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Orice postat de ener

  1. ener


    nu ai pierdut niciodata in cate tranzactii?? arata un statement, vorbele goale nu reprezinta nimic. sincer la acel leverage e destul sa pierzi o data si te lasi.
  2. crezi ca rezolvi ceva daca adaugi toti useri ca friends?? oare ce vrei sa ne vinzi?

  3. ener

    Forexu' la romani

    imi place ideea seminarului, daca esti incepator trebuie sa fi prost rau sa dai 100 euro pe un bilet pt asa ceva (prost e ala care da, nu ala care cere); eu prefer sa-i adaud in cont si sa tranzactionez sau mai bine cumpar o carte buna, sigur raman cu mai mult. din curiozitate, mi-am facut cont pe siteul respectiv; daca primesc spam ii reclam la rnc. later edit: dpmdv speakerii aia sunt niste looseri, la un mic search cu google nu gasesti nimic despre cineva care sa activeze in domeniul financiar, daca chiar erau angajatii la niste firme prestigioase banuiesc ca se publica si numele acesteia.
  4. daca pui link in semnatura cu strategia ta de ce nu si detaliezi putin???

  5. partea frumoasa este ca nici macar acum conducerea nu stie cum s-a putut intampla acest lucru si cum a reusit omu sa ocoleasca toate filtrele de securitate. Steve Nison a reusit cu numai 1mld de $ sa inchida banca la care lucra, sa vedem daca Societe Generale va fi cumparata in urma acestui scandal.
  6. ener

    adevarul crud?!

    mi se pare un pic absurd sa compari falimentul a 1300 de banci cu falimentul unei singure banci, ganditi-va ca atunci o actiune ibm s-a vandut cu 1$ de la 70$ cat valora inainte de prabusire, ca sa nu mai vorbim de o recesiune de 10 ani care a mai bagat in faliment un numar necunoscut de intreprinzatori. documentarul e foarte tare, chiar am cautat pe wiki despre bunicul lu george bush si e adevarat ce zic ei acolo.
  7. ener

    Forex Killer Expert Advisor

    and so what if it is free?? this is a black box, do you want to risk your money on something you don't know how it's working?? google a little bit and you will find a lot of free experts. "A fantastic track record of a canned system is meaningless because it comes from fitting the rules to old data. Any computer can tell you which rules worked in the past. Black-box programs self-destruct as soon as the markets change, even if they include self-optimization. Black boxes appeal to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them." (dau o bere la intalnire celui care imi spune de unde e citatul) @zink: post the source of the ea an maybe some of us will help you to improve your expert. until then i will ignore this expert and advise anyone not to use it in their trading.
  8. eu pot in acest wk sau peste 2 saptamani
  9. eu pe 8 dec nu pot, sunt plecat tot wk din bucuresti
  10. ener

    Pivot points

    dai click pe linkul respectiv
  11. ener

    Seminar spread betting

    eu nu am preferinte
  12. eu nu cred ca vei strange intr-un timp relativ scurt aproximativ 50 persoane pentru acel seminar. vezi statisticile de trafic
  13. da la citygrillul de pe lipscani ai incercat, e mare, e aerisit.
  14. ener

    Banci si comisioane

    cauta broker care accepta plata cu card, ibfx e unu dintre ei, dar acum percep o taxa de 20$ pentru orice virament, cand am facut prima depunere nu am platit taxa respectiva dar din pacate la a 2a depunere am platit-o.
  15. ener


    aici ai dat putin cu batu in balta, forumul acesta nu e un loc unde sa cauti idei de afaceri. ceea ce facem noi aici e tocmai o idee de afacere foarte buna daca reusesti sa te numeri printre cei 5% (sti tu care). on topic: incearca sa faci ceva nou, nu copia ceea ce au facut altii sau daca asta nu e posibil imbunatateste ideea luata d ela altcineva. totul e sa ai clienti, nu investi in ceva si apoi astepti sa vina clientii, pe ei trebuie sa-i ai inainte de a incepe.
  16. link: the article was posted in 2005
  17. ok people i don't have time to translate this in romanian and i think this is a nice and useful article. so here it is: “Ah! Yes I know what you mean…every losing trade takes you closer to the next winning trade” Well…this is one of those sayings that seem to have an ‘air of wisdom’ about them and like I said in the heading, “trading sayings are dangerous” Traders suffer an 80/90% failure rate, that is they start trading, learn a bit about technical analysis and then set about trying to devise a way to avoid losing, in an attempt to make money. Some of them master this completely, by becoming so paranoid that they don’t place any trades at all, or just miss endless trading opportunities. Making losing trades is vital to your success as a trader, without them you simply cannot advance at all. So, how do you approach the task of making consistent controlled losing trades? The first part is acceptance. Successful traders have accepted at a subconscious level that losing is on exactly the same scale as wining. Once this shift has taken place within the trader it will have a profound impact upon your trading results. It will set you completely free from any emotional attachment to that trade. Side note: Most traders try to detach themselves by endless strategy development, via the change or trimming of ‘perceived’ trading indicators. This is at best a waste of time if the subconscious is not involved in the process. So how does a trader persuade the subconscious to accept this completely alien concept? Well first we need to understand a little of what is going on in this truly amazing part of us located between our ears called the subconscious. One role of the subconscious is the fight or flight response, that is; do you stand and fight or do you take flight? This fight or flight response is a survival mechanism that kicks in EVERY time you are in a ‘threatening’ situation. For the trader this is where 90% of the problems lie, because if any aspect of your trading causes even the most minute reaction, to the automatic fight or flight response, the chemical reactions start to kick in and you are lost in a sea of indecision and fear. Think of it like this; imagine jumping out an aircraft with a lump of silk attached to your back for the very first time, then fast-forward to jump number 1,000 On jump 1,000 you would have having a wonderful time, maybe even a few tricks on the way down. The point I am trying to make here is that when the situation you are in, is a know quantity, for example you are ‘comfortable’ with the outcome, then and only then are you free to experience fully the moment you are in, or the action you are carrying out. The difference between making 1,000 parachute jumps and taking 1,000 trades, is crucial to understand, the difference is one of constants, when jumping there will always be a set of constants. With trading EVERY trade outcome will always be a variable. This means than unless you persuade your subconscious that these variables are completely NON threatening, you will always be disadvantaged as a trader because of the chemical reaction of the fight or flight response. There are two ways in which the trader can take positive actions to remove this ‘threatening’ concept form his/her trading. Today I will deal with just one, as the other way warrants a complete and detailed explanation in its own right for which we do not have the room here. Removing all threatening aspects from your trading. The trader needs to devise a plan, not to win trades, but how to lose trades trade in a controlled manner. The losing should take place in a systematic and repeatable method for every trade. Now before you think I have gone barking mad here, I want you to really think about the trades you have taken to date. I want you to be totally honest with the answer to the question. “Did you KNOW for certain that any one of the trades you took was going to produce a profit?” If you answer yes to this question then I know already you are not a very successful trader. Because there is not a successful trader in the world that KNOWS his/her trades are going to be profitable. Your ego may like to think you knew but the fact is you did not. A consistently profitable trader is a trader that treats every trade the same at a subconscious level, that is, the trading opportunity just holds an equal possibility of loss or gain; nothing more than this. The successful trader is NOT looking for winning trades, because they don’t exist, (they only exist historically) the successful trader is looking for opportunities to put his trading plan into action. So in summary then. 1. Devise a plan how to lose trades in a controlled and consistent manner. 2. Ensure that you can live with this plan in terms of draw down and any other relevant aspects of the plan 3. Now in your imagination play this plan out to see how it feels. 4. Now play this plan out over your next 15 trades as if they are all losing trades 5. Continuously monitor how you feel about stage 4 6.When you can role play this forward as in stage 4 without the detection of the slightest emotion or desire to ‘tweak’ any part of your plan you will have the basis of a great plan. 7. Understand that the use of your imagination is your most powerful asset in convincing the subconscious that you are in a NON-threatening situation. 8. Role-play this in your mind every day, preferably on the morning of the trading day and ensure you detect no emotion or conflicts.
  18. pai in concurs fiecare risca cat de mult poate, nu cred ca pe real te-ar tine buzunarele sa risti atat de mult.
  19. mai oameni buni va ganditi prea departe, nu zic ca e rau dar va pierdeti in amanunte. inainte de a te gandi cum sa faci sa retragi banii tre sa te gandesti la mecanismele prin care sa faci bani, trebuie sa testezi strategia, apoi daca strategie e viabila trebuie sa te gandesti la costurile pe care le ai pentru a o implementa si doar atunci incepi sa te gandesti la cum sa faci o firma, unde o faci, cum o administrezi, cum retragi bani s.a. cui ii pasa in momentul asta de retragerea banilor, daca reusesti sa ai un randament mai bun decat un depozit bancar sigur gasesti investitori. mai simplu spus daca dupa ce scazi toate cheltuielile, taxele si impozitele ramai cu 10% procente profit anual eu zic ca merita sa nu te mai ascunzi ca nu suntem singuri pe lumea asta. ganditi-va la metode prin care putem produce randamente de cel putin x% pe an cu pierderi cat mai mici, veniti cu propuneri de strategi lasati banii pt altadata.
  20. am votat cu da, eu ma ocup in prezent de marketing si vanzari.
  21. si cu ce te deranjeaza sa o citesti direct in engleza??
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