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Prea mult spam cu Finanzas Forex.... Nu mai insistati sa-i faceti bine omului daca el nu vrea. Poate pin' la urma se trezeste!
Parerea mea este ca numai succesul in trading ne aduce recunoastere publica, inclusiv in media. E ca la fotbal, unii joaca fotbal si altii sunt spectatoriu sau comenteaza. Eu sunt jucatorul, nu trebuie sa fac comentarii. Comentarii si analize fac destui. E plina media de ei. Dar asupra ce doresc sa atrag atentia. Forexul este decat o mica particica din ceea ce se numeste trading. Mai exista si metale pretioase, mai exista si petrol, gaze, contracte futures pe orice, cfd-uri pe actiuni, optiuni, etc. Si care ofera o potential mult mai mare decat forexul. Mai exista si arbitraje - o cale cu mai putine riscuri. Mai exista si alt fel de analiza decat cea cu indicatori clasici - "price action" de care nu prea vorbeste nimeni. Si sunt de acord cu Iordaki ca un trader bun poate sa faca 10-100% pe luna. Si nu ma refer la conturi de 2-300$. Parea mea despre trading este ca sunt suficiente numai 2-3 tranzactii intr-o luna cu care se poate dubla sau tripla un cont. Aceasta este realitatea. Citim despre ei in "Market Wizards". Trebuie sa vorbim si despre alte piete nu numai despre forex. Motivele pentru care cei de pe BVB sau Sibiu s-au refugiat spre forex este ca inca nu au avut contact real cu tradingul adevarat. Existenta lor s-a limitat la o piata bull forever. Si acum nu stiu cum sa gestioneze criza. Recunoasterea este atunci cand in ciuda unor conditii nefavorabile in piata, noi reusim sa ne mentinem si sa ne marim portofoliul. Si atunci intrebarea: nu vrei sa ne povestesti cum ai reusit??? Nu prea ma intereseaza atat de mult notorietatea. Cel mai mult ma intereseaza ce-i in contul meu. Cu cat stiu cat mai putini ce este in contul meu cu atat mai bine. Asta este punctul meu de vedere.
Cate perechi urmariti/tranzactionati?
tavi_star a răspuns la subiect lui Methos în Oameni si comunitate
Pina cu ceva timp in urma, eram atent cam la toate perechile si incercam sa deschid pozitii cand aveam un moment favorabil. In prezent urmaresc permanent TOATE perechile in care este implicat EURO, USD. Urmaresc cursurile de la petrol, aur, argint, alte metale pretioase, commodities (wheat, corn), indecsi: DJI, S&P500, NIKKEI, DAX etc. DAR deschid pozitii numai pe aur si argint. De ce? Buy the strong and sell the weak. In conditii de criza economica, capitalul trebuie conservat. Cum se misca negativ bursele la nivel mondial capitalul se refugiaza in instrumente sigure. De-a lungul instoriei aurul si argintul au fost instrumente de conservare a bogatiei (pt. asta urmaresc bursele). Imediat ce dolarul se depreciaza fata de alte monede, se modifica cursul la commodities. Cursul petrolului este lider in majoritatea miscarilor care au loc pe piata. Cursul liderului este "telefonat" de miscarile celor mai slabe componente din ramura respectiva (de ex. NG pt OIL, platina/palladiu pt metale pretioase, crosurile exotice pt. miscarile de pe USD). In perioade de crize economice GBP are cea mai slaba performanta iar CHF-ul are rol de safe heaven (valuta de rezerva). Pt. mine cursul de la GBPUSD aduce a ping-pong. In momentul in care toate pietele converg, potentialul pe aur si argint este maxim (depaseste cu mult ce poate oferi orice pereche de pe forex). Cand conditiile din piata se vor schimba vom mai vedea... Later: uitasem de inflatia cronica care dureaza cam de la 1900 .... -
Am solicitat si eu ajutor pt. deschiderea unui cont. ----------------------------------------------- Si raspunsul: Dear Octavian, currently it is only possible to open a live-account if your main residence is in one of the following countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria or if your permanent residence is in the United Kingdom. It is possible that marketindex will be offereed to other countries in the future. You however can create a trial-account irrespective of your residence. Your ticket-number for this process is: M-61623-013X Kind regards, the marketindex Team +44 (0)20 7078 3520(Phone) +44 (0)20 7078 3521 (Fax) E-Mail: contact@abnamromarketindex.com www.abnamromarketindex.com
DA. Este platforma proprietara OANDA dar adaptata pt. ABN. Are de toate: metale, petrol, valute, indici, commodities. Cel mai mare avantaj este ca nu sunt futures ci spot deci se micsoreaza riscul gapurilor. Comisioanele/spreadurile sunt bune. Exista un mare dezavantaj: nu am cum sa-mi deschid cont la ei. Platforma este deschisa numai rezidentilor din Germania, Austria, Elvetia si UK. Link-uri: http://www.marketindex.com sau http://www.abnamromarketindex.com Serviciu de stiri: http://cockpit.abnamromarketindex.com/reut...rs.aspx?lang=en
Serviciu de stiri de la Reuters furnizat de ABN-AMRO In browser. Extraordinar de rapid. Si e moca. http://cockpit.abnamromarketindex.com/reut...rs.aspx?lang=en Sa ne traiesti BNR pt. placerea asta! (Adds details, analyst comment) BUCHAREST, June 26 (Reuters) - Romania´s central bank raised interest rates by a quarter point to 10 percent on Thursday, tightening borrowing costs for the sixth time running in a bid to cool stubborn inflationary expectations. Analysts expect the bank to wrap up the current tightening cycle after this hike that brought the total increases since October to 300 basis points, because inflation is expected to ease later this year. "This should be the last interest rate hike in this cycle," said Ionut Dumitru, head of research at Raiffeisen Bank in Bucharest. Central bankers had raised market expectations of a hike at Thursday´s meeting, signalling concern about overheating risks for Romania´s fast-growing economy. The decision follows a similar move by Poland this week. Eastern European central banks have tightened rates considerably since last year as inflation has shot up to multi-year highs due to rising food and fuel prices and ravenous domestic consumption. In May, Romanian inflation came off a two-year high of 8.6 percent hit in March, edging down to 8.5 percent. But many analysts expect annual price growth to peak in July when gas and power price rises come into force. The central bank targets inflation at 2.8-4.8 percent at the end of this year and at 2.5-4.5 percent in 2009. Ten of 14 analysts surveyed by Reuters last week saw a hike of a quarter point. All but one analyst expected rates to remain unchanged after the June increase or be cut by the end of the year, according to the survey. The central bank will relase a detailed statement at around 3 p.m. local time (1200 GMT). For a factbox of comments made by central bankers in the run up to Thursday´s meeting, double click [nL24496587]. (Reporting by Luiza Ilie; Editing by Gerrard Raven) Keywords: ROMANIA RATES/
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Pt. BCR: 9 EURO - comision ERSTE 25$ - SWIFT 0.5% din suma - comision BCR
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Water Car Inventor Murdered! O stire ceva mai veche ....
Motorul Daciei care merge cu apa Motorul Daciei care merge cu apa, este de fapt o buna dovada de spionaj industrial românesc, practicat de fosta Securitatea ceausista: acest motor revolutionar a fost conceput pentru prima oara de specialistii sovietici pe la sfarsitul anilor '80, cand stiinta sovietica a atins maximul dezvoltarii sale istorice. Atunci, acest motor a aparut pentru cateva zile spre demonstratie chiar intr-o expozitie internationala de inventica, cand a fost testat in fata publicului si presei mondiale. Iata cum relateaza un ziarist francez, martor ocular al evenimentului: "Masina a avut un demaraj lent, insa silentios, dand ocolul largului pavilion al Uniuni Sovietice de cateva ori, fapt ce a produs stupoare printre specialistii care asistau la momenul epocal, intrucat emisiile de gaze arse lipseau, iar monoxidul de carbon era aproape imperceptibil. Noxele, si ele, lipseau cu desavarsire, fapt ce a condus la intrebari repetate asupra tehnologiei revolutionare folosita, care insa au ramas fara raspuns, datorita secretoseniei obisnuite ale sovieticilor. La un moment dat, totusi, personalul tehnic al delegatiei sovietice a trebuit sa ridice capota fata a vehiculului denumit "Perun", pentru a efectua o scurta si simpla alimentare cu apa, fapt ce a devoalat oarecum secretul izbândei oamenilor de stiinta ai patriei muncitorilor si taranilor: înauntru se gasea un atelaj cu pedale, format din doi afghani, care sopteau necontenit "voda, voda . . . ".
Din punctul meu de vedere nu are rost sa stai la discutii. Tu ai facut scandal, dar pe linga o persoana tzepuita care face scandal mai sunt inca cel puitn zece care tac. Rezolvarea situatiei nu este decat praf in ochii ca sa-i abureasca si pe altii: uite domne' ca suntem de treaba. Uite ce lucru minunat am facut! Intrebarea este: de ce s-a intamplat daca platforma este super tare si serviciile brokerului sunt ireprosabile?
Folositi domne' platforma de la Oanda si veti avea executie si la sfert de pips! Chiar daca in perioda stirilor se mareste spreadul! Un spread de 10p pe eurusd e mai bun decat un slippage de 50p! Ce au facut cei de la CGI si ce fac alti brokeri este hotie pe fata! Motiveaza ca nu este lichiditate in piata ca sa nu execute la timp SL si TP desi este obligatia lor ca market makers sa ofere lichiditate. Atata timp cat platforma nu este ECN fapta lor este de natura criminala. Luati de curiozitate platforma de la MBTrading pe demo si veti observa ca in perioada stirilor problemele cu lichiditatea nu dureaza mai mult de cateva secunde si nu mai mult de 20-30p. Dar crimininalii se scuza de volatilitatea ridicata ca sa mareasca spreadul 50-60p (poate mai mult) si pt. o perioada mai mare decat se justifica. Pt. cine nu a trazactionat live pe o platforma ECN poate ca ar crede povestea cu lipsa de lichiditate. Dar, CGI este market maker, deci are obligatia sa iti execute ordinul acolo unde l-ai pus. Dar ce face CGI? Iti executa SL la nuscati de pipsi fate de curs! Sunt curios daca aveai o pozitie inversa, ti-ar fi executat TP. Sigur nu. Sau iti refuza accesul la platforma: nu poti deschide, inchide pozitii. Sau te omoara cu requote - tehnica ca sa pierzi secunde pretioase in momente de criza. S-a intrebat cineva: cum naiba reusesc sa inchid 10 pozitii din cele 20-30 pe care le am deschise pe o platforma MT4? Si cat dureaza? Si de ce trebuie sa le inchid/modific una cate una? Aspecte spinoase sunt multe si sunt fara raspuns deocamdata (era si threadul cu plugin-ul pt MT4 server). Explicatiile lui Darkstar sunt foarte pertinente dar sunt perfect aplicabile la un broker ECN. Diferenta este, poate ma repet, un market maker are obligatia sa ofere lichiditate (prin asta inteleg sa imi execute ordinul chiar daca nu are cine sa-mi preia in house pozitia: daca nu exista cineva atunci el este obligat sa ia opzitie impotriva mea). La NYSE cine ofera lichiditate daca eu vreau sa cumpar si nimeni nu vinde? Tocmai specialistul (market maker-ul). Este obligatia sa legala. El preia riscul asupra sa. Aceleasi obligatii le are si un retail market maker. Daca MM incetineste platforma, iti blocheaza accesul la platforma, iti executa TP intarziat sau deloc (practica frecventa), iti executa anticipat SL (sau ti-l agata la cativa pipsi fata de cursul oficial - un mini spike) nu are rost sa mai continuati relatia cu acel broker. Ca a venit vorba de Oanda, numai cine nu a incercat alte cateva platforme live (cu MT4, java, ECN) nu ii vede avantajele. Viteza de executie este superioara fata de orice alt retailer. Nu mai zic de marimea spredului. Facilitatea de avea subaccounturi in alte monede. Posibilitea de transfer de fonduri din contul propriu oriunde in lume, in orice cont prin intermediul FXGlobalTransfer. Control absolut al riscului prin dimensionarea la nivel de unitate a pozitiilor deschise. Si ce daca nu pot face hedging in acelasi cont? Si ce daca nu am o droaie de indicatori? Si ce daca nu pot face trailing stop? Are cea mai buna capitalizare la NFA. Este acreditat CTFC. ABN AMRO a ales FXTRADE ca platforma proprie - http://www.marketindex.com Alti brokeri institutionali gasiti aici: http://www.earnforex.com/institutional_forex_brokers.php Dintre brokerii cu platforma MT4 de departe NorthFinace - actual FXPRO - de departe da clasa la toti brokerii. De luat in calcul este si ALPARI (http://www.alpari.org), nu cel din UK care este o reprezentanta. Acum fiecare face vrea, daca acceptati legenda cu lipsa de lichiditate e optiunea oricarei persoane. Numai cand aveti clar cum functioneaza piata (stock, commodities, forex, futures) veti recunoaste cand slipajul se accepta si cand nu! Uitasem: feriti-va de Delta Stock!
De ce am nevoie de 2 2 FXtrade accounts ?
tavi_star a răspuns la subiect lui cornelantoche în Brokeri
Transfer funds se refera la faptul ca deja ai contul de baza/primar ( de ex in USD) si apoi ai mai creat inca cel putin un subaccount ( de ex in EUR) si alimentat cu ceva banisori. In cazul tau ai alimentat contul primar cu 200USD, ai creat un subaccout in EUR si apoi decizi sa transferi o parte din banii in USD in contul deschis in EUR. Transferul se face la cursul EURUSD din acel moment. Unul din avantajele de avea un subaccount in alta moneda ar fi de ex. ca pe termen lung una se intareste (cum ar fi EUR) in defavoarea alteia care pe termem lung se devalorizeaza (USD). Alt avantaj este ca poti sa faci hedging la contul primar (daca decizi ca este mai bine pt. tine sa folosesti hedging in loc de un hard stop loss). Dar ce trebuie sa faci prima data pt. a alimenta contul este sa definesti un profil care cuprinde contul din care vor sosi banii la Oanda (cuprinde adresa si numele bancii, cod SWIFT, cod IBAN), dupa care anunti ca de la acest "profil" vor sosi in contul pe care il ai deja (sau poti alege un subaccount daca l-ai creat deja) suma de ... USD. Vei primi e-mail ca s-a procesat cererea ta. In momentul in care iti intra banii in cont vei primi alta instiintare. Jongleria cu subaccounturi in alte valute este unul din punctele forte de la Oanda pe care nu-l intalnim la alti brokeri. Vreau sa-mi tin banii in EUR, ii tin in EUR. Vreau sa-i tin in JPY ii transfer intr-un cont in JPY. Enjoy! -
E din cauza asta (urmareste stirile pe forexfactory): All Day - GBP - Holiday: Spring Bank Holiday All Day - USD - Holiday: Memorial Day Nu e lichiditate.
In momentul de fata avem o situatie interesanta. FED-ul a scazut rata dobanzii la 2%. Este fals ca o asemenea masura intareste dolarul si stabilizeaza economia. FED-ul (mai recent si BOE) a aruncat pe piata zeci de miliarde de dolari care multiplicati prin bancile comerciale prin efectul de "fractionar reserve banking" inseamna sute de miliarde. Efectul in cateva luni ar trebui sa fie devastator pt. dolar. INFLATIE. Dolarul isi pierde din valoare. Ar trebui sa asistam la o crestere a cursului metalelor pretioase. Dar se pare ca Big Shark a inceput sa se debaraseze de pozitiile long pe euro. Cat despre argint: SILVER - An Historical Review THE LARGE CONCENTRATED SHORT POSITION ... The CFTC publishes a weekly Commitment of Traders Report which shows that the four or fewer largest traders are holding 90% of all short silver contracts. This level of concentration is unprecedented in any commodity, and should arouse suspicion. Furthermore, these four or fewer traders are short a total of 245 million ounces (as of April 2007), which is equivalent to 140 days of production. Adica Big Shark e net short pe silver! DE CE??? Vom vedea!
CTFC - Historical COTs: Site-ul oficial de la CTFC Linkuri utile: Commitment of Traders Report: Follow the Commercials By Sam Bhugaloo What is the COT? (Commitment of Traders) An Introduction to the Commitments of Traders Report for Futures Traders by Robert James Deadman (http://www.shatterfield.com au creat chiar niste indicatori pt. MT4). Getting Sentimental with Forex Trading - babypips.com forex[/acronym]/05/COTreport.asp"]Using COT Report To Forecast FX Movements by Kathy Lien Grafice: http://timingcharts.com http://www.pfxglobal.com Thread: COT Charts, Great Info?
O carte foarte buna despre COT. Larry Williams - Trade Stocks and Commodities With the Insiders - Secrets of the COT Report.pdf
Se schimba trendul pe EURUSD! Pentru prima data din decembrie 2005 se observa o schimbare de atitudine!
Futures pe gold: WHC - http://www.whcmarket.com (are XAU - spot) ALPARI - http://alpari.ru/en/download North Finance - http://www.northfinance.com FXPRO - https://www.fxpro.com (lucreaza pt. North Finance)
The Rothschild Bloodline "Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws." Amsel Rothschild is reported to have said. Today his descendents meet twice daily in London to dictate to the world what the world price of gold will be. They also dictate what the "Federal Reserve System" will do with America’s finances.
Billions for Bankers - Debts for the People by Sheldon Emry Contents: 1.Introduction 2.Prologue: Three Types of Conquest 3.The Real Story of Money Control in America 4.Money is "Created", Not Grown or Built 5.Bankers' Depression of the 1930's 6.No Money for Peace, but Plenty for War 7.Power to Coin and Regulate Money 8.How We Lost Control of the Federal Reserve 9.Billions in Interest Owed to Private Banks 10.Manipulating Stocks for Fun and Profit 11.The Tyranny of Compound Interest 12.Our Own Debt is Spiraling into Infinity 13.Gambling Away the American Dream 14.Continuing Cycles of Debt and War 15.Every Citizen Can Be A Stock Holder in America 16.Citizen Control of U.S. Currency 17.Creating a Debt-Free America 18.Controlling Public Debate and Opinion 19.Spread the Word and Do Something to Fix Things 20.QUOTES - FROM PROMINENT PEOPLE 21.WHAT YOU CAN DO 10. Manipulating Stocks for Fun and Profit In addition to almost unlimited usury, the bankers have another method of drawing vast amounts of wealth. The banks who control the money at the top are able to approve or disapprove large loans to large and successful corporations to the extent that refusal of a loan will bring about a reduction in the selling price of the corporation's stock. After depressing the price, the bankers' agents buy large blocks of the company's stock. Then, if the bank suddenly approves a multi-million dollar loan to the company, the stock rises and is then sold for a profit. In this manner, billions of dollars are made with which to buy more stock. This practice is so refined today that the Federal Reserve Board need only announce to the newspapers an increase or decrease in their "discount rate" to send stocks soaring or crashing at their whim. Using this method since 1913, the bankers and their agents have purchased secret or open control of almost every large corporation in America. Using this leverage, they then force the corporations to borrow huge sums from their banks so that corporate earnings are siphoned off in the form of interest to the banks. This leaves little as actual "profits" which can be paid as dividends and explains why banks can reap billions in interest from corporate loans even when stock prices are depressed. In effect, the bankers get a huge chunk of the profits, while individual stockholders are left holding the bag. The millions of working families of America are now indebted to the few thousand banking families for twice the assessed value of the entire United States. And these Banking families obtained that debt against us for the cost of paper, ink, and bookkeeping! Later edit: This practice is so refined today that the Federal Reserve Board need only announce to the newspapers an increase or decrease in their "discount rate" to send stocks soaring or crashing at their whim. And the FOREX also!
The Money Masters The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. The success of the central banking scheme developed into a far-reaching plan described by President Clinton's mentor, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley, "to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank....sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levels of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." Several short-lived attempts to impose the central banking scheme on the United States were defeated by the patriotic efforts of Presidents Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren and Lincoln. But with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, America was firmly lashed to the same yoke, so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the masses a yoke little better than slavery itself. That yoke inevitably grows heavier with ever-compounding interest, and totals over $20 trillion of debt owed by the American people today ($80,000 per American) ultimately to these bankers. This vast accumulation of wealth concentrates immense power and despotic economic domination in the hands of the few central bankers "who are able to govern credit and its allotment, for this reason supplying, so to speak, the life-blood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of the economy so that no one dare breathe against their will." A worldwide tyranny is gradually being imposed, hidden to most, by THE MONEY MASTERS. http://www.themoneymasters.com/
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