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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed • Quiet Technical trade • Traders note volumes light with no major news Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD Leading Index m/m Almost no data anywhere so expect technical trade all day to start the week. Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:10am USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks • 8:30am USD FOMC Member Plosser Speaks • 10:00am USD House Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Manufacturing Index Summary The USD is mixed to start New York after a generally quiet overnight start to the week. Holding inside existing ranges on thinner v…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD rallies • US data benign • Traders expect more upside but with two-way action Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to continue to range trade • Majors to consolidate Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 9:10am USD FOMC Member Kroszner Speaks • 10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Summary The USD is on the offensive today as lower crude oil prices and higher equities prices lift investor confidence. A slew of US data today was mostly beni…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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- 1,3k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD sharply lower • EURO scores new highs and then reverses • USD recovers some poise into the close Overnight Preview • Look for USD recovery, move lower overdone • Book-squaring ahead of US data in the morning Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD CPI m/m • 9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate • 9:15am USD Industrial Production m/m • 10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 1:00pm USD NAHB Housing Market Index • 2:00pm USD FOMC Meeting Minutes Summary The USD is shar…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
Divergente 1 2 3
de maslow- 20 răspunsuri
- 11,9k citiri
Am atasat un mic indicator MT4 care gaseste divergentele pe un oscilator si anume pe OSMA, si da semnal de buy sau sell. Si aceasta chestie o face pe toate TF-urile si pe intreagul istoric. Nu stiu cum ar arata o statistica luand semnale si intrand efectiv in piata doar pe baza a ce spune acest indicator. Este atasat si in format ZIP si in format RAR acelasi indicator-pentru cei cu preferinte atunci cand dezarhiveaza fisierul. Acum vine partea grea pentru ca am o rugaminte pentru Tradelover: O idee similara am avut si eu in legatura cu gasirea divergentelor, dar nu pe indicatorul OSMA ci pe RSI. Nefiind programator nu prea ma pricep daca s-ar putea sau nu programa "ps…
Ultimul răspuns de Scrat, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD two-way within established ranges •News is light, volumes too •Technical trade dominated all day Overnight Preview •Look for quiet conditions •Tests of S/R to cause a rotation Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD PPI m/m •8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD Core PPI m/m •8:30am USD Empire State Manufacturing Index •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m •10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD continued in two-way consolidative trade today starting firmer in Asia but …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe •USD two-way •UK and Eurozone news push those lower •Technical trade likely to continue Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •No reports due on Monday No real news until PPI on Tuesday. Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD PPI m/m •8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m •8:30am USD Core PPI m/m •8:30am USD Empire State Manufacturing Index •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m •10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD is back on the offensive this morning after dis…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
un alt mod de a calcula CCI. am atasat un grafic in care se vad diferentele. CCI_var.rar
Ultimul răspuns de Scrat, -
- 2 răspunsuri
- 2,9k citiri
Buna numele meu este Andreica Adrian Cosmin locuiesc intr-un oras mic din Maramures, Viseu de Sus mai exact am 18 ani inca elev. Trading since: 2007 Joined: 19-October 07 atunci am inceput sa invat despre Forex Deci sa incep cu inceputul Stateam pe terasa cu un prieten la o bere si ne intrebam ce afaceri sa facem sa castigam ceva bani...la care el mi-a raspuns "orice numai sa nu lucram" poate pare stupid dar atunci m-am uitat la cer si am zis da Doamne ceva sa facem bani numai sa nu lucram. Deci poate chiar a fost de la Dumnezeu sau sunt superstitii ca nici acum nu stiu cum si de unde am auzit de Forex. Am tranzactionat demo cam 6-7 luni si am inceput pe real c…
Ultimul răspuns de ady1990, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • Rumors spike the USD higher in Asia • Stops and option barriers targeted in EURO • Volumes moderate, maybe a bit larger than expected Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance • 8:30am USD Import Price Index m/m • 9:55am USD Prelim U of M Consumer Sentiment Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • No reports due on Monday No real news until PPI on Tuesday Summary The USD was off to a quiet start in Asia last night as traders prepared for an uneventful overnight session ahead of US and European data. A brief flurry of USD strength was seen w…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •USD remains two-way, volumes thin •Majors hold support, USD fails late in the day •Equities and Energies in focus due to light data Overnight Preview •Look for the USD to continue two-way •Book-squaring ahead of US news possible overnight Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:30am USD Unemployment Claims •10:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Testifies •10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Claims likely to be main focus tomorrow. Summary The USD continued to whipsaw today losing important ground against the majors as the lack of fundamental news kept traders focused on Equitie…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Light start to the week, traders watching G8 summit closely Summary The USD is stronger across the board after a weak start in Asia overnight; volumes have been light all day traders say and technical trade has been the rule. Staying mostly within established ranges the Greenback failed to extend strength with any conviction but rather remained within established recent ranges and covered a lot of the same ground twice. Making new lows after the London fix, EURO remained on the defense all day and fell to a low print at 1.5634 before …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 2,8k citiri
Mai jos am implementat o parte din Metoda Tunel.Teoria metodei O sa explic si linile de cod pentru a intelege incepatorii si sa fie si ei capabili sa faca experti si indicatori pe viitor.Eu acum m-am apucat de invatat mql In prima parte a programului am declarat variabilele programului. extern string ExpertName = "Tunnel Method"; //Numele Expertului extern int tu1_period =144; //Perioada Ema-ului care alcatuieste tunelul extern int tu2_period=169; //Perioada Ema-ului care alcatuieste tunelul extern int cu_period=12; //Perioada Ema-ului care taine sau nu tunelul extern int StopLoss= 50; //Valoarea StopLoss-ului extern int TakeProfit=0; //Valoarea TakeProfit-ului ext…
Ultimul răspuns de Mangusta, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 4,5k citiri
Sunt Merlyn... un membru nou pe acest forum. asa ca pana ma obisnuiesc cer ingaduinta si toleranta. Vreau sa explice aici cineva care se pricepe foarte bine cum folosim corect toate functiile Fibonacci pe un chart. Eu unul pun mare baza pe aceste nivele si ma folosesc de ele de 3 ani de cand am intrat pe bursa. din pacate nu stiu sa folosesc corect decat retragerea si expansiunea. Restul... Fan , Time Zone , Arcs ...sincer nu stiu cu ce se mananca.Material de studiu este destul dar totul in engleza si eu cu engleza nu stau atat de bine ca sa fiu sigur ca am inteles corect. Daca se poate cu exemple concrete (poze atasate ). Vreau foarte tare sa pot folosi si aceste func…
Ultimul răspuns de merlyn, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading •G8 Summit begins •USD gives back early gains •Technical trade dominates Overnight Preview •Expect two-way action with the USD to cover a lot of the same ground again Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks •10:00am USD Pending Home Sales •10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories Summary The USD whipsawed traders again today initially coming on the board higher from light overnight trade but then falling off hard to make lows on the day in some pairs. Equities prices fell back after a strong early start underscoring the overall weakness of the…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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- 1,7k citiri
Ma bate gandul, cu timpul cand reusesc sa ma tin de sistemul meu de tranzactionat, sa tranzactionez pentru un hedge found, sau o persoana, care dreste sa-si inmulteasca banii stand la soare. Stie careva dintre voi ce strategii prefera acei tipi de la HF, sau conteaza doar sa faci profit????
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe •G8 Summit begins •USD rallies •Crude Oil lower Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •None in the US Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) •8:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks •10:00am USD Pending Home Sales •10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories Summary The USD is trading firmer to start New York this morning after a slow start in Asia; traders have been waiting for the return of US trading before large volumes were seen. Cross-spreaders and option defense started the overnight session as EURO/JPY sales initially rallied the majors to highs overnight before the USD began t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 2,2k citiri
Astept parerile voastre despre acest broker. Are sait in limba romana (moldoveneasca) si printre altele ne anunta de lipsa slip-ului , swap si a spread-ului, depozit minim 1$. link.
Ultimul răspuns de dadix, -
- 2 răspunsuri
- 1,9k citiri
Lucreaza cineva de aici la Banca Transilvania?
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
- 13 răspunsuri
- 9,4k citiri
Marea majoritate a noastra am ajuns in forex pentru ca , pur si simplu, asta am gasit... Am vrut un trading usor, am vrut arbitraj, hedging , dar am gasit forex... acolo unde tradingul NU e usor, unde NU poti sa faci arbitraj, unde NU poti sa faci hedging normal... Am gasit recent un broker care permite o gama mult mai larga de strategii: WHC e un broker rus; Include forex, currency futures, metale, petrol , gaze naturale si restul de commodities , plus actiuni http://www.metaquotes.net/files/whc/whc4setup.exe (daca nu apar restul de active, click dreapta pe market watch, Show All) De curand ma chinuiam sa fac arbitrajul cash/futures cand m-a lovit deodata: …
Ultimul răspuns de dadix, -
Strategie 3h+ 1 2
de cezz_ro- 18 răspunsuri
- 10,1k citiri
Salut, Stie cineva vreo strategie care merge pe un timeframe de 3+ ? ><[-O< Lucrez de la 9-18 si mi-e f. greu sa fiu cu ochii pe grafice la fiecare 30 min. Probabil ca nu sunt singurul in situatia asta ... (?) Thx
Ultimul răspuns de dadix, -
Indicatori 1 2
de jhon- 16 răspunsuri
- 11,5k citiri
Salut Va felicit pentru forum!Este cel mai bun forum despre forex in limba romana. As avea o sugestie pentru categoria aceasta"primii pasi":Ar fi o idee ff buna sa existe un post in care sa fie explicati "mai pe romaneste" si cu ceva exemple (pe grafice)principalii indicatori(Medii mobile ,MACD ,Benzi Bollinger,RSI,SAR,Momentum,Stochastic, CCI,Deviatie standard si care mai considerati ca merita sa fie explicati. Bafta la acumulatul pipsi-lor!!
Ultimul răspuns de dadix, -
- 19 răspunsuri
- 6,3k citiri
Ok, suparat intrucatva ca tot ce am reusit in 4 luni e sa fac o strategie care iese pe 0, m-am gandit sa imbin orice idee care-mi trece prin minte si sa o testez. Ar trebui sa iasa ca preselectiile pe la televizor pentru ca nu pot testa toate strategiile posibile pe toate intervalele posibile de cand exista un history pentru fiecare pereche. Acum scriu doar bazele la ce am de gand sa fac si va rog sa contribuiti cu idei sau cu critici... Nu pot sa ma apuc acum riguros de treaba, dar in vreo luna ar trebui sa fiu gata sa incep. Pana atunci, uitati ce vreau sa fac: Voi lua tot ce-mi trece prin minte (sau va trece voua prin minte, vreau cat mai multe) si le voi testa (back…
Ultimul răspuns de andrei_lint, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • The Greenback whipsaws, ends weaker • EURO holds 1.5800 handle with conviction • Volumes lighter Overnight Preview • Traders look for a quiet evening ahead of Thursday • Expect volatility Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Employment Change • 8:30am USD Unemployment Rate • 8:30am USD Average Hourly Earnings m/m • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite Summary The USD whipsawed both bulls and bears today after a surprise ADP report ignites a round of USD selling. Most of the major pairs rallied to test near-t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 2,8k citiri
As dori foarte mult sa gasesc in acest topic cea mai importanta stire de pe pietele financiare internationale si care poate influienta in cea mai mare masura evolutia valutelor . Voi inregistra aceasta pagina la " Favorites " si voi incerca sa valorific cat mai bine estimarea evolutiei unei valute sau perechi . Chiar si fara a lucra intr-o zi , la sfarsit pot face analiza a ceea ce s-a intamplat in piata cu ceea ce se prevedea la inceputul zilei de trading . Multumesc anticipat celor care au experienta in analizarea stirilor si vor fi amabili sa posteze . Bafta mare tuturor !
Ultimul răspuns de arcond, -
- 9 răspunsuri
- 3,9k citiri
Sa ma prezint si eu. Numele meu este Marco Romario (prenumele), am inceput Forexul pe la sfarsitul lui 2006, am o varsta de 17 ani (1990).Locuiesc in Bistrita, pe spinarea parintilor, sunt la liceul Economic din Bistrita, si visez si eu sa ajung sa ma joc cu banii tranzactionand. Am trecut de la faza de loooooser, (multumesc lui Dumnezeu), iar cu ajutorul baietilor (si a unei fete FM) si in special al lui Iordaki (un adevarat maestru in teoria Elliott Wave), am reusit sa realizez profit constant. Sa va zic secretul????? NU VA GANDITI LA BANI.......Jucati pentru pipsi, si pentru imbunatatirea sistemului de tranzactionare. Gasiti-va amici mai avansati decat voi si…
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
- 6 răspunsuri
- 4,9k citiri
uite, am citit si aici si in alte parti despre strategia box-urilor si vreau sa incerc si eu dar n-am reusit deloc pe marketiva... am incercat pe exemplu pentru BUY sa stabilesc un pret de tipul LIMIT si sa-l pun mai mare decat cel actual ... dar n-am reusit deloc : ordinele se executa instant ( bine macar ca la pretul pietei ) se poate pune un "ordin conditionat" la Marketiva ?
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,4k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • ISM better than expected • USD falls to support and then rallies • EURO fails at resistance Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate in two-way action Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 11:00am USD Treasury Sec Paulson Speaks • 12:00pm USD FOMC Member Mishkin Speaks Summary The USD is firming into the New York close after remaining two-way all day; US data helped the Greenback a bit as it came in slightly …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD loses ground but attempts a recovery • Stops run • Volumes moderate Overnight Preview • Two-way action likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD is two-way and whippy today after a losing start to the day. Across the board the USD made monthly lows to end the quarter no doubt creating a lot of risk-aversion liquidation ahead of US data and the holiday-shortened tra…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
Tavi, eram tentat sa te intreb cum de ai NIKKEI in platforma de la Oanda dar dupa aia am vazut iconita din stanga sus... E platforma de la ABN Amro?
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD starts firm, weakens into Europe • Stops triggered on the way down • Traders report good volume Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:45am USD Chicago PMI Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales Expect ISM to remain weak. Summary The USD started Asia on the defensive as most of the major pairs rallied again to new near-term highs against the Greenback; Cable and EURO finding previous resistance a bit tougher to break …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 3 răspunsuri
- 2,2k citiri
As dori sa stiu daca se poate concepe un expert care sa ia in considerare semnale de pe diferite perioade de timp pentru acelasi grafic, 1m, 5m, 15m, 1H, 4H.
Ultimul răspuns de crocodelu, -
- 10 răspunsuri
- 5k citiri
Tracklist: 01. Andy Williams - Love Story [03:01] 02. Connie Francis - I Will Wait For You [02:52] 03. Henri Salvador - Petit Fleur [02:43] 04. Charles Aznavour - Une Vie D'amour [03:12] 05. Edith Piaf - Sous Le Ciel De Paris [03:22] 06. Joe Dassin - Et Si Tu N'xistas Pas [03:25] 07. Frank Sinatra - Somethin' Stupid [02:39] 08. King - Stand By Me [02:59] 09. The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreaming [02:37] 10. Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence [03:04] 11. Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman [02:58] 12. Otis Redding - These Arms Of Mine [02:28] 13. The Platters - Only You [02:36] 14. E…
Ultimul răspuns de Carbon, -
- 1 răspuns
- 1,7k citiri
poate ma ajuta cineva sa modifice indicatorul pe histograma wpr care sa oscileze in jurul unei valori de referinta (-50). atasez indicatorul original facut pentru RSI. multumesc! ColorRSI_Histo_ZeroLine.mq4
Ultimul răspuns de Scrat, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,3k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD gets hammered • US data ignored in favor of rising Oil • Equities pressure USD/JPY Overnight Preview • Look for continued weakness • USD likely to fall overnight Looking Ahead to Friday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core PCE Price Index m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Spending m/m • 8:30am USD Personal Income m/m • 9:55am USD Revised Michigan Sentiment Summary The Greenback got hammered today as panic hit the equities markets; Crude Oil passes the $140.00/BBL mark and makes a record close. In my view, this is exactly what the USD needs to reach back into new 2008 lows. If you …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
Serviciu de stiri de la Reuters furnizat de ABN-AMRO In browser. Extraordinar de rapid. Si e moca. http://cockpit.abnamromarketindex.com/reut...rs.aspx?lang=en Sa ne traiesti BNR pt. placerea asta! (Adds details, analyst comment) BUCHAREST, June 26 (Reuters) - Romania´s central bank raised interest rates by a quarter point to 10 percent on Thursday, tightening borrowing costs for the sixth time running in a bid to cool stubborn inflationary expectations. Analysts expect the bank to wrap up the current tightening cycle after this hike that brought the total increases since October to 300 basis points, because inflation is expected to ease later this…
Ultimul răspuns de tavi_star, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 2,4k citiri
Indraznesc sa va rog si eu ceva: daca va place un anumit thread si aveti conturi pe site-uri de bookmarking/content sharing (cum sunt del.icio.us, digg, stumbleupon, etc.) va rog sa folositi iconitele de deasupra fiecarui thread (am pus un screenshot) pentru a il salva pe site-urile respective, sau (asta in cazul in care vi se pare extraordinar si considerati ca merita efortul) adaugati-l direct daca nu exista buton pentru serviciul pe care il folositi voi. Ajuta la promovarea comunitatii si la pozitionarea mai buna in cautarile google. Va multumesc! http://forum.vamist.ro/public/style_emoticons/default/06.gif/04.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,2k citiri
Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD whipsaws after early sideways start • US data unfriendly to the Greenback • As expected, FOMC holds rates firm Overnight Preview • USD likely to continue to weaken • EURO above resistance Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Final GDP q/q • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 8:30am USD Final GDP Price Index q/q • 10:00am USD Existing Home Sales • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage Summary As expected the FOMC held interest rates steady and left the discount window on hold too. The statement was full of the usual “Strong Dollar” rhetoric but after the initial brief USD rally in…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 12 răspunsuri
- 5,9k citiri
ryu wrote: . Ryu, cam asa ceva? La asta te refereai? E simplu: In primul rand sa zicem ca ai un text oarecare pe care vrei sa-l afisezi in "Quote". ok. Selectezi textul respectiv si-i dai "copy". Textul respectiv poate fi de oriunde: din ziar ( dar ai grija sa declari sursa exact), din carte, din alt forum, din email, din textul altuia de pe acest forum. Apoi sa zicem ca vrei sa redactezi postul tau. Te duci si dai click pe butonul "Add Reply" si-ti apare fereastra de editare. Undeva in partea de sus, dupa "Emoticones aia", adica maimutele alea care zambesc, dau din palme suiera, etc...ai 5 tag-uri: daca pui mouse-ul pe ele vei vedea ca acestea sunt urmatoare…
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way all day • Starts on the offensive—ends on the defensive • GBP and EURO at technical resistance. Overnight Preview • Look for a quiet evening ahead of FOMC Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m • 8:30am USD Durable Goods Orders m/m • 10:00am USD New Home Sales • 10:30am USD Crude Oil Inventories • 2:15pm USD FOMC Statement • 2:15pm USD Federal Funds Rate Summary Despite a better start overnight the USD was unable to hold significant gains today after the release of disappointing US data gave traders a reason to sell the Greenba…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 9 răspunsuri
- 3,8k citiri
Salut, Incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu programarea unor EA's simpli pt acomodare si cine stie poate si iese ceva la un moment dat:) O prima problema ce o intampin sunt lipsa datelor de la broker... In principiu as avea evident nevoie de date la minut (sau hai poate 5 minute) .. Mi-am instalat platformele demo de la ODL Securities si Interbank si am incercat sa vad ce date imi ofera pt 1 minut sau 5 minute... Dar mai mult de ianuarie 2008.. poate decembrie 2007 nu imi ofera datele.. Cum sa procedez sa am datele pe ultimii 2-3 ani? Multumesc pt ajutor
Ultimul răspuns de Mangusta, -
de maslow- 0 răspunsuri
- 2,4k citiri
Nu sunt un specialist in calculatoare si nici timp sa devin unul numai am. Vorbeam pe un alt thread despre trading-ul online si cum a evoluat el de la telefon la trading-ul pe Internet si faptul ca acum numai pot concepe trading fara internet. Oricine doreste sa mearga sa intre in aceasta hora a "taurilor" si a "ursilor", uneori oi, hiene si alte animale exotice, initial cauta informatii, merge pe forumuri, se intereseaza de brokeri, banci, transferuri bancare, stiri, si nu in ultimul rand de o platforma de trading. Una relativ facila, care-ti ofera cat mai multe instrumente, indicatori si default si care-i si poti programa intr-un limbaj anume, denumiti si "indicatori C…
Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD holds gains but flows light • S/R holds as expected • Speculation that the Fed will not move rates capping the USD Overnight Preview • Consolidation likely • Two-way action with a downside bias Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD National HPI Composite-20 • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence • 10:00am USD House Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Fed Index Summary The USD is firmer but falling off the highs for the day as the volumes are drying up into the New York close. Traders note that across the board the USD remained inside established ranges to start the…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
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Ce sustin astia: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExpressFX - zero-spread trading with a particularly user-friendly platform ExpressFX is one of our most recent innovations. This trading platform features zero-spreads. With this platform, you pay only $0.6 for every $1,000 traded and get commission refunds for non-profitable trades. This features combined mean that you pay commissions to your broker only when you make profits on your trades. Zero-spreads$0.6 for every $1,000 tradedInstant commission refunds on non-profitable tradesAnd a built-in wizard that teaches you how to make trades, limit losses and make profits…
Ultimul răspuns de andrei_lint, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD firms a bit • Technical trade and stops drive GBP and EURO • Volumes moderate Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • None for the day Expect technical trade for the most part Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD National HPI Composite-20 • 10:00am USD Consumer Confidence • 10:00am USD House Price Index m/m • 10:00am USD Richmond Fed Index Summary The USD is two-way overnight but starts the New York session on the offensive. Still range-bound against Swissy and Yen, the Greenback has recovered some of the losses from late last week. After starting firm …
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 9 răspunsuri
- 3,6k citiri
Mi se pare interesanta poza.Dar inafara de linia de trend, celelalte nu stiu ce reprezinta.Am ramas cu banuiala ca sunt ceva rezistente, sau tunele. E vre-un EA?
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
Salve la toti, dati-mi voie sa ma prezint si eu. Ma numesc Ana Maria si sunt originaria din Constanta, dar de cativa ani traiesc in Italia. As vrea sa reusesc si eu sa intru in aceasta lume magnifica a Forexului, si va multumesc tuturor celor ce faceti ca acest forum sa fie de mare ajutor pentru cei de la gradinita ca mine. N-am sa pun deocamdata nici o intrebare, am ascultat de voi si m-am pus cu burta pe carte babypips.com si forumul vostru sunt mai mult decat suficiente. Pacat ca deocamdata multe lucruri par scrise in chineza... Oricum sunt optimista , "Roma n-a fost construita intr-o zi!" Va urez o zi buna tuturor.
Ultimul răspuns de Traian_S, -
- 5 răspunsuri
- 3,6k citiri
Indicatorul este un Macd custom care arata in plus fata de histogramele clasice din Metatrader doua linii, adica Fast MA, Slow MA si Signal MA. Vreau sa obtin ceea ce se numeste un inidcator #MTF adica "Multi-time frame" indicator, si care sa arate pe toate TF-urile la fel si sa fie sincornizat. Probabil ati observat sau stiti ca diferiti indicatori ex. Stochastic, Macd si altii de acelasi fel arata intr-un fel pe un TF ( de ex. daily) in alt fel pe un TF mai mic sau mai mare. Nu stiu ce presupune aceasta miscare si cum se programeaza pentru a obtine un indicator #MTF. Indicatorul este public, dar nu am stiut cum sa-l denumesc si i-am zis simplu MACD. Iata de unde l-am "c…
Ultimul răspuns de Scrat, -
- 2 răspunsuri
- 3,3k citiri
Imi cer scuze celor care intra pe forum si au primit un mail astazi de la vamist.com! Era adresat celor care nu au mai intrat de mult pe forum dar am incurcat o setare si in loc sa trimita celor care nu au mai intrat de mai mult de 60 de zile a trimis la cei care au intrat in ultimele 60 de zile
Ultimul răspuns de cornelantoche, -
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Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way overnight • Weakens in NY trade • All eyes on US data tomorrow Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate with a lower tone Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims • 10:00am USD Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD Leading Index m/m • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 2:30pm USD FOMC Member Kohn Speaks Summary The USD is lower to end the day in New York after a two-way overnight session that saw the USD on the best levels of the day in early US trade. Overseas data was benign and after the London fix the Greenback began…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
The Compleat Day Trader: Trading Systems, Strategies, Timing Indicators and Analytical Methods
de maslow- 0 răspunsuri
- 3,3k citiri
File Factory
Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
- 2 răspunsuri
- 3k citiri
Dear Friends, This thread is dedicated to IntelliForex Trading Signals service. IntelliForex offers different trade systems (IntraDay and Swing, powered by experienced traders, fully mechanical and hybrid). Unlike many other systems, introduced on the forum, ours are not free. We strongly believe that our service is worth it’s money and will pay you far more than the subscription costs. We deliver good performance results combined with the fast delivery via e-mail and SMS. The EA for MT 4 is in being developed. The date of final release will be announced later. IntelliForex Swing trading system is fully automated and issues signals on 5 currency pairs including …
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 4 răspunsuri
- 2,7k citiri
Am primit mailul vostru! Nu sunt suparat pe nimeni de aici! De ce as fi? Sunt foarte ocupat.Luna iunie se dovedeste a fi o luna de foc! Ioana (fata cea mica) a terminat a 8a si acum alergam cu inscrierea la liceu! (acte, fise, legalizari) Sorina (fata ce mare) are bacu. Eu am de lucru pina peste cap, urmaresc grafice, fac trade si as vrea ca ziua sa fie de 48 de ore! Cum scap din "clestele" asta revin in forta! Pina atunci, multumesc pentru mesaj si bafta la pipsi fratilor!
Ultimul răspuns de Traian_S, -
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- 1,1k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Overseas data USD negative • USD rally falters in US trade • Volumes lighter Overnight Preview • USD likely to remain technical in nature • Look for more downside pressure Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories Summary The USD whipsawed today initially falling in Asia and then rallying in Europe before falling back again during New York trade. Not a lot of news supported the trade action today; overseas news was mostly supportive to the EURO and the GBP but both of them were under selling pressure early. US data this morning was USD neut…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 1 răspuns
- 2,6k citiri
Cateva categorii au fost mutate, dupa cum urmeaza: "Forex Briefing" s-a mutat in "Arhiva" pentru ca nu mai posta nimeni acolo "Carti despre trading" s-a mutat in "Primii pasi" "MQL" s-a mutat in "Experti si indicatori" "Site-uri cu si despre FOREX" si "Concursuri Forex" s-au mutat in "Discutii generale"
Ultimul răspuns de kerosen, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD retreats from Friday’s gain • US data benign—points to more losses • Speculation grows that USD will fall Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to consolidate • Expect two-way action Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Core PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Current Account • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate Summary The USD starts this week lower against most pairs but still two-sided as Monday draws to a close. In New York the USD saw the worst levels of the day so far as surging oil prices slammed equities and rallied the…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
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Daily Forex Trading analysis - 16/06/08 Overnight Asia/Europe • G-8 no mention of FOREX, threatens oil traders • EU inflation revised higher • USD on the defense to start the week Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Empire State Business Conditions Index • 9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions • 1:00pm USD Pending Home Sales m/m TICS and Pending Home Sales the big news on the day Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Housing Starts • 8:30am USD PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Building Permits • 8:30am USD Core PPI m/m • 8:30am USD Current Account • 9:15am USD Capacity Utilization Rate Summary T…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,7k citiri
Nu-mi fac iluzii ca asa se va intampla, dar articolul merita citit: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle4133668.ece
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 1 răspuns
- 3,3k citiri
@stefan ca tot ti-am zis ca ar trebui schimbat calendarul si cel de la FF( http://www.forexfactory.com/calendar.php ) mi se pare bun(usor de interpretat ) mai sunt alternative bune gen asta http://www.fxstreet.com/fundamental/economic-calendar/
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 2 răspunsuri
- 2,6k citiri
Iata stirea si video: http://www.banknews.ro/stire/18520_japonez...rge_cu_apa.html Sa se fi rezolvat creiza petrolului? Oare? Citisem niste materiale si asteptam parca sa vad o asemenea stire de mult timp de aceea nu am fost surprins. Dar toata criza nu sta numai in industria automobilelor. este vorba de economia globala...care trebuie sa mai dureze ceva pana se rezolva numai cu Apa ( "aqua chiara"). Iata o documentare mai ampla despre subiect: http://www.geocities.com/mj_17870/
Ultimul răspuns de tavi_star, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 2k citiri
Am observat ca pe prima pagina a forumului imi apare un calendar economic, si parca ceva stiri.Ma poate lamuri cineva cum se folosesc acestea?Doar ca idee, ca sa vad daca analiza mea tehnica coencide cu predictia fundamentala.
Ultimul răspuns de MarcoTrader2007, -
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- 1k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD holds gains but volumes drop • US data mixed • Higher equities and lower oil support USD Overnight Preview • Expect the USD to consolidate • No real news out ahead of US CPI on Friday Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core CPI m/m 0.2% • 8:30am USD CPI m/m 0.5% • 9:55am USD Prelim Michigan Sentiment 59.5 Summary The USD is holding onto gains this afternoon after surprise US data helped underpin the Greenback; traders note that although the USD strength this week has been significant the majors are holding key S/R. Volumes have been only moderate and suggest that…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1k citiri
Today's Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD fails to hold gains • Stops run early • Two-way action suggests offers building Overnight Preview • Look for consolidation with a downside bias • USD likely to open lower in New York tomorrow Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Core Retail Sales m/m 0.7% • 8:30am USD Retail Sales m/m 0.5% • 8:30am USD Import Price Index m/m 2.5% • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 370K • 10:00am USD Business Inventories m/m 0.3% • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 11:30am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks Summary The USD was unable to hold gains earned yesterday as the Majors…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1k citiri
Below you may find a Forex Trading daily Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD continues to advance but volumes slow • Traders report thin order books • US data today benign Overnight Preview • Look for two-way trade • USD to consolidate Looking Ahead All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories -4.8M • 11:30am USD FOMC Member Kohn Speaks • 12:15pm USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 2:00pm USD Beige Book Summary The USD continued to advance against the majors today as benign Balance of Trade data was ignored in favor of rhetoric from major sources. Overnight comments by US Fed chair Bernanke suggested that the US fed was ready t…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 11 răspunsuri
- 4,4k citiri
Fara legatura cu forex-ul, se pare ca Steve Jobs a decis sa trimita oficial noul iPhone si la noi incepand cu 11 iulie in curand la pretul de... 199$ pentru versiunea de 8GB. Operatorul care il va distribui va fi Orange: http://www.apple.com/iphone/countries/ro/ Este interesant de urmarit cum va profita Orange-ul de exclusivitate. Parerea mea este ca sunt multi dispusi sa treaca pe Orange numai datorita acestui telefon. Si avand in vedere pretul, care conform spuselor lui Steve Jobs, este pretul maxim la care se va vinde telefonul in tarile in care se va lansa, cred ca iPhone va deveni "telefonul national" al romanilor. Pe langa mult trambitatul 3G (care pe mine nu …
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 2,1k citiri
Mi-am gasit un nou hobby. Testez platforme. IFCMarkets pentru mine a constiuit o surpriza placuta in privinta platformei de tranzactionare. Usor de manevarat.O combinatie intre ce este pe Marketiva si MT4, superioara platformei Marketiva dar la fel de usor de utilizat, inferioara MT4 dar avand un design oarecum asemanator. Docamdata e in faza de test pentru mine. De citit cu atentie ceea ce scrie la urmatorul link http://ifcmarkets.com/en/terms/03/ mai ales in privinta orderurilor stop si limit la conturile standard. Nota 10 pentru usurinta in utilizare Nota 7 in privinta graficelor (nota bene - graficul linie merge pe valorile close) Nota 6 pentru setupul indicat…
Ultimul răspuns de oltciter, -
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Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD two-way is moderate trade • Majors correct into support but hold firm • US data surprises to the upside Overnight Preview • Look for the USD to trade two-way • Not a lot of news until later in the week Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -58.2B • 10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The Greenback is mixed to end New York after a whippy start to the week. Initially weaker in Asia, the minor holiday along the Pacific Rim slowed action until the start of European trade. The USD gained a bit on the EURO and GBP as UK data was mildly supportive…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed on follow-through • Model accounts buying USD/JPY • More losses expected later in the week Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD Pending Home Sales m/m -1.0% Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Trade Balance -58.2B • 10:00am USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Summary The USD is mixed to start New York this morning after trading two-way overnight. A minor holiday in Asia kept volumes light but the USD remained under pressure from Friday’s close. Importers were seen buying USD/JPY as concerns about higher commodity prices for raw materia…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 3 răspunsuri
- 3,5k citiri
Stiu ca am avut un indicator mic si simpatic undeva in coltul ecranului pe toate TP si principali indicatori RSI, CCI , etc . (arata ca un dreptunghi format din mai multe mici patratele colorate) care indicau verde cand crestea si rosu cand scadea , parca galben cand era nesigur . Stiti cumva despre cum se numeste? Apreciez orice link . Va multumesc . adi
Ultimul răspuns de flames, -
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Read the Daily Forex Trading Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD quiet ahead of NFP • Technical trade in quiet volumes • Traders sidelined Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Employment Change -57K • 8:30am USD Unemployment Rate 5.1% • 8:30am USD Average Hourly Earnings m/m 0.2% • 8:45am USD Fed Governor Kroszner Speaks • 10:00am USD Wholesale Inventories m/m 0.4% • 3:00pm USD Consumer Credit m/m 7.3B Looking Ahead to Monday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD Pending Home Sales m/m -1.0% Summary The USD is mixed to start New York; overnight action was subdued with ranges modest as traders get ready for…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
de Vizitator Hans Branch- 1 răspuns
- 2,3k citiri
Hello. I’m Hans. Doing business in internet every day since 2 weeks I’ve become a participant of Perfect Money partnership program. Today it’s so popular Swiss payment system, many investment program accept it and I would like to place a banner to make money from referrals. Could you inform me what’s the price for advertising(banners) and what’s terms of payment? I can pay only by Perfect Money. I’m looking forward to your answer. HansBranchQH@gmail.com
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 5 răspunsuri
- 3,9k citiri
asta e!.... dupa ce am urlat pe internet de am ramas fara suflare, m-am apucat cu notepad si l-am facut
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,1k citiri
Read Daily Forex Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD reverses from highs overnight, ends mixed • US data neutral to favorable but no follow-through • Volumes lighter as traders are confused Overnight Preview • Traders expect two-way action with the majors to consolidate • Likely the USD will remain technical until NFP on Friday Looking Ahead to Thursday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 8:30am USD Unemployment Claims 374K • 10:35am USD Natural Gas Storage • 12:00pm USD Philadelphia Fed President Plosser Speaks Summary Despite neutral-to-better US data today the USD was unable to extend gains from yesterday and ended the day mixed. Better against GB…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1k citiri
Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • Bernanke comments roil the USD, active buying lifts into resistance • Volumes die after initial lift • USD falls back late to reverse gains. Overnight Preview • USD likely to drop further overnight • Expect two-way action Looking Ahead to Wednesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 7:30am USD Challenger Job Cuts y/y 27.4% • 8:15am USD ADP Nonfarm Employment Change -30K • 8:30am USD Nonfarm Productivity q/q 2.5% • 8:30am USD Unit Labor Costs q/q 2.0% • 10:00am USD ISM Non-Manufacturing Composite 51.0 • 10:35am USD Crude Oil Inventories -8.8M Summary Today’s USD trading offered a bit of a surpris…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 13 răspunsuri
- 6,3k citiri
Salut. Pentru ca nu am reusit sa gasesc o incadrare pe undeva a ce vreau sa intreb, am decis sa pun aici marea mea dilema: De unde/cum pot invata MQL in conditiile in care am cunostinte de baza de C++ (cam seamana din ce-am observat) ? Sunt sigur ca mai sunt persoane care se intreaba acelasi lucru... Asadar, astept raspunsurile voastre, celor mai mari si destepti ca mine despre vreo documentatie mai bine pusa la punct prin care ati trecut candva sau explicatii cu privire la biblioteci, functii si caracteristici ale limbajului. Multumesc
Ultimul răspuns de andrei_lint, -
- 10 răspunsuri
- 4,7k citiri
aici e forex dar daca tot face parte din piata de capital... niste stafii ieftine, o societate putreda care nu stie stanga ce face dreapta care nu au o platforma de trazactionare )))))))))))))))))))))))))) vaiiiiiiii haideti sa va spun procedura ))))))))000 ordinul il trimiti strict prin fax sau mail (asta daca ai semnatura scanata) dupa ce trimiti ordinul tre sa trimita ei mai departe la custodie(asta mi-a spus tipul ca nu stie cat dureaza dar ca oricum nu se face imediat si automat) : )))))) dupa care custodia le trimite o confirmare, dupa care ei il trimit in piata la viena (asta daca nu uita de el ca i s-a intamplat la o cunostinta din cluj cand pur si simplu cret…
Ultimul răspuns de kerosen, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,3k citiri
Daily Forex Trading Analysis Today’s US Dollar Trading • USD mixed, US data no help • Stops drive a lot of early trade • S/R broken but the majors bounce back Overnight Preview • USD likely to trade two-way • Consolidation ahead of the news later in the week likely Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m 0.0% • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales 10.8M Summary The USD ends the day mixed after starting overnight mixed against the majors. Despite slightly better-than-expected US data this morning the USD sold off to make lows against most pairs by about the Lond…
Ultimul răspuns de ForexAnalysis, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 2,6k citiri
E si asta un pas...
Ultimul răspuns de Stefan, -
- 7 răspunsuri
- 4,5k citiri
Folosesti Opera?
Ultimul răspuns de maslow, -
- 0 răspunsuri
- 1,2k citiri
Read the Daily Forex Analysis Overnight Asia/Europe • USD mixed, volumes modest • UK news disappoints Cable • Technical trade overnight Today’s Economic Reports All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Index • 10:00am USD ISM Manufacturing Prices • 10:00am USD Construction Spending m/m Looking Ahead to Tuesday All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) • 9:00am USD Fed Chairman Bernanke Speaks • 10:00am USD Factory Orders m/m 0.0% • Tentative USD Domestic Vehicle Sales 10.8M Summary The USD is starting the week mixed in New York this morning as overseas news drives early interest in the USD. Negative news in the UK prompted a strong selling day…
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