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Intrări Blog postat de Barbones

  1. Barbones
    Barbones, on 06 September 2012 - 05:50 PM, said:
    Incepand de azi, 6 Sept 2012 si cel putin pana in Decembrie s-ar putea sa vedem un mare trend de buy la Euro, Lira, Aud.
    Azi, Mario Draghi aproape ca nu a spus ca da bani cu lopata gratis. Mai urmeaza maine NFP si de saptamana viitoare toate sasele sa o luam in sus.
    Source: Euro Acum
    Read more: http://forum.vamist..../#ixzz2DYqBJBtP
    Today Chart 29 Nov 2012: atasat.
    E adevarat, nu a fost mare, dar a fost. Buy.
  2. Barbones
    You know that scene in the film Contact 
    , its three spinning rings kicking out crazy light and an electromagnetic field powerful enough to pitch nearby Navy battleships sideways, as Ellie (Jodie Foster) waits, terrified, in her tiny spherical craft above the space-time bedlam, to plummet into the vortex?Yeah, that’s not exactly how NASA’s envisioning faster-than-light space travel, but…wait, NASA’s working on faster-than-light travel? Isn’t that impossible?
    (MORE: Ultrafast Chips that Run on Light: Nanoswitch Breakthrough Brings Us Closer)

    Read more:
  3. Barbones
    Several Fed officials warned of reducing or ending QE too soon, but several on the FOMC said the Fed should be prepared to vary the pace of QE, because tapering the pace of the asset purchase program may become necessary.
    Read more:
    Un pic mai bine pentru Dolar. Cat? greu de zis.
  4. Barbones
    Adrian Vasilescu, consilierul guvernatorului BNR Mugur Isarescu, a avertizat, marti, ca, in cazul in care se va produce un nou razboi, acesta ar fi, cel mai probabil, unul economic.
    "S-ar putea sa vedem un Al Treilea Razboi Mondial, care va fi unul pur economic", a declarat, la Realitatea Tv, Adrian Vasilescu, consilierul guvernatorului Bancii Nationale a Romaniei.
    El si-a explicat afirmatiile dand drept exemplu cartea fostului sef al Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan.
    "Indiferent cat de vinovat sau nevinovat este Greenspan (Alan Greenspan, economist american, fost presedinte al Federal Reserve, n.r.) in evenimentele care s-au produs, cartea 'Era turbulentelor' ramane de referinta pentru ca de-aici incolo noi am intrat intr-o era de vartejuri", a explicat Vasilescu.
    Oficialul BNR a mai aratat ca exista posibilitatea formarii unor noi aliante economice la nivel global care ar putea sa stabilizeze situatia, insa pana la acel moment exista riscul declansarii unui razboi economic.
    "S-ar putea sa avem un vartej mare, un razboi economic. S-ar putea sa vedem constituite blocuri noi, cu spatiul american, spatiul asiatic, poate Statele Unite ale Europei... Dar pana sa se faca aceste aranjamente, foarte multi se tem de razboi", a mai spus acesta.

  5. Barbones
    Starting in the 1950s, Europe’s leaders edged closer. First came the European coal and steel cartel. Then the Common Market. Then the European Union, which now includes 27 states. Then the disappearance of many border controls inside the EU. Finally, the euro. Each step of the way the nations of Europe gave up a little more sovereignty, deferring to EU officials in Brussels on regulatory issues, honoring the rulings of the top EU court, and — with some exceptions such as Britain — yielding the power to set interest rates to the European Central Bank.
    One thing no one surrendered: power over the national budget. Fiscal union, where a central authority has final say over each country’s spending and taxing, was never a possibility. Politically at least, it was a move too far: To control the budget was to control the nation itself.
    A European finance ministry?
    Trichet, one of the architects of the Maastricht Treaty that established the euro, said in June that he favored a European finance ministry and veto powers for the EU over national budgets. “Would it be too bold, in the economic field, with a single market, a single currency, and a single central bank, to envisage a ministry of finance of the union?” he asked in a speech in Aachen, Germany.

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