uzual: http://en.wikipedia....g_cryptanalysis Stiu, stiu, nu te gandeai la asa ceva cand ai propus softul de mai sus. Dar tocmai asta e cheia, ca NU ai specificat impotriva cui e bun softul. Cand softu ala ascunde milioane de bitcoinsi, brusc multa lume va deveni interesata de tot felul de metode de a intra inauntru.
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  3. Wow. Someone drank the kool aid. Habar n-ai cat de departe de adevar esti. Urmaresc de cateva luni de zile forum-ul bitcoin, si nu a fost saptamana in care sa nu apara o teapa noua si useri care sa-si piarda bitcoinii. Doar saptamana trecuta 2 site-uri s-au dovedit a fi tepe si au disparut cu toti banii. Unul din ele cu echivalentul a 1 milion $. Si apropo, bitcoinii pot fi distrusi. Daca iti pierzi portofelul, bitcoinii aia dispar FOREVER. Imposibil de recuperat, pt ca a disparut cheia privata care ii poate autentifica. Atat de multe tepe in ultimele 6 luni, ca exista un thread despre cine NU si-a luat inca vreo teapa - https://bitcointalk....p?topic=34232.0 Stii care ironia? Ca toti de acolo viseaza la o banca de bitcoin administrata si controlata ca o banca adevarata. So much for anarchy Ideea in sine poate fi ok. Lipsa de inflatie insa nu, e cea mai mare tampenie ever. Lumea are impresia ca inflatia e ceva prost, cand e de fapt fenomenul care genereaza cresterea economica. Asta e tot ce am sa discut pe aceasta tema, va las pe voi sa va certati daca aveti chef. Good read:
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  4. de data asta am nimerit maslina verde. foarte tari interventiile lui gigi
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  5. atat. Ma intrebam acu cateva zile ce dracu e putred la Casa Alba de toti vand Dolari pe franci, Jen si Aur? Iata ca "cineva" stia de povestea asta si a fugit cu meleoanele acolo unde , in caz de galceava, nu pierde. Se repeta istoria. Pacat ca nu si paternurile intraday. We would emphasize that the USD reaction against most currencies will probably follow broader market reaction. In particular, as emphasized below, if equity and commodity markets keep sliding globally, the main reaction is likely to cut long positions in equities, EM and commodities. These are mainly funded by short USD, so whether or not the safe-haven status of the USD is impaired over the long term, a downward shock to markets is likely to be USD positive in the near term. This is hardly USD positive once things settle down, but before they settle down, the short term will likely dominate the long-term. As we discuss below, there may be concern in FX markets that the EUR AAAs are not solid, given the political and economic issues facing the euro zone and how conditions have worsened since the agencies last commented on ratings. Official and private investors instinctively may want to sell USD and buy EUR, but the EUR sovereign issues do not look better because the US’ looks worse, and a global risk-off response would be EUR negative. The key immediate investor worry is that no set of European policymakers is willing to buy sufficient peripheral and quasi-peripheral bonds to narrow spreads, so there is little pushback against the panic on Spain and Italy. The biggest upside for the EUR would come if the ECB bought Spanish and Italian bonds and that might be enough to generate a global response among risk-correlated currencies, if it was done in sufficient size to convince the investors that contagion was overdone. Read more: http://www.businessi...8#ixzz1ULIaZkuf Finance Leaders Urgently Discuss Market Stability The world's leading economies on Sunday urgently discussed the stability of financial markets after a historic U.S. credit downgrade rattled investors already worried about European debt crises. Deputies from the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies talked by telephone Sunday about proposals to minimize market shocks, South Korea's central bank said. And the financial ministers from the Group of Seven economies planned talks before Asian markets open Monday. The countries are concerned Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. credit rating late Friday will shake global markets. In a sign of the fallout, Middle East markets tumbled Sunday on the first day of business after the downgrade. Kyodo News agency reported Sunday that G-7 deputy finance ministers had agreed on a conference call among the higher-level ministers, who are likely to discuss the U.S. downgrade as well as the eurozone sovereign debt concerns. Japan's Senior Vice Finance Minister Fumihiko Igarashi hinted Sunday that Tokyo would intervene again in the currency market if excessive fluctuations continue. It acted Thursday to weaken the yen and protect Japan's recovery from an earthquake and tsunami in March. "It's not over yet. We will act again if we see speculative moves," Igarashi said on a talk show Sunday on public broadcaster NHK, referring to a possibility for more rounds of yen-selling intervention. Euro-Area Central Banks to Hold Crisis Call Euro-region central bank governors will hold emergency talks today intended to stop Spain and Italy from becoming the next victims of the sovereign-debt crisis and limit fallout from the first U.S. credit-rating cut in history. The central bank chiefs will convene by conference call at 6 p.m. Paris time, said a euro-area central bank official who declined to be identified because the talks are confidential. A spokesman for the European Central Bank declined to comment. Finance ministers from the Group of Seven countries may confer by phone as early as tomorrow morning in Tokyo before Asian markets open, Kyodo News reported, citing people familiar with the plan. The flurry of talks comes as the U.S. downgrade by Standard & Poor’sthreatens to further derail efforts to stop the debt crisis from engulfing the euro-area’s third and fourth-largest economies.
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