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Postări postat de oltciter

  1. Pentru ca incepand din aceasta seara pina dupa anul nou voi intra in intr-o meritata vacanta de iarna tin sa urez tuturor un Craciun fericit si La multi ani pentru noul an care se aproprie.


    Mi-a facut placere sa urmaresc postarile de pe acest forum si consider ca fiecare postare ,indiferent de continutul ei, a adus un plus de valoare acestui forum.


    Va saluta in primul rand cu respect si in acelasi timp cu drag,


    Sorin Bolache Oltciter

    • Upvote 1
  2. Swiss
    National Bank statement on the outcome of the vote held
    on 30 November 2014
    Rejection of the gold initiative
    The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is pleased to hear of the outcome of the gold initiative vote.
    The SNB has a constitutional and legal mandate to conduct monetary policy in the interests ofthe country as a whole.
    It is charged with ensuring price stability while taking due account of
    the development of the economy. An acceptance of the initiative would have severely
    constrained the SNB in fulfilling this mandate. With conditions unchanged, the SNB can now continue pursuing its monetary policy geared towards price stability. In the current situation,the minimum exchange rate against the euro remains the
    key instrumentfor this purpose. TheSNB will continue to enforce the minimum exchange rate with the utmost determination and is prepared to buy foreign currency in unlimited quantities to this end.
    The SNB will take further measures immediately if required


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