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Postări postat de Barbones

  1. Uite motivele pentru ce au sarit toti pe Risk On asa de 3 zile in coace.


    "After several straight weeks of political concerns exerting downward pressure on equity markets, they snapped back smartly this week.

    European bourses had their best week of the year, shaking off a Moody's downgrade of France's AAA rating and the EU's failure to agree on a long term budget. Risk on sentiment was attributable to the hopes that leaders in Europe and the US could finally get their houses in order before the New Year.


    Negotiations on finalizing the revised Greek bailout package continued to grind ahead, with final details expected to be negotiated this weekend ahead of another Eurogroup conclave this coming Monday. This timetable would still allow Greece to receive the anticipated aid tranches in early December. Politicians in Washington were on a holiday break, so optimism from last week's bipartisan Congressional press conference still lingered, though tough negotiations are still ahead.


    Economic data helped sentiment too, starting with China HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI on Wednesday posting its first growth reading in 13 months, possibly signaling the slowdown in Chinese growth has bottomed out. The German IFO Business Climate index showed its first rise in seven months, and US saw some more signs of strength in the housing market, with the NAHB Housing Market Index hitting a 6-year high and monthly Housing Starts coming in well above expectations.


    Trading in crude futures calmed this week as Israel and Hamas agreed to terms of a ceasefire on Wednesday, and so far the truce has held.


    Gold gained some ground as it tested its 50-day moving average on Friday, to end the week up 2%. Early indications from retailers are that Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday sales have gotten the US holiday shopping season off to a good start. Equity markets erased most of the losses seen in the last two weeks and had their best week since June: the S&P500 rose 3.6%, the Nasdaq added 4%, and the DJIA gained 3.3%, to close above 13,000 for the first time since November 6.."


    Daca treaba asta duce la 1.35 e bine.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Nu e motiv de sell. Suntem pe Risk ON, razbelu deocamdata s-a oprit, nemtii au dat o stire buna ce este mai buna decat ultimele 7 luni in urma deci as sta linistit, desigur, cu mana pe SL. Azi e Vineri iar pe sistemul meu nu merg pe trend indiferent cat de buna e stirea si de azi si cea de ieri de pe China. Deci nu vad motiv intemeiat de Sell decat in Decembrie pe inchiderea pozitiilor incepute in August Sept.

    Urmeaza finalul discutiilor la nivel pe bugetul UE unde iar banuiesc din declaratii ce se va ajunge la un consens prin compromisuri din toate partile, Ce mai e in joc e Clifu pe SUA dar unde iar nu vad de ce nu l-ar urca, ca si anul trecut. Cu mana pe SL si ai sanse de un guitz.


    2940 e nivel tehnic de luat in seama

  3. Foarte tare docu'. Mersi.


    PS. Deci, cei ce au creat criza sunt si mai puternici. Toate QE urile unde s-ar duce? nu la noi, tot la ei.


    In final, va fi lumea o mare corporatie sau deja chiar este? Probabil ca deja este. Asta miroase a final de cariera. Cand ceva e prea mare, mai mare de cat propria tara, cine sa sa-l mai salveze? Martienii?


    De la JP, Goldman, etc avem semnale gratuite. Sa le luam asadar si sa ne facem cruce. :D

  4. Federal Reserve's Money Printing Failure


    The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank of United States of America. It is responsible for printing the U.S. dollars & much more.

    The reason for Federal Reserve's existence is to maintain price stability and maximum employment.


    The Federal Reserve (and other Central Banks) have been 'printing' money in recent years under various code-names, includingQuantitive Easing (QE 1, 2, & 3), LTRO, SMP, TWIST, TARP and TALF, in order to bring unemployment down & speed up the economy. This article explains the failure behind the current money printing scheme and how banks, not people, get the money.


  5. Man, NU EXISTA robot profitabil sa-l gasesti pe net pe 2 lei. Nu stiu daca e de vazare iar daca nu e de vanzare e de comision. Macar acolo merita.

    Robotii profitabili fac profit pentru cine l-a facut si nu-l pune pe 200 de euro la vanzare sau o mie. Daca e profitabil face mia aia in 10 minute. Gandeste-te putin. Cel mai simplu este sa te pui in pielea unui proprietar. L-ai pune la vanzare daca poate face bani? Nu. L-ai pune la vanzare ca sa faci bani din vazarea unui cod ce are sanse de profit pe termen scurt, care arata bine pe cateva luni sa zicem dar in final tot pierde iar tu faci bani din vanzarea lui, nu din trade ca stii ca nu e profitabil.

  6. Buy Eur - 2937


    E mult de explicat de ce dar in rezumat:

    Euro-Usd tehnic


    Trend Long - Corectie finalizata

    Fundamental - QE (infuzie de capital pe ambele valute ), Short Dolar, Long Euro


    Sapt Viitoare - intalini UE la nivel. Sanse mici sa schimbe major trendul.


    Eu ma bag doar la Euro - cand spun Euro se intelege Euro -Usd. Identic daca spui Lira sau Aud sau Jen sau Franc. Sunt majorele cu Dolar in coada. -


    Mi am dat semnal si am intrat :D


    • Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, an expert on the Great Depression, understands the ravages of debt deflation and his every action has been to prevent it from occurring. It is one of the reasons why, on September 13th, 2012 the Fed included an explicit inflation target in its policy statement for the first time.
    • Greater care must be taken in the future to ensure that our fiat based, fractional reserve system does not run amok. This is why regulators are demanding that banks raise capital, reduce their proprietary trading activities, and shift their business models closer to a utility-style model.
    • The Fed is the only game in town – awaiting anxiously, and building a bridge to, a time when Washington will devise solutions to the many economic challenges facing the United States.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Buy Eur - 2937


    E mult de explicat de ce dar in rezumat:

    Euro-Usd tehnic


    Trend Long - Corectie finalizata

    Fundamental - QE (infuzie de capital pe ambele valute ), Short Dolar, Long Euro


    Sapt Viitoare - intalini UE la nivel. Sanse mici sa schimbe major trendul.


    Eu ma bag doar la Euro - cand spun Euro se intelege Euro -Usd. Identic daca spui Lira sau Aud sau Jen sau Franc. Sunt majorele cu Dolar in coada. -



  8. SL ul nu fix 30 sau 130 de pp. Nu are cum. Intrarea dicteaza SL ul. Nu e sfat, e o realitate.


    ZEN aveam o impresie mai buna... hai ma!... chiar asa....


    Cand pui SL e clar ca ai calculat ceva si deci calculul a fost napsa iar daca mergi pe sume asa mari asteapta te sa tot te simti ars cand defapt nu te-ai ars de bani ci de 30 de pp.


    Banii vorbesc....

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