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Bancherii, indemnati sa munceasca acasa, ca sa scape de bataie



Politia ii indeamna pe bancherii din Regatul Unit (UK) sa nu mai poarte costume, nici serviete pe care sa se poata citi logoul bancii si, cel mai sigur, sa lucreze de acasa! Fara aceste masuri de prevedere, riscurile pentru viata lor sunt tot mai mari, pe masura ce se apropie summitul primelor 20 de economii ale lumii, programat pentru 2 aprilie, la Londra, cand mii de anarhisti furiosi pe bancheri vor sa invadeze capitala britanica.


In ciuda sfatului politiei, citat de The Times, "pisicile grase" din fruntea bancilor britanice nu mai pot sa se bucure de liniste nici in "culcusurile" lor luxoase, care valoreaza milioane de lire sterline. Locuintele lor au ajuns sa fie localizate prin Google Earth si vandalizate, incat bancherii se vad nevoiti sa aloce o buna parte din bonusurile grase incasate pentru a-si plati agenti de paza.


Miercuri dimineata, cateva ferestre ale casei din Edinburgh (evaluata la trei milioane lire) a fostului director al Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Sir Fred Goodwin, au fost sparte, alaturi de geamurile Mercedesului S600, evaluat la 100.000 lire. Fostul bancher nu se afla acasa in momentul atacului, politia fiind alertata de sistemul de alarma. Atacul s-a produs la pe la 4:30 dimineata si a fost revendicat printr-un mesaj trimis mai multor redactii de la o adresa de e-mail intitulata "", nume ce s-ar traduce prin "sefiibancilorsuntcriminali". De la aceeasi adresa, mass-media britanice au fost avertizate ca, la 2 aprilie, mii de manifestanti vor sa ia cu asalt Banca Angliei si alte institutii financiare din City of London. Protestatarii se declara "furiosi ca bogatii isi platesc sume uriase de bani si traiesc in lux, in timp ce oamenii obisnuiti sunt concediati si raman fara case".




Pe cand si in Romania??? :-?

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forex[/acronym]-trading/"]The Death of Leveraged Forex Trading?


O preocupare "suspecta" si "previzibila" a lui Big S. Sa reducem levierul la nivelul unde noi, pleaba, pierde orice sansa de-a mai intra pe piata.


Nu stiu daca propunerea a trecut sau daca a fost respinsa dar o asemenea preocupare ma "ingrijoreaza", vorbind in limbaj de lemn de ministru de externe.

Suntem, oare, in fata unei schimbari majore in reglementarea pietei de capital mondiale?

Recently I received several emails about a proposal to limit the leverage available to U.S. Forex traders to 1.5 to 1. One of the main reasons that Forex trading is so popular today is because of the high leverage with 100:1 being standard and 200:1 or even 400:1 available through some brokers. This enables traders to open accounts with a small amount of capital and realize profit on trades that control a much larger amount of capital. For instance a Forex trader can open an account with $5000 and enter a trade with only 5% of the capital at risk and if the trade is profitable by 100 PIPS, $500 could be earned in one day which is, of course, a 10% return on capital in one day. Many Forex traders are willing to accept the risk of loss in order to learn to realize this kind of profit consitently over time.


Some Forex traders were a little nervous when they heard that the FINRA, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, proposed to virtually eliminate high leverage for Forex trading accounts. Well, that is how some misinformed traders were interpreting this proposal. As it turns out, there is more to the story.


Last year Rosenthal Collins bought MG Forex just as the first capital requirement was set to kick in. RCG then announced that MG Forex was a subsidiary of Rosenthal Collins Securities, which is regulated by FINRA, not the NFA. Thus MG Forex was able to avoid the $20 million capital requirement since FINRA members need only $250,000 in capital. That was then.


Last week FINRA released a proposal capping the margin level that forex brokers can offer at 1.5 to 1. Essentially, FINRA is saying you can’t trade Forex on margin.


FINRA - Regulatory Notice 09-06:


The rule will not effect NFA registered forex brokers. But for those Forex brokers with FINRA licenses the party appears to be over. Why is FINRA doing this?



"FINRA has observed a potential migration of retail forex activity from the FCM channel to Broker Dealers…"


Hmmm, couldn’t be that forex dealers who didn’t have the capital to keep their NFA licenses were suddenly showing up to get a broker dealer license on the cheap? Well, if that was the case consider that escape hatch to be boarded up. My take is that FINRA does not want to regulate forex brokers. So what they are saying is "sure you can offer forex trading. But you can't offer any leverage so why bother to offer Forex trading at all?"


A lot of forex brokers were trying to get licenses with FINRA because of the low capital requirement. FINRA basically put this rule in place to keep forex brokers out of their club. So the Forex trading industry is still going strong and still providing one of the best recession proof business opportunities available. I believe it will continue to be one of the best businesses in the world for a long time into the future.




Este clar ca zvonul cu disparitia leverajului de pe forex este foc de paie.


In USA brokerii de pe forex,regulati de NFA, trebuie sa indeplineasca noile conditii de minima capitalizare.

Neputandu-le indepli se muta la FINRA unde conditiile sunt cu mult mai lejere.

Dar FINRA nu vrea sa reguleze brokerii de forex si atunci le impune reducerea leverajului la maxim la 1.5.

Putem face o analogie intre FINRA/BVB - unde se tranzactioneaza fara leverage si NFA/SIBEX - unde se tranzactioneaza contracte futures in marja.



FINRA is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. We oversee nearly 5,000 brokerage firms, 173,000 branch offices and 659,000 registered securities representatives. Our chief role is to protect investors by maintaining the fairness of the U.S. capital markets.

NFA's responsibility to safeguard market integrity and protect the public interest begins with the screening and registration of all firms and individuals who want to conduct futures-related business with the public.

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Mai jos un blog ce merita atentie si e la indemana fiind in romana.


"Si iata ca joi , Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC), organismul ce protejeaza depozitele depunatorilor in caz de faliment bancar in SUA, declara ca JPMorgan Chase achizitoneaza operatiunile bancare ale Washington Mutual, incluzand active evaluate la 307 miliarde de dolari si depozite de 188 miliarde. Activele bancare ale grupului au fost vandute JPMorgan pentru 1,9 miliarde de dolari." Citat de pe blog.


Aici vedem realitatatea in care traim nearanjata de mass-media obedienta.



Ma felicit a nu stiu cata oara ca am plecat din sistem. Tot ce am trait odata cu alegerea lui Obama mi-a adus aminte de ce am citit despre alegerea lui Hitler. Aceeasi euforie in '33 ca si acum, aceeasi "Hope" ca si acum. Ce ma doare e ca istoria se repeta si nimeni nu are ce sa faca.

Ca un mic detaliu din film ce mi-a ramas este ca in foarte scurt timp, saptamani, vom vedea brigazi de tineri civili pe strazile SUA sub directa conducere a lui Obama, brigazi de mentinere a securitatii nationale. Parca suna cunoscut.

Editat de Barbones
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  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...




The Turner Radio Network has obtained "stress test" results for the top 19 Banks in the USA.


The stress tests were conducted to determine how well, if at all, the top 19 banks in the USA could withstand further or future economic hardship.


When the tests were completed, regulators within the Treasury and inside the Federal Reserve began bickering with each other as to whether or not the test results should be made public. That bickering continues to this very day as evidenced by this "main stream media" report.


The Turner Radio Network has obtained the stress test results. They are very bad. The most salient points from the stress tests appear below.


1) Of the top nineteen (19) banks in the nation, sixteen (16) are already technically insolvent.


2) Of the 16 banks that are already technically insolvent, not even one can withstand any disruption of cash flow at all or any further deterioration in non-paying loans.


3) If any two of the 16 insolvent banks go under, they will totally wipe out all remaining FDIC insurance funding.


4) Of the top 19 banks in the nation, the top five (5) largest banks are under capitalized so dangerously, there is serious doubt about their ability to continue as ongoing businesses.


5) Five large U.S. banks have credit exposure related to their derivatives trading that exceeds their capital, with four in particular - JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, HSBC Bank America and Citibank - taking especially large risks.


6) Bank of America`s total credit exposure to derivatives was 179 percent of its risk-based capital; Citibank`s was 278 percent; JPMorgan Chase`s, 382 percent; and HSBC America`s, 550 percent. It gets even worse: Goldman Sachs began reporting as a commercial bank, revealing an alarming total credit exposure of 1,056 percent, or more than ten times its capital!


7) Not only are there serious questions about whether or not JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Wells Fargo, Sun Trust Bank, HSBC Bank USA, can continue in business, more than 1,800 regional and smaller institutions are at risk of failure despite government bailouts!


The debt crisis is much greater than the government has reported. The FDIC`s "Problem List" of troubled banks includes 252 institutions with assets of $159 billion. 1,816 banks and thrifts are at risk of failure, with total assets of $4.67 trillion, compared to 1,568 institutions, with $2.32 trillion in total assets in prior quarter.

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extraordinar, Tavi! Asta imi aduce aminte de un material citit pe la inceputul anului si salvat pe undeva, am dat o cautare dupa el pe disc:



The BRIC nations held an historic meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia,

last week. They're growing very fast...with rising markets, rising

incomes, rising currencies, and rising GDPs. Together, their percentage of

total global growth grew 50% between 2000 and 2008.


The BRIC meeting seems intended to remind us that it is a big world...with

a lot more going on it than we realize. Economies rise and fall. Nations

and empires too. And here is colleague Byron King's explanation of how the

U.S. dollar came to be the world's reserve currency. (It helps us look when the U.S. dollar will no longer be the world's reserve



"I have long tried to imagine the discussion at Bretton Woods in July

1944. US, British & Canadian troops had just landed in France. Germany was

bleeding white on the Russian Front. The Japanese Empire was dying in the

Pacific. Everyone knew that there was hard fighting ahead. But everyone

also knew that the Axis was going to be defeated, and the Allied nations

would win the war.


"So 730 delegates from 44 Allied nations gathered in New Hampshire to

chart the future course of the world monetary system.


"There are, of course, reports and summaries of what people said for the

record. But what did the US delegates REALLY say at Bretton Woods? Let's

just imagine...


"'OK, everyone. Nice to see you all. Hey, did you see the invasion force

at Normandy last month? Can you do that? No? Oh. Well, we did that. And we

can do it again.'


"'How about that industrial base back home, eh? Those Rosie the Riveter

girls sure can knock out the old landing craft. How's your industrial

base? Oh. Well, that's OK.


"'And it's a good thing we had all those bombers in the 8th Air Force in

England, huh? Yep. Those bombers just turn the sky black, don't they? And

how about that steel rain when the bombs come whistling down? You want

area bombing? We have area bombing. On a good day, we can do precision

bombing too. Can you do precision bombing? No? Oh.'


"'And we have 200 submarines in the Pacific. Do you have 200 submarines?

No? Oh, gee.'


"'Overall, we have a 2,000 ship navy, with over 100 aircraft carriers. Do

you have a 2,000-ship navy, with over 100 aircraft carriers? No? Oh.

That's OK. Not everyone can have a 2,000-ship navy. Or 100 aircraft



"'And have you heard about the B-29? It's an intercontinental bomber. Yep.

Takes off from the U.S., and bombs another continent. We're going to build

a lot of those B-29s. Do you have B-29s? No? Oh.'


"'And I can't get into details, but the U.S. has this really big program

to develop the next generation of weapons. It's all classified, so I can't

talk about it. But we have all the best physicists and chemists and

mathematicians working on it. Really, there are so many brilliant minds

working on it that you just can't find a decent physicist or chemist or

mathematician any more. Do you have one of those programs? No? Oh.'


"'And how about all that gold in the U.S. government vaults? Back in 1933,

President Roosevelt collected all the gold from every person in the United

States. All of it. The whole national treasure. It's all under our control

now. The Supreme Court said it was OK, so it's even legal. Now we have

just thousands of tons of gold. Do you have thousands of tons of gold? No?



"'OK everyone, let's get down to work. I propose that we make the U.S.

dollar the world's reserve currency. Any questions? No? Oh.'"




Beton, nu-i asa? Nu? oh.

ha ha ha

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