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Orice postat de tavi_star

  1. tavi_star


    Am gasit un broker cu platforma MT4 si fara swapuri (la majoritatea perechilor):
  2. tavi_star

    Top: Cel mai bun broker

    @tradelover ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later Edit: partea cu TS-ul care se executa pe server mi-a scapat! La IBFX si FXCM nu exista asa ceva, desi ar fi foarte bine sa fie! Mi s-a intamplat de multe ori sa pierd pipsi pt ca mi-a crapat conexiunea. Asta ar fi un avantaj (practic singurul pe care il vad in momentu de fatza) la brokerul descris de tine in comparatie cu cei la care joc eu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ce pot tranzactiona la EFX? Asta sigur nu are FXCM-ul!!!!! ------------- FUTURES ---------- vezi atas ------------- FOREX - Foreign Currency Exchange------------------------------------ Symbol Currency Pair EUR/USD Euro Dollar / United States Dollar EUR/AUD Euro Dollar / Australian Dollar USD/JPY United States Dollar / Japanese Yen GBP/USD Great Britain Pound / United States Dollar USD/CHF United States Dollar / Swiss Franc USD/CAD United States Dollar / Canadian Dollar AUD/USD Australian Dollar / United States Dollar EUR/GBP Euro Dollar / Great Britain Pound EUR/JPY Euro Dollar / Japanese Yen EUR/CHF Euro Dollar / Swiss Franc GBP/JPY British Pound / Japanese Yen EUR/SEK Euro Dollar / Swedish Krona EUR/CAD Euro Dollar / Canadian Dollar USD/MXN United States Dollar / Mexican Peso USD/SEK United States Dollar / Swedish Krona USD/DKK United States Dollar / Danish Krone USD/NOK United States Dollar / Norwegian Krone CHF/JPY Swiss Franc / Japanese Yen GBP/CHF Great Britain Pound / Swiss Franc CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar / Japanese Yen AUD/JPY Australian Dollar / Japanese Yen NZD/JPY New Zealand Dollar / Japanese Yen NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar / United States Dollar ----------------- INDICI: Commonly Requested Indices ------------ 30 Year T-Bond Interest Rates $TYX TheStreet.Com Internet Sector $DOT Dow Jones Industrial Average $DJI Dow Jones Transportation Average $TRAN Goldman/Sachs Hardware $GHA Goldman/Sachs Software $GSO Gold/Silver $XAU NASDAQ 150 $NDX NASDAQ Composite $COMPQ NYSE Composite $NYA Premium of S&P 500 mini futures (front month) on $SPX $EPREM Russell 1500 $RUI Russell 2000 $RUT Russell 3000 $RUA Security Broker Dealer Index $XBD Semiconductor Sector $SOX S&P 150 (CBOE) (also use $OLX) $OEX S&P 500 (CBOE) (also use $LSY, $SPL, $SPQ) $SPX S&P 500 Futures Minus Cash Spread $PREM --------------------- STOCURI ------------------- Vezi atas! (mmm... cam putine!) @tradelover - incearca un cont demo! Numai asa de curiozitate! Apropo: unde este accesul la FXCM la Level II pentru a vedea volumul tranzactiilor??? Am plasat si o mica poza cu interfata cu Level II pt. GBPJPY! Cand FXCM-ul va oferi clientilor un Level II de abia atunci se numeste ECN broker!
  3. tavi_star

    Top: Cel mai bun broker

    @tradelover - Referitor la EFX 1. Cotele de pe demo sunt identice cu cele de pe live 2. Platforma live functioneaza chiar mai bine decat cea demo 3. Pozitia minima este de 1000 de unitati. (1000 ndzjpy le-a luat fara probleme). 4. Nu ai limita la introducerea ordinelor. (lotul standard este de 10.000 unitati) 5. Nu poti face hedging. Dar poti avea alt cont care se poate lega la platforma de pe primul cont. Ceva gen Oanda cu subaconuturile. Si ai si hedging daca iti doresti cu ardoare! 6. Nu trebuie sa fie avantaje pe linie. Prefer sa am brokeri diferiti pentru strategii diferite.
  4. tavi_star

    Top: Cel mai bun broker

    Mi-as fi dorit sa vad in lista cu brokerii de mai sus si unul care nu este market maker. Ma refer la un broker cu platforma ECN care ofera access direct la piata interbancara. As dori sa trec in lista si EFXgroup - o filiala a MB Trading. Pe linga forex se mai pot tranzactiona stocuri ( - Display Complete "Easy-to-Borrow" List), futures, indici. Acces la Level II. Se poate vizualiza volumul ordinelor care sunt plasate in piata in timp real. Volumul adevarat la tranzactiilor (cu bancile unde sunt rulate ordinele) pe care nu il arata nici un maker maker. Fara volum nici o analiza bazata pe indicatori nu este completa. Viteza de executie este impresionanta: click si intr-o fractiune de secunda ordinul este in piata in cele mai mari momente de volatitate. Cu observatia ca cineva ar spune ca e slipaj: am ordin la 100.100 si el e completat la 100.120. Welcome! Asta e piata reala. Daca nu vinde si cumpara nimeni ordinul este executat la cel mai bun pret de pe piata, acolo unde exista o persoana care doreste sa vinda sau sa cumpere. Dar NUMAI in conditii de volatitilate, repet. Asta e piata si nu este brokerul criminal care mareste spredul cu mult mai mult decat este pe piata reala slipajul si il mentine ridicat cat doreste. Pentru forex spredurile sunt cele reale 1-2p. Daca piata nu misca uneori chiar zero. Observatia este ca brokerul nu traieste din spred ci din comision. Pentru orice tip de ordin: forex, stocks, options, futures se comisioneaza 5$/100.000 pe tranzactie, adica 10$/100.000& (atentie dolari) pt. o tranzactie deschisa si inchisa. Asta ar insemna 1p. La usd/jpy ar veni 1p. Pentru alte perechi se tine cont de rata de schimb. La gbp/jpy ar veni comision cam 2p. Plus spreadul interbancar. Pe ansamblu ma pot compara cu Oanda la costuri (spred interbancar + comisionul brokerului). O platforma despre care as putea spuna fara sa exagerez ca este mama tipurilor de ordine: market, trail, limits. Am fost chiar incurcat cu atatea tipuri. Avantajul este ca trailul de ex. se executa pe server si nu pe aplicatia client cum este la MT4. ( Platforma a castigat premiul BARRON'S pe anul trecut pentru tehnologia revolutionara a platformei. Pentru clienti deschiderea de cont se poate face de la 400$ fata de alte companii unde pentru aceste facilitati ai nevoie de mii chiar zeci de mii de dolari. Dimensiunea ordinelor standard este de 10.000 unitati dar se pot plasa si ordine fractionare pina la dimensiunea de 1 unitate pe lot. Ca la Oanda. Daca vreau sa deschid o pozitie de 0.012 eur/jpy se poate (adica 120usd/jpy). A mai picat un mit cum ca pe piata interbancara nu se pot deschide decat pozitii cu loturi standard de 100.000 unitati. Platformele interbancare permit trazactii pina la dimensiunea unei unitati. Tehnologia exista dar mitul este intretinut de brokeri. Dezavantajele pentru unii ar fi majore: nu am nici un fel de facilitate pentru charturi. Adica nu am decat o tabela chioara cu cote, level II. Eu personal nu am nevoie. Exista suficiente in alta parte. Ideea mea este ca daca am neie de ceva sa iau cea mai buna oferta. La fel si cu charturile. Exista Ninja Trader si QuoteTracker care pot accesa platforma de la mbtrading. Acestea sunt free. De asemenea cam toate solutiile contra cost pot accesa platforma. Pentru analize mt4 e bun. Alt dezavantaj de care numai anumite persoane s-ar plange este swapul foarte mic pe care il incaseaza/plateste brokerul. Se compenseaza: sunt taxat putin - incasez putin. Platforma, asa cum o inteleg acum, nu o recomand celor care nu au mai lucrat pe alte platforme de la market makeri. Pentru cei care nu stiu cum functioneaza cererea si oferta. Daca nu, pentru esecuri ar da vina pe broker! Aici cota de pe ecran nu o face brokerul ci piata. Si pentru confortul meu psihic sunt linistit ca nu trebuie sa ma lupt si cu brokerul meu. Si contra dobanzii cum mai spunea Tradelover. Pentru ca e un procent mic din ce taxeaza altii. Si ca ceea ce primesc este ceea ce exista pe piata. Pina la ultima centima. Restul depinde de mine. Pe viitor market makerii pentru a supravietuii pe piata forexului vor trebui sa se orienteze spre platforme ECN. Sa desfiinteze dealing-deskurile. Sa ofere access liber la piata. Unii deja s-au adaptat: vezi fxcm tratat mai sus. Pentru o explicatie buna despre cum functioneaza platformele ECN - 'The Structure of Forex Brokers': Later: MBtrading/Efxgroup au o capitalizare ridicata. Inregistrati NFA/CTFC.
  5. E pierdere de timp! Cine vrea sa se convinga poate sa mearga la seminar. eu am fost si m-am lamurit. Ar fi bine sa mai mearga inca vreo cateva persoane, care mai sunt in tema si sa vedem la ce concluzie ajungem la final. Dupa contul demo am asteptat vreo doua saptamini si de abia la o saptamina dupa ce am fost la seminar mi-au dat access la platforma. Patforma e super fistichie. Costuri de intretinere a contului: la un cont de 1000eur platesti un comision de 10e daca nu tranzactionezi deloc intro luna (!!!), nu permite loturi subunitare (decat de la 10.000 unitati). Spreduri si comisioane mult mai mari decat la brokerii cu care suntem obisnuiti. Despre stabilitatea platformei live nu pot sa spun nimic (in conditii de volatilitate ridicata), dar cea demo seamana identic cu MarketMaker de la CMCMarkets Mai vezi si threadul lui $tefan "StartradeXT de la Vanguard ". Si inca ceva: daca treci prin toate materialele de pe forum vei invata sa tranzactionezi pietele globale muuuult mai bine decat la seminar la Vanguard. Nu am nimic Vanguardu' sau cu cine vrea sa incerce, asta e parerea mea.
  6. tavi_star

    Broker FOREX

    La puteti administra propriul fond demo. Daca timp de 3 ani obtineti rezultate foarte bune, fondatorul site-ului va ofera un post de fund manager.
  7. tavi_star

    All about the Forex

    45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX Cele mai de jos nu imi apartin, dar consider ca sunt utile. Un puct de vedere. Le gasiti la 1) Knowledge Deficiency – Most new FOREX traders don’t take the time to learn what drives currency rates (primarily fundamentals). When news or a statement is due out they must close out their positions and sit out the best trading opportunities. They are taught to only trade after the market calms down. So essentially they miss the whole move and then trade the random noise that follows a fundamental price move. Just think for a moment about technically trading the aftermath of a price move; there is no potential. FOREX TRADING 2) Overtrading - Trading often with tight stops and tiny profit targets will only make the broker rich. The desire to “just” make a few hundred dollars a day by locking in tiny profits whenever possible is a losing strategy. FOREX MARKETING 3) Over leveraged - Leverage is a two way street. The brokers want you to use high leverage because that means more spread income because your position size determines the amount of spread income; the bigger the position the more spread income the broker earns. FOREX TIPS 4) Relying on Others – Real traders play a lone hand; they make their own decisions and don’t rely on others to make their trading decisions for them; there is no halfway; either trade for yourself or have someone else trade for you. FOREX CHARTS 5) Stop Losses – Putting tight stop losses with retail brokers is a recipe for disaster. When you put on a trade commit to a reasonable stop loss limit that allows your trade a fair chance to develop. FOREX ONLINE 6) Demo Accounts – Broker demo accounts are a shill game of sorts; they’re not as time sensitive as real accounts and therefore give the impression that time sensitive trading systems, such as short-term moving average crossovers can be consistently profitably traded; once you start dealing with real money reality is quick to set in. FOREX SOFTWARE 7) Trading During Off Hours – Bank FX traders, option traders, and hedge funds have a huge advantage during off hours; they can push the currencies around when no volume is going through and the end game is new traders get fleeced trying to trade signals. There is only one signal during off hours – stay out. 8) Trading a Currency, Not a Pair – Being right about a currency is half a trade; success or failure depends upon being right about the second currency that makes up the pair. 9) No Trading Plan - Make money is not a trading plan. A trading plan is a blueprint for trading success; it spells out what you see your edge as being; if you don’t have an edge, you don’t have a plan, and likely you’ll wind up a statistic (part of the 95% of new traders that lose and quit). 10) Trading Against Prevailing Trend – There is a huge difference between buying cheaply on the way down and buying cheaply. What was a low price quickly becomes a high price when you’re trading against the trend. 11) Exiting Trades Poorly – If you put on a trade and it’s not working make sure you exit properly; don’t compound the damage. If you’re in a winning trade don’t talk yourself out of the position because you’re bored or want to relieve stress; stress is a natural part of trading; get use to it. 12) Trading Too Short-term – If you’re profit target is less than 20 points don’t do the trade; the spread you pay to enter the trade makes the odds way against you when you go for these tiny profits. 13) Picking Tops and Bottoms - Looking for bargains works well at the supermarket but not trading foreign exchange; try to trade in the direction the price is going and you’re results will improve. 14) Being Too Smart – The most successful traders I know are high school graduates. They keep it simple and don’t look beyond the obvious; their results are excellent. 15) Not Trading Around News Time – Most of the big moves occur around news time. The volume is high and the moves are real; there is no better time to trade fundamentally or technically than when news is released; this is when the real money adjusts their positions and as a result the prices changes reflect serious currency flow (compared to quiet times when Bank traders rule the market with their customer order flow). 16) Ignore Technical Condition – Determining whether the market is over-extended long or over-extended short is a key determinant of near time price action. Spike moves often occur when the market is all one way. 17) Emotional Trading – When you don’t pre-plan you’re trades essentially it’s a thought and not an idea; thoughts are emotions and a very poor basis for doing trades. Do people generally say intelligent things when they are upset and emotional; I don’t think so. 18) Lack of Confidence – Confidence only comes from successful trading. If you lose money early in your trading career it’s very difficult to gain true confidence; the trick is don’t go off half-cocked; learn the business before you trade. 19) Lack of Courage to Take a Loss – There is nothing macho or gutsy about riding a loss, just stupidity and cowardice. It takes guts to accept your loss and wait for tomorrow to try again. Getting married to a bad position ruins lots of traders. The thing to remember is the market does crazy things often so don’t get married to any one trade; it’s just a trade. One good trade will not make you a trading success; rather it’s monthly and annual performance that defines a good trader. 20) Not Focusing on the Trade at Hand – There is no room for fantasizing in successful trading. Counting up and mentally spending profits you haven’t made yet is mental masturbation and does you no good. Same with worrying about a loss that hasn’t happened yet. Focus on your position and have a reasonable stop loss in place at the time you do the trade. Then be like an astronaut – sit back and enjoy the ride; no sense worrying because you have no real control; the market will do what it wants to do. 21) Interpreting FOREX News Incorrectly – Fact is the press only has a very superficial understanding of the news they are reporting and tend to focus on one element and miss the point. Learn to read the source documents and understand it for real. 22) Lucky or Good – Your account balance changes don’t tell you the whole story about your trading; fact is if your taking a lot of risk and making money you will eventually crash and burn. Look at the individual trade details; focus on your big loses and losing streaks. Ask yourself this; if I had a couple of consecutive losing streaks or a couple of consecutive big loses, how would my account balance look. Generally, traders making money without big daily loses have the best chance of sustaining positive performance. The others are accidents waiting to happen. 23) Too Many Charity Trades – When you make money on a well thought out trade don’t give back half on a whim; invest your profits from good trades on the next good trade. 24) Courage Under Fire – When a policeman breaks down the door to a drug dealers apartment he is scared but he does it anyway. When a fireman climbs onto the roof of a burning building he is scared but does it anyway; and gets the job done. Same with trading; it’s ok to be scared but you have to pull the trigger; no trigger – no trades – no profits – no trader. 25) Quality Trading Time – I suggest 3 hours a day of quality, focused trading time; that’s about all your brain allows. When your trading being 100% focused; half way is bullshit’ it doesn’t work. Don’t even think that time spent in front of the computer watching the rates has any correlation to profitability; it doesn’t. Spend less time but when your trading be 100% focused on trading. 26) Rationalizing – Killer. Absolute Killer. Put your trade on and let it run. If it hits your reasonable pre-determined stop your out. Think of yourself as a prizefighter; you just got knocked out. Moving your stop is like getting up after being crushed with a knockout blow; it’s pointless; things will only get worse. Don’t ignore the obvious; your wrong – get out. Come back the next day and try again. A small loss will not hurt you; a catastrophic loss will. 27) Mixing Apples and Oranges – Have you ever done this; you see the EURUSD trading higher so you buy GBPUSD because it “hasn’t moved yet”. That’s a mistake. Most of the time the reason the GBPUSD hasn’t moved yet is because its already overbought or some 4:30am UK news was bearish. Don’t mix apples and oranges; if EURUSD looks bid buy EURUSD. 28) Avoiding the Hard Trades – Bank FX traders have an axiom; the harder the trade is to do the better the trade. This I learned from experience; when I needed to buy EURUSD and it was hard to get them that’s when it’s necessary to pay up and get the business done. When it’s easy to get them then sit back and wait for better levels. So if your trying to get into a trade or more importantly get out of a trade don’t putz around for a few points; get your business done. 29) Too Much Detail – If your trading more than 2 indicators then you need to clean house. Having many indicators stifles trading and finds reasons not to trade. A setup and a trigger is all you need. 30) Giving Up Too Easy – Your first trade of the day may not be your best but certainly it’s no reason to quit. I have a preset daily trading limit and I use it; you can’t make money by making excuses; getting trades wrong is natural and should be expected. 31) Jumping the Gun – Don’t be penny wise and dollar foolish; wait for your trade signal to be clear; put on your trade and give it a decent size stop loss so that you don’t get knocked out by random noise. Do trades don’t’ buy lottery tickets (extremely tight stops). 32) Afraid to Take a Loss - trading is not personal; it’s business. Don’t think that a poor trade is a reflection on you. It could be your just ahead of your time or a commercial order hits the market and temporarily creates a small unexpected move. Again, place your stop beforehand and NEVER increase your pre-determined risk; if it’s going bad it will probably get worse; I think that’s Einstein “in motion stays in motion…” 33) Over-Relying on Risk Reward – There is zero advantage in risk reward; if you put a 20 point stop and a 60 point profit your chances are probably 3-1 that you will lose; actually with the spread its more like 4 to 1 (from entry point if it goes down 17 points you lose or up 63 you win; 17/63 is close to 4-1). 34) Trading for Wrong Reasons – Because the EURUSD is going up is not in itself a reason to buy. Buying EURUSD because its not moving so little risk is even worse; you’re paying the toll (spread) without even a hint that you will get a directional move. If your bored don’t trade; the reason your bored is there is no trade to do in the first place. 35) Rumors – Rumors are rumors almost 100% of the time; think about where in the motion you heard the rumor; if EURUSD is up 50 points in last 15 minutes and the rumor is dollar negative, well then you missed it. Whenever you trades determine where in the motion you are entering. 36) Trading Short-term Moving Average Crossovers – This is the money sucker of the century. When the shorter term moving average cross the longer term moving average it only means that the average price in the short run is equal to the average price in the longer run. For the life of me I cannot understand why this is bullish or bearish. Easy to set up on software, complete with lights, bells and whistles, and good for the seller getting thousands for the software but in terms of creating profit it’s a zero. 37) Stochastic – Another money sucker. Personally I think this indicator is used backwards; when it first signals an overdone condition that’s when I think the big spike in the “overdone” currency pair occurs. To be overbought means strong and oversold means weak. Try buying on the first sign of overbought and selling on the first sign of oversold; you’ll be with the trend and likely have identified a move with plenty of juice left. So if %k and %d are both crossing 80; buy! (Same on sell side; sell at 20) 38) Wrong Broker – A lot of FOREX brokers are horrible; get a good one. Read forums and chats in several different places to get an unbiased opinion. 39) Simulated Results – Watch out for “black box” systems; these are trading systems that don’t divulge how the trade signals are generated. Great majority of them are absolute garbage. They show you a track record of extraordinary results but think about it; if you could build a trading system with half a dozen filters using the benefit of hindsight, couldn’t you too come up with a great system. Of course going forward is an entirely different story. High-speed number crunching capabilities allows for building great hindsight trading systems; BEWARE. 40) Inconsistency – Every business (FOREX trading included) requires a business plan (trading plan). Unless you have taken the time to write down a set of rules that you can and will follow, it’s likely your trading will remain unfocused and directionless. Make a plan, have rules, follow them set goals that are realistic and you will achieve them. 41) Master of None – Focus on one currency for technical trading; each currency has a unique way of trading and unless you get intimate with it you will never truly understand its underlying idiosyncrasies. Don’t spread yourself too thin – focus – master one currency at a time. 42) Thinking Long Term – Don’t do it. Stay in the moment. Especially if you’re a day trader. It doesn’t matter what happens next week or next month, if your trading with 30 to 50 point stops restrict your thought process to what’s happening right now. That is not to stay the long-term trend is not important; it is to say the long-term trend will not always help you when your trading a significantly shorter time frame. 43) Overconfidence – Trading is not easy; statistics show 95% failure rate. If your doing well don’t take your success for granted; always be on the lookout for ways to improve what you’re doing. 44) Getting Pumped Up – The trick is to maintain an even keel; when you are in a trade you want to think exactly as you would if you didn’t have a trade on. To do this requires a relaxed disposition; this is not a football game; don’t get psyched up; relax and try to enjoy it. 45) Staying in the Game – I don’t recommend demo trading because traders learn bad habits when trading with play money. I also don’t think “letting it all hang out” right away is wise either. Start off doing trades and taking risk that is relatively small but still makes a difference to you if you win or lose; about a quarter to a third of what you expect to reach as your trading matures is reasonable.
  8. Pe ici, pe colo, mai rar sau mai des, se mai intalnesc "traderi" intre ei. Una dintre intrebarile comune este: 'care perechi le joci?', 'pe ce pariezi?'. Sau marea masa a populatiei ce gandeste depre tine: 'joci la bursa'. In mass-media: jucatorii de la bursa (putem asimila si FOREX-ul). Personal, nu pot concepe termenul de 'a juca la bursa', de jucator. Jucatorul, este jucator la cazinou, este la voia intamplarii. EU MA CONSIDER UN TRADER! Vreau sa fiu un trader. Sa gandesc ca un trader, nu ca un jucator. Cine se joaca, pierde! Pierderea incepe chiar din momentul in care iti vine in minte termenul de joaca! Nici nu mai are rost sa deschizi o tranzactie. Este deja pierduta!
  9. Cred ca nu e nici un StartradeXT de la Vanguard! Mai degraba e MarketMaker de la CMCMarkets Cat despre profesionistii care fac prezentarea produsului m-am lamurit live. Multe persoane de pe acest forum stiu cu mult mai mult ce inseamna FOREX-ul decat profii de la Vanguard!
  10. tavi_star


    Completare la cele postate anterior referitor la BCR! Cred (acum sunt sigur ca nu mi-au spus despre spreze). Nu prea bat sumele din cont cont cu vreo 50$ de la doua ultimele doua transferuri. Chestie e ca am cerut expres de fiecare data (am facut 5 transferuri ) sa-mi detalieze toate comisioanele. Parca i-a muscat sarpele cand am adus vorba: mi-au spus decat despre comisioane, despre speze au evitat, acum e evident. Despre sumele intrate in cont nu a trebuit sa semnez nici o hartie!
  11. tavi_star


    Cont real la OANDA. Banca - nu faceti ca mine - BCR. NU BCR! NU BCR! Comisioane: sume <1000$ - 6 EUR sume>1000$ - 0.5% din suma transferata. Deci transferi 500$ - platesti 6EUR, transferi 1000, platesti 5 USD. Cool! Astea sunt comisioanele lor. De altele nu mi-au spus. Nici nu am vf. Sumele ajung cam in 5-6 zile: depui luni-marti, tocmai sapt care vine ai banii in cont. Dezavantaj major la BCR: daca vreau sa alimentez contul de la sucursala trebuie sa-mi deschida cont la sucursala locala, sa faca transf. la contul de baza, iar de acolo pleaca banii. Timp pierdut, comisioane in plus. Nu am access la cont decat cu mare greutate de la alta sucursala, angajatii bancii nu sunt instruiti sa lucreze cu valute. Apropo de formularele pe care tre sa le completezi: dureaza cam o ora - o ora juma pina termini. Mori incet. Faci cu nervii. Plus ca tre sa scoti banii de pe card, sa platesti la ghiseu - alta coada. Si nu poti scoate decat 30 mil de pe card. Pai eu ce fac dac' am nevoie sa scot 50mil? Alt formular - iar suna la centrala. Aprobare sa-ti deblocheze cardu'. E traita chestia!!!! Concluzie: haos total. La care adaug faptul ca tre sa justifici sumele tranf. si cand vine vorba ce vrei sa faci cu ei, le pica fata. Si toti suna la sefu'. Si nu fac transferuri sambata. Si tot asa. Mi s-a acrit. Asta e. Am sa schimb banca. OANDA. Cel mai bun retail broker. Cele mai mici comisioane. Cea mai stabila si mai rapida platforma. Cele mai multe perechi. Singurii care ofera USD/CNY. Cele mai mici sume pt. deschiderea unui cont. Singura platforma care ofera loturi pe baza de unitati: vreau sa tranz. un lot de 1$ - pot. Dezavantaj: market maker - are control asupra spredului. In cond de volatilitate mareste spredul cu mult peste limitele reale si il tine mult dupa de spredul pe piata revine la normal. Nu e perfect. Cateodata intrarea/iesirea/modificarea ordinelor dureaza mai mult decat ar trebui. Sau se poate sa nu te mai poti loga - ceva probleme cu Java (restart comp sau schimb IP real la comp). Nu incerca sa tranz la stiri. Vei fi pus pe manual la un moment dat. Minus major: comision pt. retragere 40$ - pt. cine deschide cu 300$ mai bine se lipseste. Ma intreb cam asa: daca 1.000.000 (milion) de pers depun 100$ si nu mai retrag bani ca nu isi permit comisioanul si tranz la nesfarsit - cine este avantajat???? Mi se pare cea mai perversa situatie! Sunt incurajat sa deschid cont cu sume mici dar nu stiu ca din start am renuntat la bani! Cat despre charturi, ai o sumedenie pe MT4. MT4 da cu muuuult mai multe rateuri decat oanda. Oanda are grija de tine: nu te lasa sa te sinucizi cu un leveraj de 500:1 (NorthFinance), 400:1 Cmsfx, sa, 100:1 majoritatea. Un leveraje de 20:1, 50:1 e ok. Chiar prea mult. Oanda este un broker vechi, cu experienta, onorabil - dac' asa spun multi pe net. Nu lua in seama In timp tot la Oanda vei ajunge. Sau la o platforma ECN. Pentru interesele mele Oanda e ok. Acuma fiecare ce prefera.
  12. Am gasit fisierul pe nu s'ce site! Am ras cu lacrimi! E super cool! Ar trebui sa ne dea de gandit!
  13. tavi_star

    succes in trading

    Trading is a business! Daca pina acum nu ai castigat un leu prin efort propriu pe linga veniturile tale lunare - sa zicem salariu - e nevoie sa inveti ce inseamna o afacere. Cam cati cunoscuti ai si care au incercat sa si dezvolte un mic business? Si cati dintre ei mai sunt in afaceri? Foarte, foarte putini! De ce au renuntat? Foarte multi pentru ca nu stiau nimic despre afacerea pe care vroiau sa o faca! Pare usor: am bani, imi deschid o gogoserie si nu merge. Si nu merge. Dar eu sunt destept. Si ma incapatanez. Aduc bani de acasa, ma incapatinez sa contui. Tre sa platesc salarii, impozite, trasporturi etc. Pin' ma satur. Renunt. Pentru ca situatia ma depaseste. Nu am stiut ce ma asteapta. Nu am cunoscut afacerea. Si imi spun daca as fi stiut dinainte ce sa fac! Cei care rezista - de obicei care sunt mai moderati - invata foarte multe lucruri - invata cum sa castige, incet dar sigur. Sau au o experienta anterioara in domeniu. conexiunile sunt deja facute. Aceste persoane - daca ar fi sa le intrebi - ti-ar raspunde ca nu banii castigati conteaza. Esential este sa cunosti afacerea! Banii vin, dar cu multa munca. In timp. Nimeni nu investeste si maine are un sac de bani! Daca e cineva care face exceptie e rugat sa se prezinte. Am avea ce invata! Situatia e identica in tradingul! Stii ce tre sa faci bine, nu te mai intereseaza banii. Succesul pentru mine nu inseamna bani, pentru mine inseamna perseverenta!
  14. Ce faci daca pierzi de 10 ori la rand? Dar de 50 de ori la rand? Ar fi interesante raspunsurile!
  15. Dukascopy e pe platforma ECN (Currenex, Lava FX) si ofera acces direct la piata de asta nu ii intereseaza ce faci. Nu l-am trecut mai sus pt. ca suma de deschidere e prea mare. La ceilalti e mai rezonabil: 400-7500$ si ofera aceleasi conditii. La Dukascopy in anumite conditii iti poti deschide cont cu 20.000$.
  16. REAL, NICI UN BROKER NU ACCEPTA SCALPUL! Pierd bani! Impiedica scalpul prin diverse politici: timp minim de mentinere a pozitiei deschise (3 min oanda - e statuat la ei pe site), nivel de inchidere a pozitiei fata de deschidere (aici nu mai tin minte pe cine sa dau exemplu dar daca vrei cauta). Daca continui cu scalpul incepi sa ai probleme la pozitii, nu ti se inchid la timp, recotari si alte dureri de cap. Pina pleci singur. Sau ti se inchide contul. Asta daca iti faci treaba bine. Referitor la Velocity4X. Am avut mult timp un cont demo la ei. Pentru real aveam de ales intre Velocity4X si InterbankFx. Platforma MT4 si unii si altii, spreaduri similare, microloturi. Singurele companii cu MT4 care permit asa ceva. Dar in conditii de volatilitate V4X se aliniaza la ceilalti brokeri si maresc enorm comisioanele. Contul lui V4X la NFA e cam subtirel iar compania e relativ recenta. In atas sunt niste print screens cu cotele comparative de la V4X, IBFX si NF din 9 martie. Daca vrei sa scalpezi CU ADEVARAT ai nevoie de o platforma ECN, independenta de market maker! EFXgroup, MB Trading, Interactive Brokers, HotspotFXi si altii.
  17. Cea mai sigura cale de a promova site-ul si al aduce la cunostinta publicului este succesul membrilor sai. Daca materialele si strategiile publicate ajuta membrii sai sa tranzactioneze eficient pe FOREX, ratingul si sponsorizarile vor veni de la sine. Momentan singurul site pertinent si la obiect dedicat FOREX-ului din Romania se afla aici. In rest peste tot se bat campii! Happy trading!
  18. Ma gandesc ca poate pun o intrebare tampita: Pentru ce imi trebuie un broker roman??? Daca pun pe hartie avantajele si dezavantajele unui broker roman si al unuia de pe piata americana inregistrat la NFA, CFTC cred ca alegere nu se pune in discutie. Ma refer la comisioane, platforma, stocuri. Cel putin pentru forex va mai curge multa apa pe Dunare pina cand sa vorbim de o oferta demna de luat in calcul. Asta e parerea mea!
  19. De pe site forex[/acronym]&pagina=taxe:"] (nu-mi place) Comisionul de tranzactionare este cel pe care Vanguard il retine pe fiecare tranzactie in parte (vanzare sau cumparare) in timp real si difera in functie de instrumentul tranzactionat si tipul de cont. Trebuie retinut faptul ca desi tranzactionarea se efectueaza in marja, comisionul se aplica la valoarea tranzactiei si nu a marjei. Taxa lunara de inactivitate 10 EUR/luna pentru contul StartradeXT Standard, respectiv 20 EUR/luna pentru contul StartradeXT Premium, daca nu a fost realizata nici o tranzactie in decursul lunii. Brokerii americani percep taxa de inactivitate? Comparativ cum sunt comisioanele fata de piata externa? Referitor la spread: 3p - cat de garantat este? Cat de stabila este platforma in conditii de volatilitate. Referitor la comision: 0,04% si 0,4%(premium), 0,06% si 0,6%(standard) - e mare fata de 3-5$/100.000$/turn cum taxeaza altii.
  20. Am primit si eu unul: Stimate Domnule/Doamna, Va multumim pentru inregistrarea dumneavostra in vederea obtinerii unui Cont Demonstrativ pentru noul produs Vanguard - StartradeXT. Ne cerem scuze pentru intarzierea acordarii datelor de autentificare, insa momentan toate Conturile Demonstrative au fost alocate in functie de data inregistrarii lor. Va asiguram ca interesul dumneavoastra va fi rasplatit si de indata ce vom avea un cont disponibil, vi se vor comunica coordonatele necesare testarii platformei de tranzactionare. Pentru informatii suplimentare privind produsul StartradeXT, puteti accesa noua versiune a site-ului Vanguard ( sau sa ne contactati la numerele de telefon 021 336 93 25 sau 021 336 93 26 sau prin email la adresa Va multumim pentru intelegere si va dorim investitii profitabile. Probabil ca platforma lor sufera daca conturile demo trebuie configurate manual! Daca vreo 10.000 de persoane vor sa-si deschida conturi demo??? Inseamna ca nu vor sa faca bani???
  21. tavi_star


    Am inchis un cont la interbankfx si am deschis la oanda si efx! Daca doresti sa aflii motivele la prezint. NU EXISTA retail broker care sa nu mareasca spreadul in conditii de volatilitate! Ar necesita un nou thread acest subiect!
  23. Cand se apropie week-endul (17.00 EST) unii isi maresc comisioanele (oanda), altii ofera un "Trade disabled" - IBFX!
  24. Daca brokerul meu da faliment sunt creditor general!!! Cati brokeri aduc la cunostinta clientilor asa ceva? Cel din atas e unul inregistrat la NFA!
  25. Vineri 04.05.2007 am urmarit NFP-ul. In atas sunt cateva poze cu evolutia cotatiilor la oanda, interbankfx si efx (filmul are 86 mb). Ce a fost interesant luna aceasta fata de luna aprilie. 1. IBFX-ul nu a mai marit spreadul (EUR/USD)in ziua cu NFP, l-a lasat la 2 (in aprilie de la inceputul zilei a fost 3). Idem pt. celelalte. 2. in aprilie la min 08.29.00 a marit spreadul la 7. Mai ->2 Ma gandeam ca am gresit ziua: reactiile erau minore fata de cele cu care eram obisnuit.
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