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Intre anii 2005-2015 aici s-a discutat activ, apoi forumul a functionat intermitent in regim read-only sau a fost inchis. In februarie 2021 a revenit online pentru a ajuta traderii retail sa fie profitabili pe pietele financiare, indiferent daca tranzactioneaza actiuni, forex, criptomonede, ETFuri, CFDuri, sau alte instrumente financiare.
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Off topic un pic dar merita. Mai jos e un link la probalbil cea mai apreciata piesa clasica a vremurilor noastre compusa de preferatul compozitor al lui Stalin. Tradelover, asculta si spune-mi daca nu ti se face pielea gaina.... . Muzica este matematica pura asa cum matematica e poezie, si nu glumesc cand spun asta. Atata timp cand prin matematica poti ajunge la Dumnezeu insemmna ca cei care nu au ajuns inca le lipseste o bataie de inima. Arta e exacta si este matematica pura pentru ca ambele vorbesc cu Dumnezeu. O sa radeti dar, Fibonacci e peste tot. Cine a reusit sa compuna o piesa atat de frumoasa a fost foarte aproape de relatiile pe care le cautam azi cu a…
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
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Prin spargerea recenta sub 1.4607 downtrendul a fost reinoit spre zona de suport de la 1.4450, iar sentimental intraday este negativ cu o rezistenta la 1.4607. Crucial in partea de sus este 1.4660. deltastock.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Traders report thin conditions after the start of New York • GBP drops to 2008 lows; EURO makes new 2008 lows • Technicians suggest over-sold conditions brewing Overnight Preview • Look for majors to hold ranges • Light economic Forex News Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Economic news continues light today for everyone Summary The USD continued to advance against the majors today as stops under recent lows were triggered in thin forex trade; traders note two-way trade early overnight gave way to additional risk-aversion trade a…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Seminarul are loc pe data de 27 martie 2012 la Hotel Ramada Majestic. Trebuie sa va inregistrati pana pe data de 22 martie. Gasiti mai multe informatii aici: http://matlab.gamax.hu/english/seminars/finance
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
Am inteles ca un pips inseama a patra cifra dupa , ... dar daca eu am 5 cifre dupa , un pips ramane tot cea de-a patra cifra? ... sau in cazul asta e cea de-a 5 cifra? Multumesc.
Ultimul răspuns de dannad, -
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Credem ca scaderea din 1.3704 reprezinta ultima etapa de consolidare sub 1.3736, iar o spargere peste 1.3636 va reinoi uptrendul spre 1.3850. Sentimentul intraday este inca negative pentru 1.3562 cu un nivel crucial la 1.3636. deltastock.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Vreau sa discutam despre cursuri, carti prin care ati trecut. Eu de ex : AllStarFX Chris Lori, Inside the Banks Cris Lori, Forex Mentor, Profit in Forex - Stive Nison Voi prin ce ati trecut? Ce cursuri/.... considerati relevante?
Ultimul răspuns de Cityzen, -
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Pe data de 05 Nov. 2014 piata o fost toata ziua in range, dar pentru noi trader'ii de intraday oricare zi e buna gasim noi ce sa vindem sau sa cumparam, dupa cum urmeaza mai jos. Si acum rezultatele 05 Nov 2014: http://g.iceimg.com/1RZXHvmS/3-thumb.jpg http://g.iceimg.com/oPE37VQ5/2-thumb.jpg http://g.iceimg.com/6VFnr-N2/1-thumb.jpg Pe azi 05 Nov. 2014 Long list: $AXP; $CL; $LUV; $AEP; $ALB Short list: $ANN; Succese la tranzactii !!! #Trade Smart Trade with MTG http://mtgcorporate.com email: trading@mtgcorporate.com skype: mtg.corporate
Ultimul răspuns de Sergiu Fuior, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD rallies • US data benign • Traders expect more upside but with two-way action Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to continue to range trade • Majors to consolidate Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 9:10am USD FOMC Member Kroszner Speaks • 10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Summary The USD is on the offensive today as lower crude oil prices and higher equities prices lift investor confidence. A slew of US data today was mostly beni…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD loses ground but attempts a recovery • Stops run • Volumes moderate Overnight Preview • Two-way action likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD is two-way and whippy today after a losing start to the day. Across the board the USD made monthly lows to end the quarter no doubt creating a lot of risk-aversion liquidation ahead of US data and the holiday-shortened tra…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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EUR/USD Sell-off-ul de vineri a atins un bottom la 1.3528 iar reboundul curent este de natura corectiva, inaintea unei noi scaderi spre 1.3413. O zona importanta de rezistenta pentru o eventuala crestere se gaseste la 1.3698 iar crucial pentru trendul descendent pe un grafic de 4 ore ramane 1.3850. Analiza Deltastock 15.02.2010.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1546989720080915 Lehman had $600 billion of assets financed with just $30 billion of equity as of the end of August. Having so little capital meant that a 5 percent decline in assets would wipe out the value of the company, which investors saw as a real risk thanks to the company's billions of dollars of mortgage securities.
Ultimul răspuns de ener, -
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Urez un Paste Fericit celor care intampina in acest weekend Invierea Domnului!
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Minimul recent de la 1.4827 a fost un test a zonei de suport de la 1.4812, iar perechea este pregatita pentru urmatoarea etapa de urcare spre tinta principala de la 1.5104. Rezistenta intraday este la 1.4967, iar crucial este 1.4872. deltastock.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Read the Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD fails to extend overnight strength • Volumes better • Stops close-in result in two-way action Overnight Preview • Look for more two-way action • USD is getting “tired” I think Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary To finish today the USD is off its highs against all pairs but still in positive territory against EURO and GBP; Forex traders note that volumes were better today but that might have been due to Oil’s wild ride pulling in smaller day-t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daca stiti pe cineva care poate sa doneze sange 01 rh negativ, va rog sa-mi spuneti. Multumesc!
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed to open New York • Overnight action subdued • Traders waiting on US data this morning Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Employment Change • 8:30am USD Unemployment Rate • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • All Day USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks • 2:30pm USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks Slow start to the week, possible technical trading. Summary The USD is quiet this morn…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Prin spargerea recenta peste zona de rezistenta de la 1.3530-40, perechea a intrat intr-un pattern de consolidare mai larg, care va tinde sa corecteze intreaga scadere din 1.3790. Sentimentul general ramane negativ pentru 1.3061 cu o limitare a riscului la 1.3850. Sentimentul intraday este deasemenea negativ pentru zona de support de la 1.3542. deltastock.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Stiti cumva ce brokeri lucreaza si cu Euro (deposit/withdraw)? Practic, veniturile mele sunt in Euro si as vrea sa evit costurile ce decurg din conversia valutara.
Ultimul răspuns de Adi.M, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe •USD two-way •UK and Eurozone news push those lower •Technical trade likely to continue Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •No reports due on Monday No real news until PPI on Tuesday. Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD PPI m/m •8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD Core PPI m/m •8:30am USD Empire State Manufacturing Index •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m •10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD is back on the offensive this morning after dis…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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EUR/USD Spargerea de ieri peste rezistenta intraday de la 1.3740 a deschis drumul catre un test al nivelului de 1.3850. Tendinta actuala este neutra, dar ne asteptam la o spargere sub nivelul de 1.3690 pentru a declansa o tendinta descedenta catre 1.3585, in drum spre 1.3413. Nota: Deltastock are placerea de a va anunta ca incepand de astazi va oferi in fiecare zi analize tehnice pe inca trei perechi valutare,pe langa cele trei cu care deja v-am obisnuit. Astfel in fiecare zi putezi urmari analize pe: -perechi majore:EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY -cross-uri valutare: EUR/GBP, USD/CAD, GBP/JPY. Va dorim investitii profitabile! Echipa Deltastock Romania deltastockfx.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • ISM better than expected • USD falls to support and then rallies • EURO fails at resistance Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate in two-way action Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 11:00am USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks Summary The USD is firming into the New York close after remaining two-way all day; US data helped the Greenback a bit as it came in slightly …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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http://www.24fx.com/Official-Rules-of-the-...ng-Contest.html Pasionatii de concursuri demo se pot bucura cu siguranta . Cu atat mai mult cu cat fiecare concurs este si o ocazie minunata de a progresa . Bafta tuturor !
Ultimul răspuns de arcond, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD falls back for the most part • Volumes a bit better late • Traders note a correction is likely Overnight Preview • Look for more weakness near-term • USD likely to correct on good volume as equities rally Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 2:15pm USD FOMC Statement • 2:15pm USD Federal Funds Rate Summary The USD is two-way into the New York close as forex traders continue to fear global recession and potential intervention from our trading pa…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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CFTC + NFA: End Of Hedging? NFA has received notice that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission has approved new NFA Compliance Rule 2-43 regarding forex orders. The prohibition on carrying offsetting transactions will be effective for any positions established after May 15, 2009. The requirements regarding price adjustments will become effective as to all customer orders executed after June 12, 2009. Offsetting Transactions New Compliance Rule 2-43(b) requires an FDM to offset positions in a customer account on a first-in, first-out basis, thereby prohibiting a trading practice commonly referred to as “hedging.” A customer may, however, direct the FDM to off…
Ultimul răspuns de tavi_star, -
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Bună dimineaţa ! În primul rând, vă urez tuturor un an nou minunat !, pe toate planurile. Sunt un pre-debutant în ale pipsologiei (nu am tranzacţionat încă). Consider că am avut o mare şansă de a descoperi site-ul dumneavoastră (respectiv de acum înainte al nostru, întrucât am primit acceptul de a deveni membru). Am început studiul, urmând sfaturile găsite aici, cu parcurgerea abc-ului, respectiv a materialului din şcoala de pipsologie. Acest curs, datorită noutăţi domeniului pentru mine, îl percep încă nesedimentat, cu toată aparenta sa simplitate şi simt că trebuie să-l reiau şi să-l aprofundez. După ce l-am parcurs prima oară, am început să întrevăd o mică r…
Ultimul răspuns de dirzuandreiovidiu, -
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Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD range bound ahead of PPI • Muted reaction to the news but USD extends gains • Traders note stops flushed Overnight Preview • More consolidation within existing ranges likely Looking Ahead • 7:30 AM CDT Wednesday CPI forecast +0.3%, core +0.2 • 7:30 AM CDT Wednesday Housing Starts and Building Permits forecast 1025K and 970K Forex Summary After a quiet two-way start overnight in Asia the USD stayed within existing ranges until the release of US PPI this morning. Traders note that the data was seen as USD supportive but not enough to break the USD out of current ranges; PPI out at +1.1% (well above expectations) while cor…
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Ultimul răspuns de Apollo, -
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Read the Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD rallies as commodities drop • Stops drive trade • Japan PM Fukuda resigns Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing PMI • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m • All Day USD Total Vehicle Sales • 2:00pm USD Beige Book Summary The USD is sharply higher this morning as FX trading gets back to full swing after the Labor Day holiday in the US. Sharp falls in commodity prices most notably Cru…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Eu am învățat să tranzacționez la bursă valutara si am pus la punct acest sistem prin care învăț pe oricine gratis să tranzactioneze la Forex. Nu va promit ca o sa va imbogatiti peste noapte, dar va promit ca imi voi da toata silinta in a va ajuta sa nu mai depindeti de altii si sa aveti un profit foarte bun si constant. Nu va costa nimic sa incercati, nu va cere nimeni absolut nimic, nu trebuie sa cumparati nimic, trebuie doar sa incercati daca va simtiti atrasi de acest domeniu. Nu stiu daca este interzis sau nu ,o sa postez o adresa unde vi se explica mai multe si vom discuta in continuare aici, adresa este http://bursavalutaraforex.freewb.ro/
Ultimul răspuns de extraordinar, -
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Salutare, Am nevoie de un pic de ajutor din partea cuiva care se pricepe la mq4. Folosesc H4 pivots si recent am trecut de la un broker GMT+2 la unul GMT. Evident, valorile pivotilor la 4 ore sunt diferite pe cele 2 platforme. Din backtestul meu, pretul reactioneaza mai bine la pivotii pe 4 ore la GMT+2. Asadar, caut un indicator care sa traseze pivotii pe 4 ore, insa cu posibilitatea de time shift. Am atasat un indicator bunicel ce traseaza pivotii de la H1 in sus, cu posibilitate de shift, insa shiftul vad ca este posibil numai pe pivotii zilnici si saptamanali, nu pe H4. Daca se pricepe cineva sa ii adauge un shift pe H4, ii sunt recunoscator. O zi buna va doresc…
Ultimul răspuns de MariusTrader, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD sharply lower • EURO scores new highs and then reverses • USD recovers some poise into the close Overnight Preview • Look for USD recovery, move lower overdone • Book-squaring ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD CPI m/m • 9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate • 9:15am USD Industrial Production m/m • 10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 1:00pm USD NAHB Housing Market Index • 2:00pm USD FOMC Meeting Minutes Summary The USD is shar…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Se pare ca niciunul din membri nu a avut nevoie de ajutor in a face profit sau a face mai mult profit. Si daca toti se descura asa de bine insemna ca nu mai au nevoie sa fie in grup, deci au fost scosi. Nu mai sunt membri in acest grup. Acum incep incet incet sa inteleg de ce fac romanii atat de multi bani in forex si de ce au mentalitatea care o au. Dupa ce ca nu fac profituri, cand li se ofera posibilitatea nici nu vor sa profite de ea. Deci oferta ramane valabila, vrea cineva PROFIT IN FOREX? ASTEPT OVIDIU B
Ultimul răspuns de msimion, -
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Din punctul meu de vedere, piramidarea, cum este ea cunoscuta acuma, in pierdere, sau castig, este o mare greseala. Am observat ca majoritatea traderilor sunt formati dupa sistemul american, care, cu tot respectul, are problemele sale. O piramida corecta incepe cu un varf. Deci banii ar trebui sa fie toti in varf. Dupa care, conform castigului / pierderii, ar trebui iesit treptat din tranzactie. De preferat ar fi sa se intre cu 0.8 loturi, care trebuiesc calculate strict. 0.8 sau multipli, pentru ca nu se pot subdiviza piramidal 0.4. Am sa atasez niste jpguri din demouri pe care le consider eu, tranzactionari corecte. Momentan nu pot pentru ca mie stricat laptopulhttp…
Ultimul răspuns de Alecsa, -
daca tot suntem la capitolul asta, cred ca foarte bune (inca nu le-am incercat, dar m-am inscris) sunt si cele oferite de TradevilleFx. cred ca aceste subiecte ar trebui trecute la primii pasi
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe •G8 Summit begins •USD rallies •Crude Oil lower Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •None in the US Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks •10:00am USD Pending Home Sales •10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories Summary The USD is trading firmer to start New York this morning after a slow start in Asia; traders have been waiting for the return of US trading before large volumes were seen. Cross-spreaders and option defense started the overnight session as EURO/JPY sales initially rallied the majors to highs overnight before the USD began t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • Rumors spike the USD higher in Asia • Stops and option barriers targeted in EURO • Volumes moderate, maybe a bit larger than expected Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance • 8:30am USD Import Price Index m/m • 9:55am USD Prelim U of M Consumer Sentiment Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • No reports due on Monday No real news until PPI on Tuesday Summary The USD was off to a quiet start in Asia last night as traders prepared for an uneventful overnight session ahead of US and European data. A brief flurry of USD strength was seen w…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD ends mixed-to-weaker • Official names selling rallies • Majors ready to rally Overnight Preview • Look for more consolidation with a lower boas Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m • 8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m • 8:30am USD Import Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary The USD ends today mixed after running stops in both directions today; whippy conditions and thinner volumes helped the Greenback to see some volatility today. Initially better on the day and into European closes the U…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Most of the action was this morning • USD holds gains but weakens into the end of day • Traders note profit-taking bids in the majors Overnight Preview • Likely a bout of short-covering due • Quiet ahead of US data Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m • All Day USD Total Vehicle Sales • 2:00pm USD Beige Book Summary After a strong overnight session the USD held overnight highs across the board failing to extend the current rally during US forex trade today; as expected ISM data came in neutral-to-weaker giving the Gree…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD mixed • EURO fails at highs Overnight Preview • Look for more booksquaring • Quiet ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead • 7:30 AM CDT Durable Goods forecast +0.1% • 9:00 AM CDT New Home Sales forecast 490K Summary The USD is mixed to end New York today after a correction overnight driven by rhetoric and stops. Traders note that the Greenback traded two-sided in Asia vesting both sides of the New York close and volumes were light suggesting that technical trade was dominate. Once the European session opened the USD began to climb a bit led by a drop in EURO as enthusiasm for an ECB rate hike f…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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EUR/USD Spargerea rezistentei dinamice de la 1.3690 pune sub semnul intrebarii trendul descendent din 1.4580, iar sentimentul intraday este pozitiv pentru rezistenta de la 1.3850. Sunt sanse ca trendul ascendent actual sa continue spre zona de la 1.4032, nivelele de suport fiind la 1.3690 si valoarea cruciala de 1.3630. Analiza Deltastock 17.02.2010.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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cateva intrari cu ajutorul pitchfork la confluenta cu GMMA. Analizele le-am facut in MT 5 cu intrari in MT4
Ultimul răspuns de dirzuandreiovidiu, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD extends rally during New York • Flows described as light and disorderly Overnight Preview • Look for book-squaring • USD may have gotten ahead of itself Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core CPI m/m 0.2% • 8:30am USD CPI m/m 0.3% • 9:15am USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary The USD is higher to end New York after a volatile session after the release of US data. Although the Retail Sales data came in about as expected, upwardly revised data from last month sparked a swift rally in the greenback sending it to the best leve…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD gets hammered • US data ignored in favor of rising Oil • Equities pressure USD/JPY Overnight Preview • Look for continued weakness • USD likely to fall overnight Looking Ahead to Friday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core PCE Price Index m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Spending m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Income m/m • 9:55am USD Revised Michigan Sentiment Summary The Greenback got hammered today as panic hit the equities markets; Crude Oil passes the $140.00/BBL mark and makes a record close. In my view, this is exactly what the USD needs to reach back into new 2008 lows. If you …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • BOE and ECB leave rates on hold, as expected • USD reverses after starting better overnight • Majors hold key support (?) Overnight Preview • Look for USD to consolidate, possible book squaring ahead of US data Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -61.4B Summary The USD is sharply lower to end the Thursday US session after initially firming overnight. The absence of major news plus general sentiment RE: the weakness in the US Economy this week put a damper on the potential for the USD to rally significantly and stay there. After a follow-on break into key s…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD extends range a bit • Two-way action portends more correction • Volumes moderate Overnight Preview • Look for a very quiet session overnight • Waiting on US GDP tomorrow Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Advance GDP q/q • 8:30am USD Advance GDP Price Index q/q • 8:30am USD Employment Cost Index q/q • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 9:45am USD Chicago Business Barometer • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 1:00pm USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks Summary An uneventful day for the USD today despite the release of ADP private payroll data which came in higher-th…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read The Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way, holds ranges • Traders report light volumes on the drop • Late selling drops USD lower Overnight Preview • USD likely to have two-way action overnight • Should get quiet ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD Leading Index m/m • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Big day for news across the board; expect some potential whipsaw. Summary Despite a falling Oil market and a weak Gold market today, the USD was unable to extend gains again …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD finds stops above yesterday’s highs • Holds gains into the close • Volumes on the lighter side Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to retrace a bit • Quiet ahead of the rate announcements Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD Pending Home Sales m/m • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 3:00pm USD Consumer Credit m/m Rate announcements due from overseas also, could be a big day for the USD. Summary On a day with no economic news the USD has advanced and held gains after starting weaker in Asia overnight. Forex traders note that v…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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In aceasta sectiune se posteaza doar carti complete . Materialele usoare de 5-20 de pagini se posteaza la Spam-Off topic. Pentru incepatori, incepeti de aici >> UNDE? <<
Ultimul răspuns de Apollo, -
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Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD whipsaws with conflicting data • Traders note volumes thin again • US data inconclusive Overnight Preview • Look for more two-way action • Should get quiet ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 8:30am USD Prelim GDP q/q • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 8:30am USD Prelim GDP Price Index q/q • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Big day for news with our trading partners, expect some whipsaw. Summary The Greenback suffered another day of whipsaw today failing to extend recent ranges in thin trade. For the most part, USD traders are looking ahea…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • The Greenback whipsaws, ends weaker • EURO holds 1.5800 handle with conviction • Volumes lighter Overnight Preview • Traders look for a quiet evening ahead of Thursday • Expect volatility Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Employment Change • 8:30am USD Unemployment Rate • 8:30am USD Average Hourly Earnings m/m • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite Summary The USD whipsawed both bulls and bears today after a surprise ADP report ignites a round of USD selling. Most of the major pairs rallied to test near-t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD remains two-way, volumes thin •Majors hold support, USD fails late in the day •Equities and Energies in focus due to light data Overnight Preview •Look for the USD to continue two-way •Book-squaring ahead of US news possible overnight Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Unemployment Claims •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Claims likely to be main focus tomorrow. Summary The USD continued to whipsaw today losing important ground against the majors as the lack of fundamental news kept traders focused on Equitie…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD two-way within established ranges •News is light, volumes too •Technical trade dominated all day Overnight Preview •Look for quiet conditions •Tests of S/R to cause a rotation Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD PPI m/m •8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD Core PPI m/m •8:30am USD Empire State Manufacturing Index •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m •10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD continued in two-way consolidative trade today starting firmer in Asia but …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
John L Person - A Complete Guide To Technical Trading Tactics, How To Profit Using Pivot Points, Candlesticks & Other Indicators.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Apollo, -
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Spargerea de ieri peste 1.3690 a confirmat faptul ca o formatiune de intoarcere “triplu bottom” se afla in desfasurare, avand ca targeturi 1.3850 si 1.3940. De aceasta data nu vom acorda atentie acestei formatiuni datorita faptului ca indicatorii tehnici pe interval de o zi nu sunt in zona de “supravanzare” ci sunt aproape de nivele medii. Deci consideram ca nu exista spatiu pentru o astfel de miscare. Favorizam o scadere directa prin 1.3590, catre 1.3440 si mai departe catre 1.3061. Punctul crucial pe partea ascedenta este 1.3736 iar o spargere sub acest nivel putem afirma ca trendul ascedent din 1.3435 este intact pentru 1.3850. deltastockfx.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
- 4 răspunsuri
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Eu strategiile pe grafice de 15 minute nu-mi plac,nu mi se potivesc.eu o sa pun aici o idee de trading nu o strategie.In jurul acestei idei puteti dezvolta strategii,daca o gasiti o idee interesanta.Nu stiu daca ideea mea foloseste la cineva pentruca in grupul acesta nu sint decit doi incepatori si doi avansati.Avansati banuiesc deja ca stiu pentruca ideea este un comportament al pietii.Folosim grafice de 1 ora,norul de la ichimoku pentru identificarea trendului,media mobila de 200,eu am pus si media de 100 dar idea are legatura cu media de 200.Eu nu am mai pus altii indicatori ca sa nu murdaresc graficul si sa scot in evidenta ideea.Fiecare i-si poate pune indicatori lor…
Ultimul răspuns de nirolf_trader, -
Buna! Imi cer scuze daca cumva nu ma inscriu in vreun topic sau daca se considera ca un asemenea anunt nu-si are locul aici. As vrea sa ma apuc de trading la Admiral Markets AS. Poate cineva care o face deja de ceva timp sa imi dea un telefon, sa imi explice cateva chestiuni de ordin practic, pentru broker-ul asta? Pentru a nu pierde tu bani, da-mi doua bipuri consecutive si voi sti ca este cineva dintre voi, si voi suna eu. Am nevoie sa lamuresc mai multe aspecte si o discutie pe forum s-ar intinde cam mult, pe cand o discutie la telefon, de 5-10 minute m-ar lamuri mai usor. Va multumesc anticipat ! PS: E de preferat sa vorbesc cu cineva care lucreaza de mai mult timp…
Ultimul răspuns de Kirigi, -
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Im looking at testing out the Strategy and EA Centre at Harbour FX. Anyone used this broker?
Ultimul răspuns de forex88, -
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Read The Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Greenback unable to extend gains • Volumes light • Big news out tomorrow may have sidelined traders Overnight Preview • Look for two-way action, consolidation • Possible follow-on selling in Asia to start Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Core PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 10:00am USD FOMC Member Fisher Speaks Summary Heading into the close for Monday the USD is slightly mixed as pressure from equities rubs a little shine off the bull’s horns; most of the major pairs are slightly lower to about unchanged on t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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EUR/USD Trendul descendent minor inregistrat Vineri a atins minimul anterior la 1.4680, confirmand faptul ca pattern-ul corectiv este in desfasurare, precedand o scadere si mai mare catre 1.4450. Pentru mai multe detalii accesati atasamentul. deltastockfx.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD fails to extend gains • Majors make highs in New York • BOC keeps rates firm Overnight Preview • Look for follow-on selling Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-4 GMT) • 8:15am USD ADP Non-Farm Employment Change • 8:30am USD Revised Nonfarm Productivity q/q • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 8:30am USD Revised Unit Labor Costs q/q • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 11:00am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 1:40pm USD FOMC Member Fisher Speaks Summary After a firmer start the USD has given back some of its gains today after mino…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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VA ROG SA ARUNCATI O PRIVIRE PE www.finotec.com si sa va dati cu parerea despre VA MULTUMESC
Ultimul răspuns de Gabriel Rosmeteniuc, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD rallies hard after US news • Stops drive a lot of trade • Volumes larger Overnight Preview • Order boards wiped clean so expect consolidation • Whipsaw likely around US data in the morning Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories ADP likely to be the big news for the day. Summary After a quiet and slow start overnight the USD rallied hard after the release of better-than-expected Consumer Confidence data to post the best levels of the month against most pairs. Although not a closely watched ind…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • Volumes lighter and ranges tighter • Russians buy EURO, Swiss buy & Sell • Technical action dominates Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks Very light calendar for everyone on Monday Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD S&P/CS HPI Composite-20 y/y • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence Index Summary The USD is mixed to start the week in light trade; volumes have been thin and traders report a lot of technical trading. The Greenback managed to score a new one-month high against the Yen in Asian dealings ai…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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(EUR/USD) Pivot = 1.35594 Projected High 1.36652 Projected Low 1.33970 R1 1.36745 S1 1.35008 R2 1.37331 S2 1.33857 R3 1.37917 S3 1.33271 (JPY/USD) Pivot = 0.01090 Projected High 0.01095 Projected Low 0.01082 R1 0.01095 S1 0.01087 R2 0.01098 S2 0.01082 R3 0.01101 S3 0.01079 (GBP/USD) Pivot = 1.54551 Projected High 1.55975 Projected Low 1.52958 R1 1.57398 S1 1.53658 R2 1.56505 S2 1.52597 R3 1.57398 S3 1.51704 Fortunate Management,
Ultimul răspuns de john04, -
News charts
de Adi.M- 2 răspunsuri
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Salut, De ceva vreme tot imi postez news-uri si adnotari pe charturi. Fac acest lucru pentru ca in anumite evaluari istorice ale unei strategii gasesc cate un element distincitv si de obicei ma intre daca a fost vreun element exceptional in momentul respectiv (stire, speech, alta conditie in piata). Metoda pe care o folosesc e destul de primitiva. Pun texte pe chartul respectiv, apoi le duc saptamanal ca poze in niste exceluri. Charturile sunt doar de 1H. Ma gandesc sa-mi avansez putin metoda astfel incat sa-mi fie si mai usor sa mentin toata treaba, cat si sa o pot folosi mai usor: pe mai multe TF-uri, mai customizabil etc. Ideea initiala ar fi creearea si updatare…
Ultimul răspuns de Adi.M, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-sided, ends mixed • Volumes light Overnight Preview • Look for light flows overnight • Book-squaring ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead • 7:30 AM CDT Tuesday PPI forecast +0.4, core +0.2% • 8:00 AM CDT Tuesday TICS Summary After starting higher overnight on a generally USD-positive change in the closely watched G7 communiqué, the greenback ends the first day of the week mixed in relatively light trade. After the London fix traders report that volumes dropped and the majors drifted lower as the bulk of market participants covered positions initiated on the overnight volatility. GBP…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD starts firm, weakens into Europe • Stops triggered on the way down • Traders report good volume Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:45am USD Chicago PMI Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD started Asia on the defensive as most of the major pairs rallied again to new near-term highs against the Greenback; Cable and EURO finding previous resistance a bit tougher to break …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD finally weakens • Volumes a bit lower • US news no help Overnight Preview • Look for consolidation • USD likely to have a weaker bias mid-week Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Another light day for the Greenback. Summary After showing subtle signs of topping the past few days the USD finally edged lower in thinner forex trade after the news was out this morning. Although the fundamental picture was a mixed bag with PPI rising and housing still weak the Greenback is not attracting substantial bids as we head into the close. Cable surprised t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 1 răspuns
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Cum se calculeaza miza pe time frame diferiti? De exemplu am folosit graficul de 4 ore,si miza de 0.05 loturi ,acum vreau sa incerc graficul de 30 de minute.Cum stabilesc miza la nivelul noului grafic de 30 de minute si a avea riscul si profitul la dimensiunea noului grafic. Stiu ca trebuie sa cresc miza!Cit echivaleza graficul de 30 minute din cel de 4 ore?
Ultimul răspuns de dirzuandreiovidiu, -
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EUR/USD Tendinta actual ramane pozitiva pentru 1.4630-70 si suportul initial se afla la 1.4450. O spargere peste 1.4551 va reinnoi trendul ascendent catre 1.4670. Punctul crucial pe partea descedenta ramane 1.4260. Pentru mai multe detalii accesati atasamentul. deltastockfx.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
- 1 răspuns
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Mă bag și eu cu o altfel de problemă. Alapari UK folosește deja MT5 pentru demo, pentru cine vrea. Am zis că nu strică să-l încerc, așa că l-am instalat, făcut cont, pus pe tranzacții. Însă de obicei folosesc 2 calculatoare, unul la slujbă și unul acasă. MT4 îmi trimite un mail intern (adică mesaj în MT4) cu username și password. MT5 mi-a afișat username și password la creare contului, dar nici urmă de mail, nici în MT5 și nici în inbox-ul real. Acum eu aș dori să folosesc MT5 și în a doua locație, fără să îmi fac un cont nou, are cineva idee cum fac? Mă gândesc să împachetez tot folderul cu MT5 din Program Files și să îl despachetez în noua locație, eventual cu overwrit…
Ultimul răspuns de Cityzen, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD regains poise after early break • Oil and equities help the upside • Volumes moderate Overnight Preview • Expect two-way action • USD to consolidate Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD Existing Home Sales • 10:00am USD FOMC Member Geithner Speaks • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Summary After a slide overnight against GBP and EURO the USD rallied back in late US trade to regain some territory after oil continued to slide and equities put on some weight. The Greenback is at better levels against all the majors th…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Salut, Aveti cumva idee daca se poate sterge tab-ul de Alert printr-o functie(ceva gen Clear). Incerc sa fac un script care sa dea diverse informatii si as vrea ca la fiecare rulare sa am Alert-ul liber pentru a nu incurca informatiile provenite din rulari multiple. Multumesc anticipat.
Ultimul răspuns de Xtrdr, -
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Salutari, hirtii care ieri am tranzactionat , gasite in timpul sesiuni si nu din watchlisturile care leam plasat. $KATE - foarte buna intrarea, cu un randament de 1:10; http://g.iceimg.com/gvkshKiH/2-thumb.jpg Asteptari pe azi: Long: $ADT; $AIG; $AMP; $AOL; $AON $ASH; $BC; Short: $AWI; $CIE; SWING: $ABBV - AM DAT-O IN BARA, DA SERIOS, SPY'ul a tras'o dupa el. $RDC - inca in piata, o astept la pretul $28,00; Va urez succese!!! http://mtgcorporate.com email: trading@mtgcorporate.com skype: mtg.corporate facebook.com/mtgcorporate @MTGCorporate
Ultimul răspuns de Sergiu Fuior, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • The USD unable to hold gains in NY • Volume a bit better than Friday, stops drive a lot of trade • Oil pushes Greenback around as do equities Overnight Preview • Look for tow-way action overnight • USD may be overextended to the upside so expect downside bias Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI y/y • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence Index • 10:00am USD New Home Sales • 10:00am USD HPI m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Manufacturing Index • 2:00pm USD FOMC Meeting Minutes Summary The USD is weaker against the majors to end New York after starting…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Forex Daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD rallies to highs • FOMC is seen as disappointing • No major reaction to the news Overnight Preview • USD to fall back on book squaring • Volumes to remain light Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Another light day for data across the board. Forex Trading Summary After a stop-driven rally overnight that drove the USD higher to start today’s trading the USD has consolidated gains in less-than-active trade to finish the day. This morning’s ISM services data was a bit better than expected and the USD remained firm after seeing early signs of running out of upsid…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD mixed, US data no help • Stops drive a lot of early trade • S/R broken but the majors bounce back Overnight Preview • USD likely to trade two-way • Consolidation ahead of the news later in the week likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m 0.0% • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales 10.8M Summary The USD ends the day mixed after starting overnight mixed against the majors. Despite slightly better-than-expected US data this morning the USD sold off to make lows against most pairs by about the Lond…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • Japan CPI worse than expected • UK GDP drops but GBP rallies in sympathy w/EURO • Volumes lighter, SWF’s buy USD Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m • 9:55am USD Revised UoM Consumer Sentiment • 9:55am USD Revised UoM Inflation Expectations • 10:00am USD New Home Sales New Home Sales likely to drive trade. Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks Very light calendar for everyone on Monday Summary The Greenback is lower this morning after fa…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Salut, Discursurile relevante pentru forex(ex: BOE Gov King Speaks) sunt date de vreun post tv in direct? Este vreun site de specialitate care le difuzeaza sau le redacteaza?
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