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  1. Clientii BRD pot face tranzactii online pe piata de capital prin noua platforma Anyma, lansata de banca. Platforma ofera acces la pietele locale si internationale.

    Clientii pot vizualiza cotatii in timp real, adancimea pietei la nivel de simbol si statistici de tranzactionare.

    “Dorim sa venim mai aproape de clientii nostru prin intermediul unui produs care pune pe primul plan siguranta, confortul si eficienta, si ne asteptam ca Anyma sa depaseasca asteptarile clientilor bancii”, a precizat Daniel Pocorea, directorul Directiei Piete de Capital din cadrul BRD.

    Platforma este disponibila in doua versiuni: Basic si Pro. Comisionul lunar aferent celor doua variante este de 50 lei, respectiv 30 euro.

  2. @Darzuandrei, ce mai face SP500, ... tot in sell? Posted Image

    Tot asa vulnerabil a ramas caderii?


    Te rog spune-mi si mie cotatia ca mi s-a blocat platforma? Pe la cat mai este SP500?

  3. Ministrii de finante din zona euro au precizat ca Grecia a indeplinit conditiile pentru a beneficia de ajutorul de 130 miliarde euro, aferent celui de-al doilea plan de salvare a tarii.


    Declaratiile au venit dupa ce Grecia a obtinut acordul investitorilor straini pentru restructurarea datoriei publice. In baza acestui acord, investitorii au agreat sa primeasca in locul titlurilor detinute alte obligatiuni care valoreaza mai putin si au dobanzi mai mici.


    Ei au acceptat astfel sa suporte pierderi, ceea ce a facut ca agentia de rating Moody’s sa declare vineri ca Grecia este in faliment.


    “Contributia sectorului privat este un element indispensabil pentru a asigura o evolutie sustenabila pentru datoria publica a Greciei, avand o contributie decisiva la stabilitatea financiara a zonei euro in general”, a declarat vicepresedintele Comisiei Europene, Olli Rehn.


    El a subliniat ca este necesar ca autoritatile elene sa isi mentina angajamentul pentru programele de ajustare economica, care trebuie implementate in mod riguros.


    Posted Image

  4. La ce (conditii) vrei tu NU exista broker in Romania.

    Doar broker strain cu birou in Romania si trebuie sa fii constient ca oricand acesti brokeri pot sa puna lacatele pe usa si sa plece fara nici o problema, oricand.


    Daca te intereseaza un astfel de broker straino-romanesc, pot sa iti dau cateva nume pe PM.

  5. What is the NFP report?

    Of all the world monthly economic reports, the monthly U.S. Non Farm Report (NFP) is the most highly anticipated and has the most dramatic impact on the currency market.

    The report, which is released on the first Friday of each month and states the previous month's numbers, provides detailed industry data on employment, hours and earnings of workers on nonfarm payrolls. These numbers are the best way to gauge the current state of the US market as well as the direction that the economy is heading.

    What's more, the employment numbers provided by the report are used by the Fed to shape their interest rate policies. The health of the U.S. economy and interest rates translate to the strength or weakness of the U.S. dollar.

    Risks Associated with Trading Off-Exchange Retail Foreign Currency During Economic News Announcements

    As with all major economic releases, there could be significant price volatility with this announcement. Currency spreads will typically widen just before the release and will remain wide for a few minutes after. If the announcement is a shock to the consensus estimate, the price of the currency pair could gap significantly. For example, the price on the EURUSD trading at 1.2820 - 1.2822 just before release could gap up 60 pips to 1.2880 - 1.2882, without any available prices available between the price of 1.2820 and 1.2882. A Buy Stop placed before the announcement at 1.2830 would turn into a Market Order and would be filled at the prevailing price 1.2882. The same would be true with a Sell Stop.

    Approximately four years ago we saw a gap of approximately 200 pips on the GBPUSD on a Non-Farm Payroll announcement. While this is an extreme example, it nevertheless is a possibility with trading during economic announcements. Consequently, plan on the spreads widening and, if you are trading with a Buy or a Sell Stop entry order, do not anticipate being filled at your entry price. You will be filled at the prevailing market price after the release, which could be significantly different from your desired price of your entry order.

    Please be advised that due to the volatility of price fluctuations during the news, it is possible to see a delay in execution due to the additional verification necessary for each trade.

    We would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you success in your trading.

    Best Regards,


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