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Bloguri despre trading și investiții

Un important investitor internaţional dezvăluie: Criza economică este FABRICATĂ

Mark Mobius, omul din spatele Fondului Proprietatea, preşedinte executiv al Templeton Emerging Markets Group, este de părere că la nivel mondial nu se poate vorbi de o criză reală, ci de una artificială, creată de speculanţi care şi-ar dori ca UE să se destrame, scrie



Spanish Package Deal

So it’s now all about Spain!   It still defeats me that a country getting its house in (some kind of) order prior to asking for a bailout is positive for either risk appetite or the currency.   As relief rallies go yesterdays was pretty impressive but does that really now mean that the market has gone away from the technically significant 1.2930 level?   It seems there is always another potential banana skin on the horizon and already today we have seen dismal growth data from France. The French



Frayed at the edges

The President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.   In an interview yesterday he made some very valid points regarding the peripheral countries and those on the outside looking to enter.   He called himself a “euro-realist,” saying he supports European integration while not embracing the shift towards “unification, centralization, harmonization, standardization” of the whole continent, including the single currency.   The term Euro-Realist



Out of Control

Is the situation in Europe out of control?   It seems that more and more issues are piling up on the already unsolved problems that have been in existence virtually since the crisis began in 2008!   Greece has apparently met only 22% of its responsibilities to cut spending under the latest bailout and has asked for a two year extension to its obligations.   It is hard to imagine that Greece can survive within the Eurozone given its lack of ability driven by social unrest to meet the agreements i



Carl Sagan on Astrology   Asta pentru ca tocmai am primit un newsletter cu predictii ale pietei pe baze astrologice



Has the downtrend resumed?

The market is now well and truly over the euphoria which greeted the EBC’s bond purchase scheme. It also didn’t murder the dollar when QE3 was announced.   The global economy is struggling and there are fewer and fewer bright-spots for the market to focus upon. The Aud, the darling of the risk on brigade has given way to the JPY, the darling of the risk off brigade! We can’t consider the Chf anymore as it is heavily shackled by the SNB.   Now it appears as though the Euro (the darling of no one



NASA Actually Working on Faster-than-Light Warp Drive

You know that scene in the film Contact  , its three spinning rings kicking out crazy light and an electromagnetic field powerful enough to pitch nearby Navy battleships sideways, as Ellie (Jodie Foster) waits, terrified, in her tiny spherical craft above the space-time bedlam, to plummet into the vortex?Yeah, that’s not exactly how NASA’s envisioning faster-than-light space travel, but…wait, NASA’s working on faster-than-light travel? Isn’t that impossible? (MORE: Ultrafast Chips that Run on L



What makes market?

What makes a market?   Yesterday’s blog and subsequent discussion reminded me a lot of how things used to be.   It is important that we share ideas. If it takes someone to be provocative or controversial to get people talking then that is a good thing for us all.   For me it is to understand the mentality and thinking of the participants in these markets but I am also trying to help to broaden the horizons of those who are new to FX or trading in general.   Want to read more? Go to



Why wear blinkers?

Basically, I think it is impossible to make money trading FX (or any other market) by using technical analysis alone. No matter what indicators, time frame or system you use it cannot work in isolation.   These markets work on so many levels with so many influences, inputs and indicators that to limit oneself to one seems to me a little naïve.   Read more:



Delaying the inevitable

In much the same way that markets awaited the first week of September to see the market spring back into life and into the second week for the announcements and measures that would set the tone for Q4 we now await the next peak or trough on the rollercoaster.   Last weeks’ information has been digested and markets looked on Germany, The ECB and The Fed as positive for risk but not so positively that they feel we should shoot for the moon and stars.   The Euro has been on a huge rally that has ta



The Big Picture

I am Eurosceptic with a capital E!   My views on the Euro were forged as far back as 1992 when the Maastricht treaty was first signed.   I felt like the boy in the children's story of The Kings New Clothes. In the same way that the boy could see that the king was naked, I could see that the single currency was a potential disaster and I was very pleased that my country (U.K.) would not be participating. I do not consider myself a grand sage or predictor of future events. However the vision of on



Thinking of Social Trading........................Don't!

I have been involved in FX markets in one form or another for 25 years and believe myself to have seen most things that can occur. For example I was in charge of the overnight desk at a major trading bank the night that sterling left the ERM! That is the single most incredible market move I have ever seen. I have executed billion dollar orders manually and seen stop losses get chased by traders because they see that as a legitimate market practice. In this business you are always learning and a



FOMC & beyond     The Federal Reserve's monetary policy statement was as dovish as it could possibly get. But then, surely it was acting in accordance with its mandate. The Committee explained that, "without further policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions." They outlined their new bond purchase program, pledged to do more if the labor market doesn't improve an



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