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Salutare , Brief-ul de azi cu o mica intarziere pentru care imi cer scuze. O agenda incarcata azi : decizia BOJ si conferinta de presa , minutele BOE si CPI in SUA si Canada. Bafta la pipsi Fx_Bulletin_September_19___CCCUK.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de madden, -
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bine, bine, ma duc la culcare, precum am zis (la treadul cu expertii publici, postul 40 si ceva) acum doua minute, scapati de mine.... Ziceam de zilele alea de nastere (acelasi tread, postul 30 si ceva). Cineva ma intreaba foarte politicos pe mail (nu e bobarnac, cum am zis la postul 34, dar ironia citita printre randuri....) cum adica "daca iei 10 oameni si ii pui intr-o camera, probabilitatea ca doi dintre ei sa aiba aceeasi zi de nastere e mai mare ca 0.5?" Ma rog, pusul in camera nu are nici o importantza. Am afirmat ca "din 10 oameni alesi la intamplare, doi vor avea aceeasi zi de nastere, in cele mai multe cazuri". Ceea ce e cam la fel cu ce zice omul meu. Facand…
Ultimul răspuns de tradelover, -
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- 785 citiri
Trendul descendent din 1.4381 tinteste catre 1.4209 si 1.4160. Rezistenta importanta pe partea ascendenta este 1.4315.... deltastockfx.pdf
Ultimul răspuns de Deltastock, -
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- 1,7k citiri
Dau un link pentru cei in cautare de seminarii adevarate de la "Interactive Brokers": https://interactivebrokers.webex.com/mw0302...s&service=6 Bafta multa. Marian
Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
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Sperantele ce au ramas sperante Sa le preia Anul Nou 2008 Decis sa nu ramina cu restante Acesta este al sarbatorii rost De-aceea sa petrecem se cuvine Inchin in cinstea celui care-a fost Si-n sanatatea celui care vine. La Multi Ani! si sa ne auzim sanatosi in 2008
Ultimul răspuns de nicugh, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s USD Trading • USD weakens in Asia, goes two-way in Europe • Asia and Europe minor holidays, volumes light • USD rallies hard in NY trade, US data neutral Overnight Preview • Expect a book-squaring session • Not a lot left to drive the greenback Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am Nonfarm Employment forecast -80K • 8:30am Unemployment Rate forecast 5.2% • 8:30am Average Hourly Earnings m/m forecast 0.3% • 10:00am Factory Orders m/m forecast 0.2% Summary The USD roared back today from a disappointing set of data this morning and recovered a lot of lost ground against most of the pairs. USD/CHF rallied th…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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- 2k citiri
Pentru ca am mutat site-ul (si implicit domeniul) pe alt server, materialele uploadate pe vechiul server se gasesc provizoriu la
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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helou la toata lumea cred ca ar fi interesant, mai ales pentru cei care isi incep aventura in lumea forex, sa auda la ce brokeri avem cont (de forex, poate unii fac trading si in alte sectoare). recomand nu doar o listare, ci si citeva cuvinte despre experienta ta cu brokerul brokerul meu actual: Interactive Brokers calificativ: foarte bun; recomand la toata lumea fostul broker: forex[/acronym].com"]forex.com (apartine de Gain Capital) calificativ:satisfacator; am avut mari probleme la retragerea banilor din cont, in schimb au un segment de analiza tehnica, fundamentala si de tips-uri extraordinar de bun; pacat, pentru ca la customer service sint GROAZNICI …
Ultimul răspuns de Luca, -
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Pentru ca am avut o discutie pe chat cu unul dintre membrii forumului apropo de pozitia fata de linkurile din semnatura, o sa scriu si aici parerea mea. Discutia pe chat a pornit de la faptul ca au inceput sa apara linkuri in semnaturi, desi in urma cu ceva timp nu am permis altor useri sa foloseasca asa ceva. Nu am fost de acord si inca NU sunt de acord cu linkurile in semnatura, mai ales din partea celor care abia si-au facut cont si vor sa-si puna linkuri catre site-uri personale. Cu toate astea, voi accepta aceste linkuri in speranta ca asa lumea va fi mai motivata sa scrie. Totusi, o sa-mi rezerv dreptul de a sterge semnaturile celor care vor posta numai pentru a isi…
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Incepand de astazi avem si regulament. El va fi aplicat incepand de saptamana viitoare. Astept pareri
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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ok se pare ca suntem aproape gata sa incepem primul test, pe euro_usd inca suntem in pregatiri din f f f motive iar unul dintre ele care ne-a mancat sanatatea in ultimele 72 de ore se numeste "punct si virgula" gura masii de punct is virgula. niciunul dintre noi nu stie oracle iar daca nu intervenea un DBA din capitala super tare (ii multumesc din suflet lui cezar DBA-istul) probabil ca si acum orbecaiam prin intuneric. ) deci retelele pt testare sunt gata, mai am de creat in seara asta 8 tabele pt eur/usd (sunt 8 retele neuronale fiecare cu tabelul ei separat pt fiecare valuta in parte) deci la sfarsit o sa avem 8 tabele x 21 de valute fiecare tabela cu un numar de te…
Ultimul răspuns de kerosen, -
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Cei care vor sa fie la curent cu ce se mai intampla cu reteaua neuronala dezvoltata de Kerosen & co. pot sa-i ceara (lui Kerosen) parola pentru sectiunea privata
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
ranked fx trader 3rd at Barclays for the year: and Variable spread for selftraders with STP
de HrForex- 0 răspunsuri
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HrForex, if you want to advertise on vamist.com, please contact me. You are not allowed to post advertisement messages. If you want, you can make a blog where you can write *almost* whatever you want. Thanks for understanding, Stefan
Ultimul răspuns de HrForex, -
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Sal lume.Sunt Oltciter! Revin cu o varianta mai buna a fiserului excel in care se poate calcula risk rewardul. In aceasta varianta se gasesc 3 (trei) variante diferite fiecare cu caracteristicile ei. VAR TRAILLING - la aceasta varianta i-am creat posibilitatea de calcul in functie de leveregeul adoptat (ca de altfel la toate celelate) VAR MARKET - la aceasta varianta se face calculul lotului de intrare in functie de pretul momentului si cota de stop loss dorita VAR MARKET in functie de lot - la aceasta varianta se face calculul in functie de lotul dorit la tranzactionare si cota de piata a momentului. De fapt aceasta varianta calculeaza stop lossul si take profitul in fun…
Ultimul răspuns de oltciter, -
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- 7,3k citiri
Cei care au probleme cu activarea contului sau cu logarea sunt rugati sa posteze in sectiunea de "suport tehnic" (puteti posta FARA sa fiti logati)
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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- 2,5k citiri
Am tot zis ca fac sistemul ala de cautare, rating si review-uri pentru brokeri... si chiar sper ca intr-o zi o sa ma si apuc de el . As vrea totusi sa facem aici un mic brainstorming despre ce informatii sunt relevante pt. un broker. Eu propun asa: comisioane spreaduri ce se poate tranzactiona platforma de tranzactionare cont minim cine-l reguleaza (nu va ganditi la tampenii ) leverage dealing desk Ce ar mai fi?
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-sided, ends mixed • Volumes light Overnight Preview • Look for light flows overnight • Book-squaring ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead • 7:30 AM CDT Tuesday PPI forecast +0.4, core +0.2% • 8:00 AM CDT Tuesday TICS Summary After starting higher overnight on a generally USD-positive change in the closely watched G7 communiqué, the greenback ends the first day of the week mixed in relatively light trade. After the London fix traders report that volumes dropped and the majors drifted lower as the bulk of market participants covered positions initiated on the overnight volatility. GBP…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Forex Daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD has range-bound trade despite news • CPI as expected, Housing data worse • EURO scores a lifetime high Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate with weaker tone • Book-squaring ahead of US data tomorrow likely Looking Ahead • 9:00 AM CDT Thursday Philly Fed forecast -14.0 Summary The USD was under pressure most of the forex trading day today after a quiet two-way start in Asia that saw the highs for the day. Remaining inside established ranges on the highs, the Greenback continued to probe for serious buyers but found none as today’s inflation data and housing data disappointed USD b…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way initially overnight • USD data disappoints • Ends USD mixed Overnight Preview • Traders look for consolidation and book-squaring • No news is due so volatility possible Looking Ahead • Next week Durable Goods, Existing and New Home Sales, Michigan Sentiment Summary The USD ends New York mixed after a solid two-way forex trading day. Traders note that stops and USD short-covering were seen overnight and after the London fix; a short-squeeze in Cable also flushed weak hands and desks report that today’s action was not an expected reaction to the worse-than-expected Philly Fed data. Forecas…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia and Europe • USD two-sided and consolidates • No real market moving news Today’s Economic Reports • None in the US today Majors open New York mixed The USD is trading sideways in a reasonable pattern of consolidation this morning after a quiet two-way overnight session. No real market moving news was on tap and the majors are both sides of yesterday’s New York close. Currently at the start of New York trade the majors are mixed as light volumes and technical trade start the day. The USD is higher against the GBP; overnight highs on light volume were 1.9976 and after the release of BOE MPC minutes the rate sold off fo…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s USD Trading USD ends mixed GBP falls through support Today’s Economic Reports Consumer Confidence out at 62.3 Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change -60K 8K 8:30am USD Advance GDP q/q 0.2% 0.6% 10:45am USD Chicago PMI 47.5 48.2 2:15pm USD FOMC Statement 2:15pm USD Federal Funds Rate 2.00% 2.25% USD mixed, GBP and EURO fall through support Actually a very unexpected day for the GBP and the EURO as the USD ends a mixed session sharply higher against the Europeans and mixed against everyone else. BOE Blanchflower was making dovish remarks this afternoon and the GBP extended los…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD mixed • EURO fails at highs Overnight Preview • Look for more booksquaring • Quiet ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead • 7:30 AM CDT Durable Goods forecast +0.1% • 9:00 AM CDT New Home Sales forecast 490K Summary The USD is mixed to end New York today after a correction overnight driven by rhetoric and stops. Traders note that the Greenback traded two-sided in Asia vesting both sides of the New York close and volumes were light suggesting that technical trade was dominate. Once the European session opened the USD began to climb a bit led by a drop in EURO as enthusiasm for an ECB rate hike f…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Forex Daily Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD firmer to mixed • EURO extends losses • GBP bounces Today’s Economic Reports • UK GDP +2.5 y/y, lowest in 3 years • 9:00 AM CDT Consumer Sentiment forecast 63.3 Looking Ahead • Too much to list! Main US releases are GDP and FOMC Wednesday, ISM Thursday and NFP on Friday Summary The USD is two-way and mixed to start New York; overnight action was muted ahead of the weekend. In Asia the USD had narrow ranges with the release of higher-than-expected Tokyo CPI data having no effect on the Greenback; higher equities also had little impact. Traders note that the USD/JPY had attracted a lot of large names…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Ca sa nu mai dau mail la toti membrii pentru ca oricum multi le marcheaza ca spam, va urez aici la toti un Paste fericit cu multa mancare si lume buna langa voi. Sa nu faceti excese, sa nu ezitati sa iertati, sa fiti mai buni si sa ne auzim cu bine dupa aceasta scurta vacanta! http://forum.vamist.ro/public/style_emoticons/default/06.gif/04.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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For More Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • Greenback starts firm then falls in Europe • Lots of rhetoric from Europe • Technical trade dominates Today’s Economic Reports • None in the US Summary The USD is slightly weaker this morning after a quiet start in Asia last night; traders note that firmer equities in Asia had no impact on USD/JPY this time and most feel that the market is sidelined ahead of FOMC rate announcements on Wednesday. Desks report some early demand for USD/JPY but once the European markets opened the demand fizzled; high prints in USD/JPY at 104.83 after a slow start. Exporters are noted to be ready on the offer at 105.00 with st…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s USD Trading • USD quiet in Asia, firms in Europe • GBP and EURO rally after rate cut • Whipsaw in the majors Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:15am ADP Private Payrolls, Actual+ 10,000 • 8:30am Advance GDP q/q 0.2%0.6%, Actual +0.6, -0.2% • 8:30am Advance GDP Price Index q/q 3.0%2.6% • 8:30am DECI q/q 0.8%0.8% • 9:45am Chicago PMI 47.548.2 Actual 48.3 • 2:15pm FOMC, actual 25 BP cut Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am Challenger Job Cuts y/y 9.4% • 8:30am Personal Spending m/m 0.2%0.1% • 8:30am Core PCE Price Index m/m 0.1%0.1% • 8:30am Unemployment Claims 363K342K • 8…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Coming Up : Sharpening Your Edge Series: Cutting Losses Wednesday, November 12th, 15:00 GMT FREE Forex Training Webinar * 95% of traders bust out in their first 6 months. Be the 5% who survive. * Learn about the most common mistakes made by beginning traders and the tools and techniques which can help prevent them. * Join in this fun and lively web based seminar simply Visit us at: http://www.forexpros.com/live-events/webin...tting-losses-12 Click Here To Join this Free Webinar http://www.forexpros.com/live-events/webin...tting-losses-12
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Forex Trading Daily Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD very quiet • Holidays in Asia and UK Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite forecast 49.6 Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • None in the US , Very light start to the week; housing data Wednesday likely to carry more weight. Summary The USD is trading sideways to slightly lower to start New York after a very quiet overnight start to the week. Asian trade was very subdued with Japan, Korea and Thailand market centers closed; traders noted good demand for USD/JPY from a UK momentum fund as well as order driven trade in EURO. With t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Major pairs two-way, end stronger • Volumes light due to minor holidays • USD ends near lows Overnight Preview • Look for more two-way and consolidation trade Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • None in the US, very light start to the week; housing data Wednesday likely to carry more weight. Summary A very quiet two-way session left the USD slightly lower from Friday’s closing levels against the forex trading majors; traders note that the holiday thinned conditions contributed to the lack of interest either way. On the day, after what would have been the London fix, the USD fell into some active sellin…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two sided, ends flat-to-mixed • Reverses early weakness • Traders waiting for tomorrow’s data Overnight Preview • Expect consolidation. • USD likely to range trade on light volumes ahead of data tomorrow Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00 AM CDT Pending Home Sales forecast -0.6%, Look for weak housing data. Summary Aside from some early fireworks on the sell side this morning the USD was relatively subdued for most of New York trade. Starting slowly in Asia overnight as the last day of Golden Week slowed the pace of early action the USD remained two-sided in technical …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD firms, sideways after Housing Data • Pending Home Sales as expected • Speculation BOE might cut rates Thursday Overnight Preview • Look for book-squaring ahead of BOE meeting Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims forecast 370K • 10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories m/m forecast 0.5% • BOE MPC Rate Announcement no change forecasted Summary The USD has had a strong trading day after another slow start in Asia overnight. Equities softened which kept some pressure on the USD/JPY pair but the Greenback was able to stay on the offensive …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • BOE and ECB leave rates on hold, as expected • USD reverses after starting better overnight • Majors hold key support (?) Overnight Preview • Look for USD to consolidate, possible book squaring ahead of US data Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -61.4B Summary The USD is sharply lower to end the Thursday US session after initially firming overnight. The absence of major news plus general sentiment RE: the weakness in the US Economy this week put a damper on the potential for the USD to rally significantly and stay there. After a follow-on break into key s…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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pt cei care mai vor inca oparerea despre pietele de capital poate altii il stiu ... cu scuzele de rigoare http://www.behaviouralfinance.net/
Ultimul răspuns de kerosen, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD rallies in light volume •Traders say today was a “stop hunt” •Short-term traders active Overnight Preview •USD likely to fall back, European data may lift EURO Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD PPI m/m 0.4% •8:30am USD Core PPI m/m 0.2% •9:00am USD Fed Vice Chairman Kohn Speaks •9:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism 38.0 •10:00am USD Fed Publishes TAF Summary Summary The hardly-watched LEI data today came out better-than-expected this morning and the USD saw a stop-driven rally ensue until after the London fix when the Greenback came under renewed pressure. F…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • BOE and ECB leave rates on hold, as expected • USD reverses after starting better overnight • Majors hold key support (?) Overnight Preview • Look for USD to consolidate, possible book squaring ahead of US data Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -61.4B Summary The USD is sharply lower to end the Thursday US session after initially firming overnight. The absence of major news plus general sentiment RE: the weakness in the US Economy this week put a damper on the potential for the USD to rally significantly and stay there. After a follow-on break into key su…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD opens mixed, ends lower • Technical levels hold gains in check • Stops in range Overnight Preview • Look for two-way action to continue • Technical trade likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 08:30 Export Prices ex-ag • 08:30 Import Prices ex-oil • 08:30 Retail Sales forecast 0.0% • 08:30 Retail Sales ex-auto forecast 0.5% • 10:00 Business Inventories 0.3% This data likely to be a non-event. Markets are really watching for the larger data due on Wednesday. Summary The USD is ending the day heavily mixed to start the week. Initially firmer in overnight A…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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- 2k citiri
Va ziceam mai demult de camera de comert din Iasi, uite ca amu' se ocupa si cu chestii interesante... Am dat intamplator de el, cautand alte informatii pe pagina lor, a aparut ieri, a fost publicat si in ziarele locale. Poate fi folositor pt ieseni. Nu stiu daca si cat costa, nu vreau sa ii fac vreo recomandare pro sau contra, nu mai am nici o treaba cu ei, iar de cei din Sibiu nu aveam nici o idee pana acum, nici timp sa ii caut pe web nu am. Am pus anuntul doar ca informatie, va rog sa il tratati ca atare si fiecare sa judece pt el daca ii trebe asa ceva ori nu. Daca cineva e interesant si umbla pe web dupa Sibex, poa' sa ne zica si noua pretul, sa avem o idee... C…
Ultimul răspuns de tradelover, -
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Salutare Facui un articol despre IB - ar fi mai multe de spus dar puteti sa va expuneti ideile si/sau experientele si poate imbunatatesc ceea ce am scris si iese ceva mai misto. O firma de brokeraj poate sa foloseasca in crearea imaginii si vanzarea serviciilor sale financiare o gama larga de strategii de marketing. Poate utiliza strategii consacrate ca: bannere pe diverse site-uri, prezenta la targuri bursiere, declaratii date de brokerii din cadrul societatii sau rapoarte redactate de analistii financiari. Am sa prezint cum functioneaza o metoda de marketing foarte utilizata de brokerii forex din strainatate. Este vorba de programe de: introducing bro…
Ultimul răspuns de ryu, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD extends rally during New York • Flows described as light and disorderly Overnight Preview • Look for book-squaring • USD may have gotten ahead of itself Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core CPI m/m 0.2% • 8:30am USD CPI m/m 0.3% • 9:15am USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary The USD is higher to end New York after a volatile session after the release of US data. Although the Retail Sales data came in about as expected, upwardly revised data from last month sparked a swift rally in the greenback sending it to the best leve…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD rallies ahead of News, lacks follow-through •Majors on S/R volumes low •Sovereign names seen selling USD Overnight Preview •A round of book-squaring likely Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Empire State Business Conditions Index 0.1 •8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 370K •9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions 63.6B •9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate 80.1% •9:15am USD Industrial Production m/m -0.3% •9:30am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks •10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index -19.0 •1:00pm USD NAHB Housing Market Index 20 •7:00pm USD Fed Governo…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Indicatorul l-am gasit intr-o strategie de trend following pe FF. Originalul GMMA este format din mai multe EMA si incearca sa arate ce fac traderii pe term scurt si pe termen lung pe piata. NU face forecast... doar arata care este tendinta pe piata la un anumit moment. Versiunea atasata este o versiune modificata care foloseste 5 culori pentru 5 tipuri de traderi: galben - cei care tranzactioneaza pe termen scurt portocaliu - cei care tranzactioneaza pe timeframe scurt, dar mai lung decat cei cu galben albastru - cei care tranzactioneaza pe termen mediu verde - cei care folosesc un TF mare, dar mai mic decat cei cu rosu rosu - investitorii pe termen lung …
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •US data a mixed bag, housing head-fakes everyone •Stops drive a reversal after early strength •Majors under support near-term Overnight Preview •Look for two-way consolidation on Monday •More losses for USD coming I think Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •10:00am USD Leading Index m/m Almost no news for Monday anywhere. Trading should be largely technical Summary The USD bulls got their horns sawed off today as better-than-expected Housing data sucked the late long into the top for the week. Across all pairs the USD rallied on the news but was unable to score new we…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD sharply lower •German data surprises, EURO higher •US PPI not so good Overnight Preview •Look for a correction lower by the majors; today’s rally overdone? Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •10:30am Crude Oil Inventories 0.2M •1:00pm Fed Governor Warsh Speaks •2:00pm FOMC Meeting Minutes Summary The Greenback is weaker to end the day and the sharp rise by the majors stopped at technical resistance across the board suggesting that the move was a bull-trap. All the majors look really bullish into current pricing but volumes were a bit lighter than might be…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
http://www.forumbursier.ro/index.php/topic...n.html#msg29453 mi-am permis sa pun acest link ca de aici am luat informatia
Ultimul răspuns de kerosen, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Pattern Main Trend: Up Main Trend Top: None Main Trend Bottom: 1.5283 (05-08-08) Current Pattern: Reversal Top 1.5814 (05-22-08) Price 1.6019 Main Top (04-22-08) 1.5894 Gann Angle Down 1.5814 Closing Price Reversal Top (05-22-08) 1.5769* Gann Angle Down 1.5771 New York Close 1.5803* Gann Angle Up 1.5549 50% Retracement 1.5543 Gann Angle Up 1.5486 .618 Retracement Time 05-23 180 Day Cycle 06-03 180 Day Cycle 06-05 Anniversary Date Top (06-05-07) Analysis The Main Trend is up. The closing price reversal top at 1.5814 on 04-22 has not been negated…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • ISM better than expected • USD falls to support and then rallies • EURO fails at resistance Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate in two-way action Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 11:00am USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks Summary The USD is firming into the New York close after remaining two-way all day; US data helped the Greenback a bit as it came in slightly …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Cred ca ar fi bine sa ma prezint si eu... dupa 3 ani Numele complet este Vaduva Mihai Stefan si de aici se trage si denimirea site-ului. Deci nu are nicio legatura cu Vama Veche (cum ma intreaba multi), ci este o dovada a egocentrismului meu . Cand am luat domeniul aveam de gand sa fac altceva cu el si de aia are numele asta. Ulterior am decis sa-l pastrez pentru ca lumea deja corela vamist.com cu forex-ul. Edit Pentru cei care nu stiu, la inceput vamist a fost pe domeniu .com si ulterior a trecut pe .ro. Ideea la inceput era sa fie o comunitate internationala, dar am ajuns la concluzia ca mai bine sa ramana doar o comunitate romaneasca. Si nu regret deloc. Ca …
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Sal lume! http://forum.vamist.ro/public/style_emoticons/default/06.gif/04.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /><' /> Cred ca v-am facut curiosi! Vreti sa aflati ce fac in pauzele dintre analizele tehnice duminica? Mergeti la "Discutii generale" si acolo veti gasi un topic postat de mine in legatura cu "Ce face un trader duminica?" Sper sa nu ma injurati! Bafta la pipsi! Oltciter
Ultimul răspuns de oltciter, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD starts slow; makes a show for strength in NY • US data mixed and of little help • Traders await more tomorrow Overnight Preview • Look for a rally in the USD overnight • Lack of downside follow-on selling seen Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m -0.4% • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m -1.5% • 9:00pm USD Dallas Fed President Fisher Speaks • 12:50pm USD Minneapolis Fed President Stern Speaks Summary The USD enjoyed a day of higher pricing but failed to break into any new areas of S/R against the majors. For the most part the Gr…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Here's Our Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD starts lower in Asia, rallies in Europe • Rallies on Durables data then fades • Ends New York Mixed Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to continue under pressure ahead of GDP tomorrow • Volumes should drop off also Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Prelim GDP q/q 0.9% • 8:30am USD Prelim GDP Price Index q/q 2.6% • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 370K • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 10:30am USD Natural Gas Storage • 2:30pm USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 7:00pm USD Fed Vice Chairman Kohn Speaks Summary The USD ends the day mixed after a slow start in …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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E si asta un pas...
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Read the Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed, volumes modest • UK news disappoints Cable • Technical trade overnight Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m 0.0% • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales 10.8M Summary The USD is starting the week mixed in New York this morning as overseas news drives early interest in the USD. Negative news in the UK prompted a strong selling day…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD mixed, US data no help • Stops drive a lot of early trade • S/R broken but the majors bounce back Overnight Preview • USD likely to trade two-way • Consolidation ahead of the news later in the week likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m 0.0% • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales 10.8M Summary The USD ends the day mixed after starting overnight mixed against the majors. Despite slightly better-than-expected US data this morning the USD sold off to make lows against most pairs by about the Lond…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Bernanke comments roil the USD, active buying lifts into resistance • Volumes die after initial lift • USD falls back late to reverse gains. Overnight Preview • USD likely to drop further overnight • Expect two-way action Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y 27.4% • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change -30K • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Productivity q/q 2.5% • 8:30am USD Unit Labor Costs q/q 2.0% • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite 51.0 • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories -8.8M Summary Today’s USD trading offered a bit of a surpris…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD reverses from highs overnight, ends mixed • US data neutral to favorable but no follow-through • Volumes lighter as traders are confused Overnight Preview • Traders expect two-way action with the majors to consolidate • Likely the USD will remain technical until NFP on Friday Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 374K • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 12:00pm USD Philadelphia Fed President Plosser Speaks Summary Despite neutral-to-better US data today the USD was unable to extend gains from yesterday and ended the day mixed. Better against GB…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed on follow-through • Model accounts buying USD/JPY • More losses expected later in the week Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD Pending Home Sales m/m -1.0% Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -58.2B • 10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD is mixed to start New York this morning after trading two-way overnight. A minor holiday in Asia kept volumes light but the USD remained under pressure from Friday’s close. Importers were seen buying USD/JPY as concerns about higher commodity prices for raw materia…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD quiet ahead of NFP • Technical trade in quiet volumes • Traders sidelined Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Employment Change -57K • 8:30am USD Unemployment Rate 5.1% • 8:30am USD Average Hourly Earnings m/m 0.2% • 8:45am USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories m/m 0.4% • 3:00pm USD Consumer Credit m/m 7.3B Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD Pending Home Sales m/m -1.0% Summary The USD is mixed to start New York; overnight action was subdued with ranges modest as traders get ready for…
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way is moderate trade • Majors correct into support but hold firm • US data surprises to the upside Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to trade two-way • Not a lot of news until later in the week Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -58.2B • 10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The Greenback is mixed to end New York after a whippy start to the week. Initially weaker in Asia, the minor holiday along the Pacific Rim slowed action until the start of European trade. The USD gained a bit on the EURO and GBP as UK data was mildly supportive…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Mi-am gasit un nou hobby. Testez platforme. IFCMarkets pentru mine a constiuit o surpriza placuta in privinta platformei de tranzactionare. Usor de manevarat.O combinatie intre ce este pe Marketiva si MT4, superioara platformei Marketiva dar la fel de usor de utilizat, inferioara MT4 dar avand un design oarecum asemanator. Docamdata e in faza de test pentru mine. De citit cu atentie ceea ce scrie la urmatorul link http://ifcmarkets.com/en/terms/03/ mai ales in privinta orderurilor stop si limit la conturile standard. Nota 10 pentru usurinta in utilizare Nota 7 in privinta graficelor (nota bene - graficul linie merge pe valorile close) Nota 6 pentru setupul indicat…
Ultimul răspuns de oltciter, -
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Below you may find a Forex Trading daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD continues to advance but volumes slow • Traders report thin order books • US data today benign Overnight Preview • Look for two-way trade • USD to consolidate Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories -4.8M • 11:30am USD FOMC Member Kohn Speaks • 12:15pm USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 2:00pm USD Beige Book Summary The USD continued to advance against the majors today as benign Balance of Trade data was ignored in favor of rhetoric from major sources. Overnight comments by US Fed chair Bernanke suggested that the US fed was ready t…
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Today's Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD fails to hold gains • Stops run early • Two-way action suggests offers building Overnight Preview • Look for consolidation with a downside bias • USD likely to open lower in New York tomorrow Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m 0.7% • 8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m 0.5% • 8:30am USD Import Price Index m/m 2.5% • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 370K • 10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m 0.3% • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 11:30am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks Summary The USD was unable to hold gains earned yesterday as the Majors…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD holds gains but volumes drop • US data mixed • Higher equities and lower oil support USD Overnight Preview • Expect the USD to consolidate • No real news out ahead of US CPI on Friday Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core CPI m/m 0.2% • 8:30am USD CPI m/m 0.5% • 9:55am USD Prelim Michigan Sentiment 59.5 Summary The USD is holding onto gains this afternoon after surprise US data helped underpin the Greenback; traders note that although the USD strength this week has been significant the majors are holding key S/R. Volumes have been only moderate and suggest that…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Am observat ca pe prima pagina a forumului imi apare un calendar economic, si parca ceva stiri.Ma poate lamuri cineva cum se folosesc acestea?Doar ca idee, ca sa vad daca analiza mea tehnica coencide cu predictia fundamentala.
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
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Nu-mi fac iluzii ca asa se va intampla, dar articolul merita citit: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle4133668.ece
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Daily Forex Trading analysis - 16/06/08 Overnight Asia/Europe • G-8 no mention of FOREX, threatens oil traders • EU inflation revised higher • USD on the defense to start the week Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Empire State Business Conditions Index • 9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions • 1:00pm USD Pending Home Sales m/m TICS and Pending Home Sales the big news on the day Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Core PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Current Account • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate Summary T…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD retreats from Friday’s gain • US data benign—points to more losses • Speculation grows that USD will fall Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate • Expect two-way action Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Core PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Current Account • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate Summary The USD starts this week lower against most pairs but still two-sided as Monday draws to a close. In New York the USD saw the worst levels of the day so far as surging oil prices slammed equities and rallied the…
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Overseas data USD negative • USD rally falters in US trade • Volumes lighter Overnight Preview • USD likely to remain technical in nature • Look for more downside pressure Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary The USD whipsawed today initially falling in Asia and then rallying in Europe before falling back again during New York trade. Not a lot of news supported the trade action today; overseas news was mostly supportive to the EURO and the GBP but both of them were under selling pressure early. US data this morning was USD neut…
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The Compleat Day Trader: Trading Systems, Strategies, Timing Indicators and Analytical Methods
de maslow- 0 răspunsuri
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File Factory
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way overnight • Weakens in NY trade • All eyes on US data tomorrow Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate with a lower tone Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD Leading Index m/m • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 2:30pm USD FOMC Member Kohn Speaks Summary The USD is lower to end the day in New York after a two-way overnight session that saw the USD on the best levels of the day in early US trade. Overseas data was benign and after the London fix the Greenback began…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD firms a bit • Technical trade and stops drive GBP and EURO • Volumes moderate Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • None for the day Expect technical trade for the most part Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD National HPI Composite-20 • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence • 10:00am USD House Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Fed Index Summary The USD is two-way overnight but starts the New York session on the offensive. Still range-bound against Swissy and Yen, the Greenback has recovered some of the losses from late last week. After starting firm …
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD holds gains but flows light • S/R holds as expected • Speculation that the Fed will not move rates capping the USD Overnight Preview • Consolidation likely • Two-way action with a downside bias Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD National HPI Composite-20 • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence • 10:00am USD House Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Fed Index Summary The USD is firmer but falling off the highs for the day as the volumes are drying up into the New York close. Traders note that across the board the USD remained inside established ranges to start the…
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de maslow- 0 răspunsuri
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Nu sunt un specialist in calculatoare si nici timp sa devin unul numai am. Vorbeam pe un alt thread despre trading-ul online si cum a evoluat el de la telefon la trading-ul pe Internet si faptul ca acum numai pot concepe trading fara internet. Oricine doreste sa mearga sa intre in aceasta hora a "taurilor" si a "ursilor", uneori oi, hiene si alte animale exotice, initial cauta informatii, merge pe forumuri, se intereseaza de brokeri, banci, transferuri bancare, stiri, si nu in ultimul rand de o platforma de trading. Una relativ facila, care-ti ofera cat mai multe instrumente, indicatori si default si care-i si poti programa intr-un limbaj anume, denumiti si "indicatori C…
Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way all day • Starts on the offensive—ends on the defensive • GBP and EURO at technical resistance. Overnight Preview • Look for a quiet evening ahead of FOMC Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m • 10:00am USD New Home Sales • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 2:15pm USD FOMC Statement • 2:15pm USD Federal Funds Rate Summary Despite a better start overnight the USD was unable to hold significant gains today after the release of disappointing US data gave traders a reason to sell the Greenba…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD whipsaws after early sideways start • US data unfriendly to the Greenback • As expected, FOMC holds rates firm Overnight Preview • USD likely to continue to weaken • EURO above resistance Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Final GDP q/q • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 8:30am USD Final GDP Price Index q/q • 10:00am USD Existing Home Sales • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Summary As expected the FOMC held interest rates steady and left the discount window on hold too. The statement was full of the usual “Strong Dollar” rhetoric but after the initial brief USD rally in…
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Indraznesc sa va rog si eu ceva: daca va place un anumit thread si aveti conturi pe site-uri de bookmarking/content sharing (cum sunt del.icio.us, digg, stumbleupon, etc.) va rog sa folositi iconitele de deasupra fiecarui thread (am pus un screenshot) pentru a il salva pe site-urile respective, sau (asta in cazul in care vi se pare extraordinar si considerati ca merita efortul) adaugati-l direct daca nu exista buton pentru serviciul pe care il folositi voi. Ajuta la promovarea comunitatii si la pozitionarea mai buna in cautarile google. Va multumesc! http://forum.vamist.ro/public/style_emoticons/default/06.gif/04.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
Serviciu de stiri de la Reuters furnizat de ABN-AMRO In browser. Extraordinar de rapid. Si e moca. http://cockpit.abnamromarketindex.com/reut...rs.aspx?lang=en Sa ne traiesti BNR pt. placerea asta! (Adds details, analyst comment) BUCHAREST, June 26 (Reuters) - Romania´s central bank raised interest rates by a quarter point to 10 percent on Thursday, tightening borrowing costs for the sixth time running in a bid to cool stubborn inflationary expectations. Analysts expect the bank to wrap up the current tightening cycle after this hike that brought the total increases since October to 300 basis points, because inflation is expected to ease later this…
Ultimul răspuns de tavi_star, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD gets hammered • US data ignored in favor of rising Oil • Equities pressure USD/JPY Overnight Preview • Look for continued weakness • USD likely to fall overnight Looking Ahead to Friday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core PCE Price Index m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Spending m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Income m/m • 9:55am USD Revised Michigan Sentiment Summary The Greenback got hammered today as panic hit the equities markets; Crude Oil passes the $140.00/BBL mark and makes a record close. In my view, this is exactly what the USD needs to reach back into new 2008 lows. If you …
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Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD starts firm, weakens into Europe • Stops triggered on the way down • Traders report good volume Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:45am USD Chicago PMI Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD started Asia on the defensive as most of the major pairs rallied again to new near-term highs against the Greenback; Cable and EURO finding previous resistance a bit tougher to break …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD loses ground but attempts a recovery • Stops run • Volumes moderate Overnight Preview • Two-way action likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD is two-way and whippy today after a losing start to the day. Across the board the USD made monthly lows to end the quarter no doubt creating a lot of risk-aversion liquidation ahead of US data and the holiday-shortened tra…
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