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Orice postat de tavi_star

  1. CITATIONS de : America : Freedom to Fascim (de Aaron Russo) IRS = Internal Revenue Service ________________________________________ « Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” Mayer Rothschild (private banker) ________________________________________ “I’am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress (contrainte, coercition) of a small group of dominant men.” Woodrow Wilson (25/09/1919) ________________________________________ “The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.” Mark Twain ________________________________________ “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” Supreme Court Chief Justice – John Marshall ________________________________________ « We can’t be so fixated (obsédé) on our desir to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans. » Bill Clinton (March 11, 1993) ________________________________________ “Legal opponents of President Bill Clinton were singled out for tax audits.” Paul Breslan – IRS Official from court Records. ________________________________________ David Cay Johnston : “Why won’t the IRS answer the questions set forth in the petitions from the American people ?” Terry Lemons’s response : “The government IS answering the questions, through enforcement actions in the courts.” ________________________________________ On August 31st, 2005 federal judge Emmet Sullivan ruled the government does not have to answer the American peoples’s questions, even though it is guaranted in the First Amendment. ________________________________________ “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Goethe ________________________________________ Education is paid for by local property taxes. The tax on gasoline pays for America’s highways. ________________________________________ Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Asst. Secretary of Housing) “In fiscal 1995 the department of defence had 1.1 trillion of undocumentable adjustments (= the money is missing), the following year they had 2.3 trillion of undocumentable adjustments.” “The government works for private banks, and private banks for their owners : they are the true masters.” ________________________________________ A direct tax must be apportioned (= to divide equally amongst the people). U.S. Constitution ________________________________________ All indirect taxes must be the same (uniform) throughout all the states. U.S. Constitution ________________________________________ “Based on research…by the Congressional Research Service, there is no provisions which…require…an individual to pay an income tax.” ________________________________________ Income means a corporate profit…not…wages or labor. ________________________________________ Voluntary : adj. 1. An action undertaken of one’s own free will. Mandatory : adj. 1. Commanded by authority. ________________________________________ “Your income tax is a 100% voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is a 100% enforced tax. The situation is as different as night and day.” Dwight E. Avis (Head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, Bureau of Internal Revenue) ________________________________________ “Chief among such contracts is that of personal employment by which labor and other services are EXCHANGED for money or other forms of property.” Coppage Vs KANSAS, 236 U.S. 1,14 (1914) ________________________________________ “The IRS selectively audited taxpayers who were poor and vulnerable…they routinely fabricated evidence against taxpayers…they encouraged agents to ‘stick it’ to taxpayers.” Jennifer Long (IRS Agent) ________________________________________ “I will not allow the law in my courtroom!” Judge Dawson Judge Dawson’s Jury Instructions “You must follow the law as I give it to you.” Irwin Schiff : “But the Supreme Court said…” = how to railroad citizens ! i.e. to force sbdy to do Judge Dawson : “Irrelevant ! Denied !” sthg before they have had time to think of it. Irwin Schiff : “The Supreme Court is irrelevant ???” Judge Dawson : “Irrelevant ! Denied !” Irwin Schiff was found guilty and sentenced to 13 years in prison…for a non-crime. ________________________________________ “The pages of history shine on instances of the jury’s exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge…” U.S. Vs Dougherty (1972) ________________________________________ Example : Joe Lewis’s treatment by the IRS. At the end former German opponent Max Schmeling paid for Joe’s funeral. ________________________________________ G. Edward Griffin (author, Creature From Jekyll Island) “Once the banks get into the picture and they form a partnership with the government, the government give them the legal power now to create bank issued money …backed by the coercive government to require everybody to accept that bank money.” “Most people spend the great bulk of their money for TAXES, INTERESTS and INFLATION, and all of this money go to these two groups that comprise the cartel and their partner, the federal government, it’s not a coincidence.” Russo : “So, if Congress used its federal authority to shut down the fereral reserve system, the American people would be much better off !?” ________________________________________ Franklin Sanders (author, Tax Honesty) “In the course of the last century, they’ve converted this nation from a nation of independent freeholders to a nation of employees, and they’re just one step away from being serfs.” ________________________________________ “The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sums of interests and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity.” Abraham Lincoln ________________________________________ Edward Griffin (2): “Young people today are conditioned practically from the cradle on up to think that credit is a wonderful thing. You don’t want to damage your credit ! You want to do what you can so that you can go to the bank and get a good loan.” “The average young person today has no concept that he is being drawn into a web, a trap, like he is in a feudalist system. Only, he is going to like it ! He is going to think “this is wonderful : I got my new red corvette and I’m in debt for the rest of my life, but I’m looking good.” ________________________________________ Franklin Sanders (2)(author, Tax Honesty) “No people who own their own property, who own their own houses, who own their own business, who finance their own business : they are only debtors (débiteurs).” ________________________________________ Catherine Austin Fitts (2) (former Asst. Secretary of Housing) “A decision was made : let’s get all the debt up, let’s move the job’s abroad, and instead of reengineering your skills we’re going to dumb down America, and so the middle class will disappear.” ________________________________________ Credit card interest rates can exceed 20%. ________________________________________ Edward Griffin (3): “The boarder directors of the federal reserve system is chosen from the president from a list prepared by the bankers themselves.” ________________________________________ “If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency…the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Thomas Jefferson ________________________________________ Like monopoly money the federal reserve bank makes money out of thin air and between two pieces of paper : one from the federal reserve corp. and the other from Parker Bros. Corp., both have the same amount of backing …none. ________________________________________ “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value…[Gold] stands as a protector of property rights.” Alan Greenspan “Gold and Economic Freedom” Before he went to work for the federal reserve system !!!! ________________________________________ “Wake up, you idiots ! Whatever made you think paper was so valuable ?” Kurt Vonnegut : Galapagos ________________________________________ “Paper is poverty…it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.” Thomas Jefferson ________________________________________ Edward Griffin (4): “The president really has no control, nor does the Congress have any control over this cartel, he just has the appearance of control.” ________________________________________ “Who controls the food supply controls the people ; who controls energy can control whole continents ; who controls money controls the world.” Henry Kissinger ________________________________________ “I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.” Thomas Jefferson ________________________________________ President Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, and suspend habeas corpus. This gives him dictatorial power over the people, without any checks and balances. The government can jail you for life without charges, without a trial, and without a lawyer. Because of globalization the U.S. must accept other nations’laws. Under the CAFTA treaty the sale of vitamins and supplements will be illegal. EXECUTIVE ORDER #10999 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation. EXECUTIVE ORDER # 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. EXECUTIVE ORDER #11921 provides that the President can declare a state of emergency that is not defined, and Congress cannot review the action for six months. Senate bill #1873 allows the government to vaccinate you with untested vaccines against your will. The FDA says Americans do not have a right to know which foods are genetically modified. Congressman Sensenbrenner’s bill (HR 1528) requires you to spy on your neighbors, including wearing a wire. Refusal would be punishable by a mandatory prison sentence of at least two years. The government claims the power to seize all financial instruments : currency, gold, silver, and everything else if they deem an emergency exists. Treasury Department Letter (August 12, 2005) There are 190 countries in the world. America has bases in 130 of them. The PATRIOCT Act permits : -Secret FBI and police searches of your home and office. -Secret government wiretaps on your phone, computer and/or Internet activity. -Secret investigations of your bank records, credit cards and other financial records. -Secret investigations of your library and book activities. -Secret examination of your medical, travel and business records. -The freezing of funds and assets without prior notice or appeal. -The creation of secret “watch lists” that ban those named from air and other travel. “The constitution is just a goddam piece of paper.” George W. Bush Nov. 2005 ( During the 1990’s President Clinton monitored millions of private phone calls placed by U.S. citizens. He did this under a secret program code named Echelon. The widespread use of wiretapping Americans during the Clinton administration proves this practice was not started because of 9/11, but is standard procedure. ________________________________________The law, known as the « Real ID Act, » takes effect in May, 2008. Anyone without the card would not be permitted to board an airplane, Amtrak train, open a bank account, or enter a federal building. The bill mandates that all driver’s licenses contain “common readable technology.” A Radio frequency identification (RFID) chip will be used. ________________________________________ Katherine Albrecht : author of Spy Chips ________________________________________ “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead : And that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark.” Revelations 13:16 ________________________________________ Voting machine manufactures refuse to allow anyone to see the source code. Without paper ballots the honesty of any election cannot be verified. ________________________________________ 2004 Ohio Precinct exit poll data shows virtually irrefutable evidence of vote miscount. National Election Data Archive ________________________________________ “Integrity of 2006 elections cannot be ensured.” Government Accountability Office ________________________________________ “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” Josef Stalin (Russian Dictator) ________________________________________ “The new world order will be built…an end run on national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.” Council on Foreign Relations Journal 1974, p.558 ________________________________________ “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” Paul Warburg – Council on Foreign Relations and architect of the Federal Reserve System in an address to the U.S. Senate. (2/17/1950) ________________________________________ “To defend the New World Order U.S. soldiers will have to kill and die.” Arthur Schlesinger – Council on Foreign Relations Journal ________________________________________ “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” Henry Kissinger – Council on Foreign Relations ________________________________________ “The dirty little secret is that both Houses of Congress are Irrelevant. America’s domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. America’s foreign policy is now being run by the international monetary fund. When the President decides to go to war he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress.” Robert Reich (January, 7, 1999, USA Today), member of President Clinton’s cabinet, and one of his most trusted advisors. ________________________________________ Dr Carroll Quigley, professor from Georgetown University, also Bill Clinton’s mentor, says in his book : Tragedy and Hope, A History of theWorld in our Time : “The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching aim nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” ________________________________________ President Clinton’s deputy secretary of state Strobe Talbott said in Time Magazine, July 20, 1992 : “ In the next century nations as we know it will be obsolete, all states will recognise a single global authority.” ________________________________________ The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” Sir Josiah Stamp, Former Director of The Bank of England ________________________________________ “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Private Banker, June 1991 ________________________________________ “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Felix Frankfurter – U.S. Supreme Court Justice ________________________________________ “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford ________________________________________
  2. AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM In atas se afla subtitrarile la film (engleza). AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America and about what it means to be an ican will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one."
  3. Trading Manual - Market Manipulation (chap. 27) by Joe Ross RANDOM WALK? For years we have denied any notion of the theory of Random Walk in futures prices. The more time goes by the more strong that conviction becomes. It is as we’ve explained elsewhere, the market is a situation of “weak hands” vs “strong hands.” Prices are engineered by the strong hands to take advantage of the weak hands. It’s always been that way, and it always will be that way, unless, somehow, human nature can find a way to change without the help of divine intervention.
  4. The Day Trader's Survival Guide - How to Be Consistently Profitable in Short-Term Markets by Christopher Farrell THE SUCKER There is an old saying in gambling, That when you sit down at the poker table, Expecting to take everyone else's money, Of all the players sitting around you, If within five minutes, You can't tell who the sucker is, Then chances are, The sucker is you Excerpt: .... [4] Instigating the Day Trader Stampede: How the Market Makers Manipulate Stock Prices [5] The Day Trader Strikes Back: How You and I Can Manipulate Stock Prices .... [9] How the Specialist Manipulates Stock Prices to Derail Day Traders .... [12] A Utopian Vision for a Fair Marketplace: The Twenty-four-Hour Unified Exchange, the Virtual Specialist, and the Extinction of Traditional Wall Street
  5. @andrei_lint " ... Nu vad nici un motiv pentru care un cont nu ar rezista macar un an ..." Iti ofer unul: YOU!
  6. David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud
  7. Thomas Schauf - The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED
  8. Hans Sennholz - Age of Inflation Continued (exposes criminal monetary policies of US Federal Reserve) This is Hans F. Sennholz's powerful book Age of Inflation Continued (2006) which elegantly exposes the criminal monetary policies of US Federal Reserve, the central bank of USA, and its devastating effect on nation's economy. Hans F. Sennholz has long been one of the America's best economists. In his 1979 classic Age of Inflation, professor Sennholz examined the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve and explained how they were responsible for the economic turmoil that was then afflicting the nation. Since that time, U.S. monetary policy has continued to be the unseen hand operating the world's economic engine. And yet the distortions created by the policies pursued by the Federal Reserve have not diminished. As a result, some observers are now beginning to worry that the expansionary policies that have led to the last two decades of easy money may soon result in an unpleasant economic correction, or worse. The time is right for an update of this classic work on inflation. Age of Inflation Continued swiftly updates the subject matter of the larger, previous work with data and analysis based on recent monetary events. Find out who exactly if causing all this inflation and what you can do about it. 50 pages. A must read for everyone.
  9. Eustace Mullins - The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve Interzisa in USA. Retrasa din circulatie in Europa. " ... I then wrote up my findings to date, and in 1950 began efforts to market this manuscript in New York. Eighteen publishers turned it down without comment, but the nineteenth, Devin Garrity, president of Devin Adair Publishing Company, gave me some friendly advice in his office. "I like your book, but we can’t print it," he told me. "Neither can anybody else in New York. Why don’t you bring in a prospectus for your novel, and I think we can give you an advance. You may as well forget about getting the Federal Reserve book published. I doubt if it could ever be printed." This was devastating news, coming after two years of intensive work. I reported back to Pound, and we tried to find a publisher in other parts of the country. After two years of fruitless submissions, the book was published in a small edition in 1952 by two of Pound’s disciples, John Kasper and David Horton, using their private funds, under the title Mullins on the Federal Reserve. In 1954, a second edition, with unauthorized alterations, was published in New Jersey, as The Federal Reserve Conspiracy. In 1955, Guido Roeder brought out a German edition in Oberammergau, Germany. The book was seized and the entire edition of 10,000 copies burned by government agents led by Dr. Otto John. ... "
  10. Tom Williams - Master The Markets The banks, institutions and the specialists have all the financial resources to move prices up or down. Trillions of dollars are exchanged daily across the world's stock, currency and commodity markets. Hundreds of millions are spent analysing crop reports, business sectors and economic figures. All other activity, including the combined trades of thousands of individuals like you and me, represents only a tiny fraction of the money and resources flowing in and out of the market on a daily basis. You may think that's pretty obvious. But ... Markets don't react to professional activity the way you expect them to. In every market, there's an undeclared understanding amongst professional traders. It alerts them to what the big money is doing. It's based around observations surrounding volume activity and the effect this has on the price and the spread. To us outside observers this activity normally goes unnoticed - an insignificant and unexplainable blip lost amongst the 'noise' of the markets. If you've ever watched the Dow or a stock price over any period of time, you'll know that prices can fluctuate wildly. But there is logic behind all this chaos and the professionals know exactly how to profit from it. They know what the signals mean, yet only a tiny minority of non-professionals know what's really going on. As you'll see in graphic detail later, knowing how to read the market will allow you to take the professional's lead and boost your profits. Understanding professional moves will allow you to uncover the true market sentiment. It will give you a clear indication of which markets you should hold positions in - whether buying or selling stocks, or going long or short on futures. There's No Way To Hide ... You see, no matter what they do, the professionals can never hide their true intentions. They may be leading the market, but they leave tell-tale signs for anyone with the right knowledge to follow. It doesn't take a great leap of logic to see how you could use this information to your advantage... Ultimately it means that all other factors - including the fundamentals of a company, the management, the strength of the dollar and interest rates, simply aren't important in your analysis. Ditto for newspaper financial columns, investment journals, broker recommendations and television coverage. The only truly important consideration for you is what the professional money is doing - that is the only thing that matters. Here's a famous example... In 1992 the British pound fell so sharply that Britain was forced to leave the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). What do you think was behind this famous fall? Yes, you guessed it, professional money! The money in question was the Quantum Fund, run by the renowned speculator George Soros. He and his analysts had spotted a potential weakness in the ERM. During the weeks before the massive sell-off of the British pound, George Soros was busy exchanging seven billion US dollars for German Deutschemarks. When the time was right he moved in fast, selling the British pound. As the pound fell the Deutschemark rose, creating huge profits for Soros. As soon as news of this got out the other professionals followed suit. The onslaught was overwhelming and too much for Norman Lamont, the then UK Chancellor of the Exchequer. In an attempt to halt the slide Lamont resorted to selling some of Britain's gold reserves. He put up interest rates three times during one day, but this was still no match for the professionals. Now, if a government can't beat the professionals, what hope do individual traders have? It's obvious that there's no way to beat the professionals or match their financial might, but you can follow their moves. The professionals can't disguise their true intentions.
  11. Jim Cramer Admits To Stock Manipulation When At Hedge Fund (follow the link) “A lot of times when I was short, I would create a level of activity beforehand that would drive the futures. . . . It’s a fun game,” Cramer said in the Webcast, which was moderated by Executive Editor Aaron Task. Cramer later said that “no one else in the world would ever admit that, but I don’t care.” However, seconds later, he acknowledged, “I’m not going to say that on TV,” referring to his show on CNBC. A remarkably successful money manager when he ran the $450 million Cramer Berkowitz hedge fund, Cramer in the Webcast shared his “tips” on how to drive a stock price down so that a short-position - a bet that a stock price would drop - remains profitable. He added that the strategy - while illegal - was safe enough because, “the Securities and Exchange Commission never understands this.” Here’s the video on
  12. The Four Derivative US Dictators Secrets Of The Plunge Protection Team
  13. PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM The PPT is empowered to intervene in stock index futures and the foreign currency markets in the event of a crash. The “Plunge Protection Team” Working Overtime to Save US Stock Market THE "PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM" WORKING OVERTIME
  14. The Working Group on Financial Markets, also know as the Plunge Protection Team, was created by Ronald Reagan to prevent a repeat of the Wall Street meltdown of October 1987. Its members include the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the Chairman of the SEC and the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Recently, the team has been on high-alert given the increased volatility of the markets and, what Hank Paulson calls, "the systemic risk posed by hedge funds and derivatives.” Last Tuesday's 416 point drop in the stock market has sent tremors through global system. An 8% freefall on the Chinese stock exchange triggered a massive equities sell-off which continued sporadically throughout the week. The sudden shift in sentiment, from Bull to Bear, has drawn more attention to deeply rooted “systemic” problems in the US economy. US manufacturing is already in recession, the dollar continues to weaken, consumer spending is flat, and the sub-prime market in real estate has begun to nosedive. These have all contributed to the markets' erratic behavior and created the likelihood that the Plunge Protection Team may be stealthily intervening behind the scenes. According to John Crudele of the New York Post, the Plunge Protection Team's (PPT) modus operandi was revealed by a former member of the Federal Reserve Board, Robert Heller. Heller said that disasters could be mitigated by “buying market averages in the futures market, thus stabilizing the market as a whole.” This appears to be the strategy that has been used. Former-Clinton advisor, George Stephanopoulos, verified the existence of The Plunge Protection Team (as well as its methods) in an appearance on Good Morning America on Sept 17, 2000. Stephanopoulos said: “Well, what I wanted to talk about for a few minutes is the various efforts that are going on in public and behind the scenes by the Fed and other government officials to guard against a free-fall in the markets….perhaps the most important the Fed in 1989 created what is called the Plunge Protection Team, which is the Federal Reserve, big major banks, representatives of the New York Stock Exchange and the other exchanges and they have been meeting informally so far, and they have a kind of an informal agreement among major banks to come in and start to buy stock if there appears to be a problem. They have in the past acted more formally… I don't know if you remember but in 1998, there was a crisis called the Long term Capital Crisis. It was a major currency trader and there was a global currency crisis. And they, with the guidance of the Fed, all of the banks got together when it started to collapse and propped up the currency markets. And, they have plans in place to consider that if the markets start to fall.” Stephanopoulos' comments have never been officially denied. In fact, as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the U.K. Telegraph notes, Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson has called for the PPT to meet with greater frequency and set up “a command centre at the US Treasury that will track global markets and serve as an operations base in the next crisis. The top brass will meet every six weeks, combining the heads of Treasury, Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and key exchanges”. This suggests that the PPT may have been deeply involved in last Wednesday's “miraculous” stock market rebound from Tuesday's losses. There was no apparent reason for the market to suddenly “go positive” following a ruinous day that shook investor confidence around the world. The editors of the New York Times summarized the feelings of many market-watchers who were baffled by this odd recovery: “The torrent of bad news on housing is only worsening, with a report yesterday that new home sales for January had their steepest slide in 13 years...Manufacturing has already slipped into a recession, with activity contracting in two of the last three months. How is it then that investors took Mr. Bernanke's words as a “buy” signal?” How indeed; unless other forces were operating secretly behind the scenes? Market Rigging “Gaming” the system may be easier than many people believe. Robert McHugh, Ph.D. has provided a description of how it works which seems consistent with the comments of Robert Heller. McHugh lays it out like this: “The PPT decides markets need intervention, a decline needs to be stopped, or the risks associated with political events that could be perceived by markets as highly negative and cause a decline; need to be prevented by a rally already in flight. To get that rally, the PPT's key component — the Fed — lends money to surrogates who will take that fresh electronically printed cash and buy markets through some large unknown buyer's account. That buying comes out of the blue at a time when short interest is high. The unexpected rally strikes blood, and fear overcomes those who were betting the market would drop. These shorts need to cover, need to buy the very stocks they had agreed to sell (without owning them) at today's prices in anticipation they could buy them in the future at much lower prices and pocket the difference. Seeing those stocks rally above their committed selling price, the shorts are forced to buy — and buy they do. Thus, those most pessimistic about the equity market end up buying equities like mad, fueling the rally that the PPT started. Bingo, a huge turnaround rally is well underway, and sidelines money from Hedge Funds, Mutual funds and individuals' rushes in to join in the buying madness for several days and weeks as the rally gathers a life of its own.” (Robert McHugh, Ph.D., “The Plunge Protection Team Indicator”) If a secret team is interfering in the stock market, it presents serious practical and moral issues. For one thing, it disrupts natural “corrections” which are a normal part of the business cycle and which help to maintain a healthy and competitive slate of equities. More importantly, outside intervention punishes the people who see the weaknesses in the stock market and have invested accordingly. Clearly, these people are being ripped off by the PPT's back-channel manipulations. They deserve to be fairly compensated for the risks they have taken. Moreover, artificially propping up the market only encourages over-leveraged speculators and smiley-face Pollyanna's who continue to believe that the grossly-inflated market will continue to rise. Rewarding foolishness only stimulates greater speculation. The tinkering of the PPT is sure to erode confidence in the unimpeded activity of capital markets. It's astonishing to think that, after years of singing the praises of the “free market” as the ultimate expression of God's divine plan; these same conservative ideologues and “market purists” favor a strategy for direct intrusion. The actions of the Plunge Protection Team prove that it's all baloney. The “free market” is merely a public relations myth with no basis in reality. Saving the system will always take precedent over ideology; just as the “invisible hand” will always be overpowered by the manicured and mettlesome fingers of banking elites and Wall Street big wigs. It's their system and they're not going to let it get wiped out by some silly commitment to principle. The free market system is supposed to be “self cleansing” through cyclical purges of over-inflated equities and over-extended speculators. Do we really want “central planning” from an unelected, Market-Nanny that re-jiggers the system according to its own economic interests? The Plunge Protection Team may wrap itself in pompous rhetoric, but it operates like a Fiscal Politburo inserting itself into the market in way that promotes the narrow interests of its own constituents. It's an outrage. Besides, the market is so fragile it trembles every time someone halfway around the world sells a fistful of equities. It needs a good shakedown. The years of deregulation have taken their toll. The market is resting on a foundation of pure quicksand. Collateralized debt, rickety hedge funds, shaky sub-prime equities, and an ocean of margin debt are just a few examples of deregulation's excesses. These untested debt-instruments are presently bearing down on Wall Street like a laser-guided missile. It'll take more than Hank Paulson and his PPT “plumber's unit” to prevent the implosion. Wall Street needs to regain its lost credibility with more regulation and stricter laws. The system needs a major face-lift. Still, even as the markets rumble and shake, Paulson rejects any move towards greater government supervision. According to the New York Times: “Henry Paulson and top financial regulators said the government need not — and should not — provide greater oversight for the $1.4 trillion hedge fund industry, or, by extension, the trillions of dollars more in complex derivative transactions spawned by the industry. That stance is mostly free-market ideology run amok. But it is also based on the unproven assumption that unregulated investing, which dispersed risk and reduced volatility as markets surged, will continue to do so when markets tank. The upshot is a one-sided bet for investors. They have explicit assurances from regulators and policy makers that almost anything goes when the markets are hot, and implicit assurances — based on past experience — that the Fed would lower interest rates to contain a financial crisis should one erupt. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that easing up on rates would have the same powerful effect in a future crisis as it had in the past. The next crisis appears to be building around weakness in the United States, not in Russia or Asia or South America. That means money could flow out of the country if markets were rattled. That would weaken the dollar and require speedy and complex remedial action by the world's central banks — not just a rate cut by the Fed.” (NY Times) The Times is right, Paulson's “hands off” attitude is a classic example of “free-market ideology run amok”. A meltdown in the Hedge funds industry or the derivatives market would bring the entire economy crashing to earth. Paulson's Plunge Protection Team is a band-aid approach to a much more serious dilemma. It's time for the government to get involved and protect the small investor. Paulson has shown that he understands the problem; he simply resists the solution. Just a few months ago he opined, “We need to be vigilant and make sure we are thinking through all of the various risks and that we are being very careful here. Do we have enough liquidity in the system"? No, we don't. And Paulson knows it; that's why there's a plan to fiddle the system and try to “cheat the Reaper”. But it won't work. This is the biggest equity bubble in history. Neither increasing the money supply nor lowering interest rates will fend off the impending catastrophe. We need to address the mushrooming risk that has arisen from lending hundreds of billions in sub-prime loans, and from overexposure in the hedge funds and derivatives markets. These things need to be confronted immediately as they pose a “clear and present danger” which could set off a chain reaction of defaults and bankruptcies. The world's markets are facing a global liquidity crisis which will become more evident as the real estate sub-prime market continues to deteriorate. This will undoubtedly be accompanied by larger and more ferocious gyrations in the stock market. Does “Hans Brinker” Paulson really believe he can stop the flood by sticking his well-burnished finger in the dike? It's All Uphill from Here on Out The U.S. economy faces daunting challenges in the near-future; a steadily shrinking manufacturing sector, increasing job losses in housing, a nascent currency crisis, and a real estate market that is in full retreat. Additionally, the “always dependable” American consumer is showing signs of fatigue which is pushing investors towards foreign markets. This explains why “the SEC said it aims to slash margin requirements for institutions and hedge funds on stocks, options, and futures to as low as 15pc, down from a range of 25pc to 50pc.The ostensible reason is to lure back hedge funds from London, but it is odd policy to license extra leverage just as the Dow hits an all-time high and the VIX 'fear' index nears an all-time low – signaling a worrying level of risk appetite. The normal practice across the world is to tighten margins to cool over-heated asset markets.” (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, “Monday View: Paulson Reactivates Secretive support team to prevent markets meltdown” UK Telegraph) This is yet another red flag. The stewards of the system are actively seeking larger infusions of marginal debt just to keep the faltering market on its last legs. That's not reassuring and it is clearly a step in the wrong direction. It further illustrates the worrisome level of recklessness at the top rungs of the decision-making apparatus. Converting the PPT into another Safety-net for Private Industry The original purpose of the Plunge Protection Team was to prevent another 1987-type “Black Monday" stock market crash. This seems like a reasonable way to address the prospect of a major economic collapse following a terrorist attack or a natural disaster. However, the systemic weakness in the market and the great uncertainty surrounding hedge funds and derivatives suggests that the PPL is probably being used to stabilize an over-leveraged and thoroughly-debauched system. If that's the case, then we need to know whether the PPT really operates in the public interest or if it is just a stopgap for big business to avoid a painful retrenchment? It's the corporate warlords and banking moguls who have benefited the most from dismantling the regulatory system. The PPT creates an additional “taxpayer-supported” safety net for dubious debt-instruments which are finally beginning to unravel. There's no reason why the market should be manipulated simply to protect private investment. It is a fundamental contradiction to the workings of a free market. According to Michael Edward: (“The Secrets of the Plunge Protection Team” “Since 911, there have been at least three major long-term stock market rallies. In all 3 instances, when the markets opened all the indexes began to quickly plunge. In each incidence, by early afternoon the markets were brought back from the brink of collapse to the surprise of everyone, including historical analysts….An event that should have sent markets spiraling downward was the Enron, et al, unprecedented corporate accounting scandals. Yet despite this, an unprecedented across-the-board markets rally began on July 24, 2002. Once again, the European Press called it a ‘PPT rally'". Edward goes on to say that outside the US it's “no secret” that the market is being manipulated. He cites an article in the UK Guardian on 9-16-01 which states, "that a secretive committee... dubbed 'the plunge protection team'... is ready to coordinate intervention by the Federal Reserve on an unprecedented scale. The Fed, supported by the banks, will buy equities from mutual funds and other institutional sellers.” There are myriad other examples which support Edward's basic theory. As the NY Post's John Crudele said, “Over the next few years, people like me suspected that Heller's plan was indeed in effect. Whenever the stock market was in trouble someone seemed to ride to the rescue.” Crudele is right; the market is being manipulated. This may explain why the Federal Reserve mysteriously decided to stop publishing its M-3 report. Since the Fed is the “main resource” for buying averages in the futures market “the money is injected into markets via the New York Fed's Repo desk, which easily showed up in the M-3…. Without the useful resource of M-3”, Robert McHugh, Ph.D.says, “we need to find other tools to monitor when the PPT is likely to intervene, and kill shorts”. What? So by abolishing the M-3, the Federal Reserve has removed its greasy fingerprints from the smoking gun of market meddling? It appears so. Trust in the Free Market is Wavering Whatever happened to the idea of completing the “market cycle” and allowing markets to self-correct whether that meant belt-tightening or not? And, what about the ethical question of whether government manipulation should be allowed in a “free market”? Also, by what authority do the government and the privately-owned banks interfere in the futures' markets and shift momentum from the prevailing trend? Is this a free market or a command economy? The precariousness of our present economic situation has caused these dramatic changes and strengthened the conjugal relationship between the privately-owned Central Bank, major corporations and the state. The market is more vulnerable now than anytime since the late 1920s, a fact that was emphasized in a statement by the IMF just 2 months ago: “Financial markets have failed to price in the risk that any one of a host of threats to economic security could materialize and deliver a massive shock to the world economy. It is clear that risks are on the downside of a sharper than expected slowdown in house prices that would produce weaker-than-expected growth that would have implications for global growth and financial markets.” (“IMF: Risk of global crash is increasing” UK Independent) Risk, over-exposure, cheap money, shaky loans, a falling dollar, low reserves and a confidence deficit; these are the crumbling cinder-blocks upon which America's Empire of Debt currently rests. The possibility of a major disruption grows more likely by the day. Consider the world's 8,000 unregulated hedge funds with $1.3trillion at their disposal or the wobbly derivatives market and the effects that a sudden downturn might have. Kenneth J. Gerbino put it like this in his recent article “The Big Sell Off” on “With a global market panic starting in a low interest rate and, so far, low inflation environment, one has to be wonder about the real reason for (Tuesday's) sell-off. Easy money almost everywhere leads to leverage and speculation. No where is this more prevalent than in the global derivatives market. It is not out of the question that third party defaults and risk aversion designed instruments that collapse and go sour may someday overwhelm the financial markets. Latest figures from the Bank of International Settlements: $8.3 trillion of real money is controlling $313 trillion in derivatives. That's 38 to 1 leverage. These figures are just for the over - the - counter derivatives and do not include the global exchange traded derivatives in currencies, stocks and commodities which are another $75 trillion.” “$8.3 trillion of real money is controlling $313 trillion in derivatives!” This illustrates the sheer magnitude of the problem and the economy-busting potential of a miscalculation. That's why Warren Buffett calls derivatives “weapons of mass destruction”. If there's a fire-sale in hedge funds or derivatives, there's nothing the Plunge Protection Team or the Federal Reserve will be able to do to stop a meltdown. The market will crash leaving nothing behind. We are reaping the rewards of a lawless, deregulated system which has removed all the safeguards for protecting the small investor. There is no government oversight; it's a joke. The stock market is a crap-shoot that serves the sole interests of establishment elites, corporate plutocrats, and banking giants. The small investor is trapped beneath the wheel and getting squeezed more and more every day. He has no way to fix the markets like the big guys and no lobby to promote his interests. He must arrive at his decisions by researching publicly available information and then plunking down his money. That's it. He'd be better off in a casino; the odds are about the same. By Mike Whitney Email:
  15. The Deadly Art Of Stock Manipulation ______________________________ HOT STOCKS CONFIDENTIAL ESSAY By George Chelekis NOTE: I believe this may be one of the most important essays on the financial markets which you will ever read. This essay will be the lead article in Hot Stocks Review, (Part Two). Up until recently, I knew that I was missing something, but I could not quite put my finger on it. Now I know what it is. The data which follows is only as good as you can actually use it. These are the cold, savage and ruthless facts of market manipulation. I have not made these up, but have dug them up out of out-dated, generally unavailable books on Canadian market manipulations, and pieced the rest together from observations, personal experiences and conversations with market professionals and insiders. While the books are out of date, the manipulations have been passed down from one generation to another. The only thing missing was someone to supply you with what those tricks were so you can become a more educated speculator. Many thanks to Robert Short and Vern Flannery, of Market News Publishing, for finding and sending me a copy of the book, "The Story Behind Canadian Mining Speculation" by T. H. Mitchell, first published in 1957 by George J. McLeod Limited; also Ivan Shaffer's book, "The Stock Promotion Game." I have been told that many of these tricks are now illegal. If so, would someone please tell that to the market manipulators. THE DEADLY ART OF STOCK MANIPULATION.... In every profession, there are probably a dozen or two major rules. Knowing them cold is what separates the professional from the amateur. Not knowing them at all? Well, let's put it this way: How safe would you feel if you suddenly found yourself piloting (solo) a Boeing 747 as it were landing on an airstrip? Unless you are a professional pilot, you would probably be frightened out of your wits and would soil your underwear. Hold that thought as you read this essay because I will explain to you how market manipulation works. In order to successfully speculate, one should presume the following: THE SMALL CAP STOCK MARKETS PRIMARILY EXIST TO FLEECE YOU! I'm talking about Vancouver, Alberta, the Canadian Dealing Network and the US Over-the Counter markets (Pink Sheets, Bulletin Board, etc.). One could also stretch this, with many stocks, to include the world's senior stock markets, including Toronto, New York, NASDAQ, London, etc. The average investor or speculator is not very likely to have much success in the small cap crapshoots. I guess that is what attracted ME to these markets. I have been trying, for quite some time, to answer this question, "How come?" Now, I know. And you should, too! By the way, the premise of these books is uniformly: "While these speculative companies do not actually make any money, one can profit by speculating in these companies." THAT is the premise on how these markets are run, by both the stock promoters, insiders, brokers, analysts and others in this industry. That logic is flawed in that it presumes "someone else" is going to end up holding the dirty bag. Follow this premise all the way through and you will realize the insane conclusion: For these markets to continue along that route, new suckers have to continue coming into the marketplace. The conclusion is insane in that such mad activity can only be short-lived. I disagree with this premise and propose another solution (see my earlier essay: A Modest Proposal) at the end of this essay. What the professionals and the securities regulators know and understand, which the rest of us do not, is this. "RULE NUMBER ONE: ALL SHARP PRICE MOVEMENTS -- WHETHER UP OR DOWN -- ARE THE RESULT OF ONE OR MORE (USUALLY A GROUP OF) PROFESSIONALS MANIPULATING THE SHARE PRICE." This should explain why a mining company finds something good and "nothing happens" or the stock goes down. At the same time, for NO apparent reason, a stock suddenly takes off for the sky! On little volume! Someone is manipulating that stock, often with an unfounded rumor. In order to make these market manipulations work, the professionals assume: (a) The Public is STUPID and (b) The Public will mainly buy at the HIGH and © The Public will sell at the LOW. Therefore, as long as the market manipulator can run crowd control, he can be successful. Let's face it: The reason you speculate in such markets is that you are greedy AND optimistic. You believe in a better tomorrow and NEED to make money quickly. It is this sentiment which is exploited by the market manipulator. He controls YOUR greed and fear about a particular stock. If he wants you to buy, the company's prospects look like the next Microsoft. If the manipulator wants you to desert the sinking ship, he suddenly becomes very guarded in his remarks about the company, isn't around to glowingly answer questions about the company and/or GETS issued very bad news about the company. Which brings us to the next important rule. "RULE NUMBER TWO: IF THE MARKET MANIPULATOR WANTS TO DISTRIBUTE (DUMP) HIS SHARES, HE WILL START A GOOD NEWS PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN." Ever wonder why a particular company is made to look like the greatest thing since sliced bread? That sentiment is manufactured. Newsletter writers are hired -- either secretly or not -- to cheerlead a stock. PR firms are hired and let loose upon an unsuspecting public. Contracts to appear on radio talk shows are signed and implemented. Stockbrokers get "cheap" stock to recommend the company to their "book" (that means YOU, the client in his book). An advertising campaign is rolled out (television ads, newspaper ads, card deck mailings). The company signs up to exhibit at "investment conferences" and "gold shows" (mainly so they can get a little "podium time" to hype you on their stock and tell you how "their company is really different" and "not a stock promotion.") Funny little "hype" messages are posted on Internet newsgroups by the same cast of usual suspects. The more, the merrier. And a little "juice" can go a long way toward running up the stock price. The HYPE is on. The more clever a stock promoter, the better his knowledge of the advertising business. Little gimmicks like "positioning" are used. Example: Make a completely unknown company look warm and fuzzy and appealing to you by comparing it to a recent success story, Diamond Fields or Bre-X Minerals. That is the POSITIONING gospel, authored by Ries and Trout (famous for "Avis: We Want To Be #1" and "We Try Harder" and other such slogans). These advertising/PR executives must have stumbled onto this formula after losing their shirts speculating in a few Canadian stock promotions! The only reason you have been invited to this seemingly incredible banquet is that YOU are the main course. After the market manipulator has suckered you into "his investment," exchanging HIS paper for YOUR cash, the walls begin to close in on you. Why is that? The Deadly Art Of Stock Manipulation Pt2 ________________________________________ "RULE NUMBER THREE: AS SOON AS THE MARKET MANIPULATOR HAS COMPLETED HIS DISTRIBUTION (DUMPING) OF SHARES, HE WILL START A BAD NEWS OR NO NEWS CAMPAIGN." Your favorite home-run stock has just stalled or retreated a bit from its high. Suddenly, there is a news VACUUM. Either NO news or BAD rumors. I discovered this with quite a few stocks. I would get LOADS of information and "hot tips." All of a sudden, my pipeline was shut-off. Some companies would even issue a news release CONDEMNING me ("We don't need 'that kind of hype' referring to me!). Cute, huh? When the company wanted fantastic hype circulated hither and yon, there would be someone there to spoon-feed me. The second the distribution phase was DONE....ooops! Sorry, no more news. Or, "I'm sorry. He's not in the office." Or, "He won't be back until Monday." The really slick market manipulators would even seed the Internet news groups or other journalists to plant negative stories about that company. Or start a propaganda campaign of negative rumors on all available communication vehicles. Even hiring a "contrarian" or "special PR firm" to drive down the price. Even hiring someone to attack the guy who had earlier written glowingly about the company. (This is not a game for the faint-hearted!) You'll also see the stock drifting endlessly. You may even experience a helpless feeling, as if you were floating in outer space without a lifeline. That is exactly HOW the market manipulator wants you to feel. See Rule Number Five below. He may also be doing this to avoid the severe disappointment of a "dry hole" or a "failed deal." You'll hear that oft-cried refrain, "Oh well, that's the junior minerals exploration business... very risky!" Or the oft-quoted statistic, "Nine out of 10 businesses fail each year and this IS a Venture Capital Startup stock exchange." Don't think it wasn't contrived. If a geologist at a junior mining company wasn't optimistic and rosy in his promise of exploration success, he would be replaced by someone who was! Ditto for the high-tech deal, in a world awash with PhD's. So, how do you know when you are being taken? Look again at Rule #1. Inside that rule, a few other rules unfold which explain how a stock price is manipulated. "RULE NUMBER FOUR: ANY STOCK THAT TRADES HUGE VOLUME AT HIGHER PRICES SIGNALS THE DISTRIBUTION PHASE." When there was less volume, the price was lower. Professionals were accumulating. After the price runs, the volume increases. The professionals bought low and sold high. The amateurs bought high (and will soon enough sell low). In older books about market manipulation and stock promotion, which I've recently studied, the markup price referred to THREE times higher than the floor. The floor is the launchpad for the stock. For example, if one looks at the stock price and finds a steady flatline on the stock's chart of around 10 cents, then that range is the FLOOR. Basically, the markup phase can go as high as the market manipulator is capable of taking it. From my observations, a good markup should be able to run about five to ten times higher than the floor, with six to seven being common. The market manipulator will do everything in his power to keep you OUT OF THE STOCK until the share price has been marked up by at least two-three times, sometimes resorting to "shaking you out" until after he has accumulated enough shares. Once the markup has begun, the stock chart will show you one or more spikes in the volume -- all at much higher prices (marked up by the manipulator, of course). That is DISTRIBUTION and nothing else. Example: Look at Software Control Systems (Alberta:XVN), in which I purchased shares after it had been marked up five times. There were eight days of 500,000 (plus) shares trading hands, with one day of 750,000 shares trading hands. Market manipulator(s) dumping shares into the volume at higher prices. WHENEVER you see HUGE volume after the stock has risen on a 75 degree angle, the distribution phase has started and you are likely to be buying in -- at or near the stock's peak price. Example: Look at Diamond Fields (TSE FR), which never increased at a 75 degree angle and did not have abnormal volume spikes, yet in less than two years ran from C$4 to C$160/share. Example: Look at Bre-X Minerals (Alberta:BXM), which did not experience its first 75 degree angle, with huge volume until July 14th, 1995. The next two trading days, BXM went down and stayed around C$12/share for two weeks. The volume had been 60% higher nearly a month earlier, with only a slight price increase. Each high volume and spectacular increase in BXM's share price was met with a price retreat and leveling off. "Suddenly," BXM wasn't trading at C$2/share; it was at C$170/share.... up 8500% in less than a year! In both of the above cases, major Canadian newspapers ran extremely negative stories about both companies, at one time or another. In each instance, just before another share price run up, retail investors fled the stock! Just before both began yet another run up! Successful short-term speculators generally exit any stock run up when the volume soars; amateurs get greedy and buy at those points. "RULE NUMBER FIVE: THE MARKET MANIPULATOR WILL ALWAYS TRY TO GET YOU TO BUY AT THE HIGHEST, AND SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE." Just as the manipulator will use every available means to invite you to "the party," he will savagely and brutally drive you away from "his stock" when he has fleeced you. The first falsehood you assume is that the stock promoter WANTS you to make a bundle by investing in his company. So begins a string of lies that run for as long as your stomach can take it. You will get the first clue that "you have been had" when the stock stalls at the higher level. Somehow, it ran out of steam and you are not sure why. Well, it ran out of steam because the market manipulator stopped running it up. It's over inflated and he can't convince more people to buy. The volume dries up while the share price seems to stall. LOOK AT THE TRADING VOLUME, NOT THE SHARE PRICE! When earlier, there may have been 500,000 shares trading each day for eight out of 12 trading days (as in the case of Software Control Systems), now the volume has slipped to 100,000 shares (or so) daily. There are some buyers there, enough for the manipulator to continue dumping his paper, but only so long as he can enlist one or more individuals/services to bang his drum. He may continue feeding the promo guys a string of "promises" and "good news down the road." (Believe me, this HAS happened to me!) But, when the news finally arrives, the stock price goes THUD! This is entirely orchestrated by a market manipulator. You'll see it in the trading volume, most of which is CONTRIVED. A market manipulator will have various brokers buying and selling the stock to give the APPEARANCE of increasing volume and price so that YOU do start chasing it higher. At some point during the stall stage, investors get fed up with the non-performance of the stock. It drifts for a while, in a steady retreat, with perhaps a short-lived spike in price and volume (the final signal that the manipulator has finally offloaded ALL of his paper). Then, the stock comes tumbling down -- having lost ALL of the earlier share appreciation. Sometimes, with the more cruel manipulators, they will throw in a little false hope... giving you a little more rope so they can better hang you. Just after a severe drop, there will be a "bottom fishing" announcement which sends the share price up a bit on high volume, rises a little more after that and then continues to drift. Meanwhile, you keep getting "shaken out" through a cruel drip-drip water torture of the share price's slow retreat. Again, virtually every movement is completely orchestrated. The Deadly Art Of Stock Manipulation Pt3 ________________________________________ "RULE NUMBER SIX: IF THIS IS A REAL DEAL, THEN YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE THE LAST PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED OR WILL BE DRIVEN OUT AT THE LOWER PRICES." Like Jesse Livermore wrote, "If there's some easy money lying around, no one is going to force it into your pocket." The same concept can be more clearly understood by watching the tape. When a market manipulator wants you into his stock, you will hear LOUD noises of stock promotion and hype. If you are "in the loop," you will be bombarded from many directions. Similarly, if he wants you out of the stock, then there will be orchestrated rumors being circulated, rapid-fired at you again from many directions. Just as good news may come to you in waves, so will bad news. You will see evidence of a VERY sharp drop in the share price with HUGE volume. That is you and your buddies running for the exits. If the deal is really for real, the market manipulator wants to get ALL OF YOUR SHARES or as many as he can... and at the lowest price he can. Whereas before, he wanted you IN his market, so he could dump his shares to you at a higher price, NOW when he sees that this deal IS for real, he wants to pay as little as possible for those same shares... YOUR shares which he wants to you part with, as quickly as possible. The market manipulator will shake you out by DRIVING the price as low as he can. Just as in the "accumulation" stage, he wants to keep everything as quiet as possible so he can snap up as many of the shares for himself, he will NOW turn down, or even turn off, the volume so he can repeat the accumulation phase. In the mining business, there seems to always be another "area play" around the corner. Just as Voisey's Bay drifted into oblivion, during the fourth quarter of 1995 and early into 1996, the same Voisey Bay "wannabees" began striking deals in Indonesia. Some even used new corporate entities. Same crooks, different shingles. The accumulation phase was TOP SECRET. The noise level was deadingly silent. As soon as the insiders accumulated all their shares, they let YOU in on the secret. "RULE NUMBER SEVEN: CONVERSELY, YOU WILL OFTEN BE THE LAST TO KNOW WHEN THIS DEAL SHOWS SIGNS OF FAILURE." Twenty-twenty hindsight will often show you that there was a "little stumble" in the share price, just as the "assays were delayed" or the "deal didn't go through." Manipulators were peeling off their paper to START the downslide. And ACCELERATE it. The quick slide down makes it improbable for your getting out at more than what you originally paid for the stock... and gives you a better reason for holding onto it "a little longer" in case the price rebounds. Then, the drifting stage begins and fear takes over. And unless you have serves of steel and can afford to wait out the manipulator, you will more than likely end up selling out at a cheap price. For the insider, marketmaker or underwriter is obliged to buy back all of your paper in order to keep his company alive and maintain control of it. The less he has to pay for your paper, the lower his cost will be to commence his stock promotion again... at some future date. Even if his company has no prospects AT ALL, his "shell" of a company has some value (only in that others might want to use that structure so they can run their own stock promotion). So, the manipulator WILL buy back his paper. He just wants to make sure that he pays as little for those shares as possible. "RULE NUMBER EIGHT: THE MARKET MANIPULATOR WILL COMPEL YOU INTO THE STOCK SO THAT YOU DRIVE UP ITS PRICE SHARES." Placing a Market Order or Pre-Market Order is an amateur's mistake, typifying the US investor -- one who assumes that thinly traded issues are the same as blue chip stocks, to which they are accustomed. A market manipulator (traders included here) can jack up the share price during your market order and bring you back a confirmation at some preposterous level. The Market Manipulator will use the "tape" against you. He will keep buying up his own paper to keep you reaching for a higher price. He will get in line ahead of you to buy all the shares at the current price and force you to pay MORE for those shares. He will tease you and MAKE you reach for the higher price so you "won't miss out." Miss out on what? Getting your head chopped off, that's what! One can avoid market manipulation by not buying during the huge price spikes and abnormal trading volumes, also known as chasing the stock to a higher price. "RULE NUMBER NINE: THE MARKET MANIPULATOR IS WELL AWARE OF THE EMOTIONS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING DURING A RUN UP AND A COLLAPSE AND WILL PLAY YOUR EMOTIONS LIKE A PIANO." During the run up, you WILL have a rush of greed which compels you to run into the stock. During the collapse, you WILL have a fear that you will lose everything... so you will rush to exit. See how simple it is and how clear a bell it strikes? Don't think this formula isn't tattooed inside the mind of every manipulator. The market manipulator will play you on the way up and play you on the way down. If he does it very well, he will make it look like someone else's fault that you lost money! Promise to fill up your wallet? You'll rush into the stock. Scare you into losing every penny you have in that stock? You'll run away screaming with horror! And vow to NEVER, ever speculate in such stocks again. But many of you still do.... The manipulator even knows how to bring you back for yet another play. What actors! No wonder Vancouver is sometimes called "Hollywood North." "FINAL RULE: A NEW BATCH OF SUCKERS ARE BORN WITH EVERY NEW PLAY." The Financial Markets are a Cruel, Unkind and Dangerous Playing Field, one place where the newest amateurs are generally fleeced the most brutally.... usually by those who KNOW the above rules. Just as I have a duty to ensure that each of you understand how this game is played, YOU now have that same duty to guarantee that your fellow speculator understands these rules. Just as I would be a criminal for not making this data known to you, YOU would be just as criminal to keep it a secret. There will always be an unsuspecting, trusting fool whom the rabid dogs will tear to shreds, but it does NOT have to be this way. IF every subscriber made this essay broadly known to his friends, acquaintances and family, and they passed it on to their friends, word of mouth could cause many of these market manipulators to pause. IF this effort were done strenuously by many, then perhaps the financial markets could weed out the crooked manipulators and the promoters could bring us more legitimate plays. The stock markets are a financing tool. The companies BORROW money from you, when you invest or speculate in their companies. They want their share price going higher so they can finance their deal with less dilution of their shares... if they are good guys. But, how would you feel about a friend or family member who kept borrowing money from you and never repaid it? That would be theft, plain and simple. So, a market manipulator is STEALING your money. Don't let him do it anymore. Insist that the company in which you invest be honest or straight... or find another company in which to speculate. Your money talks in LOUDER volumes than any stock promotion scheme. ALWAYS refuse any deal which smells wrong. Refuse to tolerate the scams prevalent in the financial markets. This can ONLY be accomplished by KNOWING and USING the above rules. Thoroughly COMPLETE your due diligence on a company before risking a dime. Dig up the Insider Reports to find out who is blowing out their paper, how often they are blowing out their paper and whatever happened to their "last play." Begin to use this as YOUR rule of thumb: If the insider's paper is really worthless, then avoid it. Find another's whose paper DOES hold promise and honest possibilities. In these small cap stock markets, you are investing more in the INDIVIDUAL behind the play, than the "possibility" of the play itself. Ask yourself before speculating: Could I lend this person $5,000 for a year and hope to get it back? If not, then don't! Do it for your own good and the good of everyone else who is so foolish as to speculate in these financial markets! The truly sane and only somewhat safe solution to all of this: FIND GOOD COMPANIES IN WHICH TO SPECULATE AND GET INTO THEM AT THE GROUND FLOOR LEVEL. Anything else is criminal or stupid. This is a case where there really isn't a gray area. It's either Black or it's White. The company and its management are scamsters or they really intend to bring value to their shareholders. What is Circular Trading Circular Trading is a fraudulent activity in the stock market involving two brokers or market players trading a stock back and forth to give the impression of huge trading volume. In Circular Trading sell orders are entered by a broker who knows that offsetting buy orders, the same number of shares at the same time and at the same price, either have been or will be entered. Circular trading is typically rampant in a market that is tending upwards. The problem is that retail investors trade on momentum. This means that these investors enter the market when volumes are high; for high volumes are perceived to mean higher market interest and therefore higher prices. The trouble starts when the market players who engage in circular trading decide to offload their holdings, sending the stock into a tailspin. Should retail investors get stuck with such stocks, the total money flow into the market will reduce. And that could be some cause for concern for the economy as a whole. The reason is that vibrant markets can propel economic growth, if they sustain for a long while. It is to prevent circular trading and, perhaps, its consequences that the stock exchange has shifted certain stocks to the trade-for-trade segment. What is Trade-for-trade? Under the trade-for-trade segment, every transaction is individually settled. Suppose a trader buys 1,000 shares of a stock for Rs 45 per share in the morning and sells the same quantity of shares in the afternoon for Rs 50 per share. Under the rolling settlement system, the broker is permitted to net the buy and sell transactions, and pay Rs 5 per share less brokerage to the trader. In the trade-for-trade segment, the trader will have to pay Rs 45,000 to take delivery of the 1,000 shares bought, and will have to make delivery for the shares sold. Since each transaction is treated separately, scope for circular trading is restricted. The reason is that trader ramping up the stock price will have to pay the amount to take delivery of the shares bought. And that would entail large outlays. The trade-for-trade segment appears a good measure to lower the systemic risk due to circular trading. The stock exchanges should, hence, actively consider shifting stocks to this segment rather than slapping special margins on the stocks considered speculative. Now the BSE routinely raises the special margin on stocks based on some undisclosed criteria to deter speculative trading. But it is not effective in a vibrant market because retail investors enter in droves in stocks based on momentum; and such speculative stocks carry high momentum. That said, shifting stocks to the trade-for-trade segment would help contain systemic risk better if the stock exchanges are more transparent in their criteria for choosing such stocks. Transparency: At present, neither the BSE nor the NSE states the criteria for shifting a stock to the trade-for-trade segment. Defining the basis for such a shift would provide a perspective for traders and retail investors of the quality of trading in each stock. Suppose the exchanges state that they consider stocks with delivery-to-traded quantity ratio of less than 10 per cent, and price change of more than 50 per cent in a week for shifting to the trade-for-trade segment. Traders and investors will keep hawk-eye on stocks that fit such a criteria (such an information can be obtained from the NSE Web site). This will prevent retail investors from getting trapped in stocks that are victims of circular trading. Such transparency is important because stocks may decline in value after they are shifted to the trade-for-trade segment because of a likely drop in volumes. In short, the BSE and the NSE should actively consider shifting stocks to the trade-for-trade segment as a measure to curb circular trading. Importantly, the exchanges should be transparent in their criteria for choosing such stocks. MORE: George Chelekis - Essays On Stock Market Manipulation
  16. forex[/acronym]-contracts-specification-follow/"]Pt. NF specificatiile sunt pe site: "...Minimum level for placing SL, TP and Stop, Limit Orders from a market price for currency pairs is 10 points - for currency pairs with spread less than 10 points, and is equal spread - for currency pairs with spread more than 10 points." La IBFX, WHC poti plasa pending orders incepand de la 0 pips. La altii depinde. Intotdeauna trebuie sa ai o marja de siguranta de 2-3p. Un pending order la 2-3p fata de cotatia curenta este ca un magnet. Intotdeauna cursul se lipeste de el ....
  17. Mi-a placut asta: "... la sfarsitul anului 1933, standardul de sustinere a monedei cu aur a fost desfiintat. Daca priviti o bancnota de 1 dolar de dinainte de 1933, pe ea scrie ca este rascuparabila in aur. Daca priviti o bancnota de 1 dolar de astazi, pe ea scrie ca este "mijloc de plata legal", ceea ce inseamna ca nu are in spate absolut nimic. Este o hartie fara valoare." Nu seamana criza imobiliara din 2007 cu cea din 1929?? BIG SHARK isi face bine treaba!
  18. Arbitrajul: investitie mare - castig mic, dar sigur. ??? Nu e mai simplu: long gj in cont cu swap si short gj la un broker fara swap??? Si mai bine nzdjpy sau audjpy! Daca tot vreau sa investesc fara riscuri!
  19. BRAIN VS MACHINE! De ce nu cred in experti si in tradingul automatizat! Cateva motive in articolul atasat!
  20. S-a uitat cineva pe serverul de ftp de la Cereti detalii de la Stefan pt. logare.
  21. tavi_star


    Citeste despre mecanismul dobanzilor la "Carry trade".
  22. tavi_star

    Top: Cel mai bun broker

    CAPITAL MARKET SERVICES LLC NFA ID: 0313199 A fost primul broker cu care am lucrat pe demo. Platforma e buna pt. invatare. Ingheata la stiri. Deconectari. Am avut situatii cand am incercat sa plasez/inchid ordine si m-am trezit cu pozitii multiple. Dupa o deconectare nici macar cu un restart de computer nu ma puteam loga. Sunt reglementati de NFA si CTFC: CTFC: Extras de la CTFC (FCM DATA June 2007): Adjusted Net Capital / Net Capital Requirement / Excess Net Capital 22 CAPITAL MARKET SERVICES LLC N NFA 06/30/2007 12,087,045 / 4,155,477 / 7,931,568 0 0 NFA ID: 0313199 - Actionarii majoritari sunt rusi. Se plinge multa lume de ei pe forumuri. La NFA au inregistrata si o situatie.
  23. Scrie si tu corect daca ai ceva de spus, daca nu, te amendeaza tradelover la ortografie! Si daca se poate ceva concret! Daca vrei sa faci cursuri la firme nu ai decat! Dar pe forumul asta nivelul e mult mai mare decat la orice firma care tine cursuri in Romania. Tu alegi!
  24. tavi_star


    In atas e o lista cu un numar impresionant de brokeri cu platforma MT4. Cat timp am pierdut tot cautand dupa ei ... ~border=
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